08-13-64 PC Minutes � V O.a.. � . .
of the
August 13, 1961�
A regular meeting of° the Golden Valle.y Planning Commission was held on
Thursday� Au�st 13, 1964 at 8:00 P.M, at the Golden Valle,y Civic Center�
7800 Golden Valley Road., uold.en Valley� 1��innesota. President 8ror�m rresided
and t}1e follo�ring members were present: Pennock, Lynch, :;hinder� Velz� Bedwell�
Bromschwig� Hetman, Loughland, �enser� Senstad, Straw, and Van Hauer. Also
present were John Voss, Secretary, Tom Snetsinger, A.cting Secretar,y and Phyllis
Jordahl, Rc�co.rding Secretary.
Tt was moved by Jensen and seconded by Loughland to approve the minutes of July
16, 1961�, as mailed. The motion carried unanimously. �
President "�i^own introduced the recently hired Flanning Commission Secretary,
John Voss, to the members of the Planning Commission. John Voss introduced
Phyllis Jordahl, Engineering Secretary, to the members of the Planning Commission.
Kennedy's 1rlest Tyrol Hills Addition, Block # 16, (9) - Norman ivioshou
Comr:ittee Chairman Bedwell. read the following report:
"This parcel contains four lots and is trapezium in shape.
The Committee noted Lot #J� does not comply with Section 3,051 of the Village
Zoning Code. It was felt that t.he best use of this land would be for single
family residential development.
The Committee was unanimous in denial of this plat."
�3orman Moshou was present to discuss this matter.
Tt was moved by Senstad and seconded k;y Bedwell to accept the Committee report
and recommend denial of the p1Gt. The motion �'ailed� 6 ayes, 7 na�s. It was
moved �y Pennock and seconded by hetman t hat t.he matter be referred+.o the
Plat Committee for further study. The motion carried unanimously.
5828 01son Highway (12) Ted W Bryan
Committee Chairman Straw read the following Committee report:
"The petition is for a change in zoning from Open Developr�nt to Business and
Professional Office to facilitate the cons�ruction of a �eneral office building.
The Committee felt that a general office buil;7ing would be compatible �rith
other d.evelopment in the area. The adjacent residences are expected to b e
moved someday and this property w ould then be developed with a business use
sim�.lar to those in the area.
The comrrittee unanimo�sl� recommends approval of this rezoning reauest
stipulzting th_�t the terrace on t,he east shall k�e landscaped and any protrusions
on the roof of the office building shall be screened':
1��� 1:�
Regular Meeting of the G. V. Planning Commission - August 13� 196l�
Mr. Ted Bryan� the petitioner, was present.
It was w.oved by Van Hauer and seconded b,y Shinder to accept the Committee
report and recommend approval of the rezoning. The motion carried with 11 ayes�
1 nay.
A) Residenti,al Zoning Sub-Districts R�l & R-2
Committee Chairman Senstad stated tn� no action was taken on this matter. The
Comm.ittee wants to meet with the Village Attorney, Bob Skare, before action is
B) 5828 Olson Hi�hway (12) Ted Gd Bryan
Comrrmittee Chairman Senstad read the following Committee report:
"The petition is for the waiver of Sections 10.03 and 10.06 of the Zoning
Regs. front, si�e and rear setbacks. The petitioner desires a waiver of 12
feet to a setback of 38 feet for t:he buildin�, a waiver of 1� feet to a setback
of 21 feet for the parking lot along Zane P:ve., a waiver of 25 ft. to a set-
b�ck of 25 feet f'orthe parking lot on �,he ea�t, a waiver af 7 feet to a set-
back of 13 feet on the parking 1ot along the rear of t he property and a waiver
of 15 feet to a setback of 20 feet for the parking lot along the f'ront of the
The `�rdinance Committee recommends approval in order to allow the petitioner
to build a useful sized "Business and Professional Office" building. It is
recognized tha� the strip of residential land to the east will in t he course
of time be converted to heavier use, as has the land to the east of it.
The �rdinance Committee recommends �pproval of the petition, with one member
voting no, stipulating that Village Ordinances and P�egulations be complied
with in all other respects.
1"lr. Ted Br,yan was pre�ent to explain his petition.
It was moved. ky �1etman, seconded bTr Str�w to accept the Committee report and
recom.m�nd approval of the petitio�. The motion carried with 11 ayes, 1 nay.
C) Boone Ave. and H��,y 3.2 (23) - F. James Resop
Committee Chairman Senstad r�ad the folloT�ring report:
'rThe petition is for a waiver of Section 5.05 of the Zoning Regs. Fror.tyard
setback. The petitioner desires a w�iver of 20 feet to a setbaek of 15 feet
in order to locate gasoline purr:ps nearer the service road.
The Ordinance Committe� Recommends a denial.'{
N�r. T�Iurray� representing P:r. F, Jame� Resop, was pre::ent.
Mr. Murray asked that Chairman �rown read the letter from I�Zobil �il Company
attached to their petition.
It w�s moved by Pennock, seconded by Bromschwig to accept the �rdinance Committee
report and recommend denial of the waiver. The motion carried unanimously.
19 �4
Regular Meeting of the G. V. Planning Commission 8-13-6lt
D) l�36 N. Westwood Drive (8) Lot 9, Block 9, - Sheldon Witebsky
Committee Chairman Senstad read the folling report:
�'Mrs. Witbsk�r was present and explained the proposal.
The petition is for a waiver of Section 3.11 of the Zoning Regs. front�rard
setbaek. The petitioner desires a waiver of 5 feet to a setback of 30 feet
in order to build an addition onto an existing single family home. There
is no hardship running with the land and other homes in the area are in
conformance with ordinances.
The Ordinance Committee recommends denial with one member voting yea.
Mr. & Mrs, Witebsky were present to answer questions.
It was moved,b�r Bromchwig and seconded by Bedwell to accept the committee
report and recommend denial of the waiver. The motion carried with 11
ayes, 1 nay.
E) 2012 N. Zilac Dr. (6) Subdivision 33o, Lot 61 North - �larcia Gullseth
Committee (�t�.irman Senstad read the folling report:
"Marcia Gullseth was present and explained the proposal.
The petition is for a waiver of Section 3.11 0�' the Zoning Regs. - front-
yard setback. The petitioner desires a waiver of 25 feet to a setback of
10 feet for an addition to an existing house. This house is non-conf'orming
by 3.1 feet at its N. W. corner caused by the State ac�uiring right-of-way
for an interchange. The Committee feels that any e�.sting hardship �ras
compensated for when right-of-way was taken,
The Ordinance Committee unanimously recommends denial of the petition.
Marcia Gullseth was represented by her son, Charles Duberstein.
Commission member Zynch stated that he would abstain from vo�ting because
of a business association �rith the petitioner. It was moved by Bedwell
and seconded b�r Hetman to accept the Committee repor�G and recommended
denial of the petition. The motion carried unanimously. `
F) 13�� Florida Ave, (15) J. F. Palmer
Commi.ttee Chairma.n Senstad read the fallowing report:
J. F. Palmer was present and explained his proposal.
The petitior� is for a waiver of Section 3.0�. Zoning Regs. creation of sub-
standard lots. The petitioner desires to create four substandard lots.
He can make three standard lots from this property. It is recogni�ed that
there are many� 50 ft. lots in the area, however, the land to the east has
been platted into 150 ft. lots.
1`�m� 3
Regular Meeting of the G. V. Planning Commission 8-13-6L�
The Ordinance Committee recommends denial of the Petition."
Mr. J. F. Palmer was present to answer questions.
� motion was made by Bedwell and seconded by Senstad to approve the comm�i..ttee
report of denial. Motion failed with 4 ayes, 8 nays. The Commission asked
that the Village Attorney be at the next committee meetirig and the applicant
submit a surve�r.
It was moved by Loughland and seconded by Hetman that this matter be referred
to the Long Range and P1at Committees for further consideration. The motion
G) 1515 Kaltern Land (10) Eugene L. Qaalle
Gommittee Chairman SenStad read the following committee reports
"'Mr. & Mrs� Eugene L. Qua11e were present and explained this proposals
The petition is for a waivc�r of Sec. 3,11 of the Zoning Regs. - frontyard
setback. The petitioner desire a waiver of 5 ft. to a setback 30 feet in
order to build an addition onto his home. No hardship runs wi.th the land
and other homes in the area are conforming.
The Ordinance Committee reeommends denial of the petition with one member
voting yea."
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Qualle along with John Hagen, their architect, were
present for discussion.
Gommi_ssion member Loughland requested not to be present for discussion and
abstain from goting. The motion was made by Jensen and seconded by Van Ha�zer
� to accept the Committee report and recommend denial of the waiver. The motion
carried with 1 abstaining, 10 ayes, 1 nay.
A) Street Vacation (15) Golden Va1ley Road & Douglas Drive
Committee Chairman Pennock read the follir�g report=
'tThe apolicant, Mr. Palmer, was present.
This petitimn was deferred at the July 16, 196l� Planning Commission mee�ing
and the staff �as asked to make a study of similar situations.
The staff reported th at it would be difficult to establish a poli�� on street
vacations due to the complexity and varied circumstances surrounding many
of the netitions.
The propert�r in question, which is a portion of Golden Valle�t Road - north of
the existing alignment, was reverted to the Village of Golden Val.ley as a
� 94?
Regular Meeting of the G. V. Planning Comma.ssion 8-13-6Lt
local village street in October, 1959, by a resol�.tion of the Board of County
Commissioners. This s�sne Board, by resolution, abandoned a sma11 area of the
oropert,y in question, by resolution in June' 1961�. Hvwever� this already
had been reverted to the Vi1_lage in 1959.
The Committee unanimously,reeommends the requested vacation. ,
Providing: 1) Village retain perm�nent rights to present and future utility
and drainage easements throughout this property.
2) No buildings be erected on the vacated property.
3) That propert,y owners north of the center line of the old align-
ment of Golden Valley Road have a quit-claim-deed,to vacated property south
of that center line prior to final action.
!�) The Village shall retain fifteen feet para11e1 to IDouglas Dr.
for a possible future right turn lane.
5) The petitioner shall provide a survey of the property to be
3'he applicant, Mr. Palmer, was present.
It was moved by Straw and see4nded by Senstad to accept the Cflmmit�ee report
and recommend approval of the vaca�ion. The motion carried unanimously.
B) Street Vacation (21) Pl�rrnouth Ave.
Comrnittee Chairman Pennock read the following report:
"The applicant, Mr, Ness, was present, .
This petition was deferred at the Jul�r 16, 1961� Planning Commission Meeting.
The Committee felt that proposed vacation would �nhanee '�R�sidential Devel-
opment" of the property, With the vacate� p�o'perty, the petitioner could
create three 5ingle family lots. `
The Committee unanimously recommends �.pproval provided Mr. Ness obt ain a Quit-
Claim-Deed or similar doeument and gain title to the vacated property sonth
of the centerline of the old Plymouth Ave. right-of way. ,
The applicant, Mr. Ness, wa.� present.
It was moved by Bromschwig and seconded by Hetman to accept the Committee re-
port and recorrunend approval of the street vacation. The motion carried unan-
C) Laurel Ave-Extension across railroad east to Turners Crossroad
Committee Chairman Pennock read the following report:
��The Long Range Committee reviewed the extension of Laurel Ave. to Turners
Crossroad and recommends that the Planning Commission reafirm its recom-
mendation of Sept. 10, 1959 - "The need for consideration of the extension
of Laurel Ave. to Turners Crossroad will not arise unless and until the char-
acter of the land use on both sides of that possible extension substantially
changes or other needs for it develope.�r
1�� 5
Regular Meeting of the G. V. Planning Commission 8-13-6�
It was moved by Jensen and 5econded by Loughland to accept the Committee
report and recommend the extension. The Motion carried unani�nously.
Petition by Beim Construction Co. - 7600 W�yzata Blvd - Heilicher Bros. Inc.
Pre�ident Brown called attention to a petition by Beim Construction Co.� 7600
Wa�rzata Blvd.� for an ordinance waiver on a building under construction. The
petition was made a,�ter the August� 13th agenda eat-off-date.
A motion was made by L,ynch and seconded by Shinder th at this item be added to
the a�enda. The motion carried with 7 a�res, 6 nays.
�he Heilicher Bros.� their architect, Paul Pink, and their contractor� Bill
Beirn, were present to discuss the Ordinance waiver.
It was moved by Pennoek, seeonded by Lynch to refer this petition to the
Ordinance Committee for study. The motion carried with 9 ayes and 3 nays.
A special meeting of the Planning Commission was tentatively set for August
27th to consider the vrdinanee waiver petition by Beim Construction Co.
A motion for adjournment was honored at 11:45 P. M.
Respectfully submitted
.-, � Joh . Voss, Seeretary
� � �.- �'� J�"\ �<(. ��� C � i' .' �
Joe . Brown, President