10-14-65 PC Minutes 2;�1., REGULAR MEETING OF TH E GOLDEN VAt,LEY PLANNING CQMMIS�TON October 14, 19b5, A regular meeting af the Golden Valley Pl�nning Commission was held on Thursday, October 14, i �b5, at 7 :30 P,M, at the Golden Vatley Civic Center , 7800 Golden Va11ey Road, Golden Va11ey, Minnesota. President Raugland presided and the fotlowing member.s were present: Straw, Senstad, Bedwe1l , Discher , Pennack, Christiansen, and Velz . Atso pres�nt were Sorensen, Voss and Phyliis Jordahl . A moti�n by Senstad seconded by Christiansen, to approve the minutes vf September 16, 19b5, as mailed, carried unanimously. PLAT A. N�ls�n � Manwaring ( 15) 1 �00 Keily Drive Committee Ghairman Straw read the f�llowing report ; '�The pr�posed plafi cor�sists �af 11 sin�1e fami1y 1�ts located sauth �f Dult�th S�reet and east �f Kelly Dr� ve in a 4,8 acre tract. The plat show� a proposed - Ket ly Circle, which wi 11 1ead s��uth frc�m Duluth Street . This street could be eontinued s�uth when the �r�perty adjacent and south is developed. The petiti�ner presented two �lternate layouts of the property - c�ne with 12 lots and another with il lots. The Plat Committee reco�nmended appraval �f the 11 lot plat and a1so reco�nmencied that the proposed street - Ke 1 1 y C i rc 1 e - be mc�ved at least 5 feet west at the point wh ere it interseets the s�uth boundry �f the pr�perty, A1l of the tots in the 11 lot plat meet the minimum requirements of the platting Regutations. The Piat Comm�fitee atso recamrnended that the drainage ditch running thr�ugh the west edge of the property be exactly located by the surveyc�r and a 10 f��t utility easement be granted atong this ditch. As an atternative, a storcn sewer cou1d be c�nstructed along Kelly Drivc� . This would , be subject fio the approval of the Village Engineering Dept . Als4, the petifii�ner has been infflrmed by the Village Engineering Dept. that �ae will have to petifiifln for sanitary sewer and water along Ke11y Drive and K�11y Circle and water al�ng puluth Street. The Flat Committee unanimousiy recommends approval of the piat 'sub- jecfi t� the petiti�ner s�tisfyinr the Viitage Engineering Dept. with regard fio drainage, petiti �ning for utilities, and granting utiiity easements. �� A moti�n by Senstad seconded by Fennock to approve the C�mmittee Report cdrried unanimously, ORDINANCE A. 1300 Florida Ave ( 15 ) J. � . Palmer Committee Chairman 5ensfiad read the f�tlowing reps�rt : � �� Regu�ar Meeting of the G V Flanning Commissi�n 10- 14-r�5 P�ge 2 "The pet i t i c�n i s f�r � v�a i ver af Sect i on s 3. 04 � 3. 07 of the Zfln i ng C�de - sidey�rd setback - creati�n �f substandard l�t and Divisi�n by Metes �nd bflunds descri�tions , The petit�ner desires a waiver �f 3 feet to a setbGck �f � feet �n �n �0 fo�t wide ic�t, a waiver in �rder to create 4 subst�ndard lflts ancS a w�iver of the Platting Regulations in orc�er t� subdivide by a metes �nd b�unds deseri�,ti�n. The Urdin�nce C�mmittee unanim�usiy reaffirms its recommendation �f tast m�nth which is as foll�ws : 1 . The ar�a ab�unds in 50 f��t wide l�ts. 2, Th� two existing homes are reiatively taw v�lue ina�pro�ri�te to 110 f��t wide 1�ts . 3, FrQm the north , l�t widths shouid be 75,75, �sa and a varying width t� the centerline of creek bed. 1'he Orriinance C�msnittee rec�rnmends �ppr�val s�f the p�tition stip- ulating that Vi11�ge Orciinances �nd regutations shall be c�mplied with in all �other res�ects. " A m�ti�n by Christiansen sec�nded by Straw t� a��rove the Cc�mmittee re��rt carriec3 with ane n�y. B. 5500 �I�yzata Boulevard � l3) Arr�w Equipment C�m�any C�mmi ttee Chairman Senst�d read the f�t lc�wing report : �'The �etiti�n is f�r the waiv�r of Secti�n 5,05 of the Z�ning Code- front and sideyard setback. The petitioner desires a waiver of 2� feet t� a setback c�f b feet a1Qng Wayzata Boulevard and a waiver of 33. 1 fe�:t to a setback �f i . � feet a 1 ong Xen i� Avenue , The �r��iosed is f�r an additi�n t� the existing building . The additi�n w�uld be �tong the west sicte, The Ordin�nce Committee found that : 1 , The petiti{�ners total parcel is adequ�te f�r the conf�rming buiiding 2, Existing non-conf�rmanees are not � reas�n for expanding in � n�n-conf�rming manner . 3, The present parking arr�ngement is i1iegal (parking on str�et right-of-way) 4, The pr�sent �enced �re� in fre�nt c�uld be used f�r �ff street parking, The ardinance C�mmittee unanim�usly recommends d�nial �f the ��ition. A moti�n by Pennock, seonded by Hetman that this petition be deferred for �ne mor�th, sinee the petiti�ners were n�t ak�le tc� be present and that the �rdinance Cc�mmittee m�y be able to rec�nsider this petitian, i f the Cotr�ni ttee Chai rm�n feel s that the peti ti oner has n�:w flr additi�nal infr�rmation, c�rried unanim�usly. The pefiitioners did n�t appear before the Ordinance C�mmittee, there- fore the petition was n�t �pened for reconsideration by the Orciinance Commi ttee,�� The C�r�missi�n deferred this petition indefinitety. ��� 3 Regular Meeting s��F the G V Planning Commission 10- 14-e5 Page 3 C . 1375 Oak Gr�ve Circle ( 11 ) B A McClellan C�mmittee Chairman Senstad read the followinr� report : '�The petitian is for the waiver �f Section 3.07 of the Zoning Code- sid�yard setback. The petitioner desires a waiver of 10 feet t� a setback c�f 5 feet f�r a garage addition along the west side of an existing dwel1ing on Lot 16, Audit�rs Subdivision N�. 346. The Ordinance C�mmittee fo�nd that : 1 , The additiQn of a dflubte garage on the prflperty c�r►situtues a c�nsiderable improvement . A separate garage c�,n n�t be constructed because of the precipitous grade. 2. C�ncurrence of the neighbors has been obtained , 3. Sufficient space wi11 exist between adjacent h�mes after c�nsturction, 7he Ordinance Committee rec�mmends app�oval of the petitifln sfiipulating that Village Ordinances and Regu1 �tions shatl be compiied with in all other respects . �� A motion by Dis'cher sec�nded by Straw to approve the C�mmittee r�port carried unanimous1y. D . 1637 Gettysburg Avenue North (20) Edward D J�rdan C�mmittee Chairman Senstad read the f�il�wing repart : '�the petiti�n is for the waiver of Section 3.07 of the Zoning Code- fr�ntyard sefiback a1�ng a street . The petitioner desires a waiver of 13 feefi to a sefiback of 22 ft , al�ng Naper Street for a prop�sed dwelling on Lot i , Bl�ck li , of Lakeview Heights Additi�n, The Ordin�nce C�mmittee noted that : 1 . Lot 20, Bl�cks 10 and 11 is setback 22 feet fr�m Naper . 2 . This is now common practice in similar situati�ns in [.akeview Heights Addition. The Ordinance C�mmittee unanimously recommends approval �f the petiti�n stipulating that Vil ]age Ordinances �nd Regulaticros shatl be camptied with in all other respects .'� A m�ti�n by Straw seconded by Discher to accept the C�mmitfiee rep�rt carried unanim�usly. E . 5311 Golden Valley R�ad (b) Ge�rg� E. Klouda Committee Chairman Senstad rea d the fotiawing report:' "The �etitian is for the waiver �f Section 3, 07 of the Zoning Code- sideyard setback. The petiti�ner desires a waiver �f b feet to a setback of 9 feet for a gara e addition along the west side of his hc�me on par t s of Lot s 45 � 4� of Aud i tor s Subdi v i s i�n No, 330, The Ordinance Committee f�und that : 2 �4 Regular meeting �f the G V Planning Commission 10- 14-55 Page 4 1 . The additi.�n �f a doubie garage on the pr�perty constitutes a substantiat improvement . 2. Cc�ncurrence �f the neighbors has been Qbtained. 3. Suffici�nt sp�ce will exist between adjacent hc�mes aftsr constructian, Th� Ordin�nce Committee recom�nds apprc�val �f the pztitian stipu- lating that Vitl�ge Ordin�nces sha11 be comptied with in atl other respects. "' A moti�n by Vetz sec�n ded by Straw to apprave the C�mmittee �epc�rt carried unanimt�usly, F. 2320 Lee Avent�e (4) Thomas J. Ry�n, Jr . Commi ttee Chair�nan Senstad read the f�i tc�wing re�ort : �'The pefiition is f�r the waiver �f Section 3.07 �af the Zoning Code- sideyard setb�>ck. The petitic�ner desires � waiver of 7 . 1 feet to a setback of 6,8 feet f�r an existing dwelling �n Lot 2 and part of LQt 3, Block 2 , �f �olden Va11ey Garden �lddition, The Ordinance Cc�mmittee found th�t : 1 . The home �riginally w�s built in � c�nforming situatiQn �►ri a �il f��t wide 1ofi . 2. An adciitional 32 feet was acquired, making a q3 ��ot wide i�fi. . 3. Tn terms �f a �3 fo�t wide l�t, the existing hvme is n�w non- c�nforming . 4, A waiver is needed �n the existing situ�ti�n in order tc� buiid a conf�rming additi�n. � � The Ordin�nce C��mifitee unanim�usty recommends ap�r�va1 of the . petiti�n stiputating that Vitlage Ordinances sha11 be com�tied with in a11 other respects. " A motion by Christiansen secflnded by Velz t� appr�ve the Committee report carrieci unanim�usiy. � G, c�3�0 Otson Mem�ri�1 Highway ( tr� & 17 ) Pako C�rporati�n C�mmittee Chairman Senstad read �he following rep�rt : "The peti ti�n i s f�r the wai ver �f Secti on 7.05 c�f the Zoni ng Code- sidey�rd setback. The �etiti�ner desires a waiver Qf 20 feet to a setb�ck �f 30 feet f�ar � prop�sed addition t� the present Industri�i building adj�cent t� the G�lden Valtey G�lf Club Parking Lot, The Ordinance C�mmittee noted th�t : 1 , The petiti�ner has �n file, p1ans indicating tha� this c�ntem�l�ted �hase �� constructi�n was ptanned and the pr-�esent building committecl under �td nrdinanc� r�tes (3t� foot sicieyard setback) , The Golden Va11ey G�lf Giub has written the Vitla�e a letter in which it states c�ncurrence with the re�uested w�iver , The Qrdin�nce C�r�mittee un�nimqusly recommends approval flf the petition stipuiating that Viilage Ordin�nces �ncf �egulativns sh�tl b� cc�;npli�d with in ali �ther res�ects . " Re u1�r Meetin �f the G V Flannin Co�nmission 10- 14-05 P� � 5 ��� � 9 9 9 A motion by Velz and sec�nded by Christians�n to appr�ve the C�mmittee Report carried unanimously, H. 1611 Xerxes Avenue N�rth ( t ) Town & C�untry Builders, Inc. C�mmittee Chairman Senstad r�ad the fotl�wing report : "The petition is f�r the waiver of Secti�n 3,fl42 and 3, a3 of the Z�ning C�de-Merger of Title - Creation of 5ubst�ndard 1ots - �ransfer by Metes and S�unds descripti�n, The �e�iti�ner desires a waiver of Merger of Title over L�ts 2, 3, � 4, of B1ock 5, of McNair Manor Addition and a waiver in order to create 2 sub'standard t�ts each b8 feet wide and a w�iver in �rder to subdivide by metes and b�unds descripti�n . The �rdinance C�mmittee f�und that this action foilaws the basic intent of Merger of Title Ordinance in th�t ��ts 50 feet , SO feet, and 3o feet wide are being c�mbined into two iots �f increased width. Th� Ordinance C�mmitte� unanimousiy recommends approval of the petiti�n stiputating that Village ;Ordinances �nd Regulations sha11 be com�lied with in ati other respeets. " A m�ti�n by Penne>ck seconded by Straw t� approve the C�mmittee Report carried unani�ously, I . �105 - 9i45 Ols�n Highway (22j Y�ung Cflnstruction Committee Chairman Senstad read the f�11�wing report : "The pefiition is f�r the waiver of Secti�n 4. 04 �f the ��ning Code sideyard setback. The petiti�ner desires a waiver of 20 feet t� a setback �� 5 feet f�r g�rages along the west adjacent to an . Tndustriai Z�ne and a w�iver Qf �5 feet to a setback of 5 feet far garag�s alang the east and west tot lines adjacent to an Open �eveiopment z�ne. This item was taid over for one m�nth in �rder t� give the petiti �ner time to complete the �ppiicati�n and obtain the necessary signatures." J:� K. 9255 Medicine �ake Road ( 1 �) S�peri�r 4�0 Oil Co. 9�25 Medicin e Lake �oad ( 19) �o�ert Halseth Co�mittee Chairman Sens�ad read fihe fflli�wing rep�rt : "BQth of these items were iaid over for one �nth in order to give the petiti�ner �nd sta�f time to research the reasons behind the i20 f��t setback required in a Commercial District at the intersecti�n ofi Medicine Lake Road and County R�ad ]8.�� �. 3�3� Manor Drive ( 1 ) Lorne Bettenga C�rrnnittee Ghairm�n Senstad read the fo1lowing rep�rt: "The petitivn is f�r the waiver of Seeti�n 3.a7 of the Zoning Code- sideyard setback. The petitioner desires a w�iver of l .b fe�t to a � 8�: Regular Meeting �f the G V Planning Commissi�n 10- 14-65 Pa�� 6 setback �f 5 feet �r� Lots 16 � 17 , Block 3, Delphian Heights Addn. The petifiiQner is requesting the waiver in �rder to build an addition ont� an existing h�ma, The Ordinance C�mmittee n�t�d that the ar�� has many small and odd shaped l�ts and m�ny of the houses have had �dcfitie�ns made t�o them �pparently involving waivers. The OrdinanceCa�ittee reaffirmed a rec,�mmendati�n made in ,1uly, t9b4, in which approvat was recomrnended, One year has lapsed since �ppr�v�l , there��r new action an this petiti�n is necess�ry." A moti�n by Straw seeonded by Pennc�ck t� appr�ve the Cc�mmittee Ft�:��rt carriec� �r►anim�usly. M, b545 Six�h Avenue Nor�h ( 17 ) Erlin Ekberg The petiti�ner l��s withdrawn his r�quest f�r one mc�nth in order that he m�y redesign the proposed apartment buitding , N, Review t�f P�iultipie Zaning C�de, Acti�n Qn this item was d��erred �antii the Navember meeting . ZONIfVG A. 3�01 - 400� Ols�n Memoriat Highw�y (�) James A Anders�n C�mmittee Chairm�;n Velz read �he f�i1�winc. "N� action was necess�ry by the Z�nin� C�m�itte� since its rec��mmenaati�n �n this item was made �n August 12, 1 �b5 . 1'he �lanninc� C�mmis�i�n h�s n�t actes� on this recommendati�n. Actic�n was deferred untii the st�dy �� multiples in the Village has been c�mpl��eci, '� 8, �01 � Sixth Avenue N�rth (22) R�i�ert Mil'�r C�mmittee Chairm�n Velz read the f�1l�wing : "The petitic�ner Gnd his representatives met with the Z�ning C�mmittee but �ction w�s n�at t�ken �n this item bec�use the �ommittee asked far deferrai f�r one m�nth in �rder t� give th� members � ch�nce t� visit a similar �Facility in S�. ��ul , The petiti�ner 3s rec�uesting Institufii�nal ��ning f€ar � b�ard and car e hor�e -F�r men,�� � . �5�+5 Sixth Avenue N�rth { 17} Erl in �ki�erg 1'he pet.i tic�n�r asked f�r deferrat f�r at le�st �ne m�nth in ord�:r tc� give him a chance t� redesign his building and eliminate �r-dinance waiver- requests, if pc�ssibte. ,4DMINTSTRA7IVE A. Lot Divisie�ns r �C�:/ Regular Meeting of the G V Planning Commission i0- ?4-&5 Page 7 33. E�itor Me1lber� 17 673� Gtenwood Avenue 3�+. Hipp Const. Co. 11 � 12 5�01 Golden Vatley Road A moti�n by Senstad seeonded by Straw t� rec�r�rnend apprt�val oF the preceding �ot Divisions and to waiver the Platting Reguiations by res�tuti�n of the Planning C�mmissi�n carried unanimousty. B , Minnesota Highway Departme�nt Meeting - T.H. 12 - France Avenue George Pennoc� briefty reviewed a meeting cc�nducted by the State Highway Dep�rtment hetd on 5eptember 2�, i�b5 , at which he, Sob Raug1and, �c�n Sarensen, and members �f the Council were pr�sent, The meeting was with regarc# to the development of Franee Avenue in the vicinity of T.H. 12, 1'he Village has on �i1e a transcript �� the meeting, � A mc�tic�n was entertainacf f�r adj�urnment at 10: i5 p.m. :, 1 /y.L J� n S Voss, Planner _ _�����!�'��� _ _- -- - Robert Raugland, Pr�e�ent f