09-16-65 PC Minutes REGULAR MEETING � � �
September 1b, 1965
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Pl�nning Commission was neta
on Thursday, September 1b, 1965 , at 7 :30 p.m, at the Gotden Va11ey
Civic C�nter , 7840 Goiden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota,
President Raugland presided and the foi lodving merr�ers vere present :
Straw, Senstad, Jensen, Brown, Pennock, Bromschwig, Metman and
Bedwelt , Aisa present were John Voss and Phytlis Jordah1 ,
A motion by Brown seconded by Jensen, to approve the minutes of
August 12, 1965 , as mailed, carried u�ani�nc�usly.
A. Ne1son � Manwaring ( 15 ) 1900 K�tly Qrive
The petitioners withdrew their petition for one month .
Na items this month.
A. George R �DeliaPaotera ( 18) 716 Rhode Istand Avenu� South
Committee Chairman Senstad read the foltowing report:
��The petitiai is for the waiver of 5ection 3. 07 of the Zoning Code-
frontyard setback. The petitioner desires a waiver of 3 feet fio a
setback of 32 feet for an addition to an existing home along RhQde
Istand Avenue on Lots 5 � 6, B1ock , of Ccx�►fer Ericksons 8vu1evard
The t�rdi nance Commi ttee found that :
1 , The house to the south is approximately 20 feet from Rhode Island .
2. The house to the north is setback 35 feet from Rhode Island.
3. The proposed addition wi11 not set forward of a line drawn between
these adjacent homes. This line establishes a graded setback or
a less precipitous change of setback.
The Ordinance Committee recommends approvai of the petition stipu-
lating that Vil1age �rdinances and Regulations sha11 be compli�:d
with in a11 other respects.��
A motion by He�man seconded by Bedwel1 to approve the eommittee
repart carried unanimously,
8. Edward � Johnson ( i ) 2350 Byrd Avenue
Committee CMairman Senstad read the fotlowing report:
Regutar meeting of the G V Planning Co+r�r►issian 9-13-b5 Page 2
"The Ordinance Cammittee reaffirmed the recc�mmenda�ion made tast
month which read� as fat1ows : �'The petiticjn is fc�r the w�iver �f
Section 3.�7 of the Zoning Code - fr4ntyard setback. The petitioner
desires a wai ver of 15 feet tc� a setback of 20 feet a3ong ByFd
Avenue and McNair �rive on Lot 20, Block 4, C�elphain Heighfis
3rd Additian,
The Ordinance Committee found that :
1 . The anly hardship running with this lot is its smatl siZe and
2, A 2� fsaot wide home of $50 sq ft can be buiit without waivers,
3 , Precidents sited: t�ot 1 , 81ock 3, 7yro1 Hitls Additi on, (4UtJ1
Wayzata 8oulevard} . The Ordinance Committee unanimously rec�ammends
denial of the petition."
This item was deferred at the August meeting of the Ptanning
Commissiot� because the petitioner was not present .
A mot�on by Pennock seconded by Bedwell to approve the c��nittee
report carried with 7 yeas and 1 nay,
C. Ray E Michet ( 11 ) �84Q Golden Valiey Road
Commitfiee Cha�rman 5ensfiad read the follcwving report :
�tthe petifiicm is fr�rthe waiver of SectiQn 3,07 of the Zoning Code-
sideyard setback. The petitioner desires a waiver c�f 7. 9 feet to a
setback Qf 7. 1 feefi c�n the west side �af his existing home to buiid
a 1� fc�c�t g�rage addition on LQt 4 and part of Lot 5 of Auditors
Subdivision No. 34ri.
The Ordinance Committee recommends approval of the petition stipu-
lating that Village Ordinances and Regulations sh ali be complied
with in alt ather respects. The Cc�mmittee was not unanimous in its
rec��nmendati fln, �,
The Ordinance Cc3mmittee nt�ted that:
t , The dis�ar►ce to the neighbors ho�e wouid be �+0 feet after constructinn
of the addit ian.
2. Substantiat j�stic� would be served by this action.
3. Present concurrence of the neighbor tv the w�st is on recctd.
A motion by Brown seconded by Jens�n t� ap�rrove the C a-nmittee rep�rt
carried with 6 yeas and 2 nays.
D. Einar Olson ( 19) 2Q�1 Winnetka Avenue North
Committee Chairman Senstad read the foilQwing rep�rt:
"'1'he pet i ti c>n is for the wa i ver of Sect ions 3 .04 and 3, 07 of the
�oning Code. - sideyard setb�ck - creation of substandard tot and
Piatting Regutations. The peti�ioner desires a waiver of $ feet
to a sideyard setback of 10 feet , � waiver af 7 feet to a rear-
yard setback of 2Q feet , a waiver of 4 feet to create a 1ot �6 feet
wide and a waiver c�f the Piatti ng Reguiations i n order to create
a 4 lot subdivision by a metes and bounds description on the
property at 2041 Winnetka Awenue running thro�agh to Va1ders Ave.
The Ordinance Committee ncated that:
t , i'his is a reasc�nable division of this large parcel .
_ ���,.�
Regular hteeting of the G V Plannin� Commission 9- 13-65 Page 3
2. Wa�vers are needed to bring the existing house into conformance.
3, No waivers appear to be necessary on the other three lots.
The �rdinance Committee unanimc�usly rec�ommends approv�l of the
petitions stipulating that Vittage Ordinances and Regutatians shalt
be cc>mplied with in all other respects."
A motion by Hetman seconded by .lensen to approve the committee report
carried with 7 yeas and 1 nay.
E. J F Palmer ( 15) 1300 Fiorida Avenue
��The petition is for a waiver of Sections 3.Q4 and 3.07 of th�
Zonin� Cade - stideyard setback - creation of substandard tots and
Platt�ng Regulatia�s. The petitioner desires a waiver of 2.9 feet
to a sideyard setback of 9, 1 feet, a waiver in order to create
4 substand�rd lo�s , and a waiver of the platting regulatie�ns in
order to subdivi�#e by a metes and bcands description,
The find:ings 4f the Ordinance Gommittee were as follows .
1 , The area abounds in 50 f o4t wide lats.
2. The two existing homes are of relatively lcw�r value inappropriate
to 11Q foot wide lots.
3, �rom the north , lot widths should be 75,75,80 and ?5 feet wide,
The Ordinance Committee reco�ends approvat of the peti�ion stipu-
lating that Village Ordinances and �egulations shall be canplieci
with in ali otherrespects . The Committee was not unanimous in its
r ecommen da t i on. ��
A mot�on by Jensen seconded by Bromschwi g fio rej ect the corrrni ttee
reporfi and send it back to the Ordinance Committee for reconsideration
carried unanimously.
F. John Hopponen ( 19) 2400 Valders Avenue North
Commifi tee Chairman Senstad read the foliowing report:
'�The petition . is for the waiver of Section 3. �7 of ti� Zoning Code-
frontyard setbaek. 1"he petiti�ner desires a waiver of 5 feet to
a setback of 30 feet along Valc�ers Avenue.
The Ordinance Committee found that this hc>use is not appropriateTy
designed for this lot. A futly conforming plan is entirely feasibte.
The Ordinance Ct�mmittee unanimous 1 y recom�ends denia 1 of the peti ti c>r�.
A motion by Bedwell seconded by Straw to approve tk�e committee
report carried with 7 yeas and 1 nay.
G. Grevco Construction, Inc, (4} 313�+ Kyle Avenue North
Commit�ee Chairman Senstad read the fot �c�wing report:
�"The petition is for a waiver of Secti�n 3. a7 of the Zoning Cc>de -
�rontyard setback, The petiti�ner desires a waiver o�F 10 feet to a
� � �'�
RegUtar Meeting t�f the G V Planr�ing Commission 9- 13-65 Page 4
setback of 25 feet a 1 ong Ky t e Avenue North ran Lofi 21 , B 1 ock 2
of Nobte �rove Ac[dition«
The �rdinanee Committee found that a severe tcapographical gradient
presents a genuine hardship wh�ch is best met by the proposed waiver
and unanim€�usty recommends approval �f the petition stipul�ting
that Village Ordinances and Regulations shatt be comptied v�ith in
al i other respects ,�� ,
A mc�fiion by Brown seconded by Straw to approve the committee repc�rt
carried un�nimously,
H, Arrow Equipment Co, ( i3) 5b4Q Wayzata Boulevard
CQmmitfiee Ch�irman Senstad read the following report:
"The petitian is for the waiver �f Seetion S, QS of the ZQning Code-.
frontyard an� sideyard setback. The petitioner desires a waiver
�f 29 feet tc� a setback �f 6 feet a 1ong �tayzata 8ou levard and a
w�iver of 33, 1 feet to a setback of 1 .9 feet al �ng Xeni� Avenue,
The proposed is for an a�dition fio the existing buitding, i"he
buitding woutd be atong the west side.
The {?rdinance Committee found that.
1 . The peti�ioners total parcel is adequate for a conforming building.
2, Existing nc�nconformaces are not a reassan for expanding in a
nonc�nforming ��anner .
3. The present parking arrangement is illegal . (Parking a�n street
4. The present fenced �rea in front couid be used for off street
parking .
The Ordinance Committee unanimously reeomrnends deniai of the petition,��
A motian by Pennock seconded by Hetman that this petition be deferred
for sane mc�th sir�ce the petitioners were not abie ta be pres�nt and
that the �rdinance Committee may reconsider this petition if the
Cammittee c#�airman feels that the petitioner has new or additiona3
in�ormatic�n carried unani�nQUSty,
I , A A Zeiss ( l1 ) 234� Broc�kridge
Cc�mmittee Chairman Sens�ad read the foltowing report :
�jThe petition is �For the waiver of Secti�n 3,04 c�f the Zonit�g Code-
sideyard setlaack. The p�titioner desires a waiver of 1 .5 feet ta
a setbaek of 13.5 feet aiong b�th side yards on Lot 3, Btock 4, af
Westbrook AdditTOn.
The Ordinance GQmr�ittee f4und that th� prop�sed dwelling is not
designed t� fifi this lot in the desired orientatic�n. The
Ordirtance Committee unanimousiy recommends cienial of the petition."
A moti on by Bre�msehwi g secc�ded by Bedwe 1 1 to approve the c�ammi ttee
report carried unanimausly.
The petitioner state�i that he inteded to withdraw his ordinance
. � 9�
Regular h9eeting of the G-V Planning Ccxnrnissie�n 9- 13-65 Page 5 �
waiver petition and try to accomplish the desired aiignment of this
. house by realigning the north lot iine. This wauid be done �hrough
an administrative approvat of a lot division.
J. Review c�f Mu)tiple Zoning Code
The Qrdinance Commi�Ctee completed its recommended revision of the
Muttiple Dwetiing Code which would permit I�igh-rise buitding . 7he
density standards rc�ay need further revision dependenfi upon ensuing
di scussic�ns cm multi pte deveiopment in the Vi 1?age.
The Planning Cammission deferred actis3n on this revision of the
- Zoning Cacie unt7i it has had a chance to meet with the Vi1lage
Counc� l and discuss Muttiple Dwelling Development .
A, Netson � Manwerin g ( i5 ) 1940 Kelly Urive
7he petitioner has withdrawn the request for a vacation of Duluth
5treet between Keliy Drive and Nampshire Lane.
S, Review c�f Multip1e Dwellin� Development
l�ice President Jensen said that he had talked with the Viliage
Council and that they wish to rr�;et with the �lanning Gommission
sometime during the next month to discuss the statistics and other
infcarmation that the staff has campiled relating to muifiipte
development and its relation to sing1e famity development in the
The Planner brief1y reviewed with the Cemmission the information
that the staff has ccxnpiled relating to exis�ing and projected
sing�e and muttiple dwetling development . This is the same infor-
mation thatwill be discussed at an upcoming joint Planning
Commissic>n - Council Meeting.
A. Resi�nation of R�bert Van Hauer
President Raugiand read the letter af resignation received from
Rabert Can Hauer and a tetter thanking him for his service on fihe
Commissivn from the Secretary of the P1anning Commission.
B. Traffic Cansuttant
The Ptanner relatec# recent discussions that the staf� has had with
traffie consu1tants. The hiring of a traffic consultant was reeam-
mended by the Planning Commission several months ago. In the near
future, the Vi11�ge wi11 be receiving bids for consulting services
�or a traffic survey and report .
C, �eave c�f Absence
� UV
Regular Meeting of the G V Ptanning Commission �- 13-65 �'�9e �
President Raugiand reported that the Vi11 �ge Council has granted a
1�ave of absenc� �s� �lannin� GommissiQn Members George Loughland,
and John �uxe11 for the rem�inder of this year ,
�lith the resignafiion of V�n Hauer , the active m�mbership of the
Pianning Gommissic�n temporarily is rec{uced to 12 members, therefflre
7 rnembers witt constitufie a quorum over the next few months .
D. Lc�t Uivi sions
32. 234� 8rookridge ( 11 ) A A Zeiss
A motic�n by Br4wn seconded by Jensen to recommend approval of the
preceding l.ot division and to waiver the P��fiting Reguiations by
resoluti�an of the Ptanning Commission carried unanim�us1y.
A motion was entertained for �djournment at 10:5� p.m.
� ���
hn S Voss, Pianner
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R�bert R�ugland, President