12-15-66 PC Minutes � �
Deccmber 15 , 1966
A regular meeting �f the G�lden Valley Planning C�mmission
was held on Thursday, Dec�mber 15, 1966, at 7:3� p.m. �t the
G�lden Valley Civic C�nter , 7800 Gfllden V�lley R�ad, G�lden
V�lley, Minn�s�ta. President Scnst�d presided and the
f�ltowing members were pres�nt : Daly, And�rson , Bies, Brown ,
C�rlsfln, Christi�nsen , H�over , Pennock and Sw�nsan. Ats�
pres�nt wer� Ottfl Schmid and phyltis J�rdahl .
A. Future Land Use of Remaining Open Dev�t�pment Ar�as
Committee Chairman Penn xk read the f�llowing rep�rt:
��A m�ti�n was m�de to postpane any action on future land us�
proposats for the �p�n zoned areas until the fu11 Commission
meets with thc Cfluncil in order to obtain an understanding �f
the principles which thc Council feels sh�uld be foilawed in
this m��ter . Moti�n carried unanimously.��
MOVED by Pennock, s�c�nded by Brown , carried to �ccept the
Committee Report.
B. R�p�rt on June Avenue (Upper � Lower ) RQbbinsdale Pr�j�ct
C�mmittee Chairman Pennc�ck read the following reportc
"The Long Rangc C�mmittee, aft�r hearing a repart given by
the Planning Direct�r , un�nim4usly recflmmc�nds that this tiem
be rcferred t� th� C�uncil f�r its attention, in th�t they
feet that this is not a Planning C�mmissi�n matter . ��
MOVED by Daly, s�c�nded by Penn�ck, carried t� accept the
Ct�mmi ttCe repflrt.
A. C�iarles E. Anders�n (8) G1enw�c�d � N�rth Li1ac Drive
C�mmitt�� Chairman Brown read the f�il�ring rep�rt :
"It was the cons�nsus �f the C�mmitte� that fih� basic Residential
character €�f G 1 enwoc�d Avenue be mai ntai ned. Obvi�u s t y a
Busin�ss �. Professional Office use at this p�int is not con-
sistent with this abjective and would lead tc� further propflsals
af a simil�r nature.
A m�tion was madc th�refor and carried unanimously tc�
r ec*�mmend den i a 1 �of the propos�d zon i ng,��
Mc�ved by C�r 1 sc�n, secc�nded by D�1 y, carri cd tc� approve the
CORI1711ttCC report of denial ,
5 �
G V P1anning Cflmmission 12- 15-66 Page 2
B, Hopkins Realty Inc, ( 16) 6305 Golden Vall�y R�ad
C�mmitt�e Chairman Brown read the following report :
"The C�mmittee revi�wed the past history �f this parcel and
fiollowing considerabte discussion an this petition with the
p�titi�ners , along with �bjecti �ns express�d t�w�rd the -
Commercial proti�n of the request, thc petitioner wishes to
hav� his petition deferred f�r on� month to amend the p�tition. "
C. Group Health Pl�n, Inc. ( 13 ) 5915 Gl�nw�od Av�nu�
Committee Chairman Br�wn read the foll�wing r�p�rt :
��The petiti�ner is requesting Instituti�nal (I-3) zoning,
C�nsiderable discussion was held with the p�titioncr . This
project w�uld �dd t� th� �ire�dy established heavy tr�ffic
�n Gtenwood Avenue.
Nflthing �dditional was presented th�t woutd ch�nge the c�n-
sideration that lead the C�mmittee previ�usly to rec�mmend
deni�l of Business and Professional Office Use,
Therefore it was moved and carried unanimously to re�ffirm
actifln previausty taken to deny the rezoning and the Committee
recommends that this area re�ain resid�ntiat ."
MOVED by Swanson , scconded by Pennock, carried t� appr�v�
the C�mmitte� report.
A: app�intment of N�minating Committee
President 5enst�d appointed Joe Brown , Ge�rge Pennock, and
Paul V�lz to serve �n this committee.
A m�ti�3n was ent�rtained for adjournmcnt �t 9:30 p,m.
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President Paul Senst�d Secretary Otto Schmid