03-19-62 PC Minutes 1: 6 SPEC IAL MEETI�N� of the Gt1LDEN VALLEY P�A�SNIP}G CflMMISSIOt� Mareh 19, 19b2 A special meeting of the Gotden Vatley Pla�ning Cc�nission was Meld on Monday, March 19, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Va11ey Road, Goiden Valtey, Minnesota. President Brown pre- sided and the foilawing members were present. Shinder , Jensen, Senstad, Discher, Raugland, Straw, Bedweil , Van Hauer, Pennock, and Vetz. t?n motion by Senstad, seeonded by Sf�.i,nder , the minutes of February 15th and February 24th, 1962, were ur��nimously approved. PtATS MEDIEY HIL.LS AQQITION - Elmo Ginkel P1at Corrnnittee Ghairman Straw gave the foltowing report: ��Mr. Ginkel i s requesting approvat of hi s plat, ��Medley Ni 1 1 s". This ptat comprises approximately 40 acres and will be sub- divided.- into 95 tots. The plat is bordered by Medicine �ake Road on the Narth, Matzke' s 7erra Linda Addition and Brentwood Park on the East, General Mi11s Research Center on the South and Ensign Avenue an the West. The plat meets atl the requirer�ents of our platting regulations and the Plat Committee unanimousty recc�mmends approval of this plat with the stipulation that alt construction in this plat be done in accordance with our setback reqwirements." Motion by Raugtand, seconded by Bedwetl to accept the com�nittee re- port recorr�nending appr�vat of this request to the Village Council with the stiputation that the dead end street (Decatur Ave. ) be etiminated and that streets be renamed to conform, and with the additional stipulation that the Ptat Ct�mmittee be empowered to act in granting final approvai subject to the above req�irements. Motion unanimously carried. Z�NING 2000 NORTN lIlAC DRIVE - Multiple t3wetling; Mike Helek Zoning Corr�nittee member Bedwelt gave the fotiowing repart: ��The apptication requests rezoning from residential to multiple dwelling of a tand parcet of approximately 75 400 square feet, consisting of several partial lots ac�d two {2� cc�nplete tots in Blc�ck 2 and Btock 3 tocated in the Greer�view Terrace Addition. The request also includes vacating that part of Greenview Lane abutting these lots. The applicants met with the Committee and presented their plans _ ��' f Special Meeting of the Golden Va11ey Ptanning Cc�nrnission, March ig, 1962 ZONIIVG - continued for the construction of a 2 1/2 story, 12-unit apartment. The proposed plan meets a11 of the existing Viltage ordinances. In presenting their plans for devetoping this area, th� applicants pointed out that the slope easements and sewer easements create problems in deveiopin:g this land residentially. The appticants also pointed out that the development of the road ptan and interchange far Highway 66 had create.d this irregutar parcel of 1and. The Committee took nQte of the following items in studying the zoning request: 1 . Atthough there appears to be some problem in regard to the slope easements, as welt as the tocation of the sewer ease- ments, it is the Committee' s opinion that xhis land parcel ean be devetoped into suitab;ie tots for singte-family dwellings. 2. This general area has developed residentiatty and is adja- cent to single-family residentiai �anits to the south as well as to the north. R�centt� the land directly to the �orth was ptatted for residential use. 7he Com�nittee feels very strongly that this land shoutd remain i� the residentiat category. Therefore, it is the reccxnrnendation of the Cvmmittee that the appl-ication for rezonir�g be denied.�1 Motion by Shi�der, second�d by Senstad to accept the committee report and to reccm�nend denial of this requESt to the Village Councit . Motior� unanimousty carried. �RDINANCE WATVERS 4111 WAYZATA BOULEV�,RD - Everett Fredrickson �rdinance Cc�nitte� Chairman Jensen gave the fo) towing report: '�TMis request (by Mr. Fredrickson, owner ofi L.ot 10) is for a waiver of Section 3.04, 3.05 'and 3. 10 of the Zoning Code (tot areas and changes of 1ot areas) . This apptication invoives transfer of four (4) parcels of land between Lots 7, 8 and l0, 81ock 3, Tyro1 Hitls, to altc�wv better positioning of a proposed home on Lot 1�. The rear triangular porfiion of �ot 7 arould be deeded to tots $ and 10 and there would be a mutual transfer of two {2) triangular parcels between Lots $ and 10. The Corr�nittee noted tk�at transfer of part of Lot 7 to Lots 8 and 10 does not appreciably reduce the buildab1e area of Lot 7 but attows a house to be built on i.ot 10 � 8 Special Meeting of the Golden Va11ey Ptanni�g Ccx�mission, March t9, 19b2 ORDINANCE WAIVERS - ccmtinued at the standard tha'rfiy-five foot (35' ) front yard setback. Transfer of triangu1ar parcels betweea lots 8 arad t0 woutd ° straighten the boundary line between them. The Cc�mmittee feels that this is a logical solution to this problem and that it woutd be in the best interests of the Viltage to grant a waiver. The Commifitee unanimously recommends approvat subject to new certified lot surveys of Lots 7, 8 and 10, Stock 3, Tyro1 Hills, shawing the n�wly formed boundaries, being fiiled with the Buitding Inspector.�1 Motion by Pennack seconded by Raugland to accept the .cc�nittee repcart with the modification that the owner of Lot 10 be r�quired to � furnish three certified copies of the survey for Lot 10 (only) to the Buiiding Inspector . Motion unanimously carried. GENERAL REVIEW QF PERMITTE� USES IN THE LIGHT IPJDUSTRIAL � INt�USTRIAL ZONING Long Range Corr�ittee member Van Hauer gave tMe foltowing report : '�By resolution of the Ptanning Corr�nission at a special meeting held on February 24, 1962 a corr�ittee of five cc�nissioners was appointed to, review the uses permitted in the Light Industrial and Industrial Zoning categories and reccxnmend deletions andjo� additions to the two categories to the Planning Commissio�. The members present weres loughland, VanHauer , Velz and Jer�sen (substituting for Brc�mschwig) . The fotlowing is the unanimous recommendatio� of the ccxrnnittee: Light Industrial Zor�ing Category No detetions. Add: Atl uses permitted in the Business � Professional Offices Zoning Category. Industrial Zoning Category Delete: #2. Coal tipple and �torage under cover #lO.Ice Plant � ##11 . Steam Laundry #12.Mitk distributing or dairy product processing station #13. Loading facilities for stock #14. Feed milts #15• freight station �.�� Special Meeting of the Golden Vatley Planning Commission, March 19, tgb2 GENERA� - continued Add: #17. Laundry and dry cteaning establishments, etc. Those eases permitted an the Light Industrial and Business and Professional Offices Zoning Categories. Sakeries (Wholesate) Hotets and Motor Hotels Restaurants (except drive-in type) Graphic Arts Ir�dustries?? Sa1es and Show Rooms2???? The last t�ro items recort�ended above are questionabte to the co�runittee, but are inctuded for discussion by the Corrxnission.rf After discussion, a motion was made by Velz, seconded by Pennock to accept the cc�nittee repc>rt and to refer said report to the Vi 1 tage Attorney to prepare the proper amendment to the Village Code with the fottowing deietions and additions: 1 . Under the Industrial Zoning Category add as the lst �tem a general permitted use covering industrial manufacturing ptants. 2. Under fihe Industriat Zoning Category Itern #17 substitute the word ��plants�� fior r�establ i shments". 3, �?nder the Industriat Zoning Category delete the last two proposed permitted uses, namely, "Graphic Arts Industries�� and f�Sates and Shaw Rooms�►. Motion unanirnously carried. � STATEWIDE PI.ANNING CONfERE�iCE MARCH 24, 19b2 Chairman Brc�wn read the communication regarding the Statewide F2anning Conference and indicated that certain members had been registered and woald attend this conference. There being no further business to transact, it was moved by Straw, seconded by Van Hauer to adjourn the meeting. � e :e , ecre ary , o . row , ecre ary ; �