05-16-63 PC Minutes ����� REGULAR MEETING of the GOLDEN VALL�Y PLANNING COMMISSION May lb, 1963 A regular meeting of the Golden Va11ey Planning Cornmission was held on Thursday, May 16, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. at the Civic Center , 7800 Gotden Valley Road, Goiden Valtey, Minnesota . President Brown presided and the following members were present: Bedweli , Bromschwig, ,lensen, Lynch, Pennock, Raugland, Shinder , Senstad, Straw, and Van Hauer . Also present were Donald Sorensen, Village Engineer , Dan Lynch, Village Building Inspector, and Bruce Paterson, Engineering Department , Acting Secretary. On motion by Shinder , seconded by Jensen, the minutes of Apri1 10, 1963 were unanimously approved as mailed. PLATS E . A. ANDERSON 'S ApDITION Plat Committee Chairman Senstad gave the following report : �'All lots in this proposed plat meet the area requirement of 12,500 sq, ft . The street pattern layout appears optimal . Lot 5 , Block 1 is substandard in width, but does meet the area requirement. The presence of an existing house has been recognized and is kept in con- forrnance by this plat. The plat committee recommends approval .►► � ' � ti Mr, Carl Madsen and Mr . Anderson were present to `�'r�`swer qi�`estions. After due consideration, it was moved by ,,�ensen, secondedsby Senstad, to accept the committee report and reco�nend approval of the plat with the recommendation that no waivers be given in this plat. Motion unanimously carried. ZONING 6212 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD - A1ex Lessard, Multiple Dwelling Bruce Paterson read the following report : "The request is for rezoning about one-half acre of pro- perty at 6212 Golden Valley Road from Open Development to Multiple Owelting. There presently is a three-famity dwelling on the property, so it exists as a nonconforming use in the Open Devetopment Zone. Since the property to the East was recently zoned to Multiple Dwelling, it seems proper to the Co�nittee that this area also be zoned to Multiple Dwelling. Such action woutd complete the zoning pattern in this area. However , the existing triplex would remain nonconforming because of setbacks and area require- ments. t� V Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission,May 16, 1963 ZONING (continued) The Zoning Commi ttee recornmends approval of the �pl ica- tion for the rezoning, and further recommends that no waivers be granted on the existing building. �' Mr . � Mrs. Lessard were present and stated that they understand that the existing strucfiure would stiil be in non-conformance after rezoning, After discussion, it was moved by Shinder , seconded by Pennock, to accept the Committee ' s report and recommend approval , with the understanding that no waivers be granted on this parce1 of " land, Motion unanimously carried. Mr . Lessard als� brought forth a Registered Land Survey for Tracts A, B, C and p of his property. The Planning Commission referred this matter to the Counci1 . 6535 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD - Fillister � Fink, Multiple Dwelling Sruce Paterson read the following report : "The request is for rezoning approximately five acres of property at 6535 Gotden Valley Road from Light Industrial to Multiple Dwelling. It is proposed to construct apart- ment buildings to include the number of units permitted by the Village Code. This would be about fifty-eight units under the present code. The Zoning Committee recommends approval of the applica- tion on this basis ." Motion by Pennock, seconded by Van Nauer to accept the Zoning Committee ' s report and recommend a�proval to the Council . Motion unanimously carried, ORDINANCE WAIVERS 3332 NOBL� AVE . - George Valentine Chairman Bromschwig gave the following report : "This app1ication was before the Commission in April and was referred back to the Ordinance Committee for study on the possibility of establishing precedence by approval of this request. The Committee investigated previous applications for waivers of this nature in the Noble Grove and surrounding area and found �that there have been three applications that have appeared before the Commission. Two of these were requests for side yard waiver , the earliest dating back to 1958, Both applications were denied. As expected, none of the earlier applicafiions had the same c�nditions as to waiver requested, lot size, or reason for requesting same. ��i� Regular Meeting of the Golden Va11ey Planning Commission,May 16, t963 ORDINANC� WAIVERS (continued ) After due deliberation, it is the considered opinion of this Committee that acceptance of the report submitted at the April llth meeting will not establish a precedent that would be binding upon this Commission or the Ordinance Committee in arriving at a decision f�r a recommendation on any future applications of this nature. The Ordinance Committee therefore reaffirms its report of April 11 , 1963 recommending approval of this request." It was noted for the record that the approval of the surrounding property owners was indicated on the application . After con- siderable discussion on this matter , a motion by Lynch and seconded by Shinder was made for acceptance of the Committee' s report to approve the waiver . The Motion carried with Jensen, Bedwell , Pennock, and Van Haue� voting "Norr. 20- 120 NQRTH MEADOW LAN�: - L. Ellstrom Chairman Bromschwig gave the fol1owing report: "This app1icafiion is a request for a waiver of Sec, 3. 11 ( Yard Requirements ) . Applicanfi proposes to divide 2 lots on Meadow Lane into 3 lots . The lot on the corner of Meadow Lane and Glenwood would be 75 feet wide on Glenwood and 257 feet facing on Meadow Lane. Applicant is asking that the front yard requirement be waived from 35 feet to 25 feet in order to build a house facing on Meadow Lane 32 feet in depth. Investigation of this request revealed that adequate area exists for construction of a house 25 feet in depth and that the frontage of 257 feet in length would allow place- ment of a hous� of considerable length in the most desirable area as far as building economics are concerned and provide adequate rear yard of a size pres�ribed in the Village Code. This Committee is also of the opinion that preservation of trees is not adequate justification for granting a waiver as requested in this application. The Committee recommends denial of this request.�� Mr . Trembtat, builder for Mr . Ellstrom, explained the reasons for the waiver application. It was moved by Straw, seconded by Van Hauer , 'and carried unanimously to accept the Committee report and recommend denial to the Council . Mr . Tremblat has indicated that he de�s not wish to appear before the Council . 8'� Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission,May 16, 1963 ORDINANCE WAIV�RS - (continued) 1905 Kyle Place - Dr . W. Lueck, Lot 3 , Block 2 , Zimmerman Terrace Chairman Bromschwig gave the following report: "Request is for a waiver of Sec. 3. 11 (Yard Requirements ) to a setback from the street line of 15 feet . This lot has a Utility easement of the south end 20 feet wide that contains the main interceptor of the sanitary sewer . Applicants state that existence of the sewer ease- ment precludes p1acing proposed structure on the lot so as to comply with the 35 foot setback on the north. Considerable discussion , deliberation and research was con- ducted by the Committee, its chairman and the Village Engineering departrnent in regard to this application , Investigation was conducted on Village documents back to 1954 on the original ease�nent and sewer construction. The original plat was approved June 18, 1957 �ith the easement tocated thereon. Resea�ch revealed that no consideration or dispensation was granted in connection with this lot = insofar as placement of the sewer easement was concerned. It was also noted that 7n applying the required setbacks , the buildable depth of the lot is approximately 55 feet ` along with a width of 59 feet . After due deliberation, the Committee concluded that the sewer easement as tocated does not impose any undue hardship for placement of a structure designed to fit the site and remain within the required setbacks . Further investigation revealed that the centerline of the sewer is located approximately 10 feet further south than shown on the original plat which would add 10 feet to the depth of the buildable area, The recommendation of this Committee is for deniat of this request." Mr . E.yman Foss, the realtor who helped develop this plat , explained his interest in this waiver . Mr , Foss stated from memory that a consideration for waivers was mentioned by the Council at the time of plat approval . Mr , Ken Rahn, councilman at that time, also recalls some such stafiement being made or inferred, Dr . � Mrs . Lueck and their architect presented their ideas and answered questions. After a lengthy discussion , it was moved by Bedwell , seconded by Jensen to .accept the report and recommend denial of this waiver . The motion carried with Shinder , Lynch and Van Hauer voting "No", and Pennock abstaining. Dr . Lueck asked that this matter be placed on the Council agenda for June 18, 1963. �r"i Regular Meeting of the Go1den Valley Planning Corr�nission,May 16, 19�3 i LONG RANGE MULTIPLE DWELLINGS Chairman Pennock read the following report: "The purpose of the joint meeting was to disc�ss the existing Multiple Dwelling Ordinance to det�rmine whe�her said ordi - nance is reasonable and feasible. The Ca�nmittees feel that certain changes should be made and recommend that the follow- ing revisions be made ta the ordinance: 1 . ) "LOT AREA, There shall be at least 2500 sauare feet of buildable lot area per dwe1ling unit exclusive of re- quired open spaces as the same are defined in the zoning code." In effect , this revision states that the 200 square feet required for garage parking shall �nofi be taken out of the net buildable area. 2 . ) ��PARKING SPACE . One garage space per bedroom shall be provided on the premises on which any multiple dwelling is erected, and if said garage is detached from the dwelling unit, it shall be of comparable materials and of the same architectural treatment as the dwelling unit." This revision would require covered garages rather than the open parking spaces now allowable. 3. ) "DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS. No building used as a dwetling unit may be closer than 50 feet from any other dwelling unit on the lot, " This revision would allow garages to be bUilt closer to other garages and closer to the dwelling units . 4. ) The committees recommend that the Village Building Code be revised to require a certain fire-protection rating throughout the dwelling. This rating should be studied by the Village Building Inspector , The Committees fee1 that many other factors should be studied in relation to this ordinance, some of which are density requirements , high-rise dwellings , quality control of materials , etc, , and therefore requests a period not to exceed six months to gather and correlate material relative to the possible revision of the ordinance. " �4 Regular Meeting of the Golden V�lley Planning Commission ,May 16, 1963 �ONG RANGE (continued) Discussion was as follows : Items No, 1 -3 The Co�nmission felt that these revisions are �`—T'eas�bTe and recommends their r�vision. Item No, 4 The Commission, after discussion with the T—`BuiTding Inspector, recommends that the C�uncil consider amending the Bui1ding Code to require Type 1 construction in all Multiple Dwellings. This would give adequate fire protection to all mulfiip1e units irregardtess of height . 615o s�, CROIX AV�. - Irving G. Brown The Village manager has requested the Commission to review the pre- vious actions regarding this property to give the Vi1lage Staff sorne indication as to possible uses for the land. This matter was referred to the Zoning Committee for future study. Studies and records dating back to 1942 will be made available for this investi - gation, There being no further business to transact, an adjournment motion was made, seconded, and carried unanimously at 11 : 00 p,m, �,v.�.xs��l,�.�..�,`. ruce .�aterson Engineering Dept. -Acting Secretary � oe rown, res� ent