07-13-67 PC Minutes � � REGUl.AR MEE-TING OF THE GOLDEN VA�LEY PLANNING COMMISSION ��ly 13, 1967 A regutar meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held on Thursday, July 13, 1967, at 7 :30 p.m. at the Golden Valley Civic Center , 7800 Gotden Va11ey Road, Golden Vatlley, Minnesota. President Senstad presided and Swedberg, Swanson, H��ver ,Christiansen, Silv�rman, Pennxk, Velz , Anderson, Franzen, and Cartson were present, 1�`l:so present were Lynch, Schmid ,Phyl1is J�rdahl . Members absent : Brown, Raugland, Bruch, Jensen, Daly, Johnston. MOVED by Christiansen, sec�nded by Cartson, unanimously carried t� approve the minutes �f June 15, 1967, as mailed. ZON ING A. 5950 G�lden Valley R�ad ( 11 ) John Cr�ss Committee member Anderson read the f�llowing rep�rt : '�The proponent was present and presented his petiti�n for rezoning appr�ximatety six acres near the Oak Gr�ve Scho�l from Open �eve1opment to Multiple M- 1 , Mr . Cr�ss intr�duced to the commifitee his engineer and architect, who then proceeded to explain the difficulties of developing the area. Ptans f�r an 8 building, 64 unit comptex were presented along with an exptar�ati�n that the would be well landscaped and the proponent would develop; the creek to its fullest aesthetic value, The C�mmittee, in discussing this petition, noted that this area would lend itself as a buffer between the residences on Oak Grove Circte and the C�mmercial and Industrial areas to the south, The C�mmittee atso be1ieved that no particu1ar problem would arise as far as in- creased traffic is concerned. Uiscussion als� t�ok place as to why this area would n�t be particularty suited f�r singie family deve1opment. The c�mmittee noted that the terrain was such that a netw�rk of streets in this area w�uld pose s�me difficutt engineer• ing problems . Further , after studying ph�tos of the area, the C�mmittee believed that the terrain as wetl as certain physical features w*�uld not btend with the type �f single family h�using n�rmally f�und in G�lden Valtey. The C�mmittee therefore rec�mmends unanimously that the petition f�r i�1ultfple M_ 1 f�r this six acre tract be approved. The Committee also rec�nmends that the C�uncil rez�ne at the same time, L�ts 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 �f Audit�rs Subdivisi�n No, 346 t� Residential . " Pr�perty owners , Mrs . �a11 , Mr . � Mrs. B. A. McClellan and Merv Langdon, were present , They expressed the view that they were not �pposed to the development , but w�u1d like to see the lay�ut revised. MOVEU by Swedberg, seconded by Pennock, unanimously carried, to approve the committee report and recommend this rezoning. s� 2 Ptanning Commissi�n Members Minutes 7- 13-67 Page 2 8. 7931 Wayzata Blvd (23 ) Ronald A Steile C�mmittee member Anders�n read the f�llowing report : '�The pr�ponent was present and explained his petiti�n for G�m- mercial zoning t� the Commi�tee. Mr . Steile explained that he was in the landscaping and lawn sprinkler business and wou}d li �<e t� use this parcel and existing dwelting f�r his b�siness and h�me. The C�mmittee, in discussing this petition n�ted the following: This request w�uld, m�re �r 1ess, c�nstitute spat zoning; the Village, if they appr�ved this petition, w�uld be placing this prop�sed use in a tegal status but w�uld also ptace it in a n�n- c�nf*�rming one due t� the strict require�+ents of the Code; the area itself presents a pr�blem but the Committee betieves that the entire three parcel area should be studied in total , The C�mmittee theref�re rec�mmends unanimc�us1y that the request for C�mmercial zoning on this single parcet be denied. " This item at the request �f the props�nent will be held �ver until next month, allowing the prop�nent tc� d� some more investigating �f the highway plans and als� perhaps this request can be con- sidered �n a three parce1 basis. P LA T A,_ Glenway S1�pes �th Addition ( 13 ) Gerald T Coyne Committee Chairman Carlson read the fol1owing rep�rt : �'Mr . Coyne was present and presented ts� the committee his pre- timinary plat called Gtenway Slopes 4th Addition, This plat c�nsists flf 5 tots , each �f which meets the 12 ,500 sq ft per lot minimum, Mr , Coyne exptained that a 40 f�ot setback was shown �n the pre-plat because in the lst , 2nd, and 3rd Glenway Addn, deed restricti�ns prohibited bui1ding closer than 40 feet tv the lot line. The C�mmittee, in reviewing the ptat, noted that the required 100 foot width at the required 35 fflot s�tback line was n�t met on Lots 2 � 3 , Bt�ck l , because �f the curvilinear stree�C and the po�r soil c�ndition affecting these tofis." The Committee unanimously rec�mmends acceptance �f this piat subject t� the apprQva1 �f the Engineering Department, stipulating that all Village Ordinances and Regulatiflns shall be c�mplied with in all other respects." MOVED by Velz, sec�nded by H�over , unanimously carried t� recorrnnend approval �f the prop�sed plat. . B, Har�ld � Glenwood Avenues ( 17) Rev Sylvan A tang C�mmittee Chairman Carls�n read the foliowing report: O � Ptanning �ommission Minutes 7-13-67 Page 3 "Rev Lang requested that the C�mmittee hear him in pers�n as he was unable to attend the previous month� s meeting. The request was granted and Rev. �.ang then gave his explanati�n f�r the re- quested l�t divisi�n. The C�mmittee in reviewing this request, noted that the main rea- son f�r the divisi�n was a financial one and theref�re beyond the scope of this Committee' s work. Apart from the financiai reasons expressed by Rev Lang, the Plat Committee believes th� good ptanning would dictate that the pr�posed divisi�n not be atiowed, The Committee further asserts that at the time the entire lot becomes property of the church, a merger of L�ts 64 � b5 would be in keeping with past Village pr�cedure. The committee, there- fore d�es not wish to set precident on such matters and unani - m�usly rec�mmends denial , '� MOVED by Velz, sec�nded by Anderson , unanimously carried to approve the corr�r►i ttee report of denia1 , ORllINANCE - LONG RANGE A, PERFORMANCE STANDARDS C�rmnittee member Franzen read the following report: �'The C�mmittee received a verbal report from the Planner as to the status of the prop�sed performance standards. He noted that such an undertaking wasdifficult for this was a relatively new area in �rdinances. The C�mmittee suggested that the Village proceed cautiously on this matter and f�rmulate an �rdinance that would be workabte as well as one the Village c�uld enf�rce. The C�mmittee in- structed the Staff tfl f�llow closely the work of the State Agency responsible for air and water polluti�n controt . In addition, a suggesti�n was made that the Staff and the Committee work ct�se1y with industry in the Village to see if the prop�sed standards could be complied with, The c�mmittee also instructed the Planner to appr�ach the Council and obtai� their feeiings on such an undertaking. As a result �f that directive the following mem� witl be sent to the Gouncil Members : MEMO T0: Golden Valley Vil1age C�uncil FROM: Long Range and Ordinance Committee SUBJECT: Perf�rmance Standards Presently, the long Range and Ordinance Committees are studying the p�ssibility �f incorporating int� the Zoning C�de a set of Performance Standards. An example of such an additi �n is en- closed it�r your attentio n but is in no way a finaliied proposat . The C�mmittee is seeking the comments of the Village C�uncil as t� tMeir feelings c�n such a matter as this. The Committee woutd briefly tike to know if the Council believes such an addition to the Zc�ning Code is practical , workabte and enf�rceable. B. State Aid Glassificati�n lOth Avenue North from Winnetka Avenue t� C�unty Road 18 and B�or►e Avenue from T H 12 to T H 55 Committee member Franzen read the f�ll��wing report: � � Ptanning C�mmission Minutes 7- 13-b7 Page 4 ��The Planner presented to the Committee a proposal t� designate the ab�ve roadways as part of the State Aid System. In reviewing the pr�posats, the Committee had n� �bjecti�ns, but did suggest that at this time tOth Avenue be designated State Aid fr�m Winnetka Ave to B�one Avenue �niy. The C�mmittee w�uld like to see the p1ats of the areas west �f B��ne Avenue bef�re further State Aid designation is given to tOth Avenue Narth. The G�mmittee theref�re recommends that State Aid Designafii�n be given t� Boone Avenue between T H 12 and T H 55 and tOth Avenue North between Winnetka Avenue and B�one Avenue." MOVED by Pennock, secflnded by Christiansen, unanimously carried to appr�ve the Commi.ttee report. C. Winnetka - Olson Highway C�mmer#cial Area Committee member Franzen read the foil�wing rep�rt : ��Uiscussi�n t�flk place regarding the problems inv�lved in alleviafiing the traffic c�ngesti�n in the Winnetka - T H 55 area, The Committee, in reviewing the Edwards � Ketcey proposal of a m�dified traffic circle rec�mmends that this be sent to the Highway Departments for b�th C�unfiy and State t� study t� see if such a p1an is feasible." MOVED by Swanson , sec�nded by H��ver , carried, ta approve the C�mmittee report. Member Velz abstained fr�m voting. GENERAL MEMBER ELECTED TO THE BROOKVIEW STUDY GROUP � MOVEO, secc�nded and unanim�usly carried to elect President Senstad to represent t�e Planning Commissi�n at this meeting with Ge�rge Penn�ck being the alternate in case Paul Senstad is out �f town. A�.TERNATES �OR BOARD OF ZONING APPEA�S Member Christiansen asked that the Vi1lage Ptanner check with the ViliQge Attorney t� see if it is possible t� have a11 members �f the Planning Commissi�n serve as alternates �n the Appea 1 s B*�ard. There being n� further business, the meeting adj�urned at 10:00p.m. � � �''�� � ' ' � � ,� .�� ,, a . ,�� - � ,/� � , � .�---,.� � ---- -- --- -- - ------ - --------- ------ -------- President Paul Senstad Secretary Dtto Schmid