01-16-64 PC Minutes 13 4= � RE��ULAR MEETING � � o�' the GOLDEN VALLEY PT.,ANNING COM["LISSION January 16� T961� A regular meeting of the Golden �1a11ey Planning Commission was held on Thursday�, Janua.ry 16, 1961� at 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center� 7800 Golden � Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. President Brown presided and the following members were present: Bedwell., Bromschwig, Diseher, Hetman� Jensen, Lynch, Pennock, Raugland, Senstad, Straw, Van Hauer., and Velz. Absent members were Shinder and Loughland. Also present were Roger Ulstad, Village Manager; Don Sorensen, Village Engineer; Bob Skare, Village Attorne�r; Dan L�rnch, Buildi.ng Inspector; Tom Snetsinger� Engin- eering De'partment and Bruce Paterson, Assistant Engineer A motion was carried to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 12, 19�3 as mailed. President Brown reported that the following members were re-appointed to the Planning Commission: Lyle Jensen Paul Senstad Robert Raugland Logan Straw Robert Van Hauer PLATS A) Lot b2, Auditors subdivision 62 - Vern Franzen Corrnnittee Chairman Senstad read the followin� report: "(See also minutes of Dec. 12, 1963.) The applicant presented new draw- ings of a prelim:inary plat showing proposed locations of buildings. The two-family� dwelling on the corner of CSAH 66 and Regent Avenue was shown as askew to enable the ap:�licant to comply with the 150� frontage require- ment. The applicant agreed to have new drawings ma.de and ready for the Commission meeting. If the plat meets the requirements, the Committee recommends approval.'� There was discussion rega,rding the unusab�e rear area of Lot 2. �etman stated that the reason the ordinance required 150 feet frontage was for ' the spacing of buildings, � Mr. Franzen was present_and answered questions regarding the plat, Realizing that the applicant will apply for a double-bungalow building permit on Lot 2, and that the frontage at the setback line is .� feet short of the required 150 feet, it was znoved by� Jensen, seconded by Senstad '- to aceept the committee's report to recommend apnroval of the plat to the Council. Motion carried unanimously. B) Varner's Addition - Will.iam Varner, Jr. Commi_ttee Chairman Senstad read the following report: "The applicant has submitted a plat for 'Tract A, R.L.S. 539 and that part of Lot 30, Aud. Sub. 322 lying North of T.H. �5'. The plat consists � . �-�,�` Re�ular Meeting - Jan. 16,, 1961� of eight lots and a street terminating in a cul de Sac. All lots and .�rontages conform with Village requirements. The committee ree�ognizes that the existing house on Lot 7 will be approximat�ly 7.8� short of the required front setback. The committee recommends approval of the plat.'� The applicant explained his desire to terminate the street in a cul de �ac rather than have through traffic between T.H. 55 and Sixth Avenue North. It was moved by Pennock, seconded by Jensen, to refer the plat back to � the �ommittee with reeommendation.,that the applicant consider a through- street from T.H. 55 to Sixth Avenue North. Bromschwig and Lynch voted no. ORDINANCE WAIVERS 421�0 Golden Va11ey Road - Al Hanover Chairman Bromschwig read the following report: "The application is for a waiver of Sec. ll� of the Platting Regulations and of Sec. 3.05 of the Village Code. The applicant wishes to divide a lot into two�parcels, one of which is 80� x 17�.19� and the other 96.lt9' x 17�..19' , the shorter dimensions fronting on Golden Va11ey Road. An existing hoiise on t he proposed Easterly lot would then have a side-yard setback of 38.2' to the new lot line. In view of the fact that the lot could be more equally divided to conform with other lots in the area� the Committee recommends denial of the ori�inal request. If the appli-- can� wishes to divide the lot equally into two parcels of approximat�:ly 88;25' each� the Committee unanimously recommends the approval of the wa.ivers." Mr. Gene Kurtz, representing the applicant, answered the Commission�s questions. It was moved by Jensen, seconded by Straw and unanimously approved to accept the committee's report and recommend aopro�ral of the waiver to the Council. ELECTION OF OFFICE'�S FOR 196� Nominating Committee Chairm�.n Jensen presented the names of Joe Brown for President and Bob Raizgland for Vice-Pres�.dent of the Commission �or 1964. Since there were no nominations from the floor, nominations were closed and the above gentlemen elected as off icers. LEGAL MEMORANDUP� � WATER1n1AYS P.ttorne,y Bkare explained the le�al responsibilities of the Village in regard to Count,y and Judicial ditches, Public Waterways and drainage easements. A �opy of the memorandun is attached to these minutes and will be inserted in the Bassett's Creek Watershed Re�r�t. This memo affect� the recommendation of the Planning Commission canpage 3 of the minutes of Dec. 12, 1963 to the Village Engineer regarding the relocation of the judicial ditch. Don Sor�:nsen stated that the Engineer- �'"� �r Regula.r Meeting - Jan. 16, 196�. ing Department will proceed with the recommended survey. A search of the County recor�.s for the exact termination points of the judicial ditch should be made�also. ITEMS BEFORE COUNCIL A) AMENDPZENTS TO BUILDII�TG CODE & MtJLTPLE DWELLING CODE Attorney Skare presented the aporoved draft copies of the proposed amend- ments for the Commissions second ap:�roval. It was moved by Pennock and seconded by Bromschwig to �ive final aooroval to the amendments. These will ap±�ear at the Council on Januar�r 21, 196�. Carried.unanimously�. B) AT�NDMEIVT TO INSTITUTIOTIAL CODE Attorney Skare presented the aporo�zed draft copies of the proposed amend- ment. Moved by Bromschwig, seconded by �ensen and caxried unanimously to give final aporoval to the draft copy. GENERAL A) ET3FORCEMENT OF SIGN ORDINANCE Dan L,ynch, Building Inspector, informed the Comm�_ssion that study of existing signs is under way and that the mechanics of enfo�cements are bei�g undertaken at this time. B) APPOI'�TMENT OF ACTING SECRET�IRY � Ro�er Ulstad asked the Commission to appoint Tom Snetsinger, Engineering Department, as Acting Secretary� pending the hire of a permanen.t planning coordinator. The president then appointed Tom Snet��nger as Secretary� pro�tem, to the Commission. C) RFPORT ON MEETING WITH HIGHWAY DEPAR.TMENTS Ro�er Ulstad reported on at:meeting held at the Minnesota �iighway Department. Discussion centered on the France Avenue interchange with T.H. 12. A meet- ing with St. Louis Park produced what is felt to be a workable plan. Another meeting is to be held with St. Louis Park and Hennepin County to clarify ideas. D) APPOINTI�NT OF CONIf�IITTFE CH�IRI�IEN President Brown appointed the following chairmen: Plats - Bedwell Ordinance - Paul Senstad Zoning - Logan Straw Long Range - George Pennock A�:motion for ad,journment was honored at 10:20 P.M. Respe ully� s mitte , � ,�' � - �^� , Thomas G. Snetsinger , L..- Engineering Department �y� Acting Sect. .��j� =��� i�,� " , � ���� _ no . �n .m c'f ..GY1 __ .