10-13-66 PC Minutes � � REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALCEY PLANNING COMMISSION October 13 , 1966 A regular meeting flf the G�1den Vailey Planning Commissi �n was held on Thursday , October 13 , 196b, at 7:30 p.m, at the G�lden Va11ey Civic Center , 7800 Golden Valley Road, G�tden Valley , Minnesda. President Senstad presided and the f�1lQwing members were present : Anderson , 8ies , Br�wn , Carls�n, Daly, Gisvold, Hoover , Jensen, Penn�ck, Raugland, Silverman , Swanson , and Swedberg . Als� present were Otto Schmid and Phyttis Jflrdahl . MOVED by Daiy, sec�ndecf by Bies tfl appr�ve the minutes of September 15, 1966, carried unanimously, P�.AT � LONG RANGE A. JANELLE ADDITION ( 17) Nampshire & G1enwood Avenues Committee member Raugtand read the follfl�ing c�mmittee report: ��Discussion as to the action taken last month by the Planning Commissi�n to�l< place along with a report from the Village Engineer , which was read at this time. The report stated that the Engineering Dept , felt that the plat of the Janelle Addition could be approved subject t� the dedicati �n of an additi �nal 10 feet of right �f way �F�or Hampshire Avenue, 40� �f right �f way for Western Avenue, and a drainage easement over the easterly 20' of the ptat. Mr Ray ' Grossenbacher , the proponent , indicated that this was acceptab1e to him. It was also suggested that the proponent would fill in the area so the tots w�uld be appr�ximately 12 ,500 sq ft of dry 1and. This w�uld mean that the lflts wflutd be approximately 125 ' in depth, The motion was made, theref��r , by the C�mmittee recommending appr�val �f the proposed plat , c�ntingent �n the fact that the devel �per fill in the l�t to the mini�num 12,500 sq ft of dry area ar�d that he adhere to the pr�pc�sed easements as suggested by the Engineer . This m�tion carried unanim�usly. �� MOVED by Brown , seconded by D�1y to approve the plat with the stipulation carried with $ yea, 4 nay. The nays were n�t �pposed t� the plat as such but to the w�rding of "12 ,500 sq ft of dry land�� as a stipulati�on. B. ORVILLE NELSON (20) 1608 Independence Avenue N�rth Committee member Raugland read the f�llowing c�mmittee report: "Rflbert Hunt presented the case for the proponent for the prop�sed l�t divisi�n at 1608 Independence Avenue N�rth. Mr Hunt presented . to the G�mmittee a report as tt� the past hist�ry flf the lot as we11 as the acti�n taken previously by the Planning Commissi �n . Mr Hunt n�ted the present situation presented an undue hardship �n the land owner due t� fihe siZe �f the l�t involved. The proponent theref�r is requesting a divisi�n of the merged l�ts 13 � 14 into twp lc�ts; ��t 13 measuring approximately b5 ' x 135 ' and Lot 14 measuring 57 ' x 137 ' . The existing home located �n Lot 13 w�uld then meet the 5 ��. Minutes �f the G V Planning Commission 10- 13-bb Page 2 requirements of the Zoning Code regarding sideyard setbacks . Some of the Committee members n�ted that the existing merger �f title ordinance was supposedty enacted t� upgrade areas of substandard lofis , It was al sc� poi nted out by several of the Commi ttee members that there are many instances within this area �f inerged titles creating standard or near standard lot sizes . It was noted by ofihers that in no instance was there a lot on this particular btock which measured 122 ' x 135' . The rule f or this block is a tot width �f 61 � . A moti �n was made that the requested lot division be denied and that a recommendation be sent to the Council by the Commissi�n recommending denial of the proposed division. This motion did not carry due to a 3-3 vote. The Committee then suggested that the Ptanning Commission, as a body, act �n this matter , �� MOVED by Anderson , seconded by Br�wn , to recommend appr�val of the pr�p�sed lot divisi�n because it appears the divisi�n is in keeping with the neighb�rho�d, stipulating that all Village Ordinances and �2egulati�ns shall be complied with in all other respects . The motion carried with 'u' yeas, 4 nays , and 1 abstaining . ZONING A. ELKS CLUB (BPOE ) ( 17) 6600 Olson Memorial Nighway Committee Chairman Brown read the f�llowing report : "Curtis E Pearson , representing the E1ks , presentedtn the C�mmittee the pians for the prop�sed building located at 6b00 Olson Memorial Highway. Mr Pearsan pointed �ut that the proposed bui1ding was t� be located approximately where an exist�ng f�undati�n now lies . This building would be of the same design as the one . prt�p�sed for 570i Olson Memorial Highway, It was noted that adequate on-site parking was shown, although this amflunt was 1ess fihan the previous plan . It was noted by the pr�ponents that it wouid be their wish, that as many of the large shade trees lx ated on the site be saved. It was further stated that the present pian called for a continuous 50� 1andsceped area surr�unding the parking as we�t:1 as the bui lding area. Discussion ensued among the Committee members as to the past hist�ry of the area. Ifi was n�ted fihat a proposed Light Industrial rezoning was turned d�wn for this area several years ago, The pr�perfiy to the east is zoned Open l7evelopment . A motic�n was made t� recommend approval Qf the proposed I-3 zoning and carried unanimously. In additi�n the Cflmmittee would like t� suggest that the lighting for the prop�sed Elks Club parking lot meet the standards regarding reflecti �n as stated in Section 7 ,Ob of the Z�ning Code. This states that alt c�utdoor illuminati�n shall be provided with lenses, reflectors or shades which witl c�neentrate the lightupon the premises so as t� prevent glare or direct rays of 1ight therefrom frc�m being visable upon any adjaeent hgihway �r street �r any private property s�ccupied for residential purp�ses. " �� � Minutes of the G V Planning Commissi �n 10- 13-6b Page 3 MOVED by Jensen , seconded by Ander son to rec�mmend approva t t�f the rez�ning , carried unanimously. ORDINANCE A , PARKING IN THE SETBACKS C�mmittee Chairman Raugland read a report fr�m the C�mmittee c�ncerning parking in the setbacks . Discussic�n took place as to whether the Ordinance should be in a specific �r general nature , whether �r not it should deal with iandscaping flr parking, and in the affirmative c�r negative vein . It was decided that the Planning Staff should take a windshield survey of the cc�mmunity , They would then determine the practice that is naw taking place regarding existing parking in setbacks . B . DETACHED CANOPIES FOR SERVICE STATTON PUMP ISLANDS It was decided th�t no further clarification was needed in that the present wording of the Ordi nance covers thi s rra tter . ADMINISTRATIVE A, wAivER 0� PLATTING REGULAI'IONS R. L. Herberger {5j 2420 Lee Avenue North A report was made on the waiver of platting Regulations tc� be recommended t� the Viilage Council . B. C�unty Road i8 between T.H. 55 and Medicine Lake Road Layout C , dated August , 19bb, was presented ts� the Planning C�mmission. They did not apprc�ve the plan, but they do approve the upgrading of County RQad 18. A m�ti �n was entertained �For adjourn�a�nt at 11 :00 p.m, f�� �'�1� '(��, t���,a,,. `�� ---- - ----- --- ------- --� `�..� - -------------- President Paul Senstad Secretary Otto Schmid