02-24-62 PC Minutes 14 SPECIAL MEETING of the GOLDEN VALIElf PLANNING CUMMISSION February 24, 19b2 A special meeting of the Golden Vattey P1an�ing Ccx►�nission was heid on Saturday, �ebruary 24, 1962 at 9:30 a.m, at the Civic C�nter , 7$40 Golden Vatley Road, Golden Val �ey, Minnesota. President Brown presided and the fottc>wing members were present: Bedwell , Hetman, Jensen, Loughtand, tynch, Pennock, Raugland; Senstad, Shinder, Straw, VanMauer , and Vetz. Also present were Stantey d. Kane, Vitlage Attorney and Mike Sell , 3�ianning Corr�nission Secretary. ZONING �� WAYZA?A BLV�. FRONTAGE ANO PERMITTED USES TO BE ALLOWED: Chairman 8rown opened the meeting by stating that the reason for calling � the speciat meeting was not to re2one a specific parcet of 1and, but to consider the pc�ssible altem atives for the maximum utitization of the existing unused Industrial Zone frorn Colorado Avenue to County Road #t$. After discussion a motic�n was made by Lynch, seconded by Senstad that a ccxnmitfiee of five Ccx�missioners be appointed to study the uses now permitted in the �iglat Industriai and Industrial categories and advance reca�nendations to detete andjor add uses to the two categories. Motion carried, 9-3; with members VanHauer,S�raw a�d 8edwe1l voting ��No��. Chairman Brown then appointed the following as members of the above mentioned ca�nittee: Bromschwig, Loughland, Pennock, VanHau�r and Velz. There being r�o further business to transact, motion by Jensen, seconded by Pennock that the meeting b� adjourned at 11 :55 a,m. , i e e , cre ary oe o res� n