08-22-68 PC Minutes MINUTE.S OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION August 22,1968 A regular meeting of the Golden Va11ey Planning Commission was held on Thursd�y, August 22, 1968, at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Raad , Golden Valley, Minnesota , Chairman Senstad presided and the following were present: Planner Schmid , Commissioners Provost; Franzen , Swanson , Johnston , Swedberg; Members absent: Daly, Silver�an , Christiansen. 1 . APPRQVAL OF MINUTES MOVED by Franzen , seconded by Swedberg, carried unanimously to approve the minute� of July 18,1968. 2 . REZONING; Several parcels in the Southwest Quadrant of Medicine Lake Road and Douglas Drive Chairma� Senstad reviewed briefly the background concerning this area and read the following Ad Hoc Gommittee 's Report , `On Tuesday evening , July 30 ,1968, Commissioners Senstad , Jofinsto,n, Swanson and Planning Director Schmid assembled at the Village Ha� 1 to begin a field trip to the area in question . The Committee in- s�ected a11 the properties involved and , in particular, the Johnson , Thomas and Wahl properties . Several of the major characteristics af the area , as noted by the committee, were the presence of the Sandburg Junior High School and the playfiield immediately to the south of this area ; the existing single family homes in this area , most of which are relatively new; the industrial area located to the west of this residential area ; the apartments north of Medicine Lake Road ; and teh vacant property on the east side of Douglas Dr, 7he Committee noted that the nearest non-residential property in Golden Yalley in realtian to this area is located approximately 850 feet t� the south and better than 120Q feet to the west. (This does not include Sandburg School ) . In addition , the industrial property located to the south is separated by the school ' s playground area , which is approximately 750 feet wide . The Committee believes this to be an ideal buffer. The Committee is also cognizant of the fact that heavy traffic counts are observed on both Medicine Lake Road and on Douglas Drive, however to say this should be a reason to zone to a heavier use , would lead to so-called commercial strips along Winnetka Avenue , Duluth Street, Noble Avenue , or any other major thoroughfare in our Village . The Committee is also aware of the multiple and commercial zonings north vf Medicine Lake Road in Crystal . To add to these heavier uses by zoning the areas in Golden Valley to a use heavier than Residential would only add to the cvngestion already found in the area . The Committee was in complete agreement that this general area along Douglas Drive could be developed very nicely with single famlly homes . Not to recammend any zoning for this area , but to leave it in an open zoning category, would imply that a heavier use is recommended for this area , and at this time , this is not true . 13 � Golden Valley Pianning Commission Minutes 8-22-68 Page 2 The Special Ad Hac Committee recommends that the area in question, namely the Johnson, Thomas and Wahl properties be zoned to Residential Single Family. " Several interested parties were present: Mrs . Margaret Gable, 2515 Florida ; Mr. Jos . Guertin, 6409 Medicine Lake Road; Mr. William Haldy, 6435 Medicine Lake Road, were in agreement with the Ad Hoc Committee ' s report. Mr. Johnston expressed his objection to the , committee ' s report. Aiso Mr, William Thomas , 2511 Dougias Drive N , reiterated his feeling that the properties fronting on Douglas Drive be left in an open development category. MOVED by Franzen, seconded by Swedberg , to approve the Committee ' s report , carried unanimously, 3 . REZONING (16) Lot 9 , Auditor' s Subdivision No . 360. Calvary Latheran Church from Residential to Institutional I-1 , The church has recently purchased this 1ot and house and would like to use it for storage of church and Boy Scout equipment . The Staff believes this to be a reasonable request and it is our understanding that Calvary Lutheran Church does not intend to use the house as a residence. In addition , it is our understanding that the church ' intends to remove existing garages , located north of the church building in order to increase available parking area . We therefore recommend to the Commission that this request be approved. MOVED by Swanson , seconded by Franzen, carried unanimously to recommend rezoning of Lot 9 , Aud. Subd. No 360 , to Institutional I -1 . 4 . PREPLAT - Bakers Addition (18) The Commission in reviewing this plat noted that Market Street dead ends 290 feet west of Couisiana . It is recommended that the future alignment of Market Street and the necessary easement dedication west of the proposed Baker Addition be obtained before final approval is given . MOVED by Swedberg, seconded by Franzen, Unanimously carried, to �pr�ve the preplat with the stipulation concerning Market Street as noted . 5 , STREET NAME CHANGE - 6th Avenue North Mr. Gari Nadasdy and Mr, Elmer Bratch were present to ex ain treir request . t��OVED by Swedberg , seconded by Johnston , carri�� unanimously, to recommend approval of the request to change Sixth Avenue North to Country Club Drive from Douglas Orive to 450 feet west of Rhode Island Avenue North . There���ii 9, n f ther business , the meeting adjourned at 9 : 30 p .m. ` //� ,`��� -�'�'/ ` -1 -�-----ar�C�==�_ �haj�irman Senstad Secretary Otto Schmid NO M.EETING WAS HELD SEPTEMBER 5 ,1968