01-11-68 PC Minutes � �J d� REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION January 11, 1968 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held or� Thursday, January 11, 1968, 7 :30 p .m. at the Public Safety Bldg, 780�0 Golden Valley Road, Gol.den Val.ley, Minnesota. President Senstad presided and the following members were present : Anderson, Brawn, Christiansen, Franzen, Hoover, Jensen, Johnston, Pennock, Swedberg and Velz . Members absent : Bruch, Daly, Raug7and, Silverman, Swanson. Also present : Planning Director Otto Schmid. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOVED by Pennock, seconded by Swedberg, unanimously carried, to approve the minutes of December 1�1 , 1967 . In addition, it was MOVED by Pennock, seconded by Brown, unanimously carried on January 2, 1968, be made a part of the Planning Commission Minutes . Sub�ject : Re-organization of the Golden Valley Planning Commission Gentlemen: The Planning Commission, at its December 1�4,1967 meeting unanimously recommended that its own physical structure and methods of procedure be changed. The following salient peri.nts were agreed upon and are here presented : l. That the Golden Va11ey Planning Commission be reduced in number to nine members ; 2. That the Board of Zoning Appeals be separated from the Planning Commission, except for the Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals, who is to be the Vice-Chairman of the Planning Commission, also 3. That in order to elicit the involvement of more citizens3m the planning process, an individual member of the Planning Commission limit his service to two consecutive three year terms . G7ith respect to internal procedures, the Planning Commission recommends : 1. That the Planning Commission meet twice a month, on the second and fourth Thursdays , when possible; 2. That the eommittee system presently employed by the Planning Commission be discontinued, and that the Villa�e planning staff supply the petition data and the preliminary recommendations directly to the Planning Commission; 3 . That the order of business on the agenda at the first monthly meeting consist of action items first (rezonin�, ordinance changes, etc . ) and the Plannin� Items second, and that at the second monthly meeting this order be reversed: 4 . That Planni,ng Commission meetings be open to the public, as in the past , but that Public Hearings be reserved for the Village Council, the elected officials , instead of for the Planning Commission, the appointed officials : 5. That a single report be made to the Council from the Planning Commission and Village Staff, containing the pros and cons of each request , and containing a single recommendation. In conclusion, the Planning Commission believes that the Villa�e stands to benefit from such a reorganization, because with these changes the entire Planning Commission would act upon a proposal with greater efficiency and expediency, with the net effect of advancing the Planning process in Golden Valley. � Q � G V Planning Commission Minutes 1-11-6$ Page 2 The Planning Commission also requests that the 'Jillage Council act upon these proposals expeditiously, in order that we may funet3.on as smoothly as possible at the regular February meeting. No Items - ZONING & PLAT LONG RANGE ORDINANCE A. Review By-Laws of the GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION The Committee reviewed the By-Laws as mailed and several changes were made. They are as follows : Section 2 - Regular Meetings of the Commission sha11 be held at 7 : 30 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of each month. Section 11 - The third paragraph changed to read : The Village Planning Dire�ctor shall serve as secretary to the Commission. The fourth paragraph is deleted from Section 11 and inserted into Sections 12,13 and 14 . Section I2 - Add after fourth paragraph the following: The President or his designated representative sha11 present to the Council all Planning Commission recommendations . The President shall per- form all other duties as the Commission may prescribe. Section 13. To read as follows : The Vice=president shall act when the President is absent or disabled. All the duties of the President ' s office or as a member of any committee shall temporarily devolve upon the Vice-President . The Vice-President shall preside as chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals . The Vice-President shall perform all other duties the Commission may prescribe. Section l� - Add the following paragraph: The Secretary shall per- form all other duties the Commission may prescribe. Section 15 - Add to the First paragraph the following language : The President shall appoint the chairman of all committees . Section 16 - Delgte this section entirely Change numbers of Section 17 to Section 16, Section 18 to Section 17 . In addition, title Section 17 "Amendments , " , The Committee recommends adoption of the By-Laws with the noted changes : The Commission, in reviewing the Committee report recommend- ed the followin� changes : First sentence in Section 13 : The Vice- president shall act for the President when the President is absent or disabled. Section l7 (Old Section 18) changed to read as follows : The above rules and regulations, or any of them, may be suspended by a majority of the members of the Commission at any regular meeting, or may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the entire Commiss�n at any regular meeting, subsequent to the meeting when the same is proposed. MOVED by Swedb�rg, seconded by Jensen to approve the Committee report with the above changes and to propose for approval the amended By-Laws at the next scheduled Planning Commission meeting. The . motion carried unanimously. � B. Street Name Change - 6th Avenue North Attorney Bert Nygaard, representing the Golden �'alley Medical Clinic , 8240 6th Avenue North, was present . He explained to the Committee that the applicants are requesting that 6th Avenue North from Winnetka �. �� G V Planning Commission Minutes 1-11-68 Page 3 Ave West to Co. Rd 18, be changed to GoldenValley Road. P�Ir. Nygaard explained th$t he believed that this would be a logical extension of Golden Valley Road. In addit3.on, he pointed out that the Post Office authorities have no objections to this proposed change and that most af the property owners along 6th Avenue North, west of Winnetka have signed the petition. The Committee noted that in November,1967, it was recommended thati the request be denied and that a single name be obta3.ned for 6th Avenue from Douglas Drive to County Road 18 . Inasmuch as this pro- posal has met with problems, the Committee wishes to re-examine its position. It was the concensus of the members present that ro real ob,jection could be found to using the name Golden Valley Road west of Winnetka. The Committee believes that this proposal may not be the most ideal solution, especially if and when Golden Valley Road should be vacated through the Golden Valley Golf Course. However, it was painted out that the vacation of that portion of Golden Valley Road may never take place . P�IOVED by Pennock, secanded by Franzen, unanimously carried that the name Golden Valley Road be applied to that part of 6th Ave . North from Winnetka Ave to Co. Rd. 18 . " MOVED by Hoover, seconded by Johnston, unanimously carried to approve the Committee report . Committee Suggestions for the renaming of the remaining portions of 6th Avenue North The Committee would suggest that at the time the remainder of 6th Ave North from Douglas Drive to its intersection with Golden Valley Road is renamed, the portion from Pennsylvania u�est to that point of intersection be renamed to Glenwoc�d Avenue. MOVED by Swedberg, seconded by Franzen, unanimously carried to rec�ive the Committee' s suggestion. C . Street Vacation ERIE AVENUE FROM WINNETKA AVENUE TO SUMTER AVE The Villa�e Planner presented to the Committee a petition for street vacation of Erie Avenue from Winnetka Avenue to Sumter Avenue. The Village Staff has reviewed the proposed vacation and recommends that it be granted. In addition, the Staff recommends that an utility easement over the center 30 feet of Erie Avenue be obtained and that the home owner at 911 Winnetka Avenue be informed that access to , his garage will be by a private drive from Winnetka Avenue : The Minnesota Highway Department has been informed of this request and they have by letter indicated that they have no objection to the proposal. The Committee reviewed the request and recommends that Erie Ave be vacated and the recommendations of the Village Staff be followed. MOVED by Jensen, seconded by Hoover, unanimously carried to accept the Cornmittee report . � o � G V Planning Com�nission 1-11-68 Page 4 GENERAL A. President Senstad vacated the Chairman's Chair and turned the meeting over to the secretary, who immediately called for the election of Officers for 1968 . The nominating Commi�tee at the December meeting had placed the names of Paul Senstad for President and Glenn Christiansen for Vice-President in front of the Commission. There being no further nominations , the secretary called for the vote. The two nominees were re-�:lected. B. List of Planning Commission Members for the Board of Zoni�g Appeals . The Planner recommended that a list of seven names be submitted to the Council for appointment to the Board of Zoning Appeals . The first four names on the list would be those members of the Commission who would like to serve as alternates on the Board. The list is as follows : Anderson, Bruch, Franzen, Hoover, Jensen, Swedberg, Velz . C . Letters of Resignation President Senstad read to the Commission, letters o.£ resignation from members Brown, Raugland and Pennock. The president expressed the regrets of the entire Commission at loss of the services of those members and gratitude for their many years of devot�d assistance . MOVED by Pennock, seconded by Brown, unanimously carried to ad�ourn at 9 : 02 p.m. .. �- . --� -- - �� z� f���-'�- �'�---- ----- -�� ------------- -------- President Paul Senstad Secretary Otto Sch id