10-11-62 PC Minutes � �
of the
October 11 , 1962
A regutar meeting of the Gotden Va11ey Planning Cormnission was held
on Thursday, October 11 , 19b2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Civic Center,
7$00 Golden V�ttey Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. President Brown
presided and the fotlowing members were present : Bedwell , Bromschwig,
Loughtand, Lynch, Pennock, Raugland, Senstad, Shinder, VanHauer and
Velz. also present was Mike Sell , Planning Commission Secretary.
On motion by Loughland, seconded by Raugland, the minutes of September
13, 19b2 were unanimously approved.
This plat was deferred to the November Planning Corrxunission meeting.
5000 OLSON MEMORIAL HIGHWAY - Multiple Dwelting: Sidney Goodman
Zoning Committee Chairman Velz gave the following report:
"The zoning committee met with Mr . Goodman and his Archi -
tect, Mr . Ackermann and concluded the following: t ) . The
app ticants submitted a revised plan for a 22 million do1lar
144 unit multiple dwelling complex. They stated that these
were to be buitt as luxury "Town House!' apartments. Each
unit would have its own basement, first floor and second
floor with a minimum of two bedrooms and a single garage.
The committee feels that this proposat is of a substantiat
enough nature to warrant rezoning and therefore :recommends
approval of this request. 2) . The corr�nittee further
recommends that the land West of this site owned by Va11ey
Village be rezoned from Conxnercial to Multiple Dwetling
with a waiver for the existing non-conforming yard clearances
being recognized.��
The applicant and his architect were present and explained their
proposal to the Comrnission.
Motion by Loughland, seconded by VanHauer that the Planning Commis-
sion accept section 1 of the committee report and reca�nmend
approvat of this request to the Council . Motion unanimously
A motion was then made by Pennock, seconded by Bedwell that the
Planning Commission accepfi section 2 of the committee report and
recommend to the Councit that the Valtey Village Multiple Dwelling
site be rezoned from Comm.ercial to Multiple Dwe1ling Zoning. Motion
unanimously carried.
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Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Pianning Commission,Oct. 11 , 1962
6630 G�ENwOOD AVENUE - Sideyard Ctearance: Wm. Grazidi
Ordin.ance Committee Chairman Brornschwig gave the following report:
"Apptication is for a waiver of Sec. 3. 11 yard requirements.
Applicant is requesting a 32 foot waiver from a 132 ft . side
yard to a 10 ft. side yard. The lot is 104.06 ft. at the
street line. 7his is due to the angle of the street . The
width of the lot at right angles to the side tines is only
90.89 feet. �
Applicant proposes a building 69 feet in width. The East
corner of the garage would be 3i ft. in the setback, required
by Ordinance.
When the building permit was issued, the Building Inspector
advised the applicant of the discrepancy and the required
clearance was noted on the permit .
The committee unanimously agreed that this was a case of the
building not being designed to fit the tot and feets that no
justification for a waiver exists.
The recommendation of the committee is for denial of this '
Mr . Grazidi was present and explained why he wanted the sideyard
waiver . Motion by Rauglend, seconded by Bedwell that the Ptanning
Commission accept the committee report and recommend denial of
this request to the Council . Motion unanimously carried.
GROCERY STORES - Permitted Use in Multipte Dwelling Areas
Ordinance Committee Chairman Br4mschwig gave the following report:
' i'The committee discuss�d this proposal at length and con-
cluded the following:
1 . Installation of Basement type grocery stores in multipte �
dwelling units had its inception in our area, from our
parent city of Minneapotis in buildings that catered, for
the most part, to people using public transportation for
travel to and from work, and were located in an area
that lacked extensive shopping facilities. People rent-
ing such facilities in the suburban area, usually possess
their own means of transportation and are abte to
patronize the various shopping centers contained within
the surrounding area.
Regutar Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission,Oct. 11 , t962
2. Such installations would be spot zoning and with the
possible demise of said operation, any type commerciai
enterprise could be established in the intended muttiple
dwelling area.
3. Possible ramifications of an ordinance permitting such
uses, would be to open the door for application of such
uses from every established multiple dwetling in th�
Village, which woutd be in complete conflicfi with atl
the ideas of planning estabiished in the past.
In view of the foregoing, the committee recommends that
commerciat uses in Multiple DweTlings be prohibited and not
be inctuded in our present Muttipte Dwelling ordinance.�'
Motion by Loughland, seconded by Senstad that the Planning Commission '
accept the committee report and refer this to the Village Council
for their consideration and action. Motion carried with member
VanHauer vot i ng ��No�� .
The Corr�nission discussed a proposed sign ordinance and Chairman
Brown then appointed a Sign Committee consisting of Bob Bromschwig,
Harold Lynch, George Pennock, Robert Raagland and Robert VanHauer ,
to work on a new sign ordinance and present it to the Commission at
a future date. Mr . Bromschwig wiil act as Chairman of the Committee.
The abo�re item was deferred.
There being no further business to transact, motion by Bromschwig,
seconded by Pennock that the meeting be adjourned at 11 :35 p.m.
Motion carried unanimous ?y.
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