08-15-63 PC Minutes ��� REGULAR MEETING of the GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION August 15, 1963 A regular meeting of the Goiden Valley Planning Cor�nission was held on Thursday, August 15, 1963 at 8:00 p.m. at the Civic Center , 7800 Goiden Va11ey Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, President Brown presided and the following membe�s were presenfi : Bedwell , Hetman, Pennock, Raugtand, Senstad, Shinder , Straw, and Velz. Absent members were: Bromschwig, Discher , Jensen, Loughland, Lynch, and Van Hauer . Also present were Bruce Paterson, Engineering Department, Acting Secretary and Roy Terwiliiger, Administrative Assistant. A motion was carried to approve the minutes of June 13, 1963 as mailed. ZONING 5619 Olson Memorial Highway - Herb Gross (Multiple Dwelling� Zoning Comrnittee Chairman Velz gave the following report : "A number of applications for rezoning have p�eviously been considered for this tract of land, including Institutional and Muttiple Dwetling, and finally ending with the rezoning to Residential on November '21 , 1961 . The Zoning Committee and �.ong Range Committee have �epeatedly stated that this parcel can and should develop along residentiat tines and can see no reason why this opinion should be changed at this time, The Committee therefore unanimously recommends deniat of the request. Both the Zoning and Long Range Committees feel very strongly �hat Mr . Gross ' Apartment Comptex would be a c�edit to the Village and invite � him to find another tocation more suitable to that type of dwelling. The basic structure and tayout of the proposed Complex would be highly compatibte with the type of Multiples that the Planning Commission is looking forward to seeing built in the Village in the future. Raugland abstained from voting for ethical reasons." Member Raugland stated that he had and will abstain from voting for reasons of professional ethics. Mr . Gross was present, exptained his proposal and presented photographs of a project similar to his. After discussion, a motion to accept the committee' s report to rec�nmend deniat was made by Bedwell , seconded by Senstad, and carried. The voting was as foliows: Brown, Bedwelt , Hetman, Pennock, Senstad, Straw and Vetz - Aye; Shinder - Nay; Raugland in abstension. Aye - 7 , Nay - 1 Abstain - 1 �� 6000 Laurel Avenue - Liberty Carton Company (Light Industriai and u ip e we ing As this item was considered jointly, Long Range Committee Chairman Pennock gave the foilowing report: '�A history of this tract of land was studied and discussed with reference to the Gardner Report of August 31 , 1959. TKe Planning Commission previously had expressed a desire to fotlow the recommendations of the Gardner Report which stated that a Light Industriai Zoning would be proper for the area south of county ditch #6. The Committee re-affirmed this desire for Light Industrial and also stated the opinion that a Residentia1 use be made of the area north of the natural boundary, the county ditch. The Committee, therefore, unanimously recommended denial of the Multiple Dwelling request north of the county ditch, It further recommended approvat of the Light Industrial request south of the county ditch with the condition that a 100 foot strip along the ditch be deeded to the Village to aliow the eventual improvement of its condition. In addition to the recommendation on this applieation, the Committee recommends that all of the tand north of the county ditch between the M. N . and S . Railroad and the easterly line of Glenway Slopes extended, be rezoned to Residential at this time ,"' Pennock also explained the history of studies made in this area, Information from Orr-Schelen-Mayeron, Inc. , Consulting Engineers , was presented stating that an open-ditch, as proposed by the appti- cant, is possibte rather than the 78'� closed-channel suggested in their Bassett ' s Creek Report. Mr. Ai Godward, site engineer for the applicants, answered questions regarding the proposat . Ben Fiterman, representing Liberty Carton Company, stated that his firm did not want to purchase the entire tract if the report ofi the committees was accepted. He would, however, like to obtain the area south of the ditch if the owner would sell onty that por- tion. After consicieration and discussion, it was moved by Straw and seconded by Raugland to accept the committee' s report as here summarized: 1 . ) approval of the request for Light Industrial Zoning south of the ditch. 2, ) deniat of the request for Multiple Dwelting Zoning north of the ditch. 3. ) a recommenciation to rezone from Open Development to Resi- dentiai in the area north of the ditch, south of Glenwood, west of the M. N. and 5 . Raitroad and east of the extended Easterly line of Glenway Slopes Addition. 4. ) since it is the Commission ' s policy to know the nature of a company requesting the heavier zoning districts, in the event that Ciberty Carton Company does not purchase the tract in question, the Co�nission recorrxxnends that no rezoning to either Light Industrial or Residential be done at this time. 5. ) a deed to the 100� tract along the ditch be granted to the Viltage. ��7�'� 6. ) a iease, approved by the Village Attorney, be given from the railroad to the appticant. The motion was carried unanimousty. C.S .A,H. 66 and Douglas Drive - DeMac (Corrnnercial � B .�P.O, ) Committee Chairman Velz gave a summary of the zoning history of this area and gave the following report : "The application is for a service station carry-out restaurant , and funeral h�ne in the tract of land south o� C.S.A.H. 66, between Brunswick and Douglas Orive. This parcel is a part of the area Mr. I . G. Brown has included in his past proposals for Commercial Zoning. The committees have repeatedly recommended denial of the requests for Commercial Zoning and have stated that this area (particularly the easteriy part) should develop along residential lines simitar to the adjoining property to the East . The character of the land has not changed considerably since those recommendations, and the corr�nittees can see no reason to change their thinking at this time, Deniat is unanimously recommended,�� Mr. DeVries and Mr . MacFettridge of DeMac were present. It was moved by Hetman, and on second by Bedweli the committee report was accepted unanimously. At this point the applicants withdrew the request for rezoning, stating they would appear with a new proposal in the near future, ORpINANCE WAIVERS 408 Parkview Terrace - Judge John Weeks President Brown read the following report: "Request is for a waiver of the Zoning Code for Lots 10 and lt of Btock 2, Glenurban Addition. A house now exists on Lot i0 and is non-conforming since the side yard is 4 ft. 2 in. The appticant proposes to take 6 ft. 6 in, from Lot 11 and add it to Lot 10. This aetion would create a side yard on Lot 10 of 10 ft. 8 in. The dimensions of tot 11 would then be 90 x 156 ft. The Committee foilowing review of the application finds that such action would not teave Lot 11 substandard as far as area require- ments are concerned. Addition of 6 ft. 6 in. to Lot 10 witl bring the existing house closer to conformance with the existing ordinance and would thereby make the distance between the house on Lot 10 and any future house on Lot 11 24� 2�� . Since there are several other lots in the imrnediate vicinity iess than 90 ft, in width and because there are no other vacant lots in the area, the Committee unanimously recommended approval of the request with the proviso that no future waivers be considered on Lot lt . " it was moved by Shinder and seconded by Straw to accept the committee' s report and recommend approvat af the waiver to the Council . The motion was carried unanimously, �.�"7► �- � 7800-7$40 Winsdale Street - W, J. Reynolds (front set-back} President Brown read the fotlowing report : "Request is for a front yard waiver of Section 3. 11 YARD REQUIRE- MENTS on Lots 7 and 8 of 61ock 4, Winnetka Addition from a 35 foot setback to a 24 foot setback, The Committee reviewed past action on corner tots in this area and found that a 24 foot setback had been estabiished which allows a 24 foot house to be constructed on fihese lots. The Committee unanimously recommended a waiver of 11 ft, of front yard setback to 24 ft , on Winsdale." A motion by Pennock, seconded by Velz, to recommend approval of the appiication was carried unanimously. GENERAL MULTIPLE DWEL�ING ORDIPIANCE Long Range Committee Chairman Pennock gave the following report: "The committees again discussed the lack of Council action on the proposed revisions as recommended by the Planning Commission and instructed the acting secretary to re-acquaint the Councit of the revisions and to place this matter on the next Council Agenda. These revisions are to Section 4.03 c, (Parking Space) and Section 4. 04 b, (Distance between Buitdings ) , and certain recommendations pertaining to the Buitding Code. A discussion on the possibility of high-rise dwellings brought forth the suggestion of writing geographical conditior�s into the ordinance if high-rise apartments are included. Some of these con- ditions might be that the apartments are placed on the periphery of the Village, that no high-rise dwellings be located within a speci - fied distance of residential zoning, etc. The committees feel that one of the hasic problems involved in zoning, if high-rise dwellings are permitted, wiil be giving clear- cut and definite reasons why a high-rise unit should be allowed in one specific area and not in another. The inclusionof geographical limitations should help to avert this problem. The committees in- structed Paterson and Terwiltiger to find out what methods other Villages have developed to deal with this matter . _. It was also suggested that a review anc� a bringing up to date of the Gardner reports might give some indieation of a direction to follow regarding the matter of multiples. It was stated that Terwitliger will be working on this project shortly. " On a motion by Velz, seconded by Bedwell , the committee report was accepted unanimousiy. President Brown urged the members to be present at the Council meeting of August 20, tg63 to hear Council opinion on this matter . Letters have been sent to re-acquaint the Councit of the proposais. 9 ��- PLANNING COMMISSION SECRETARY � President Brown introduced Roy Terwitiiger , Administrative Assistant , and asked the Corr�nission to instaii him as Secretary of the Planning Commission. A motion by Pennock and seconded by Raugland carried unanimously, Senstad made a motion of appreciation to thank Bruce Paterson for acting as secretary during the past �Five months. Seconded by Reu�l'and and carried unenimously. AMENDMENT TO PLATTTNG REGU�ATIONS - Sec, 4B, Subd, 5 A proposal was presented by Paterson and Terwittiger to amend the above subdivision by adding the language, ". . ,before any buiiding permits are issued.�� The Commission gave an informat approval , but wishes to direct this through format channels, The Plat C�nmitfiee will consider this at their Septembe� meeting. 7here be�ng no further business to transact, a motion for adjournment was heard by Hetman, seconded by Bedweil , and honored at 10: 10 p,m. � Respectfully submitted, �`� �, ek.,_ ruce , a erson Engineering Dept. Acting Secretary ........F� , Joe' Br wn, President