11-12-64 PC Minutes 2�0�7
November 12, 196�
� regular meeting of the Golden V,�lley Planning Commission was held on Thursday,
TTovember 12, 196�., at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden V�lley Civic Center, 7800 Golden
Va.11ey Road, Golden Va1ley, Minnesota. President Brown presided and the
following members were present: Straw, Senstad, Discher, Bromschwig, Raugland,
Zynch, Bedwell, Pennock, Hetman, and Velz. Also present were Don Sorensen,
Dan L�rnch, Roger Ulstad, Phyllis Jordahl and John Voss.
It wa.s maved by Sensta.d and seconded by Bromschwig to approve the minutes
as mailed with the one change. The motion carried unanimously.
P'liller Add.ition (19) ti^Jilliam R. Miller
Commitl�ee Chaixma.n Bedwell read the followi.ng report:
rrThis pla.t consists of four lots 12,500 sq. ft. and larger. There is a
dedic�ted 60� right-of-wa.y, which is the extension of 23rd Ave. N.
As to the autlot no. l, Mr. Miller e�-pressed a desire to have part of this
incorporated into the adja.cent park. The Park and Recrea.tion Commission will
meet with the petitioner to discuss this la.ter this month.
The Committee unanimousl� recommends approval of this pla.t."
Mr. Mi11er wa.s present.
It was moved by Hetma.n and seconded by ]}�_scher to approve the PZat Committee
report and recommend approval of this pla,t. The motion ca.rried unanimously.
A. 2531 Douglas Drive (l�.) �neli�. Johnson
Committee Chairma.n Straw rea.d the following report:
"The petitioner was not present a.nd no action was taken by the Committee.
B• 5950 Golden Valley Road (11) Al Fischer
Committee Chairman Str�.w rea.d the following repor�:
''Mr. Reininger, who is going to purchase the property from the petitioner, Al
Fischer, was present. After discussing the petition, Mr. Reir�inger asked that
the item be deferred for one month to give him time to revise his apartment plan.
A. 3110 Golden Va.11ey Road (1) Rollie Erickson
Committee Chairman Senstad rea.d the following report:
"The petition is for a wa,iver of Section 3.11 Zoning Code - front, and backyard
' Minutes of the G V Planning Commission P�ge 2 11-12-6�
setback. The pe-titi.oner desires a wa,iver of 8' to a se�tback vf 27' on the
irontyarci - and a wa.iver of 12' to a setback of 10' on the rearya.rd on Lot 21,
Block 1 of McNa.ir Ma.nor Addition. This petition was considered by the
Pl.anning Co�nission a.t the October meeting. At tha.t �ime, it was pointed out
. that this lot is indeed unique �nd very difi'icult to develop. The Ordinance
Committee recommends approva.l of a. building 21�' wide and 36� long on this 1ot.
The garage will be lacated under the dwelling. The Committee unanimously
recommends approval of this waive-r."
Mr. Ericksan ti,ras prss�r];. Also present were Mr. & Mrs. Ha.yes, owners af -�he
property adjacen� �co �tY�e petitioner, who, after a snort discussion, signed the
It was moved by Raugland and seconded by Straw to approve the Committee report
and recommend approv�l of the waiver, The motion ca.rried un�nimously.
B. �.820 Drake Ro�d (3) Helen Stevens
Committee Chairman Senstad read the following report:
"The petition is for a waiver of Section 3.0�. Zoning Code - creation of a
sub-standard lot. Tre petitioner desires a w�.iver of 31' in order to create
a b9' wide lot with an area of 8,000 sq,. ft. on part o� Lots 1 & 2 o,f Yale
Garden Homes. The dwellin� presently located on this lot was built as a
double bung�.low. However, it is not being used as a. double at this time. The
petitioner desires this lot division in order to reduce the taxes and �ssess-
ments on this lot, which has 200' of frontage on Dz�a.ke Road.
The Committee un�nimously r�commends deni�l. because:
l. Tn�.ile this house is not being used as G double at the present time, it
wa.s constructed as a double and could be used this way by a st.absequent owner.
2. The property clivision would create a substandG.rd lot and place the
existing structure in a non-conforming sta.tus."
The petitioner, �Zrs. Helen Stevens, was present for discussion.
It was moved by Bedwell a.nd seconded by Stra,w to accept the committee report and
recommend denia.l af the waiver. The motion carried unat�imously.
C. �,20 Clover Lane (8) Myron Andersan
Cammittee Chairman Senstad rea.d the follo�ting report:
,rThe petition is �or a w�iv�er of Section 3.11 Zoning Code - Frontyard setback. �
The petitioner desires a.. wa.iver of 1�' to a setback af 31' along Clover Drive and .
a ti,raiver of 3��' to �. setback of 312' along Woodstock Avenue on Lot l, Black 1
of Cloverlea.f Terrace, S�cond Addition. This lot is well above the minimum
standards established in the Zoning Code. The maira problem is that the house
is too l�.rge for the lot. The Ordinance Committee unanimously recommends denial
of this petition.t'
The petitioner, T�yron Anderson, was present.
It wcs moved by Bromschwig a.nd seconded by Bedwel� to accept the committee report
and recammend denial of the petition. The motion ca.rried unanimously.
Minutes of the G V Pla,nning Commis�i�:on Page 3 11-12-6l� �r�Q�
D. 1501 & 1505 Pennsylvania Ave N (15) Herbert A Smith
Committee Chairm�.n Senstad re�.d the following report:
"The petition is for a waiver of Section 3.0�2 - Mergex o� 2itle. The petitioner
desires a waiver of the Merger of Title in order to build on two lots 60' wide
on I�ots 6 & 7, Block 1 of Winnetk�. Addition. A precident w�.s established in
October, 1961�, when a very similar wa,iver was approved on Lots 1 & 2 of the
same block. The Ordinance Committee unanimously recommends approval vf the
waiver of Merger of Title on these lots, pointing out that a waiver will be
needed in order to build on the corn�r lot - Lot 7."
It was moved by Hetman and seconded by Ra.ugla.nd to accept the committee report
ar�. recommend a.p�roval o.f the waiver. The motion ca.rried unanimously.
E. 9?�50 ti�dinsdale Street (20) I. T. Ma.us
Committee Ch2irma.n Sensta.d read the follo�ring report:
"The petition is for a wa.iver of Section 3.11 Zoning Code - Frontyard setback.
The petitioner desires a waiver of 11' to a setback of 2�' along Winsdale St.
on Lot 10, Bloek I�, of Lakeview Heights First Addition. Th.is waiver is similar
to others granted on corner lots in this are�. The property adjacent and north
has been built upon, the-refore, the petitioner cannot a.dd to this lot. The
Ordinance Committee un�nimously recommends approv�� of the petition, stipul�ting
tnat Village Ordina.nees and regul�.tions sha.11 be complied with in all other
It wa.s moved by Discher �nd seconded by Lynch to accept the Committee report
and recommend. approval o.f the petition. The motion ca.rried unanimously.
�'. 9�00 Winsdale St,reet (20) I. T. Maus
Committee Chairman Senstad rea.d the zollowing report:
"The petition is for a waiver of Section 3.11 Zoning Code - Frontyard setback.
The petitioner desires a w�.iver of 11' to a frontyard setback of 21r' along
Winsdale �treet on Lot q, Block �., of Lakeview Heights First Additian. The
Committee read a letter received from Mr. Henry C. Hockel, who owns the
�.djacent Lots 7 &: 8 along Independence Avenue. P�Ir. Hockel would be willing to
sell 20' to the property in question, thereby increasing this lot to 81' and
1ea.ving 100' on Mr. Hockel's lot. Mr. Maus indica.ted tha.t he taould be willing
to do this.
No action wa,s necessary on this petition because w�i.vers would not be needed
on the 81' wide lot. The Committee recommends, however, th�.t the dwelling
located on this lot face Independence Avenue."
The Planning Co�rnnission recommends that the petitioner's fee be returned since
no Commission action wa.s needed.
G. Residential Zoning Sub-District R-1 & R-2
Committee Cha.irman SEnstad read the follo�aing report:
"The Committee rev�.ewed the a.lternat,ive to creating a separate zone (�-2)
for double bungalows. The changes previously recommended by the Ordinance
Committee could remain in ef�ect even if the alternative suggested by the
Pla.nner wa.s used. The altern�.tive would only necessitate the addition of a
� � Q Minutes of the G V Planning Commission Page � 11-12-6�
par�graph under "Permitted Uses" .
The Ordinance Committee recornmends that double bunga.loVas or duple�es be
permi.t�ted on lots wh�.ch ha.ve direct access to m�jor �rterials - or on lots
adjacent to hea.vier use districts, or on lots platted specifically for doubles
prior to Ja,nua.ry l, 1965. The ma.jor thoroughfares would be listed in the
Ordinance :'�.�d wou�d be county, or municipal state aid streets or front�ge
roa.ds thereof. However, a.11 of the aid streets would not he�.ve to be included
in this ma.jor arteri2,ls list."
It �ras moved by Str�.w �n�. seconded by Discher to recommend approva.l of �the
Committee report. The motion failed with 3 a.yes, 7 na.ys.
It wa.s moved by Pennock a.nd seconded by Hetman to refer this ba.ck to the
committee with the request tha.t Bob Skare be present at the committee meeting
and that ?.11 members be natified of this meeting a.nd tha.t as amany as
possible be in attend��.nce. The motion caxried una.nimously.
�L Ordina.nce Ci�ange �or minimum dwelling size
Committee Ch�irma.n Sensta.d re�.d the followin� report:
"Section 3.12 of the Ordinance s'cates that the building width on a.ny corner
lot shall not be reduced to less than 20' a.t the gr�und story level. The
Orclinance Committee recommended tha.t this widttl be incre�.sed to 2�� with one
?nember voting no. This t�ould seem architectua,lly more sound and would better
accommod�.te room sizes and construction materi�.l lengths."
It w�s moved by S�r�w and seconded b57 Discher -to �.ccept the committee report
�nd recommend that this widtYi be increa.sed. The motion f�iled with 5 ayes,
6 nays.
I. 3231 Scott Ave N (3) Ma.rtin D, Coughlin
Committee Cha.irman Senstau read the following report:
"Th.e petition is for the wa.iverof Section 3.11 Zoning Code - sideyard setback.
The petitioner desires a ja�iver of 1 foot to a setback o�° 10 feet, where an 11
foot setb�ck would be required on this 7�' wide lot, ora Lot 13 of Yale Gardens
Homes. This wasver rectifies a small existing discrep�.ncy ora the south side
of -the house, in order tha,t a con�orming a.tta.ched gara.ge may be built on the
north side. Th� �rdinance Coz�s�ittee recommends �pproval of the petition."
The petitioner, T��a_rtin D. Coughlin, w�.s present.
It wa,s moved by L�ncn and seconded by Senst�.d to a.ccept the committee report
�.nd recominend a�proval o� the wa.iver. The motion ca.rried unanimously.
A. Street Va.ca.tion {�) �.216 Popl�r Drive
Committee Chairm�.n Pennock read the following report:
'rThe petitioner w�.s not �resent at the commit�ee meetiq�, and he did nat �°urnish
the sta�f with �. sv.rve;� oi his property �s requested at the last meeting. The
rna..tter w�.s defer�ed until nex.t month."
Minutes of the G V Plannin Gommission 11-12-6� Page 5 ��� �
B. Street V�.cation (19) 23�0 Valders Ave.
President Brown read the following report:
-"The petitioner, Mrs. Bluem, wa.s present.
This petition is for a vacation of Va.lders A_:e. north of Wynwood Road. This
25' wide extension of Valders was dedicated when R�chl2nd Hills Second Addition
was platted in 1959• At th.at time, the general plan for the area. showed
Va.lders AVenue continueing north to Medicine Lake Road. This street pattern,
however wa.s not followed when Jonellen Terrace was platted in 1961. The
Planning Commission recom�rided den�_al of that pla.t in August, 1961, because
Va.lders Avenue did not continue through - north of Wynwood Road.
Tf the propose� street vac�.tion were approved, 2.CC85S to the 7'Ea.I° of parcel
3l�00 of 2�09 Winnetka. could only be gained from Jonellen Zane. At the present
time, thi.s lot has a 25' wide eornEr which fronts on Jonel2en Lane. This does
not ssem sufficient for complete development of the property, nor would the
fu.11 frontage o� the lot abu'i,t a public street as required under th "Platting
Regulations". It appears as though it would. be �ossi�ble to develop a turn-
around in this are� i�' the property was developed wi_th the p�rcel adjacent
a.nd north.
Finally, the v�.cated property would revert to Lot l, Block 2 of Rich.land Hills
Second Add.ition. This Iot �ld ha.ve more tha.r� I00' at the building setback
line and thevac�.tion would allow the proponent to develop a dtiaelling in a
northwest-southeast alignment on tne lot. The proponent is mainly interested
in preserving trees along the nrotion to be vacated.
TYie Long Ra.nge Committee recommends that this petition be considered by the
PZat Committee a.t i,ts meeting next month, �t which time the owner of the
parcel 31�00 be present. A plan should be worked out for access to this property
since one of the remaining access points would be eliminated by this va.ca,�ion.
If this can be ��.ccomplished vi�. Jonellen La.r�e, Valders Ave. should be vacated.3�
It wa.s moved by Lynch and seconaed by Bed��rell to accept the committee repo�t
and refer this back to the P).at Committee to be considered by them next month.
The motion carried una.nimously.
C. Street Pattern (19) Co. Rd. 18 - rrontage R�ad
Committee Chairman Pennock rea.d the follohr.�ng report:
"The Committee reviewed �. proposed alignment for th.e Frontage Roa.d. along
County Roa.d 18 from Duluth to Medicine Lake Roa.d. The propos�.l is from Count�
Engineer, L. P. Pedersen. The alignment shows the frontage road south and e�.st
of the liquor store located at this intersection. The frontage ro�.d at the
proposed location would. ea.sily be tied to T�T�dley Lane through the Medlevr Hills
Second Addition. Nledley Zane would then serve �,s one of the major accesses
to the shopping ure�. from thesingle family hon�es to the ea.st.
Also, the pro,�osed alignment would serve a.s the south and east perimeter of ths
commerci2.1 zoning loca,ted in this �rea excep-t; for commerci�.l strips extending
along Medicine Lake Roa.d and County Roa.d 18. The i'rontage road would intersect
Medicine Lake at approximately Hillsboro �venue. The Long Range Committee
unanimously recommends approval of the alignment proposed by the Hennepin County
Highw�.y Dep�.rtmen� a,nd recommends subsequent review by ti� Zoning Committee
for possible changes in the Commercial Zoning at this intersection.t'
� � � Niinutes of the G V Planning Commission Page 6 11-12-6�
It w�s moved by B�omschwig a.nd seconded by Hetma.n -c.o accept tkie committes re�ort
and recommend approval. The motion c^.rried unanimousl��.
D. Street Re�.lignment (22) County RoG.d 18 - ?^Testern AVenue
In�'orma.tion will not be avail�.ble for consider�.tion of this petition until the
December meetinQ.
E. S�reet Intersec�ion (10) Highwa.y 12 - France Avenue
Cormnittee Chairma.n Pennock re<:a.d tne �'ollo�aing report:
"Du� to a bridge being rer�o�red over the r�.ilro�.d tr�.cks �:long Ced��.r L��ke Road
in St. Lo�is P<�.rk, s�Lreet �lignmen�ts in St. Louis ��..rk may be changed. Zn the
past, a consider2bl� amoL:��, of t�ze tr�.ffic ti�ras c�.rried by Ceda.r Lake Ro<^,d to
Fr�nce Avenue to �aira� l�e. ta Cedar L,�.ke Road �.nd fin�.11y to Glenwood Parkway.
This has been disrup�ted by the removal of the bridge across �che railroad tr�cks.
The R<3ilroad and. �F1�.rei�ouse Commission has been holding hearings ii�volving
�rimarily S-t. Louis P�rk �nd t��e Railroa.d, in trying to de'cermine whethEr th.e
bridge should be repl�ced. Goiden V�.11ey i.s involved to the e�tent tl�za.t one of
the soiutions to the problem would be tca run Ced�.r Lake Ro�.d a.long the nor��i
edge of the ra.ilro�.d �,ra,cks to Fra.nce Ave. and develop:an interchange at France
a.nd I-Ligh;��� 12. The Villa�e, however, ha.s been o�posed to �.n interch�.nge at
this loc�tion in the p�:.st. The Pl�.rning Commission dpproved a.n interch�.nge at
Glenwood Pa.rl�,r�.y ir� 1960, This �r?s turned clown by i�Iinne�polis in favor of one
at Fra.nce h Tenue.
Th.e Sta.te Higlzw.�.,� De�a�.rtmeni, subsequently received �. protest in November, 1960
�rom the Vill��ge ��.yor and residents in South Tyro1 ITills.
r ollowing this, represen�ta�tives of Golden Va?ley in � meeting ti�ith St. Louis
Pa.rk, I�iinneapolis and the S�tate ir� 1961, �aet�t on record favoring a. tunnel under
Kightia�y 12 �.t 1�l�ine Pa.ss withou� �.n interch�n�e at Fr�.nce t�ver�ue.
The Villa�� is a.lso involved in this to the e�tent ti:a.t it effects a.ccess to the
east �°or residents oi Soutn Tyrol Hills. Access to the �ormer route could be
obtainec� from South Tyrol by buildinn a brid�e f�.cross the railroad tra.cks at
Frr.nce live. The Lan� Range Committee recommends tz�a.t tize Pl�.nning Commission
a.nd Counc�I mee� �nd discuss this problem together s��_nce there �.re so m�,ny
detU.ils in�.rolved. It is �11 but impossible to p�.ss 3.lona a. complete written
recommend,��:tion on tlais subject.ti
The Village M�:.n�.�er, Roger tllsta.d, ti�rr,s nresent to dis�uss �.nd e��nd upon the
recent he�.rings held by the R�:ilroad and S�1a.rehouse Cor�nnission.
It tia�s moved �y Ra.u;l:�.nd a.nd seconded by Bed�rall to accept th.e committee re�ort.
Ti�e motion c�.rried una.nimous7_y.
F. Tr�ffic�ineer
The Lon� �i�.rage Committee recorrunended to �he V:�.11�.ge Ma.na.�er a.nd tl�e V�_lla.ge
Enoineer, �rho ti�erE both prESentg that tne Vil.lrlge study the possibilit;� of
hiring an assistant engineer �rith �xperience in �r�.fiic engineering.
Minutes of the G V Planning Commission Page 7 11-12-6� ���
A. Lot Divisions Approved by the Sta.�i
12.' S-tevE Hlady Lot 9, Auditors Sub - 361
13. Lyle M Jensen Lot 6, Bloc�i l, Spruce 2nd �iddition
1'�. Albert UJitt 1511 Xenia. liVe N
15. I�Zarion Penny 1533 Lil�..c Drive
It w:s moved by Velz and seconded by Pennock to recommend approva.l of the
preceding lot divisions and to wa.iverthe Platting Regalations by resolution of
the P3�a.nning ^.��.,:m�_s�=�c�� ihe motion c�� � �_ew _�.�animously.
B. Next Xear's Program
The Planner, John Voss, pointed out tiiat a prograxa will be drawn up for
considera.tion next month and any suggestions from Commission members would
be welcomed.
A motzon w�s entert�ined for adjournment at 10:�:0 P.F�I.
, fi�..i
hn S. Voss
anning Director
Joe I;. Brown, President