05-10-62 PC Minutes �Y�L
of the
M�y 10, 1962,
A regular meeti�g of tMe Golden V�lley Pl��ning Cc�issian w�s hetd an
Thursday, M�y 14, 1962 �t 7s30 p,m. at the Civic Genter, 7800 GoTdcn'
V�itey ROad, Go1den Va11ey, Mi�nesota. President Brown presided and
the fo11c>wing mcmbcrs were presertt: Bedwcll , Brc�mschwig, Disch�r, Lynch,
Pennack, Shinder , Straw, VanH�uer and Velz, A1so present were donald
Sorensen, Vi11�ge Engineer, Stanley D. Kane, Villagc Attor�ey and Mike
Se11 , Ptanning Cc�nission Secret�ry.
�n motion by Pcnnock, s�conded by Straw, the minutes of �pri1 12, 1962
were unanimously approved.
GREGORY'S A�DITION - James H. Grcgory
Piat Cc�nittee Chairman Sr�w gave tMe following report:
��Mc. Gregory submitted two designs of his ptat, Gregory� s Additi4n,
for approval .
P1ar� A: Dividcs his prop�rty equatty into four lots of
�pprox�matcly 96 feet o�fi frontage by 127 feet of
depth, giving approximatety 12,200 squarc feat of
area to ��ch lot.
P1an 6: Divides his property into four 1ots, two of which
have � 1�0 feet of front�ge, and two of whic� have
�pprc�ximateiy 92 feet of fr�t�ge.
after study, the plat cc�nnm�ttee, recc�g�izing the tcats as s�b-
st�ndard in are� �nd frc►r�tage, unanimously reccxr�ncnds approval
of Pl�n A (4 equ�1 lots) with the understanding th�t a11 construc-
tiota wilt be done in confArmance with Viltagt setback requir�ments.
The existing garage on Lot 4 is to be removed. TMe Westeriy t2-77
feet adjoining Va�lders Avenue wiil be dedicatcd as street right=
Mr. Gregory was present ar�d answered questions the CcxnnissiQr� had re-
garding his plat.
h�otion by Discher, sec�nded by VaMHauer that the Planning Cammission
accept the Ptat Committee report and reccxnmend approval af this piat,
uti 1 izing Pt�r� ��A'�, to the Gounci 1 . Motioh un��imo�asl y c�rried.
2430 WIt�NETKA AVENUE NORTH - l.ight Industri�t ; Cust�m toot E� Mfg.Ccxnpar�y
�°`Y _
Rcgul�r Meeting of the Gotden Vatl�y PtanniMt� Cc�rnmission May 10, 1962
ZUN ING - Cor�t i nu�d
Zoning Canmittee Chairman V�lz gave th� f411owing report:
��Custor� Toot �nd Manufaeturing Co. is requesting rezoning of
approximately six acres fram OQen Oevelopment to Light Tndustriai
Zonir�g. The site has approximately 495 fe�t of froratage on
Winnetka Rvenue loc�ted 200 f�et North of 23rd Avenue cxt��ade�J.
Th� propos�l is for a 66,�Q0 square fmot offic� and precision
r�achine taoting buitding at this loc�tior�. The site ar�a altows�
f�►r possible expansion ira the future. Parking and setback require-
ments are more than the minimum requircd by the zonit�g:code. The
zo�ing ccx�naittee ur�a�imously ree<�nends approval of th� s request
�o the planning cc�r►issian.��
Mr. H�ro1d Witliams ar�d Mr. Wiliiam Bcim were present and exp�ained their
proposal to the Comr�is:sian.
Aftcr discussio� a �a�ti�� was m�dc by Shinder, seconded by �ynch that
�he Ptanning Gc�mmission accept the cc�ur+ztte� report and rec�mm�nd
approval of this request to the C�uncil . Motion carried witt� m�mber
D�acher abstaining.
After further discussion a motivn was made by Pennc>ck, seca►�dcd by
Br�mschwig that the Ptanning C�mmissi�n representative call the Councits'
attention to the previaus recc�nendation of fihc Ptanning Gr�rnnission in
appr�ving the Multiple Owelling zoning to th� South �f this si�e. M�tion
un�nim�w�ty carried.
Disce�ssion re: Repiat of tots 145-15d; 229-252; 325-336; Betment Addition
Discussi�n concerned the fesibility ef repl�tting tMis area c�f 50' lots
intm 75' lots, The Cc�nmissian to�k n� actta�.
Re: Residenc� �fi 2030 Nmrth Lil�c Qrive
rhis pr�perty was ptaced in a n�n-c�,nf�rming p�sition as a resuit �f
s�me �f its fr�nt yard being taken by St�tc Highway cmndernnati�r�. The
Ccxnmissian discussed this �nd t�k no acti�n, since therc w�s no specifie
request for a w�iver .
Pianting of trees in Boulevard
This item was referrcd to the Plat Canrr+ittee for study.
Ma1ti -story Buitdings in Galden V�11ey
This item was referrcd to the �rdinance C�nittce fmr study.
Regatar Me�ting of th� Golden Vailey Planning Ccamrnission M�y 10, tg62
GENERAL - Continued
Starting Tim� for Ccxnmission Meetings
Ccxnmission meetir�gs will start at 8;00 during the months June; JUIY
and Au�ust.
There being no further busin�ss to transact, a motion was made by
VanHauer, seconde:d by Brc�nschwig to adjourn thc meeting at 10: 15 p.m.
Motion unanimously carried.
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