07-12-62 PC Minutes �� REGUI.AR MEETING of the GOtDEN VALIEY PLANNING GOMMISSIflN July 12, 1962 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley �lanning Corrxxnission was hetd on Thursday, July 12, 1962 at 8:00 p.m. at the Civic Cent�r , 7800 Gotden Valley Road, Gotden Valley, Minnesota. President Brown pre- sided and the �allowing members were present: Bedwetl , Bromschwig, Lynch, Pennock, Raugland, Senstad, Straw, VanHauer and Velz. Aiso present were Donald Sorensen, Viltage Engineer , Stanley D. Kane, Vitiage Attorney, Dan Lynch, Building Inspector and Mike Selt , Ptanning Commission Secrefiary. On motion by Velz, seconded by Bromschwig, the minutes of June 14, 1962 were unanimously approved. PLATS DUSCHANES ADDITION - Donald DuSchane Plat Car�nittee Chairman Straw gave the following report: ��This plat is a replat of �ots 280 thru 288, Betmont. Thc piat has 6 lots in it, a11 of which have 150� frontage and at teast 18,750 sq. ft. of area. This atlows doubie bunga- iows to be built if it is desired. A short street running South from Kno11 Street and ending in a cul -de-sac is being incorporated into the plat. The ptat meets atl the require- ments of our ptatting regulations and the Plat Corrunittee unanimously recommends approval of this plat." Motion by VanHauer , seconded by Bedwett that the Planning Ccxnmission accept the committee report and reccm�nend approval of this plat to the Councit . Motion unanimously carried. OLYMPIA OAKS ADDITION - Cliff Sawyer Plat Ccxnmittee Chairman Straw gave the following report: �'Mr . Sawyer is requesting to ptat Lot 12, Keene, Higbee and Bitzer ' s Gotden Valley Outlots into 12 lots. This ptat compiet�s the right of way to make Olympia Street a through street from Douglas Drive to Winnetka Avenue. The oniy existing house in the plat, Mr . Sawyer ' s hame, is iocated on Lot 2, Biock 2. The plat canmittee unanimously recommends approvat of the plat recognizing that Lot 2, Block 2 , has only 85 � frontage and 15' rear yard ctearance and accepting Lot 3, Block 2 with 11 ,500 sq. ft. of area.�� Mr . Sawyer and his surveyor, Mr . Ostland, were present and answered questions the Ccxrxnission had regarding the plat. _ : t�.�� Regular Meeting of the Gotden Valtey Planning Cc�nnission July 12, 1962 PLATS (continued) Motion by Pennock, seconded by Raugtand that the Ptanning Cc�mnission accept the committee r�port and recommend approval of this .plat to the Counci ] with the understanding that ait construction wi11 be done in conformance `with our s�tback regulations. Motion unanimousiy carried. RE : PLANTING OF TREES IN BOU�EVARD Plat Committee Chairman Straw gave the following report: "The Plat Committee discussed this at length end felt that untit atl improvements have been installed, property owners shoutd be discouraged from ptanting trees, bushes; shrubs, etc. , in the street right-of-way. The committee also feit fihat the Vitiage should not be h�:td responsible if any damage is done to any trees, bushes or shrubs in the boulevard in the course of maintenance or utility installation.�! The Commission discuss�d this and took no action. ZONING 1400 DOUGLAS DRIVE - Multiple Dwetling: John Paulson Zoning Committee Chairman Vetz gave th�; following report: "Mr. John Pautson is requesting rezoning from Residential to Muitiple Ow�lling at 1400 Douglas Drive. This property ties South of the present Muttipl� Owetling Zoning and North of Mr . Wolff' s land. The Zonir�g Commitfiee met with Mr . Paulson and discussed his request. Mr. Pautson is proposing an 18 unit structure. Th� setbacks, sideyards and density conform completety to our cod�. The Committee feels this to be a togicat extension of the Multiple Zoning to the North and unanimously recommends approvat .�� Mr . Pauison was present and explained his proposal to the Ccxrxnission. After discussion, a motion was made by Straw, seconded by VanHauer that the Planning Commission aecept the committee report and recommend approvai of this request to the Council . Motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE WAIVERS 1431 QUEBEC AVE. N0. - �ots 3, 4, 5, � 6, Block 7, Winn�tka (Gene Kurtz) Ordinance Committee Chairman Bromschwig gave the fotlowing report: "This request is for a waiver of Sec, 3.052 , Zoning Code (Merger of Titte) , to allow construction of a h�ne on each 60� lot. The Corrnnittee met with Mr . Kurtz and during discussion the following points were brought out : 3 � _ : Regutar Meeting of the Goiden Va11ey Planning Ccxrnnission July 12, 1962 ORDINANGE WAIVERS - (continued) � 1 . There is a new home existing on �ots 1 and 2, with 120� frontage on Quebec Avenuc. 2. There is a small existing oid house on the N,W. corner of tot 3. The house has no sani�ary facili - ties and is unoccupied at this time. 3. fln March 8, 1962 a building permit was issued for l.ot 4 and the North 2 of Lot 5. This 90' buitding site requires a sideyard of of 13 .5� . The house was built with a North sideyard of only 8� . As a result court action is now in process for violation of Viltage buitding requirements. The Corr�nittee realizes that the request was for a waiver` of the merger ordinance and not for a sideyard waiver, but the sideyard probiem appears to be the reason for the waiver request. If the Ordinance Committee were to approve a waiver of the Merger of Title Ordinance, altowing houses to be built on the 60� lots this would take care of the setback violation since a North sideyard of 6 � would then only be required. The Committee feels tnat the waiver provision in the Vil1age Code was not intended to correct construction errors, be they intentional or unintentional . The Committee pointed out to Mr . Kurtz the possibility of acquiring a part of the Lot to the North and he stated he had not approached the Owners about this. As a resutt , the committee is recorr�nending that his request be deferred pending the outcome of possible acquisition of a part of Lot 2. If the corr�nittee is asked to give a recommendation on the Waiver Request , then the committee recommendation is for denial of the request .�' Mr . Kurtz , his attorney, Mr . Yngve, and Mr. Knudson appeared before the Commission and explained their problem and the reaso ns for the request. Mr . Kurtz stated that he had tried to acquire more land but could not. After discussion a motion was made by Pennoek, seconded by Bedwell that the Planning Commission accept the committee report recorrnnending denial and recommend to the Councit that th�s request be denied. Motion unanimousty carried. RE: MULTI-STORY BUILDINGS IN GOMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MULTIPLE ANQ This item was deferred to the August Planning Commission Meeting. There being no further business to transact, motion by Raugtand, econded by Senstad that the meeting be adjourned at 10:40 p.m. M tion unan ' ously carried. `� � � e e , ecre ary � Joe Brown, Pr�sident �