09-12-63 PC Minutes � oa REGULAR MEETING of the GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION September 12, 1963 A regular meeting of the Golden Vatley Planning Commission was held on Thursday, September 12, 19b3 at 8:00 p.m, at the Civic Center , 7800 Gotden Va11ey Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. President Brown presided and the following members were present; Bedwetl , Bromschwig, Discher , Hetman, Loughland, Pennock, Raugtand, Shinder, Senstad and Straw.' Absent members were: Jensen, �ynch, Van Hauer , and Velz . ', Also present were 8ruce Paterson, Engineering Department and Roy ' Terwilliger , Administrative Assistant and Secretary, A motion was carried to approve the minutes of August 15, 1963 as mailed. PLATS Trembtatt Terrace - Seldon Trembtatt Plat Committee Chairman Senstad gave the following report: "The Plat Committee examined the proposed plat and recommended changes which were incorporated. The Plat Committee recommends approval of the plat with the following provisos : 1 . That setbacks of houses on all lots be determined by the extended straight street lines, not the curves of the cut -de-sac. 2. When in the future the eastern extension of Raanoke Road is made, the portions of the central cul -de-sac which extends into the lots beyond the 50 ft , right-of-way should be vacated back to the property owners. " Chairman Senstad stated that it was the Plat Committee ' s understand- ing that Mr . Tremblatt wili construct a travelied street only from Meadow Lane to the central cul -de-sac at this time, but has dedicated street right-of-way to the Easterly line of the proposed ptat to un- landlock another parcel of land. This wou�d make the cul -de-sac, in effect, temporary, hence the provisos. Mr , Seldon Tremb}att was present and brought forth the proposed plat as approved by the Committee. After due consideration, it was moved by Pennock, seconded by Lough1and, to accept the Committee report and recommend approval of the plat. Motion unanimously carried. Amendment to the Platting Regulations Chairman Senstad read the following report : "The Amendment t� subdivision 4, section 4-b of the Platting Regu- lation s previously suggested by the administrative staff reads as fol lows . � � F�tf Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Ptanning Commission,Sepfi. 12, 1963 ' The subdivider shatl immediately upon recording, furnish the Village Engineer with a tracing and three (3) prints of the final plat showing evidence of the recording before any building permits shall be issued on the plat. ' The Committee recomrnends approval for this suggested revision.�' Motion by Shinder, seconded by Straw to accept the Committee report and recommend approval of the revision. Motion unanimously carried. 6705 Olson Memoriat Highway - Apostotic Lutheran Church Prior to the beginning of the meeting, Pastor Ner�-ickson of the Apostol9c Lutheran Church informed the Ptanning Commission Secretary of their desire to defer action until the October meeting of the Planning Commission. Chairman Brown, being infor�ned of the appli - cant � s desires, noted that this was an abnormat request; however, he did ask for the Committee report and stated that the request would be honored. , In the absence of Committee Chairman Velz, Mr. Frank Hetman gave the following report : "The request is for rezoning of this parcel from Residential to In- stitutional altowing the Apostotic Lutheran Church to construct a church and parsonage at this location, The Zoning Cornmittee feels the best usage for this land is Residen- tial . It is presently zoned as such, and an attempt is being made to create an entire residential complex in this area. To inject an Institutional Zone at this particular location would severely hamper this devetopment since the Residentiai area is presently encircted with other institutions. The Committee therefore recommends denial of this request ." After hearing the report of the Committee, the Commission deferred action on the request untii October 10, 1963. Highway 100 and St. Croix Avenue - Richard E. Hipp Mr. Hetman gave the fottowing report: "The request is for rezoning an additional 33 feet of the Commerciat Zone to Multiple Dwelling to allow for a greater area for tfie construc- tion of the proposed multiple unit at Highway 100 and St. Croix Avenue. It is felt that due to the already existing Multiple Dwe1ling Zone, it would be in the best interests of al ] concerned to atlow this addi- tional area to be rezoned. This action would altow more area for parking and set back requirements; thus, atlowing for a more practical devetopment of the area. The Committee unanimously reco�nends approval ." It was moved by Raugiand, seconded by Shinder, to accept the Committee report and recommend approval . Motion carried unanimously. � �� Regutar Meeting of the Golden Valley Ptanning Corr�nission,Sept. 12, 1963 6�45 Sandburg Lane (St . Croix Avenue) - A. Roskoft Mr . Hetman gave the foitowing report: "This request is for a change from Open Deve)opment to Light Indus- trial , At the present time the particular usage of this parcel is residen- tial and is also in non-conformance because of the light industrial operation conducted thereon. It is felt that it would be advisabie to change the zone to Light Industrial since the adjacent and surrounding areas are Industrial and Light Industrial respectively. The Committee therefore unanimously recorr�nends approvat of this request with the stipulation that the granting of this rezoning wilt not provide for any waivers to aliow continuation of any non-conform- ance such as the present Residential use once the item in non-conform- nce is i need of , e lacement s t forth in Se . 14 02 '� After �ue co s� er t�on � �t �ias moved � �i der s con e�d.b Str�v� to acce t , the re���� o��a�e �c?vmiftee and recomm�n� ��prova� �otio�i unanifiousty ca� �ed. t Dri e - Mpls , Star and Tr��une - �aker Propert�es J. Haw�s Mr . Hetman gave the fotlowing report; ''This request is for a change to Commercial Zoning of the property on the Southwest Corner of the�lunction of Highways 100 and i2. This property is presently zoned Open Development, Residential and Business and Professional Office. The property is isotated from the rernainder of the Vitlage by the existing highways. Because of the isotation and size of the area togical development necessitates overalt use of this area as one unit, Changing of the zoning as requested will prevent piecemeal develop- ment and make the best use of the land. The property is located such that its development will likely be in conjunction with property in St. Louis Park. Because of this location and its potential usage, the Committee unanimousiy recommends approval of this request.�' Mr. Jim Hawks, planning consultant , and Mr . Dale Morton of B�ker Properties were present to answer any questions . Following discussion, it was moved by Straw, seconded by Bedwell , to accept the report of the Committee and recorrnnend approval of the proposal . Motion carried unanimousiy. ORDINANCE WAIVERS 1400 Lilac Drive - Mpts. Star and Tribune - Baker Properties - J. Hawks Ordinance Committee Chairman Bromschwig gave the following report : �'Request is for a waiver of Sec. 7.04 (Front set back for T.H.#100) This parcet comprising b.4 acres is located on the Southwest corner of the interchange of Highways 100 and U . S. 12 and is bounded on the West and the South by the corporate iimits of St. touis Park and the remaining area by Highway 100 and its associated interchange. , �.�;� Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Ptanning Cormnission,Sept. 12, 1963 This proposal as presented be�ore the Committee consists of 4 buitdings located along the Western boundary of the parcel and is part of a large development that covers this parcel and part of St. Louis Park . The ordinance as applied to this parcel , assuming that the land is zoned Corrxnercial , would require a 300 ft. set back along the majority of the eastern boundary until reaching the Northern end where the required setback wouid be 35 ft. The applicant requests that a 50 ft. set back be altowed along the boundary fronting on the highway and interchange. The Committee discussed this proposal at great length and noted that the proposed buitdings being located along the Western boundary of this parcel are not restricted in size by the 300 ft, set back require- ment . The total square footage of the proposed structures applied to the parking requirements in the ordinance results in ample area within the required set back. However, due to the isotation of th�s parcel by the highway interchange, the corporate limits of St . Louis Park, the Committee feels that the 50 ft, set back as required in St. Louis Pa.rk woutd be more equitable. The Committee also took into consideration the possibie consequences of granting this waiver in respect to future applications for parcels along Highway 100 and is of the opinion that location of this parcel with respect to the Village boundaries and nearness to lighter use districts is a prime factor in considering this request . The Committee feels that the 300 ft. set back in this case is a hardship on the developer due to the location and shape of the boundaries of this parcel . Therefore, the Committee recommends approval of this request provided that the set back tine be clearly established before the Corrn�ission as a whole in order to clearly identify the required open areas. �' Following a lengthy discussion, it was moved by Hetman, seconded by Loughland to accept the report of the Committee and recommend approval of the request. Motion unanimousiy carried. 3300 Kyle Avenue North - Robert G. Alm Chairman Bromschwig gave the following report: "Application is for a waiver of Sec. 3. 11 (Yard Requirements ) on Lot 12 , Block 1 , Noble Grove. Applicant is requesting a waiver of 10 :ft. to a 25 ft, setback on Adelt Avenue to allow construction of a double garage contiguous with the existing house. The Committee noted the foltowing: the setback from Kyle Avenue of this house and the houses to the North on the East side of Kyte Avenue is 25 feet due to the siope of the terrain; also Adetl Avenue from Kyle Avenue to the East is a non-existent street . In view of the foregoing facts and the possibility of construction of Adetl Avenue from Kyle to the East being doubtfut along with the terrain problems in this area, the Committee recommends approval of this request." Motion by Shinder , seconded by Straw, to accept the report of the Corrmiittee and recommend approval of the request . Motion unanimously carried. � � V`� Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission,Sept . 12, 1963 �522 Phoenix Street - Wiltiam H. Johnston Chairman Bromschwig gave the following report: "The request is for a waiver of Sec. 3. 11 ( Yard Requirements ) of 4 feet to a it foot side yard on the East side of an existing house on lofis 378 and 377, Belmont Addition. The applicant proposes to remove an aicove on the East which is of sub-standard construction and repiace it with a larger addition. The Canmittee noted that with the removal of this alcove the side yard on the East would be 19 feet and that this area plus availa6le area to the rear of tMe structure could be utilized through proper design for construction. This proposed addition could thus be built without transgression into the required setback area. The Committee is of the opinion that no true hardship exists and recan- mends deniai of this request. " Mr , Johnston was present to exptain the reaso n for the waiver appli- cation. Foltowing discussion, the motion was made by Straw, seconded by �oughland, to accept the report of the Cc�crxnittee and recomsnend denial . 2415 Winnetka Avenue North - John V . Hopponen Chairman Bromschwig gave the following report : "The rec{uest is for a waiver of Sec, 14 of the Platfiing Regulations - Conveyance by Metes and Bounds. The appticant proposes to divide the lot facing on Winnetka on the East and Jonellen �ane on the West ptus a smatl outlot aiong Jonellen Lane into two tots. The eastern portion would contain an existing house and have more than the required area as would the lot facing on Jonellen Lane, the latter being 18,6g8 sq. ft. The Committee feels that this request is in accordance with the principles of good tand use and will allow further development and therefore recommends approval of this request.{' Mr . Hopponen was present for tl� meeting to explain the reasons for the waiver. After discussing the application, motion by Loughland, seconded by Shinder to accept the co�nittee report and recorrnnend approval . Motion carried unanimously. 117 P�nander Walk - Arnold Palmer A formal report was not read by Chairman Bromschwig on this applica- tion because of the withdrawal of the applicant. The following report of the comrnittee meeting action on this proposal is as follows: "The request is for a waiver of Sec . 3 . 11 ( Yard Requirements) on Lot 3, Btock l , Tralee Addition, The committee felt that no real hardship existed, and upon discussing the matter with the applicant , the apptication was withdrawn. " r . � . . � . ��.'�.. Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission,Sept . 12, 1963 3502 Manor Drive - Dc�nald W. Rowe Chairman Bromschwig gave the following report : "The application is for a waiver of Sec. 3. 11 (Yard Requirements ) to atlow the construction of a garage and family room. Due to the amount of bu� ldable area on the lot of the applicant a�d the fact that a different design of the proposed addition would more closely conform to the ordinance, the Committee recorrxnnends denia1 of this request as submitted,+� . Mr . Rowe was present to discuss the applicat3o� �nd presented a new proposal fvr construction of the garage and family room. Following discussion, the application was referred back to Committee for con- sideration of the new proposat . 4010 Wasatch Lane - John Somers Chairman Bromschwig gave the foltowing report: "The request is for a waiver of Sec. 3, 11 (Yard Requirements ) on Lot 6, Btock 2, Mary Hills Addition. The applicant proposes a 72 ft , addition to an existing garage on the - East to expand the present garage to a doubte garage configuration. The Committee noted that the existing structure is non-conf orming in that the set back from Mary Hi11s Drive is 29 ft , and is therefore of the opinion that insofar as the present structure contains a garage and the proposed additior� woutd place the structure in non-con�ormance of a greater magnitude, no hardship exists in this case. The Co�nittee unanimously recommends denial of this request." Mr. Somers was present and stated his reasons for submitting the appli - cation. It was pointed out to him that his house was presentl �r 6 ft . in non-conformance and granting this request woutd place it 132 ft. in non-conformance. Following discussion, motion by Loughland, seconded by Bedwetl , to accept the report of the Committee and recorn�nend denial of the request. Moti=on unanimously carried, 4964 West Bend Road - Don Scott Chairman Bromschwig gave the following report : '�The request is for a waiver of the Zoning Code for Lot 29, Block 4, Westurban Addition. The applicant proposes to divide this lot which contains approximately 22,880 sq. ft, into 2 tots. An existing house is located on the Eastern portion of the tot fronting on W'rdsor Way. The application states that the owner agrees to adjust the boundary so as to create a standard 1ot of 12,500 sq. ft, containing the existing house. The remaining lot would have an area of approximately 10,380 sq. ft. ��o�� Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission,Sept . 12, 1953 The Comrnittee is of the opinion that this division would be good tand use and make it available for development and therefore recom- mends approval of this request provided that no future waivers be granted on the lot on the West and that the frontage on West Bend Road be a minimum of 100 ft . on the said lot.�' Mr . Scott presented a revised lot survey with 2 lots divided into 12,031 sq, ft. and 1R, 1 $2 sq. ft . respectively. Following discus- sion, it was moved by Shinder, seconded by Senstad, to accept the Committee report and reco�nend approval to the request . Motion carried unanimous1y. GENERAL Sign Ordinance The proposed sign ordinance was again discussed by the Commission. It was referred back by the Village Councit for review of Section 5, 1 -A - requirements for sign area. 7he adequacy for sign area of SO sq, ft, or 2 sq. ft. of sign area for each lineat foot of building frontage, whic hever is larger, was discussed, It was reported to the Commission by the secretary that following measurement of signs in three shopping centers, it had been determined that approximately 50% of the existing signs would be in non-conformance under the new ordinance. It was the fee1ing of the Corrnnission that the new ordinance would not create a hardship, anci thafi it was necessary to control the ever-increasing size of new signs. It was moved by Pennock, seconded by Bromschwig, to submit the proposed ordinance back to the Councit with no change for passage. Motion carried unanimously, M�� tiple Dwelling Ordinance The progress of the Multipte Dwelling Ordinance revision was dis- cussed briefty. It was pointed out that the six month study period was approaching an end, and that it was necessary to complete this revision shortly, Because of a lack of quorum for the monthly Committee meeting on the matter, no material was ready for presenta- tion at this time. Therefore, the Planning Commission will meet again this month at a time determined to be satisfactory to discuss the ordinance. This meeting was tentatively set for October 19th. Time of Meeting Chairman Brown suggested the time of the regular monthly meeting be returned to 7;30 P. M. beginning in October . It was concluded that this wou1d be satisfactory to a11 members and that the October lOth meeting would begin at 7 :30 p,m. Sassett Creek Watershed Citizens � Committee Mr . Loughland gave a report on action of the Bassett Creek Watershed � 1� ",•�. Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Ptanning Commission,Sept . 12, 1963 Citizen ' s Committee to date. Items discussed will be presented at a future Planning Corrxnission meeting. There being no further business to transact, an adjournment motion was made, seconded, and carried unanimously at 11 : 15 P. M. _ / � .. _..�. r ,����'; erw� �gef, ecre ary t; �. oe ro n, Pres� ent