12-14-67 PC Minutes 9 � ' REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION December 14,1967 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held on Thursday, December 14,1g67, at 7 :30 p.m. at the Golden Valley Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. President Senstad presided and the following members were present : Swedberg, Bro�nln, Christiansen, Daly, Swanson, Pennock, Franzen, Johnston, Hoover, Loughland, Bruch, Silverman. Absent : Velz, Jensen, Raugland, Anderson, Carlson. Also present : George Loughland, Otto Schmid, Phyllis Jordahl. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOVED by Brown, seconded by Franzen, unanimously carried to approve the minutes of November 16,1967. ZONING A. Midwest Federal Lots 3-15 MurriMac Industrial Park The proponent requested that this item be held over until a later date. B. Henry Reiss T H 55 at Boone Avenue (Northeast Corner) Committee member Johnston read the following report : "Background was given by the Planner as to existing land uses � this immediate area. It was pointed out that the area across Boone Avenue was rezoned by Council to a Commercial category as part of the Golden Valley Industrial Park. The property immedi�.tely abutting this area is presently zoned open and is being used for greenhouse purposes as well as some limited residential uses but primarily the area is undeveloped. It was also brought to the attention of the committee that some type of grade separation is planned for Boone Avenue at T H 55 but the Highway Department has no definite plans for this and it will be sometime before they do. Mr. Lance Norderhus representing Standard Oil Co was present along with Mr. Henry Reiss, Sr. and Henry Reiss, Jr. , the pro- ponents. Mr. Norderhus explained that his company is planning to lease this property for a service station to replace a station recently closed in Golden Valley . He also explained that they would be using approximately 235 feet of the 540 foot par- cel for the serviee station. The remainder of the parcel would be surplus at this time, with the idea that some other compatable use would eventually go in. The Committee, in discussing the proposal, noted the following: The Planning Commission in July,1966 recommended that this area be developed with single family hornes or multiple dwellings . The Committee, however, would point out that now the overall picture has changed due to the fact that the area west of Boone has been rezoned to a Commercial-Industrial category. It would seem therefore, that the possibilities of the area between Boone Ave and Bassett 's Creek developing with residences is less likely. The Committee daes nat rule out the possibility of Multiple � � Planning Commission Minutes 12-14-67 Page 2 development for a portion of this area at a future date. It was noted that Lot 9 af Golden Valley Acres is presently zoned for Multiple Development . The Committee also believes that a continuation of the Commercial development from Boone Avenue east to the Winnetka Avenue area seems logical. The Committee therefore recommends that the request for Commercial zoning be approved. This motioncarried unanimously. " MOVED by Franzen, seconded by Swedberg, to approve the Committee report and recommend approval of the Commercial Zoning. The Commission cast a 5-5 vote with President Senstad voting to break the tie vote, therePor the motion carried with 6 yea, 5 nay. C. Frederick Busch 831 Boone Avenue North Commitee member Hoover read the following report : "The Village Council at its October 17 ,1967 meeting requested that the Planning Commission take a look at this particular parcel to see if it should be rezoned back to its original category, which was Open Develo�ment . Mr Frederick Busch was present to explain his position regardin� this rezoning. Mr. Busch stated that he was not aware that his property was rezoned and indeed he did not want his property zoned to an Industrial category. He stated that his property was not part of this Industrial Park and he wishes to remain on this property as a homeowner. The Committee recommends that this parcel remain in its present Industrial category as it was established by the Village Council for it was believed that the proposed action would be incon- sistent with past zoning recommendations of the Planning Commission. The Committee further believes that sueh an action would constitute spot zoning. " MOVED by Pennock, secanded by Brown, unanimously carried to aecept the committee report . D. Sehaper Manufacturing Co (Thunderbird Plastics)650 Ottawa N Comrnittee member Hoover read the following report : "Mr John Taylor, representing Schaper Manufacturing, was present to explain the request . It was explained to the Committee that this area had been through several rezonings and presently the parcel in question is zoned Industrial except for a small strip of land approximately 20 x 750 feet abutting Ottawa Ave N to the Minneapolis & St Louis Railroad tracks . The reason this stip was left unzoned was due to a realignment of Ottawa Avenue back in 1958• The Committee noted tha� not only is a portion of this parcel not zoned to its proper category but also part of parcel number 6065 is not zoned and should �e zoned commercial. The Committee ' recognizes the error and recommends that , if necessary, the areas in question be zoned to their appropriate categories . " M�VED by Swanson, seconded by Franzen, unanimously carried, to approve the committee report and recommend the rezonings . 99 G V P1ann3.z�g Commission Minutes 12-14-67 Page 3 PLAT A. Broggers Addition "The Committee, in reviewing this proposed plat, noted that all of the proposed lots contained more than the required frontage and all other requirements were fulfilled. The Committee unanimausly recommends that this plat be accepted. " MOVED by Christiansen, seconded by Bruch, unanimously carried to recommend the plat be accepted. LONG RANGE/ORDINANCE A. Propased Addition to the Zonin� Code - Foster Homes _ ___ It was noted that member Daly was not present, theref'ore no report from the special study group was given. The Commit�ee will withhold any recommendation until such time as the special study group reports . B. Outlot l, Lamplighter Estates - De Annexation Committee Chairman Brown read the following report : "Mr. Aichard Neslund was present to explain to the committee the request f'or de-annexation and the petition that was signed by the property owners in the area. The petition was sent to 7 property owners who abutted the area in question. Unfortunately, a capy of the peti�ion was not available for the committee to examine. The Commiteee noted that Mr. Neslund agreed to submit a petition, which would state that if this Outlot 1 were de-annexed, all homes constructed would meet the requirements of the Golden Valley Building Code . Further the petition would state that the size of the lots would conform to Golden Valley standards and that the size of the homes would be at least 1600 square feet on the first floor, or if a two story home, a minimum of 900 square feet on each floor. The committee unanimously recommends approval of the petition. " The petitioner presented the Com�ission with a eopy af the petition. The Commission found the petition to be in order. MOVED by Bruch, seconded by Franzen, to recommend approval of the de-annexation. The motion carried with 10 yea, 1 n�.y. C. Performance Standards It was decided that this Committee, whose term is expiring next month, would not take action on this matter. It was believed that it would be in the best interest of all concerned that the new committee, if appointed,would study this matter in total. It �ras also noted that Dr. Harold Paulus, Professor of Environ- mental Health at the U of M is willing to take to the Planning Commission on this sub,ject at a future date. D. Street Name Change As the appropriate amended pe1�ions and the proponents were not present, action on this item was delayed. 10 "� G V Planni.ng Commission Minutes 12-14-67 Page 4 GENERAL RE-ORGANIZATION The Long Range Committee reviewed the Planner' s recommendations concerning the reorganization of the Village Planning Commission. The Long Range Committee believes that this is a workable pro- gram and wishes to go on record in favour of such a plan. They would further suggest that the Villa�e Council postpone any new appointments to the Commission until they act on this proposal in order that the plan be implemented. The Committee believed that this would be an opportune time to accomplish such action due to the natural attrition in membership which occurs on the Commission. It was further suggested that an individual memb�r of the Commission limit his service to two consecutive three year terms . MOVED, seconded and unanimously carried to accept the committee report and recommend to the Council that the Planning Commission be reduced to nine members and that a Commission member limit his service to two three year terms . A more detailed report is being prepared by the Planning Commission President which will be sent to a11 Planning Commission members and Council members before the Council meeting of January 2nd. NOMINATING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Joe Brown, representing the nominating committee submitted the following recommendations for next years chairman and vice chairman of the Planning Commission. Chairman - Paul Senstad Vice Chairman - Glenn Christiansen The meeting ad�ourned at 10 : �0 p.m. . � � � ; ,-� � ��.f' "?�'_" _..._- - - - --- - ± �'-�- -=------- --- �., President Senstad Secretary Schmid