07-18-68 PC Minutes 13 �. REGULAR MEETING OF THE G�LDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION July 18,1968 A regular meetin� of the Golden Valley Planning Commission �.s held Thursday, July 18,1968, at the Village.Ha11, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Senstad presided and the fallowing members were present: Planning Secretary Schmid and Commissioners Franzen, Swedberg, Swanson, Ghristiansen, Silver- man and Advisor Loughland. Members absent: Johnston, Provost, Daly. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOVED by Christiansen, seconded by Silverman, unanimously carried, to approve the minutes of July 9,1968, as mailed. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING Mr. Robert Item, from the Minnesota State Planning A�ency, was before the Commission at the request of the Village Planning Director to explain the functions of the State Planning Agency and �o ex- plain how he may be of some assistance to our Village. Mr. Item announeed that Federal 701 Planning Assistance funds are available, and sugge�ted that if the Village is considering applyin� for Federal funds that we do so as soon as possible . He then briefly explained the funetion of the State Planning Agency and the funetion of his Urban Affairs Department. He noted that he would help us pre- pare our application for 701 funds if we followed this route. In addition, it is his �ob to consult with the Village to he2p deter- mine our planning needs and to help us select a consultant. Mr. Item then explained that under 701 Funding, the Federal Government shares planning eosts on a 2/3-1/3 basis, the eommunity paying 1/3 of the total cost . He went on to say that a minimum two year planning period is recommended. In addition, he ntoed that all work eom- pleted by a consultant must be approved by the State Planning A�ency and by the Plannin� Commission before funds are released. I�r. Ttem mentioned that Golden Valleq was in a good position, as far as cost was concerned, noting that we have plannin� and engineering departments which already have available much of the basic data re- quired by consultants. In addition, he explained that any time the Village Planner spent' on the data coliectin�, processing and plan �'ormulation would reduce the Vi11a�e 's 1/3 portion of the total cost. In discussing cost fi�ures, the Commissioners and Mr. Item tho�ght that a thirty th4,usand dollar total cost would be a reasonable figure . Actual figures eould not be determined until after the interviews have taken plaee with the prospective consultants . Mr. Item left with the planner a 13st of consultants certified by the State to do work in Minnesota and recommended that we chose our consultants from that list. Mr. Item placed several publications with the Commissioners, among them being one entitled "Local Government Procedures Manual." From this manual, Chairman Senstad instructed those present to complete the questionnaire found on pages 23 & 24 and to tu�n the question- naire over to the planner by July 24th. The planner was tMen in- structed to tabulate the ar�swers and inelude the tabulation in the next mailing. � �� Plannin� Commission Minutes July 18,1968 Page 2 The Plannin� Commission, after much discussion, recommends that the Village Council take co�nizance of the following motion. MOVED by Swanson, seconded by Franzen, unanimously carried to recommend the following: That the Golden Va11ey Village Council initiate a Lon� Range Pla�ning Program to commence at the earliest possible date; That the Council take full advantage of the 701 Planning Assistance Funds available from the Federal Gnvernment; That if these funds prove unattainable, the Village gay for all se�vices from its general revenue; That this PZannin� Pro�ram continue for at least a two year period. DISCUSSION: POLLUTI�N CONTROL ORDI�ANGE �tr. Harvey McPhee, Sanitarian from St . Louis Park, was present to explain the Air Pollution Control Ordinan�e he wrote and which was recently adop�ed by his City. He began his presentation by briefl� explaining the history of this ordinance and the re�erencE materials used by himself and Dr. Phifer in drafting this document. Mr. MePhee also explained that certain industries in St. Louis Park stimulated the Council in that city to consider this ord�nance . He noted that it was his feeling that you eannot write an ordinance to discriminate a�ainst certain industries. Thet�pe of ordinanee they decided upon would include all air pollution such as back yard burning, apartment incinerators, business, industry, etc . It was noted that this does not include mo�or vehicles and Mr. McPhee stated that this was a State and Federal matter because of its interstate nature. The licensing features of this ordinance are very important, according to Mr. McPhee, because it is an effective way to control undesirable situations, it is a way to find out what situations exist in the city and it is a �reat help to the staff who will have to enforce this ordinance . Mr. McPhee explained that many service graups in St. Louis Park were contacted and their help was solicited. He also n�ted that industry in St. Louis Park was notified and their comments were helpful. Questions were asked relating to multi-flu incinerators and Mr. Mc Phee explained that these hi�h temperature incinerators completely burn a11 particulate matter. He was also asked about necessary testing equipment and explained that they do not intendt� buy any because it is too expensive and the equipment is always being improved. Mr. McPhee said they are planning on usin� certain testin� concerns and the ordinance was written in a manner to use consultants wh�re a violation is suspected. Mr. McPhee pointed out that this ordinance would prohibit back yard burning and therefore some type of mandatory refuse removal would ha�e to be initiated. It was suggested that several haulers be contracted and lieensed by the Village if the back yard burning pro- visions were adopted. Qdor pollution �s the toughest to le�islate against, aceording to Mr. McPhee. The so-called nuisance an�le is the only way at present to legislate agains� ob�ectionable odors . He noted that improve- Planning Commission Minutes July 18,1968 Page 3 ments in certain methods of odor detection are constantly being found and , for the most part, existing ordinances do not attempt to legislate against them. He did feel that the way the odor section is handled in the St. Louis Park qr`dinance is the best method available at this time . In closing , Mr. McPhee said he believed his ordinance to be a good one and on� that is enforcabie . He also stated that in his opinion the situation in St. Louis Park is not much different than the situation in Golden Valley as far as air pollution is concerned . The Commissioners decided t'hat before any recommendation was made the following faur major points should be clarified: 1 . What is the reaction of industry, commercial areas and service organizations to such an ordinance? 2. Is this particular ordinance adaptable to the situation found in Golden Valley? 3. What type of an enforcement plan would be required and what �ould be its cost? 4. �hat type of refuse remova] policy would the staff suggest to help implement this ordinance? The planner said that the Village Nealth Officer and himself wouid work on these points and send a report to the Commission before this ordinance is sent to the Council for public hearing . The next �gularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting will be held August 22,1968, at 8 p.m. There being no �urther business , the meeting ad�ourned at 11 p ,m. � r""�, ,�' � � � � _ '�` i }�' ,� .. .,� .,�,._.��.,.. .� ;,.w� "?,..4�" }�yS�:.�'�::�:��.�.�,..._.. �l hairman Senstad Sercretary Schmid NO MEETING WAS HELD O!Y AUGUS7 1 ,] 968