12-10-64 PC Minutes ��� REGULAR MEETING
December 10, 1964
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was
held on Thursday, December 10, 1964 at 7:30 P.M. at the Golden
Valley Civic Center , 7$00 Golden Valley' Road, Golden Valley, Minn.
President Brown presided and the fol1owing members were present :
Pennock, Van Hauer, Jensen, Senstad, Raugland, Bedwell , Hetman,
Straw, tynch, and Discher , Also present were Sorensen , Skar�, Phyltis
Jordahl and John Voss. '
It was moved by Jensen and seconded by Van Hauer to approve the
minutes as mailed. The motion carried unanimously.
A. Street Vacation ( 19) 2340 Valders Avenue
Committee Chairman Bedwetl read the following report.
"i�rs . R . C . Bluem requests vacation of Valders Avenue north of Wynwood
Road. At the I�ovember , 1964 meeting , the Long Range Committee
recommended that this petition be considered by the Plat Committee
at its December meeting at which time the owner of Parcel 3400 be
present, A plan should be worked out for access ta this property
sir�ce one of the remaining access points woutd be eliminated by this
vacation. If this can be accompla;shed by way of Jonellen Lane,
Valders Avenue shcu ld be vacated.
The Plat Committee felt that an adequate turn-around could not be
devetoped on the Hollenbeck property .
The Plat Committee feels that there isn� t any reason for Valders to
go north through this property. The north extension on the A. H.
Hallenbeck property (Parcel 3400) was intended to represent the
frontage on a public street for this parcel - 12.02 - 20 - should
this parcel be divided.
The �1at Committee recommends that the proposed vacation - 25 foot
strip between Lots il , Block 2, Richland Hi11s Second Addition and
Lots 4, 61ock 3, Jone1len Terrace - be approved. 7he Committee was
unanimous in its recommendation.��
It was moved by Bedwell and seconded by Raugland that the following
be added to the Ptat Cornmittee report : The P1atCing Committee
recommends approva1 of the vacation subject to the granting of the
utility easement . The motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Hetman and seconded by Raugland to accept the Committee
report and recommend approval of this vacation. The motion carried
B. McInnis Addition (9) Pat McInnis
Committee Chairman Bedwell read the following report :
�'The petitioner, Pat �1cInnis, was present.
Mi�utes of the G V Planning Commission 12- 10-64 Page 2 ��;�
This plat consists of four lots ranging in size from 12,540 square
feet to 79,500 square feet. Lots 1 and 2 have a grade of approximately
54� drop. Lots 3 and 4 have 40� front setback in order to meet the min-
imum 100� width required at the front setback line-3.04,3.�5, 3. 11 .
These lots are large enough so that this in no way impairs their
buitdable areas and furthermore the dweliing to the east is setback more
than 60� providing a graduating setback to the dwelling on the west
which are setback 35',�
The Plat Committee unanimously recommends approval of this plat.�'
The petitioner , Pat McInnis , was present .
It was moved by Pennock and seconded by Senstad to accept the committee
re port and recommend approval of this plat. The motion carried unanimously.
C . 7500 Olson Highway ( 17) Skyline Builders
Committee Chairman Bedwell read the following report :
"Skyline Builders propose a five lot plat called Skyline Plaza. These
lots coincide with the bouddaries of the recent rezonings of this area.
The proposed ptat shows a 50� right-of-way for Quebec Avenue and 5th
Avenue North where the Planning Gommission had recommended a 60� right-
of-�ay in October , 19b4. A 50� right-of-way, however , appears adequate
for two reasons :
a. A 36 ' wide pavement, which is the widest expected on these streets
could easily be developed on the 50� right-of-way.
b. With a 36� wide pavement , there would be 7 ' of right-of-way on
each side which appears adequate.
The drainage pattern for this p1at is being worked out between their
engineer , Bill Dolan, and t'he Village Engineering Department . The
Village Engineer reports that this has been resolved to the extend that
action can be taken on the preliminary plat .
The Plat committee recommends approval of the Plat providing the praponent
petitions for sidewalks along the proposed streets to be constructed at
the time the streets are hard-surfaced, The committee was unanimous in
its recommendation .��
The s�rveyor from Do1en Engineering was;:�.present.
It was moved by Lynch and seconded by Pennock to accept the committee� s
repor� and to recommend approval of a 14 foot side yard waiver along
the proposed 5th Ave. for the dwelling on Lots 7 and 8, Block 1 of the
Cottage Grove Addition. The motion carried unanimously.
D. 2300 Lee Avenue (5) Robert Hughes - Spruce 3rd Addition
Committee Chairman Bedwell read the following report :
"The petitioner , Robert Hughes, was present .
� ��w ,.
Minutes of the G V Planning Commission 12- 10-64 Page 3
This plat has six large lots meeting ali Village Platting Require-
ments . The 25 � dedication for Lee Avenue along the east edge of
the property is acceptable to the Committee.
The Plat Committee unanimously recommends approval of this plat
reaffirming its recommendation of May, 1964, The discrepancy along
the north boundary of the property has not been resolved but the
Committee recommends that tot 1 be held in obeyence and building
permit not be issued until the north boundary � iCtE is determined.k'
The petitioner , Robert l�ughes, �as present.
It was moved by Jensen and seconded by Senstad to accept the
committee report and recommend approvat of the plat. The moti�n
carried unanimously.
A. 2531 Douglas Drive ( 14) Emelia Johnson
Committee Chairman Straw read the following report:
'�The petitioner requests a rezoning from Open Development to
Commerciat of the property at 2531 Douglas Drive in order to construct
a dairy store and service station on this corner. After a physicat
of this property in June of tg64, the Planning Commission unanimously
recommended that this area be rezoned from Open Development to
Residential . Several of the lots in the area were rezoned to
Residential at that time. The Zoning Committee unanimously recommends
to reaffirm the position taken at that time and recommends denial
of this petition, �'
The petitioner was represented by Bob Baldwin and her two sons.
It was moved by Bedwell and seconded by Raugland to accept the
committee report and recommend deniai of this petition. The motion
carried with 7 ayes and l nay.
B. 595� Golden Valley Road ( 11 ) A1 Fisher
Committee Chairman Straw read the following report :
"The petitioner requests a rezoning of a two acre parcel west of
Oak Grove School from �pen Development to Multip1e Dwelling (M- 1 ) .
The petitioner , Mr. Reininger, was present at the committee meetings
in November and December . He is proposing a two story 14 unit
apartment buildir�g to be located on the high level portion of the
lot with access to the proposed Oak Grove Circle.
The Zoning Committee unanimously recommends denial of the rezoning . .
It was felt that a large apartment building located on the h��gh
level area of this lot would not be compatibte with the residential
development on Oak Grov� Circle.
���� �
Minutes of the G V Planning Commission 12- 10-6� Page 4
The petitioner was represented by Mr . Reininger .
It was moved by Netman and seconded by Pennock to accept the Committee
report and recommend denial of the rezoning . The motion carried
C . 8735 Olson Highway (22 ) National Funds
The petitioner withdrew, therefore no action was taken on the
committee report .
�. 7731 Sixth Avenue North ( 17) Dahlberg Electronics
The petitioner withdrew, therefore no action was taken on the
committee report .
A. 9200 Wayzata Boulevard (23 ) General Mills
Committee Chairman Senstad read the following report:
�'The petition is for a waiver of Sections 7.04 of the Zoning Code.
The petitioner desires a waiver of 91 ' to a height of 131 ' for a
ten story building to be erected adjacent and west of the existing
General Mills building at the N E quadrant of Co, Rd. 18 and
Wayzata Boulevard .
Findings or Remarks
o ar s � p runs with the land.
2 . The tract in question is approximatel � 90 acres in extent,
abut�ing two major highways .
3. Multiple dwellings are now permitted to eight stor�es in
height in Golden Valley.
4. Section 4.04 (a-2 ) reads : (For Multiple Dwellings ) That
high apartment buildings must have side yards at 1east equal to
their height.
5. The Committee feels that this project will be a decided
asset to the Village.
6. The Committee feels that the Zoning Code should be re-
examined by the Ordinance and Long Range Committees with regard to
higher structures.
The Ordinance Committee recommends approval of the petition stip-
ulating that Village Ordinances and Regulations be complied with .
in all other respects. ��
General Mills was represented by their Chief Engineer , Mr . Schmelzer .
It was� moved by Straw and seconded by Jensen to accept the committee
report and recommend approval of the waiver. The motion carried
� � unanimQUSly. �
B. Revision of Residential District - Chapter 3 - Zoning Code.
Committee Chairman Senstad read the following p�oposed revision
of Chapter 3 - Residential Zoning District .
� 1 �„ Minutes of the G V Planning Commission 12- 10-64 Page 5
3. Residential Zoning District
3. 01 Residentia1 Zoning Districts are hereby established as fo1lows :
(See text of Village Code)
3 .02 The following uses and no others sha11 be permitted inthe
Residential District :
1 . Country Estates and one-family dwellings : except that two
family dwellings shall be permitted on lots which -
a. Directly abutt a heavier use district, or
b. Are directly across a street from a Commercial , Light
Industrial or Industrial District.
2. Inconspicuous real estate signs and "for-sale�� signs,
relating to the property upon which they are located, and of
not more than 4 square feet in area;
3. Rental of rooms to not more than two people for todging �
purposes only.
4. Name Plates not exceeding 1 square foot in area.
5. Accessory bui1dings , such as defined in Section 12 .02 of the
Zoning Code,
3,03 No land shall be platted or subdivided nereafter so as to
create any lot of a width less than 100 feet, at the minimum
required front building setback line, and an area of less than
12 ,500 square feet; provided, however , that in cases of
unusual topography or the unusual curving of the street fronting
any lot , or the unusual shape of lots, the Vil1age Councit may, in
its d�i:scretion, approve a plat or subdivision containing 1ots
of greater or less width or a gre�ter or less width or a
greater or smaller area.
a. The provisions of Section 3 . 03 hereof shall have no
application to plats dedicated to the Viltage and accepted by
the Villa�ev.Council prior to April 4, 195�.
3. 04 In the Open Development and Residential Zoning Districts a lot
or premises of a rninimum area of 12,500 square feet (and a
minimum width of 100 feet at the minimum requireel front setbac� �
line) shall be required for on�: family housed in one building.
3 .0�� �ra the Open Development and Residentia1 Zoning Districts a
1ot or premises of a nimimum area of 18, 750 square feet (and
a minimum width of 150 feet at the minimum required front
building setback line) shall be r�quired for two families
housed in or�e building. No more than two kitchen areas shall
be permitted in any two-family dwelling.
Minutes of the G V Planning Commission 12- 10-b4 Page 6 *
��� ��
3 . 042 Whenever from and after February 1 , 1956, the title to any
lot or premises not compiying with the above minimum requirements,
becomes merged with the title to a contiguous lot or premises,
whether the tenancy be joint , individual , or in common, and
such merger creates a lot or premises complying with the above
requirements, or creates a tot or premises more nearly comply-
ing with the above requirements, after such merger of title,
no building permit shall be grant�d to any person who requests
a building permit for a sma1ler lot or premises than that
created by the merger of title.
This section s��11 not apply to land conveyed or property
described by metes and bounds; the provisions of Section 14
of the Platting Regulations shall apply to such land, Land
conveyed or described by reference to all or part of an
Auditor ' s Subdivision or all or part of a Registered Land
Survey shall be deemed to be conveyed or described by metes
and bounds .
When, in the opinion of the Building Inspector , the applicant
for a building permit for a lot or premises covered by the
provisions of this section shall agree to comply with plans
or conditions designed to effectively achieve the objectives
of this Section, the Building Inspector may, with the written
approval of the Vi1lage Manager and of the Village Engineer ,
issue a bui1ding permit without reference of the applic ation
to the Planning Commission or Village Counci1 .
Every application for a building permit for premises which
may be subject to the provisions 6f this Section shall be
accompanied by an up-to-date Abstract of Title, Registered
Property Abstract, or Certificate or Memorandum of Tit1e
containing sufficient information to indicate whether or not
said premises are subject to the provisions of this Section.
3.�5 Unplatted Property: The fol1owing provi�ons shall apply
to unp1atted property:
1 . No dwelling or accessory building shall be erected for
use or occupancy as a residential dwelling on any tract of
unp1atted land which does not conform �ith the requirements
of Section 3.04 of the Zoning Code.
2. Where land is platted into building lots, no building
shall be erected on the adjoining unplatted land nearer than
75 feet; and in no case shall any building be erected on a
tract of unplatted land, whether adjoin�ng platted land or
not, closer than 15 feet to the side lot line or closer than
5 feet to the rear lot line of the tract on which said
building is to be 1ocated except as this Chapter otherwise
provides �or accessory buildi�gs .
3.06 CHANGE OF AREAS RESTRICTED: The open space surrounding
any building now existing or hereafter erected� shall not be
so reduced or �minished by either enlarging the structures
or by disposing of land, that either the setbacks, the lot
width or the lot area sha11 be smaller than required by the
provisions of this ordinance,
�iLr �^ Minutes of the G V Planning Commission 12- 10-64 Page 7
3. 07 SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: The following building setbacks sha11
be required in the Residential Zoning District:
1 . Front Setback : The requir�ci front setback shall be 35
feet from the front property line and 35 feet from any side
property 1ine which is also a street line, but this require-
ment shall not reduce the bui1ding width of any corner 1ot
to less than 20 feet at the ground story level .
2. Rear Setback : The required rear setback shall be 20%
of the lot depth;
3. Side Setback: The distance between any part of a dwelling
or structure and the side lot lines sha11 be gaverned by the
foilowing requirements :
- a. In the case of lots having a width of 100 feet or
greater , the side setback shail be 15 f�et. -
b. In the case of lots having a width greater than 70 f�et
and less than 100 feet , the side setbaek shall be 15% of the
lot width.
c. In the case of tots having a width of 70 feet or less,
the North or West side setback shall be 10% of the lot width,
and the South or East side setback sk�all be 20% of the 1ot
3. 08 No building or other structure shali be used, erected or
maintained within 75 feet of the North line of Sections 29
� 3�, Township 118, Range 21 (commonly known as the center
line of Medicine Lake Road, between Douglas Drive � Co. Rd. 18) .
3 . �9 CORNER VISIBILITY: Between the right-of-way lines of inter-
secting streets and a tine joining points on such lines 25 ft.
distant from their point of inter�ection , or in the case of a
rounded corner, the point of intersecti�n of the tangents, no
building or structure may be erected and no vegetation, other
than shade trees trimed up a distance of at least 10 feet
above the curb line, may be maintained above a height of three
feet above the plane through their curb grades , far the purpose
of corner visibility.
3. 10 CORNICES AND EAVES : Cflrnices and eaves may not project more
than thirty inches into a required open space or setback.
3. 11 HEIGHT LIMITATIONS : t�o building shall be erected in the
Residential Zoning District to exceed 22 stories i� height.
3. 12 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS : Accessory buildings as defined in Section
12.02 of the Zoning Code sha11 be governed by the foliowing
requirements :
1 , Detached accessory buildings shall be located wholly to
the rear of the house or main bui1ding to which it is incidental ,
with at least 20 fe�t of separation between the main building
and the accessory building or buildings .
Minutes of the G V Planning Commission 12- 10-64 Fage 8 ��•�
Whe� so p1aced, the accessory building or bui1dings shall be no
less than 5 feet distant from any lot boundary line other than s
street line and no tess than 35 feet distant from a lot boundary tine
which is also a street line.
2. Garages or other accessory structures which are attached
to the house or main structure shall be governed by setback require-
ments of this ordinance which pertain to the main structure a�d not
the setback requirements of Section 3. 141 as shown above.
3 , No bailding permit sha11 be issued with respect to the
main .structure for a single family dwelling, not having a garage
unless the registered survey submitted at the time of the application
for the building permit is made ref1ects the necessary amount of
space for the location of a garage, which will meet the setbacks
and other requirements of this section.
' 4. Garaging for at least two or more �utomobites shall be
constru�ted and provided at the time that a two famiiy dwelling is
The Ordinance Committee unanimously recommends the preceeding
revision of Chapter 3 - Residential Zon�ng District. "
It was moved by Pennock and seconded by Senstad to accept the
Ordinance Committee report. The motion carried unanimously.
A. Street Vacation (8) 4216 Poplar Drive - Ardmore Drive
Committee ChaciRman Pennock read the following report:
�'The ptitioner , Raymond Lesch was presenfi. The p@t1tlOCt is for a
vacation� of Poplar Drive from the east tine of the west one-half of
�.ot 2, Glenwood Addition to Ardmore Drive.
The vacation of this area woutd not alter the existing situation
since Poplar Drive is developed only up to this point from Meadow
Lane. It would be difficult to extend poplar Dri�: to Ardmore
because of the 20% grade over the area to be vacated.
A turn around is not provided for at the end of Poptar Drive at the
present time. This could not be accomplished on the area to be
vacated because of the steep grade. A turn around could be developed
on Lot C of RLS 929 by way of condemnation but it would not be
practical due to the 1ocation of the structures on this lot.
The Long Range Committee unanimousty recommends approval provided
a 10' easem+�nt for the watermain located through the vacated property
is given to the Viltage.+�
The Petitioner , Mr . Lesch was present.
It was moved by Lunch and seconded by Raugland to accept the committee
report and recommend approval of the vacation. The motion carried
2��a Minutes of the G V Planning Commission 12- 10-64 Page 9
A. Lot Divisions Approved by the Staff
16. Joe Pazandak 2130 Douglas Drive
It was moved by Jensen and seconded by Hetman to recommend approval
of a lot division at 2130 Douglas Drive and to waiver the Platting
Regulations by resotution of the P1anning Commission. The motion
carried unanimous1y.
B. Review of Planning Commission By-Laws
It was moved by Jensen and seconded by Senstad to accept the proposed
changes in the Plann���g Commission By-Laws as mailed in the December
Agenda. The motion carried unanimousty.
C . 1965 Program
Chairman Brown read the program made by the Ptanner for 1965.
D. Appointment Qf Nominating Committee
It was moved by Pennock and seconded by Hetman to have the Ptanning
Commission President , Joe Brown, select a nominating committee for
the offices of President and Vice President of the Planning Commission
for 1965 . The motion carried unanimously.
A motion was entertained for adjournm�nt at 10:45 P.M.
� �. �--°
J n S . Voss
P anning Director
��,r � Dz:��'�s� '
�_ � 6`�
Jo L. Brown, President