12-16-65 PC Minutes �' �3 REGULAR MEETING UF THE . GOLDEN VALLEY F'LANNING CONiMISSION December 16, 1 ��5. A Reguiar Meetina �f the Golden V�li ,�y Pianning C�mmissi�n was held �n Thursday, December 1�, 1905 , at 7:30 p.m, at the Golden Vailey Civic Center , 7�i0� Golden V� tley ��ad, ��tden Valley, Minnes�ta . President #2�ugland �resided �nd the following members were �resent : Straw, Br�r�schwig, Jensen, Senstac�, Beciwell , Christiansen, Hetman, Veiz, PennQCk, Brown, and �ischer . Ais� �resent were S�rensen, V�ss, and phy1iis J�rdahl . A m<�ti�n by H�tman sec�nded by Christiansen, t� �ppr�ve the minutes �f November 11 , 1 �55, as m�iled, c�rried unar�i�n�usly. PLAT A. 251i Cl�ugtas Drive ( 14} �/illiarr; Th�;r��s C�mmittee Ch�irman �r�mschwig read the f�lt�wing report : "The �etitic�ner is requesting a divisi �n 4� a �t�� f�ot lot extending from D��glas Dr� ve t� �l�rida Avenue, The petitioner w�uld divide the 1�t in the center cre�ting a lot (�9.7 x 30Q feefi ) fr�nting on �=1�rida Avenue, The Flat C�mmittee unanim��as"ly recommends approval �rovideci the petiti�n�r dedic�te �n ad�itional 1D feet , bringing �=1orida Avertue t� � 40 t��t righ�t-�f-w�y.a� A m�ti��n by Senstad sec�nded by Str�w t� ap�r�ve the Co�nittee rep�rt c�rried un�nim�usiy, B . 7t�1 C�1�r��� Avenue ( 13) C . wt. Merchant The �etiti�ner has req�esteci that this �ia� be deferred until the Janu�ry �neetin�. C. ��35 G1enw��d Avenue ( 17) A1 Stein C�mmi �Ctee ChairmGn Br�r�schwi� read the f�ll�wina re�ort : "The �etiti�ner is requestin� th� s�.abdivisi �n �� a l�t which fr�nts �n bath Gl�nw��d Avenue �nd Kentucky Avenue, Th�re is 3ne h�use l�x at�d on the ��rcel at the present' timA, Th� �etitioner w�u1d cre�te �ne 1�t a1an� Glenwood �!:venue and tw� 1�ts fr�ntin� �n Kentuc'�y Avenue. Access t� the existing house is �r�vided for fr�m Kentucky Avenue, h�wever, the petiti �ner w��td �b�tain a �rivate easement ��ver the newly cre�teci l��t and r;aintain � �riveway t� G1enwa�d Avenue. The �l�t C�mn�ittee unanimausly recorr�-�ends ��pr��vat �r��vid�c� the �etitioner �bt�ins � �rivate driveway And �tility ease�nent �ver the l�t frantin� c�n Glenw�od Avenae in oraer t� service the existing h�me. '� � ��� , : �n�.v�- ��` �.?��� _ V Piannin� C�m;-�issi�n 12- 1 ��-�5 �a�e 2 A �;�ti �n c�� Christi�:nsen secon��� by rennac�< t� a��r�ve the Cacrmittee re{��r� carri�c� =.�n�ni�r=�usly. J . 2�vis���n � Inc�r���rati �n ��f �l�ttinc; i.��ul�ti�ns int� th� Z�ning Ca��, C�,,�rritte� Ch�� r:��e:n �r�mschwig re�� th� f�tlawin� r�p�rt: "The Secti�n �n th� f�1attinc� �erut ��ions �r�vidin� f�r F�r'.< � �i�yg�urnu dedi��ti�ns is n� 1�nger v�lid b�c��se the seeti:an �r�� which it w�s t�!<en and t�� which it s�eeific� lly referes (Minn�:s��t� State St�tut� N�, 471 .3�) hbs been re�fea1ed, The New StGte � l�nning L�w h�s � si,�ii l�r �r�vision f�r dedie�ti��ns ��r ��rks � Piaygr�unds �r � eash c��nati�n by the subdivider if the 1and bein� s}���divi�ed ��es n�t ��et �he ��r'� needs �f the mr�nici�ality.��epr-� sent�tives fr�� the �ark ��ar�, C�r. R��y Yam�hir�, Gene t��elke , and �ar'� �77rect�r, J�hn Br:�nr�a ex�Tainec� the ��tur�: ��r!� needs by are�s within the Village and r�late� this t� �ur p��ulati�n �r��jecti�n . They als� related what they c�nsiderer� � re�san��le deciic�fii �n �f �ar!� l�nd �r cash �r�rr; the subdivi�er . The Fl�:t C�r�mittee is in r�enerat agree;i�ent wi�h the �:rinci �le th�t ��r?� cfedicati �n �r cash }��yment sh�ufid �e �+�t�ined fr�am the s:abdivic�er , h�wever , the �'re�,s�nabl� �r�ti�nj' as ,�uti ined �v�,s n��t f�lt t� be �onsistent with the �ar!� needs �s �e��rter� by th� �ark ��ard, The C=�mmi ttee s�aggested that the Park ���rd rec�nsider fihe �m�unt �f the �ecfic�ti�n, �' A m��ti�n i�y �r�wn sec�nded 1ay Hetm�n th�t the F�ar� �oard �rov�de m�re in�=�rsr�tion �s t�: 1 , Th� definite ar�as where �dditian��l �;ar°� tand witl be �cquireci . 2 . �eview ��f the �r�ans by which the j��rc�iase �f the are�s c��lci be financ�d. 3 . A revi �i�n r�iatin� the e�sh dedic�tion to the �ark needs, carried �.�nanim�usiy, ZONING A . �33� G�1den V�lley R��d ( lo} C. �"he� Sk�nse C�mmittee Chairm�n Ve1z re�d the f�llowing rep�rt : "7he �etiti �ner , Mr . 5kanse, representing the �7�ugl�s Ca�npany h�s �n �pti�n t� ��rch�se the Gas C�mpany pr�perty 1�catecf at the s�uthwes�C c�rner �f G�1 �en V�1 iey Road and 4����� 1as Drive, �`he �etiti�ner is reauestin� a rez�ning fr��� O��n Deve} apment anc� Ind+�stri�l t� Ind�:strial , The �resent Ind��strial z�ning �f this l �nd inclt.�aes th� sti �utati�n that '�the ,.�se ��f the �remises sha11 �e ti;-��ited ��� Ind�stri�l use �nd �cca��ncy f�r the pur��se �f furnishin� �nd s�:��:lyin� �u�1ic utility service . Aisfl, the nflrth 142 �Feet of this �r��erty p�rallel t� and adj�cent t� G�iden V�liey 2oaa is z�n�d (?pen Dev�l�p�nent. ihe ��titi�n�r is req!�esting Ind�Strial z�nin� f�r an industrial �tse. �inute� of th� G � Planning Commi�sion 12 16 b5 ��ge 3 G �7�� A motion bzr �roT�n s�conded by �ennock th�t the �etition be d�fPrr�d because the pe�itioner we� not pr�sent e�rried un�nimou�l�. As a r�sult of an investi�ation and discussion bp the Gommis�ion it wa� felt thst the proteetivn o� the resid�ntial area north vf Golden Va1�ey Road es provided by th� Open Development �trip and a limited u�e of this property is sti11 n�eded. Ther� has besn no si�nificant ehange in �h� develpoment af thi� ar�a sinee 1952 to justify deviat�ng from the original piannign �o the area . I� it develop�s that the G$� Company has no plans to develap thia ar�a fc¢° public utility u�e, some li�hter zoning �hould be con�iderad. ORDINANCE A . 1501 Pen�sylvsni� Avenue (15) H�rbert Smith Corrnnittee Chairman Senstad read the followin� report: "The petition is f�r �he waiver of Section 3.D7 of the Zonin� Code - frontyard setback. Th� petition�r de��re� a wai�er of 11 feet to a setback af 2� �eet slong �in�d�3e Street on Lot 7, B1ock 1, of �innetka Addition. • The Ordinanc� Comrnittee found that a precident �or a 2� foot set baek ha� been estebli�h�d on Lats 7 & 8, Block �, T�innetka Addition. The Ordinanee �ommi�te� unanimou�i� recomm�nds approval a� the petition stipula�ing that Villa�� Ordinanee� and Re�ul�tion� sha11 be c�mplied �ith in �lI �ther respects, " A motion by J�nsen s�cond�d by Hetman �o appro�e the Corrm�ittee report carried unanimau9ly. ' B• 1l��.8 ToZ�do North {6) I+�fi�s . R. A. Bloom CoTrnnittee Chairmar� S�nstad read the following report: "Z'he petition is for the caaiver of Sections 3.03 �nd 3.07 of the Zoning Cade - frontyard setback, crestion of a subs�andard 3ot end waiv�r in nrd�r ta subdivid� by metcs and haunda de�Eription. The petitioner de�ire�� a waive� of 7 .9 feet to a setback of .?_7.1 feet alang W�,nsdale Street, a w8iver of 3. 6 feet to a �etback of 31.L� feet along Tol�dv Avenu�, �nd a waiver of 10 feet to create a 90 foot wide 1ot and a wa3.ver of the Platting Regul�tion� in order to subdivide by a metes and bounds de�criptior� o� part of Lo� 2� , Auditers Subdivi�ian No. 330. Th� Ordinr�nce Ct�mmitt�� noted that: This parcel can be divided into �wa lo�s of 1ega1 {100 fao� ) fronta�� and more than adequate are� . The Ordinr�nce Committee unanimou�ly recommend� d�ni�1 af the lot Divi�ion and recommends �ppraval of the setback waiver� along ?�linsdale Strc�t and Tal�do Aeenue atipulating that Villa�e Ordin�nee� and Regulatic�n� aha11 b� complied with in alI ather �e�pects. " A mation bg Hetm�n �ee0nded by Jensen to approve th� Co�itt�� repart carried un�nimously, ; L� �� Minute� of the G �' �'lannign Comm��sion 12_ 16 h5 p��e � 53'. , . � : . : „ , C . 17 Glen�aood Avenue (9) bonald ��. S�th�e Commi�t�� Chairm�ri Senstad r��ad the followi�g repc�rt: "Th� pe�itian �� for th� w�iver a� Section 3.03 of the Zoning Gede- cre�tian af �ubstandard lot. The petitioner de�ires a waiqer af 25t to creat� t�o 75 foat wide 1ot� aland Glenwood Avenue on Lot 22, Block �., of Spring Gr�en Addition. The� Ordinance Committee not�d that : 1. Th� ar�a abounds in 7a�� of 80 foot widths . 2. Adequ�t� area eeists for thr�e 1ots, however, th� shepe of th�� lat is not appropriat� for �uch a division. 3. The we�terl� �0 fe�� of thi� 1nt i� added to Lots A & D of RLS 286 would be a desireabel �olutian in the �ommitt�ets opinian. t�. Beca�x�� of access probl�m� thc 1ot ca�i not b� divid�d with an �ast-w��� line. The Ordinanc� �ommittee r�cdmm�nd� approvsZ of t'�e petition stip- ulating that �Tillage Ordinanees and re�ulatinn� �hall be comp2.ied with in aIl other re�p�cts. Th� Committee va�� nat unanimou� in it� recoirnnendatian." A motion by Hetm�n �econded by J�n�en to approve the Committee repart carried un�nimously. D, 1�.Za 8 S�amter Avenu� North (1.5) John M, L�Fromboise . � . . �__._ Corrunitt�e Ch�ir��n Senstad re�d the fol.lo�u�ing report: "The petition 3s for th� waiver of S�etion 3.07 t�f the Zoning C��e f'rontyard s�tback. The petitioner desir�s a wa�.ver of 15 fe�t to e �etback of 20 f�e� a1+�ng Winsdale Street an Lr�t 1�., B1o�k 6, of t�'innetka Additian. The� Ordinance Comm3.tte� fo�.nd that a ��tback af 2�. f eet has b�en establi�hed sTong Winsda�e in this subdivision (Lotg 7 & 8, Block 4, and Lat 7, B1ock 1 ) for �imilar situations. The Ordin�nc� Carrm��ttee unan3mously r�com�nend� approval� of th� waiv�r o� 11 f eet to a �etb�ck of 24 feet along Winsd�le Stre�t, st�pulating thst Vil3age OrdiMances and Regulations sha11 be compli.ed with in a17 other resp�ct� .r' A motion bq Pennock seconded b�r B�dwelZ to approqe the Committee report carried unanimou�ly. E. Review of ��du�tri�1, Light Industrial & Con�n.e�cial Distriet . ` Gcsde & L�ea�imn of Greenhou.se & Nur�eries. , The Ordin�nc� Committee reviewed the op��at�.on and zoning c�f th� - exi�ting gre�nhouses ar�d nurserie� ir� th� Village. �he fiv� green hous�� were f ound to be whc�l�ssle oper�stian� whi3e the three nur�eries locat�d in th� V�:11��e (Dund�e, Suth�rlends & Midland ) heve a ec�nsidera�ble �maunt af f�e��i1 sales whieh i� norm�l for thi� ope��tion. The anly refer�nce to nur�series and greenhou�e� in the Zt�n3.ng Cade is that non c4mm�sreial horticultural nurseries and non eQmmercial gre�nhouse� �re permitted in the Open D�velopment District, The ��? Minute� of' the G 'V Planning Commission 1z -16 65 Pag� 5 Open Development Di�trict al�o permits o�her e�ricultural enter- ; pri�e� �tzch a� truck farmin�, orchard�, and other types of f8rmin�. Upon initial review it appears �s though earnanercial �reenhou9e� wouZd best fit into our Indu�trial d�strict while _the nur�er�e�, par�icul�rly� because of the amount of retail sa1e�, would b�st be located in Cor�rn.ereial Districts. Th� out�ide st4r�g� that i9 � part of the nur�erg c�per�tion, however, i� nat permitted in the Cazrm�ercial District. The Ordinance Commit�ee fee1� however, that the Commercial District requirem�n�� should be amended to permit nurseri�� with s limited amount of out��.de �torage. The Ordinance Committee wi11 continu� with its review of Indu�tr�.al and Commercial Districta ne�t mc�nth. LONG RANGE COMMITTEE A, Repo�� & Reeommend�tion on Multiple_Resid�nti�1 Devlopm�nt. Cnmmittee Chairm�n Pennock resd the follovaing repert : "The Long Range C�mmitt�e again reviewed the report prepared by the S�sf'� on the e�i�ting and expected number of' sin�le famil� and multiple r��idential units i� the Vi11ag�. The report w�� b�sed upon a parcel ta parcel land u�e development pro�ection made by the Plannin� Cominis�ion. The Cormnittee sl�o discus�ad the multipl� di�tr3et ordinan��, high-rise apartm�nt� and a recent (Apri1, 1965) FAA 't�iou�ing Marke� Report" f or the Minn�apoli�-St Pau1 MetrapmZitan area . Bas�d primarily upon �he above m�ter�al and d�.�cussions - held ov�r the pa st few �nonths, th� Long Range Gomm�.itt�e formed the following recommenda�ioM for the development of�u7.tiple dw�llin�a in Galden Valley. 1. Multiple Dwelling unit� eomprise 11� af th� total nt�mber of dweZlin� uni�� in Golden Velley eompare�d to 33� for the Minneapol3.s -St Pau1 Metrc�politan �r�sa . The Planning Cm�issic�n ha� appraved an �ddit3.onal 1131 multiple units, i.e. vacent zoned Iand and recernm�nd�;d rezoning� whieh could increa�e the . ratio from 11� �0 25�. Hawever, single family home�s constructed at the sa�� tirne wou.ld lawer this ratio. The Long Rang� Commit�� recomm�nd� that st no time �hould the ratio af mtzltiple un�.ts to single family hc,me� exc�ed 25f. The number of �nultiple units should be periodically reniewed and conn�rolled through density stamdard9 am t�e Zoning Code, pl�nned Ioc�tion o�' multiple 1�ro �eets and can�truction �tendards in the building code; Thia would in�ure that the pr�domin�sntly �in�ie f�mily r�sidenti�al eharaeter of the V'i11a�e would be ret�in�d. 2 .With regard �o the Muriple District Ordinance, the Long R�r�ge Committ�e r�seommends th�t: s . The pr�s�sat con�truction standard shc��ald be reteined. Apar�ment Con�truction has virtually halted in the .Village since Februarg, 196!}, when fireproof eonstruet�on was requirad. Howe�rer, it is expected that the demand for , apartments and incr�ase in land values wilZ make cori�tructian po��ible under thf.� standarcl. 298 - Minutes of the G V Pl�nning Commi�sion 12 lb 65 p�ge 6 b. The Multiple D�strict Ord�nsnee shauld be �mended ta ine�ud� more� c��teiZed ��quirements for the de�relopment af �p�rtment �i�e� and require th�t � deta�led site pl�n be m�de � �p�rt o£ tha buildin� permit •�pP1ic€�tion. . . c. The arehitect who Xn�ill bE designing the ���r��n��it pro�fie�t should be requi�ed ta appesr when �he petitic�ns for rezdnin� and the buil.d�ng permit �re being cnnsidered . The Vi1Zag� �hould also cc�n�ider requiring architectural �upervi�ion - of apartment can�trtzctimn. � 3. The Long Ran�e Committee d`i�cu��ed dsv�lopment of high. rise buildings in �he Village. Th�e Ordinar�ce permits a rns�imum og eight stories in the Mtzltiple District. The Cnrnmittee felt that a�though the time may come when it mag be desir�able �o iden�ify are�s in the V3.11age which are suited ta '�uilding� highv�r than eigh� storie�, development under the pres�;nt Ordin�nee shauld proceed �ur�h�r befnre providing fc�r higher structures. ��Jh.en don� by amending the Ordinance and not bg waiver petitior�. A motion b� Pennock seconded b y Brown tn apprave the Commi�tee � report carried unanimou��y. • 'ADMII+TSTR1�'TIV'E A. ':Lot Divi�ions 38. 501 Meadaw Lane South . (9) Dr. Trlilford ?r�Tiden, Dr Loui� :H. Grac� 39. �305 Lou�siana Av�. N. (14 ) 01.�on Concre�e Comp�n� A motion by Jensen secnnded b v Di�cher ta recamm�r�d �pprov�l c�f the preceding Lc�t Divisions �nd tc� w�iver the P1�t�ing Regul�tions b� re�olution of the P1�nning Cammission e�rried un�nimou�ly. B. Ca�unicatic�n� ' President Raugl.and read a letter of re�igns'��:c�n f'rom La�an Stra�a. A motion by Brawn �econd�d by Pennock requesting the �ecretary to write S letter thanking Mr. Str�w for h�.� years of service an the Commi�s3on carried una��mc�u�ly. Conrm,is�ion members Discher, Hetman and Br�����,��,� �����a� �p�&t ` �h�y do not w3.sh to be eongidered for reappointment to th� Planning Cormniss3on. Their terms expire thi� yea�. A mo�ion by Jensen seconded bp Christian�en th�t the secretary write a �irniler 1�tter ta these members thank3ng t��m for their service Qn the Cornmissian carri�d unanimou�ly. �: `Board of ` Zor�ing Ap esls The PZar�ning Cmmmission reviewed the propase�d €�rdinance praviding for a Board af Zonin� Appeals �ahich taill be adoptsd on December �Z, 1��5. _ - 2�9 9 Minutes o�' the G V 1'1.anning Cc�rnmi�sion 1_?. lb 65 �'�g� 7 D. Appointment of �'ominating Cornmittee Pre�ident Raugland announeed �hat he i� appointing Mr. Brown, Chairmar�. of the Nornina�fng Committee, whien wi11. inelude Mr. Pennock and Mr. Loughland, a11 former pre�ident� oP the Camrni�sion. T. H. 12 - F'ranc� Avenue Do� �ore��en, th� Village Eng3.r�eer, reminded� the �ommission member� of an up-coming rn�eting w��h the State Highwag Department ta further discu�� dev�lopm�nt of the Frsnce Avenu�s - T. H. l?_ erea . A motion wa� ent�rtained for ad3ouur�nment at 10:}�5 P.M. -- � ��� _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ . . ,. _ � _ _ Rabert Rau�land, P��dent _ J n Vo�s, Plenner