04-18-68 PC Minutes ~�_ ��
April 18,1968
A regular meetin� of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held
on Thursday, April 18,1968, at the Public Safety Building, 7800
GoldenValley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman 5enstad pre-
sided and the following members were present : Planning Secretary
Schmid and Commissioners Silverman, Provost , Swanson, Franzen, Daly
and Swedberg. Members absent: Johnston, Christiansen.
Several corrections and additions were made; with this noted, it
was MOVED by Franzen, seconded by Daly to approve the correeted
minutes of April 4, 1968, carried unanimously. (Official Minutes
on file at the Golden Va11ey Village Hall. )
John Brenna, Golden Va11ey Park & Reereation Director, was present
to bring the Commission up to date on the status of the Park and
Recreation programs within the Village.
Mr. Brenna explained to the Commission the funetions of his depart-
ment as it related to community life in our itilla�e . The functions
of the Recreation programs were enumerated alon� with an explanation
of eaeh type of program offered. Mr Brenna Moted that all types of
recreational activities are provided for all age groups and for
a11 seasons .
Tn explaining the status of the park system, Mr. Brenna noted a
1957 Study that was adopted by the Park Board. This Study set
certain goals �s far as location and size of parks are concPrned.
The Park Director then explained that the Village was divided into
certain neighborhood areas and a set amount of park space was
suggested for each. He noted that �olden Valley approaches the
suggested park acerage and that exi�ting school playgrounds help
implement these totals . It was also pointed out that certain
neighborhoods are in need of an additional well placed play�round
but the cost of doing this is prohibitive at this time .
His closing remarks related to the stage of developrnent found in
each existin� park and approximately what it would cost to complete
the existing system. Mr. Brenna pointed �iut that by a 1g64 estimate
it would take $58�,000 to complete the park system. This was re-
duced by a $185,000 bond issue but still leaves $395,0�0 to go.
He noted that this was a 1964 estimate and most surelq the amount
would be greater today. He closed his remarks by saying that Golden
Valley is relatively well off as far as the park situation is concerned,
e�pecially considering the addition of the Brookview Park and
Recreation area to the system.
The Commission members expressed their thanks to Mr. Brenna for an
informative presentation.
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Golden Valley Planning Commission Minutes �-18-68
Page 2
STREET MAME CHANGE Western Ave between Co Rd 18 east to Boone Ave
Petitioner: General Mills , Inc.
Proposed Name : Betty Crocker Drive
The Commission discuss�d the proposed name change and noted that the
present roadway lies completely within General Mills property. In
addition, it was noted that this name chan�e would help those who
would be visitin� this area for the first time find ingress to the
GenEral Mills compTex.
MOVED by Swanson, seconded by Franzen, carried unanimously to
recommend that Western Avenue between Boone Avenue and County Road
18 be changed to Betty Crocker Drive .
REPLAT-RLS 648 - Rees, Thomson & Scroggins
This item was deferred to the May 2nd meeting. ,
The Commission briefly discussed the remarks of Planner Jim Knight
and suggested that additional speakers be brou�ht before the
Commission for the same type of i�formal discussion.
Two items were bro�ght to the attention of the Commissio by the
Planner. They were :
The Commission instructed the planner to draft an ordinance change
and present it at the May 2nd meeting.
The May 16th Planning Commission Meeting has been cancelled. The
seeond meeting in May �till be held on May 23, 1968. ,
There b��ng no further business , the meeting ad�ourned at 11: 45
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Chairman Senstad Secretary Schmid