07-11-63 PC Minutes �p'tJ`:
of the
.1u t y 1 1 , 1963
A regular meeting of the Golden Va11ey Planning Corrxxnission was held
on Thursday, Juiy 11 , lgb3 at 8:00 p.m, at the Civic Center , 7800
Golden Valley Road, Golden Va11ey, Minnesota. President Brown pre-
sided, and the following members were present: Bromschwig, Hetman,
Loughland, Pennock, Raugland, Senstad, Shinder , Straw, and Ve1z.
Members absent were Jensen, Van Hauer , Lynch, Bedwell , Discher .
Donald Sorensen, Village Engineer, acted as secretary in the absence
of Bruce Paterson.
On motion b�° Shinder,�� seconded by Bromschwig, the minutes of June 13,
1963 , were approved as mailed.
ED KAUFFMANN PLAT - Lot 14, Golden Vailey 0utlots
Plat Committee Chairman Senstad gave the following report :
'�A plat of Lot 14, Yarnall ' s Golden Valley Outlots was presented
with 8 of the 12 lots indicated thereon being substandard in
area. Other data necessary for the consideration of the prelimi -
nary plat was omitted.
In lieu of a formal denial , the Ptat Committee refers this ptat
back to the applicant for further consideration regarding lots
and required plat data."
The Comrnission voted to accept the Committee' s report and refer the
matter back to the applicant.
C0. ROAD N0, 66 � DOUGLAS DRIVE - DeMac, Inc. (B.�P.O. and Commercial )
Zoning Committee Chairman Velz indicated that the committee would need
an additional 30 days to study the request. Velz fihen requested the
indulgence of the Commission in permitting the applicent the opportuni -
ty of presenting his proposal . The purpose of the presentation at
this time was to enlighten the Commission as a whoTe, After a period
of discussion the matter was carried over to the August meeting,
LINDSAY 'S 2ND ADDITION - Letter from Hugh Lindsay
A letfier from Mr . Lindsay was presented asking the Commission ' s
opinion regarding the zoning of Lindsay' s 2nd Addition as follows :
1 . The Commission has requested development of this property
from the South toward the North.
�O' Regular Meeting of the Golden Valtey Planning Commission, July 11 , 19b3
ZONING (continued)
2. Douglas-Stemac Co. was allowed Light Industrial Zoning
on Lots 1 -5, Block 3, but have found this property un-
suitable because of soil conditions.
3. Mr . Lindsay states that Block 1 would be acceptable, but
is holding back negotiations until the Planning Corrnniss-
ion grants the right to develop this area before Block 3.
The Commission feels that it may not give formal action on this
situation until a formal appiication to rezone a specific tract of
property is introduced, and therefore instructs the secretary to
inform Mr , Lindsay of the Commission ' s opinion.
6500 LAUREL AVENUE - Industrial Multipte Dwelling
Zoning Committee Chairman Velz indicated that the committee would
need an additional 30 days to study the request , and requested same
of the Commission, After discussion, the matter was carried ov�r
to the August meeting.
It was moved by Loughland, seconded by Shinder to have the Long
Range C�mittee work with the Zoning Committee on this matter as
well as the proposed zoning at County Road 66 � Douglas �rive.
1635 KELLY DRIVE - Mr . A1 Sanko (No, 2 of Lot 13)
"Request is for a waiver of Section 14 Ptatting Regulations.
Lot in question is the North hatf of Lot 13 being 167.55
feet wide and 591 ,46 feet long. A home exists on the
Eastern end. Proponent wishes to sett the home and divide
tot so a tegal description can be had for house and lot.
The committee recognized the fact that this area encompass-
ing approximately Za acres should be p1atted. However , loca-
tion of Oregon Avenue which witl have to go through in the
future, is at this time undetermined and until the owner of
the South half of Lot 13 is ready to plat,this. is impossible.
Therefore, this imposes a hardship on the proponent on not
being atlowed to sell the existing home unless the entire
area of the tot accompanies it.
The cornmittee therefore recommends that a waiver of Section
14 Platting Regulations be allowed in order to divide the
parcel into 2 parcels with the home located on the Eastern
portion 135,43 feet deep as applicant proposed. The
ccxnmittee also recommends that any future subdivision of
this lot be subject to the ptatting regulations and be
The recommendation is for approval of this request. �'
b �
Regular Meeting of the Gotden Va11ey Planning�u��m��si��63 �,°�k
It was moved by Pennock, seconded by Bromschwig to accept the
Committee' s report and recommend approval of the waiver with the
stipulation that any future division be by plat. Motion carried,
"Request is for a waiver of Section 3. 11 (yard requirements)
to a front yard set back of 30 feefi and of side yard of 13 �eet
on the South,
This lot is 100 feet fronting on Westwood Drive and 155 feet
deep. The front portion of 65 to 70 feet is relatively flat
and then rises as a fairly steep grade for the remaining 85
The committee noted the size of the proposed structure being
72 feet wide was in fact not designed to fit on a 100 foot
1ot which allows 70 feet, The committee is also of the
opinion that the hill at the rear of the lot does not prevent
placement of a structure, with minimum excavation, provided
it is designed to fit the lot. It therefore conciuded that
building a house on this lot does not impose undue hardship
upon the owner if the house is to remain within confines of
the ordinance. The committee there recommends denial of this
request. "
Mrs. Kiehne was present and answered questions regarding her appti -
cation. After considerable discussion, a motion by Velz, seconded
by Senstad to accept the report of the committee and recommend
denial ; carried.
7800 - 7$40 WINSDA�E STREET - Mr . W, Reynolds
Because Mr . Reynolds was not present at either the Committee or
Corrxnission meeting, no action was taken on this application.
PHOENIX STREET - Mr. John Paulson
Ordinance Committee Chairman gave the following report:
"The applicant wishes to 'buitd a house 222' wide on a
50,04� ]ot, necessitating a waiver of Section 3 . 12 of the
Zoning Code. The Committee unanimously recommends approvat
of this application. �' '
Motion by Hetman, seconded by Loughland to accept the report and
recommend approval of the waiver to the Council .
408 PARKVIEW TERRACE - Judge John Weeks
Judge Weeks submitted an application for the waiver of Merger of
Title Ordinance No. 3 .052. Since this application had not been
considered by committee, the applicant was instructed to present
his case through proper channe1s, allowing it to be considered at
the August meeting.
�� Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Ptanning Commission ,July 1i , 1963
Long Range Committee Chairman Pennock gave the following report :
"The application is for the vacation of Lee Avenue, south
of Bassett ' s Creek prive, A letter from Mrs . Oys ' attorney
brought forth her plans for a proposed future plat, access
for which tee Avenue is required. Although this ptat may
not come into existence in the near future,the Commission ' s
attention should be drawn to the fact that this portion of
street right-of-way was insisted on when platting Merribee
Hills 3rd Addition for the express purpose of providing
access for the Oys property future development. The
committee recommends denial of the vacation, "
�fter discussion, a motion by Bro mschwig, seconded by Loughtand,
carried to recommend denia1 to the Village Council .
The fo1lowing 1etter from the Administrative Staff was submitted
for study:
To: Golden V�lley Planning Commission
From: Bruce A. Paterson, Acting Secretary
Re: Multiple Dwelting Ordinance
The Adminisfirative Staff and the Building Inspector have studied
the proposed revisions as suggested to the Council by the
Comrnission and would like to suggest that the Planning Commission
consider adding and amending as foltows:
1 ) "LOT AREA. , , . �� No suggestions as to change.
2) "PARKING SPACE. One enctosed garage space per one-bedroom
unit and one-half enclosed garage space for each additional
bedroom shatl be provided on the premises on which any
multiple dwelting is erected, and if said enclosed garage is
detached from th� dwelling unit, it sha11 be constructed of
comparable materiats and shall be of the same architectural
treatment as the dwelling unit. In addition to the above
required enclosed garage spaces, one off-street parking
space shall be provided for each dwelling unit ,"
. . ., .. .. . . .. . .. � � ¢ �
Regular Meeting of the Golden Vatley Planning Commission, ���
July 11 , 1963
3) "DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS. No building used as a dweiling
unit shalt be closer than 50 feet frcxn any other dwelling unit
on the tot, and no detached garage sha11 be ctoser than 20
feet from any dwelling unit on the lot. "
4) "BELOW-GRADE DWELLING UNITS . No dwelling unit whose floor
elevation is more than 36 inches below the grade teve1 of the
adjoining site shall be permitted. Windows and siil heights
in below-grade units shall be the same as that provided for
the above-grade units in the same building. No public side-
walks , public or private driveways or intensive activity
areas such as swimming poois , barbeque pits, etc. , shall be
located within the adjoining site of a below-grade dwetling
unit. The adjoining site is defined as the area 1ying within
20 feet of a below-grade dwelling unifi."
5) "SOUND TRANSMISSION. Party and corridor partitions and f1oor
systems shall be of a type rated by a nationalty recognized
testing laboratory as capable of accomplishing an average
sound transmission loss of not 1ess than 50 decibels (9
frequencies ) . Door systems between corridors and dwelling
units shall be of sotid core construction and include gaskets
and closure plates. Room relationships, hallway designs,
door and window placements and plumbing ar�d uentilation in-
staltations sha11 be such that they assist in the control of
sound transmission from unit. to unit,"
6) ��FI�EWAl.L CONSTRUCTION. Any multiple dwelling not exceeding
2 stories in height shall be of Type V, one hour , construction
or better , as defined in the Uniform Building Code as adopted
by the Village, "
dwelling of Type V, one hour , construction or less shalt be
limified to 12 dwelling units regardless of tot area or any
other consideration. �'
1 ) "FIREWALL CONSTRUCTION. Any multiple dwe1ling of three or
more stories shall be of Type T or Type II construction as
defined by the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the Village.�'
2 ) That separate zoning districts be established in the event of
a change in the height restriction of muitipie dweiiing
bUildings. Ifi is suggested that the fol1owing breakdown be
M - 1 1 or 2 stories
M - 2 3 to X stories
3) That some provision be made to irtclude an inverse sliding
scale of density requirements if a height restrietion woutd
provide for high-rise buildings. The following is only an
example, and not necessarily a recommendation:
��� Regular Meeting of the Gotden Vattey Planning Commission, July 11 , t963
1 - 2 2500 sq, ft.
3 2300 �� ��
4 2000 ", "
5 1800 " "
6 and above 1600 �� "
After discussing each item the committees decided as fotlows :
1 ) Since Item No. 2 would merely involve the addition of
enclosed garages and not delete the now required off-
street parking, the prior suggested amendment to the
Code may now be deleted, leaving the existing Section
4.03 a as is.
2-3 ) The committees feel that these recommendations will
improve the previousty suggested amendments and there-
fore recommend approval .
4-7 ) The committees betieve that these suggestions rightly
fall in the province of the Building Department and
any action as fio recommendation shouid come from that
Department rather than the Planning Commission. However ,
the committees feel that if suggestion No. 6 is aceepted,
7ype V, one hour construction, wi11 not give any better
construction than we now require. Ther�fore it is
suggested that the Building Department consider amending
their suggestion to read "Any multip1e dwelling sha11 be
of Type III construction or befiter, . . . '� If and when
the present height limitation is amended, this ordinance
may also be amended.
The committees took note of the suggested future considerations and
witl present them for discussion in the future.
After discussion, a motion by Hetman, seconded by Raugland, carried
to accept the committee report. The Commission instructed the
ac�Cing secretary to re-write the proposals for clarification before
presentation to the Council .
Due to some misunderstandings in the past, a review of� the appiica-
tions �o the Planning Commission may be in order, The Commission
requests the acting secretary to prepare revisions as seem necessary,
There being no further business to transact, an adjournment motion
was seconded and carr=ied unanimous1y.
F� .�a�...--
B'ruce �'A�a�erson
Eng. Dept. -Acting Secretary
oe own, resi'�ent �