02-14-63 PC Minutes .�
� �°
of the
February 14, 1963
A regular meeting of the Golden Va11ey Ptanning Commission was held
on Thursday, February 14, 1g63 at 7 :30 p.m. at the Civic Center ,
7800 Golden Valley Road, Goiden Valley, Minnesota. President Brown
presided and the following members were present : Bedwell , Discher ,
Hetman, Jensen , Loughland, Pennock, Raugland, Straw, VanHauer and
Velz. Also present was Village Attorney Stanley D. Kane; Donald
Sorensen, Village Engineer ; and Mike Sell , Pl�nning Commission
On motion by Jensen, seconded by VanHauer the minutes of January 10,
1963 were unanimously approved.
Plat Committee member Straw gave the following report:
"This request is to plat a part of Lot 4, Keene, Higbee �
Bitzers Golden Valley Outlots into a ptat consisting of
7 lots. It is bounded by Louisiana Avenue on the tast
and other residential properfiy on the West. There are
platted lots to the North and South. A short street
(Archer Avenue) terminates in a cul -de-sac in the plat.
It is approximately 350' long and complies with our
platting regulations as does the whole plat. The Plat
Committee unanimo�.asly recorrnnends approva1 . ��
Motion by Hetman, seconded by Loughland that the Planning Commis-
�ion approve the plat as presented and reeommend approval of this
request to the Council . Motion unanimously carried.
WITT ' END - Robert Naab
Plat Committee member Straw reported that this plat was being
deferred to the March Commission meeting to allow further study
by the Commitfiee.
STREET NAME CHANGE - 24TH AVENUE N . : running from Va1ders Ave.
to Orkla Drive
Plat Committee Member Straw gave the following report :
��The plat committee considered this request and unanimously
recommends that it be denied, This recommendation is
based on the following:
1 . 24th Avenue North is parallel with 23rd Avenue to the
��' .
Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission ,Feb. 14, i963
PtATS (continued)
2 . 24th Avenue North coincides with the change in the
numbering system on Winnetka Avenue.
3. Changing to Orkla Drive would r�quire �ast-West
numbers (8000 series ) on primarily a North-South
Street (now existent Orkta Drive) or in the alterna-
tive; require Norfih-South numbers (2000 series ) for
a street that runs East and West."'
Motion by Jensen, seconded by VanHauer that the Planning Commission
accept the committee report but refer this request back to the
Plat Committee for further study. Motion unanimously carried.
4225 GOLDtN VALLEY ROAD - Mpls . C1inic of Psychiatry � Neu�ology
Zoning Committee Chairman Velz gave the following report:
�'The Zoning Committee again considered the application of the
Minneapo1is Clinic for rezoning 6 acres at the Northwest
corner of the Glenwood Hills Hospital property from Institu-
tional to Business � Professional Office zone. All of the
members �ad viewed the property and the neighborhood with due
regard for the points of discussion raised at the January
meeting. These same points were discussed again at th�
F�bruary Committee meeting,
Information was solicited and received from the property
owner relative to past and future plans for developing the
property along Golden V�tley Road. Various proposals have
been considered over the past 10 years , and it is their
intention to eventually develop this property into offices
for doctors or other suitable institutional uses. Since
this overail development woutd cover some 12 acres of land
in conjunction with an existing large institutional use, the
current application could not be considered as spot zoning.
The thought that this large tract of 1and, or any other
tract of land in Golden Valley, should be denied the oppor-
tunity to develop in a togical manner for the benefit of the
Village as a whole is entirely unacceptable to the Committee.
It is the concern of the Committee, however, that developments
in all zones result in a desirabte land use pattern for the
benefit of all withaut unreasonable impositions on individual
property owners .
Tn this application, it is the opinion of the Committee that
the best interests of the Village will b�� served by permitting
th� clinic to be constructed as proposed. Therefore, it is
recommended that the application be approved with the follow-
ing further recommendation:
� �
Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission,Feb, 14, 1963
The Institutional Zoning Code should be modified fio include
doctor� offices as a permitted use in Insfiitutional Zones
occupied by or adjacent to hospitals or sanitoria. Such office
uses should be go'verned by the general stipulations or controls
in fihe B � PO Zone. The Village Attorney has been requested to
draft such a modification of the existing code for consideration
at this meeting. The Zoning Committee strongly recommends that '
this or a similar ordinance revision be enacted.
The reasoning that the Committee used in arriving at this recom-
mendation inctuded the following:
First, the construction of large general hospitats in suburban
areas removed considerabte distances from the downtown area of
the central city has created a demand for office space for doctors
in conjunction wifih or in close proximity to such hospitals. The
close association between doctors and the suburban hospitals
should be encouraged for the general health and wetfare of subur-
ban residents .
Secondly, the need for other types of business and professional
offices in hospital zones does not exist in like manner . There-
fore, the modification of the Institutionat Zone as recommended
would provide a considerable measure of protection against in-
discriminate changing of tennants in buildings originally erected
for doctors offices.
Thirdly, this reco�rxxnended ordinance revision would be fair to a11
hospitals or sanitoria which may eventually exist in the Village,
whereas the creation of B � PO Zones when requested could become
a matter of non-uniform application.
In conclusion, the Committee ' s report is summarized as follows :
Approval of the request for B � PO Zoning is recommended.
However , it is strongly recommended that the Institutiona1 Zone
be modified as suggested, so that the proposed clinic may be
constructed without changing the zoning from the existing
Institutionat category. ��
Mr , Smiley, the architect for the applicants explained the proposal
and stated that the roof line of the proposed clinic would b�: approxi -
mately 6 inches to 1 foot above the elevation of Golden Valley Road.
There were a number of interested property owners present and Chairman
Brown stated that the Planning Commission di'd not hold Public Hearings
but if the Commission, by unanimous vote, wished to hear from them, he
wou1d allow them to speak. A motion was then made by Jensen, seconded
by Raugland unanimously carried that the Canmission hear any new per-
tinent information they had.
f�4 .
Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission,Feb, 14, 1963
ZONSNG (continued)
Mr. H. M. Quinn, 4001 Wasatch Lane; Mr . Ed Fischer , 2110 Indiana
Ave No. ; and Mrs. Larry Johnson, 4200 Golden Valley Road
questioned the Commission regarding the proposed clinic .
Motion by Loughland, seconded by Raugland that the Planning Commis-
sion accept the committee report and recommend to the Cou�cil that
they rezone this site to Business � Professional Offices Zoning or
amend the Institutional requirements to allow clinics as a permifited
�se. Motion carried with members Discher and Bedwell voting "No".
Commissioner VanHauer asked that he be recorded as abstaining.
3360 NoRTFI LILAC DRIV� - Multipte Dwelling; S , Amar
Zoning Commifitee Chairman Velz gave the following report :
"Mr . Amar ' s request is for multiple dwel1ing zoning for �ot 1 ,
Block 3 of Rearrangement of Lots 15, 1�, & 17, Yaie Gard�n
Homes . This lot has a frontage of 131 feet and a depth of
200 feet. YJhen the required set-backs are provided, there is
only 3100 square feet availabie for determination of the
permissible ncamber of units . According to the ordinance,
2700 square feet are required for each unit , so this property
is wholly inadequate for the 12-unit buitding proposed by
Mr . A�nar . Under its present Residential Zoning, this lot has
enough area for a two-family dwelling, but is even short of
the required 150-foot frontage for such use.
The Zoning Committee emphatica1iy recommends denial of this
request. There is no question in the minds of the Committee
that approval of a request which is so far from meeting tMe
code as this one is , would make fihe code impossible to en-
force in the future.
It would also be entirely incompatible with the Vil1age ' s
previous actions upholding the stipu1ations of the Multipte
Dwelling Zone. Furthermore, it would be an outstanding
example of spot zoning. ',' �
Mr , Amar was present and exp1ained his proposa1 to the Commission.
Motion by Pennock, seconded by Loughland that the P1anning Commis-
sion accept the committee report and recc�mmend denial of this
request to the Council . Motion unanimously carried.
7740 WINSDALE STREET - Reynolds Construction Co.
Member Hetman gave the foliowing Ordinance Committee report:
. � �°�
Regular Meeting of the Gold�n Valley Planning Commission,Feb. 14, 1963
ORDINANC� WAIV�RS - (continued)
"Request is for a waiver of Sec. 3. i1 , Front yard set back.
Proposed house is to face Winsdal� Street, 24 feet from the
front 1ot line requiring a setback waiver of 11 feet,
The Committee took note of the remaining corner lots in this
area and is of fihe opinion that in order to build a house of
appreciable value and maintain a standard of value in the
neighborhood, a waiver of 11 feet would be adequate to accom-
plish these aforementioned principles. The Committee unani -
mously recommends approvat of this request,��
Mr . Reynolds was present to answer questions the Commission had
about the proposed house. A motion was then made by Jensen,
seconded by VanHau�r that the Pianning Com�nission accept the
committee report and recornmend approval of this request to the
Council , Motion unanimously carried.
Chairman Brown stated that the proposed sign ordinance as drafted
by the Village Attorney had been sent to �the Commission members to
study and comment upon. Stan Kane was present and answered
questions regarding said sign ordinance. Motion was then made by
Loughland, seconded by Raugland that th�: Commission accept the sign
ordinance as presented by the attorney and recommend fio the Council
that same be adopted. Motion carried unanimously.
Don Sorensen, Village Engineer , brought the Commission up to date
on the progress of the Bassett ' s Creek Watershed study.
Letter of Resignation from Mike Sell , Planning Commission 5ecretary
Chairman Brown read the following letter to the Commission :
February 13 , 1963
The Golden Valley Planning Comrnission
Golden V�lley Village Hall
7800 Golden Valley Road
Golden Valley 27 , Minnesota
After considerable thought I have decided to leave public emptoy to
work in private industry. Therefore, I am resigning my position
with the Village as full -time staff secretary of the Planning Commis-
sion , effective February 28, 1g63 .
V V�
Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission,Feb. 14, 1963
GENERAL - (continued)
I have enjoyed my work with the Planning Ccxnmission and have tried
to give my best in serving it . However , i feel that my talents
coutd be utilized equa1ly well in private industry and I am taking
this opportunifiy to '�give it a try" .
At this time may I say that Golden Va11ey ' s citizens should be
proud and grateful for their fine Planning Commission, Participa-
tion has been excellent , and I know that the Commission is composed
of industry ' s key m�n who make sacrifices to attend Commission and
subcorr�nittee me�tings ,
Especially may I thank Mr . Ulstad and the Village administrative
staff, the two commission presidEnts and fihe c ommittee chairmen ,
with whom I served , whose fine co-operation made mine an easier
j ob to do.
T know I have developed warm friends among the members of the Commis-
sion and the administrative staff, and I look forward to confiinued
friendships in the future.
Mike Sell
Motion by Jensen, seconded by Lo�aghland that the P1anning Commission
accept the resignation of Mike Sell . Motion unanimously carried.
A motion was then made by Loughland, seconded by Jensen that the
Commission send a letter of appreciation to Mr . Sell and further
that Mr . Brown prepare said letter . Motion unanimously carried.
There being no further business to transact a motion was made by
Jensen, seconded by Hetman that the me�ting be adjourned at 10:45
p.m, Motion unanimously earried.
Fli e et'T , ec�etary
T rown, res� en