10-17-68 PC Minutes �� c-� �
October 17 ,1968
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held
on Thursday , October 17 ,1968, at 7: 3Q p .m. at the Golden Valley
Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road , Golden Valley, Minnesota .
Chairman Senstad presided and the following were present : Vice
Chairman Christiansen, Pla-ner Schmid and Gommissioners Swedberg ,
Franzen, Swanson, Daly, Provost, Johnston , Silverman . f�o members
1 . APPRQVAL OF MINUTES - September 19 , 1968
MOVED by Franzen , seconded b,y Swedberg, unanimously carried , to
approve the minutes of Septe�ber 19 ,1968, as mailed.
2 . REZONING - 6829 Sandburg Lane
Request: Residential to Light Industrial
Mr. Fredrick L . Wall is the owner of the property at 6829 Sandburg
Lane . He was not present at this meeting ; however, Mr, Robert
Kraase , the potential buyer of this parcel , was present to explain.
the request . Mr, Krause explained that he owns the building on Lot
8 of the Advertising Creative Center, immediately adjacent to the
Wall property. He is requesting the Light Industrial Zoning for
two reasons : First, he wishes to expand the building on Lot 8 and
can not do this unless the setback requirements are relaxed or
unless the Wall parcel is rezoned , Secondly, he needs the additional
lot area for potential parking space as required by the Ordinance .
He explained that due to the topography in tfie area , especialiy the
difference in elevation between Lot 8 and the Wall property, it would
not be feasible to expand the existing but'lding onto that parcel .
Mrs . J . D . Ferry , resident at 6825 Sandburg Lane was present as
was Mr. J . E . Harnstrom, 6830 Sandburg Lane. Both Mrs . Ferry and
Mr. Harnstrom seemed to be in favor of the request. Mr. Harnstrom
did express the opin�on that the parcel at 6825 remain Residential ,
In addition , he thought the Council should require landscaping to
keep the area attractive , and to protect the Residential values
across Sandburg Lane .
The Commission ' s views were varied . Member Daly expressed the view
that Mr. Krause was attempting to build a building larger than the
parcel was entit�ed to, under the Ordinance . He thought this request
amounted ta ' spot zoning ' . Chairman Senstad expressed concern over
the remaining parcel at 6825 Sandburg Lane and was of the opinion
that this lot would become isolated and worthless . Member Franzen
thought the request was logical and that the zoning ordinance adequately
protected , by setbacks and required landscaping , the residences in
the area .
A motion was made by Franzen to accept the Staff report which reco-
mended approval of the request. In addition , he moved that the
Village Council and the developer and neighbors work out an aeceptable
landscape plan . This motion died for lack of a second .
Planning Commission Minutes 10-17-68 Page 2 1 � �
It was then moved by Daley to deny the requested rezoning . This was
seconded by Swedberg and carried with 7 yea , 1 nay, 1 abstention .
By request of the Golden Valley Planning Commission (see Minutes 9-19-68�
Dist. 281 sent several representatives to answer questions concerning
a proposed elementary school in Golden Valley . Members from Dist. 281
present were: Dr. Leroy E Hood , Supt; Dr. Willis Boynton , Asst Supt;
and Mr. Bernard Zimpfer, legal council for Dist 281 School Board.
Mr . Zimpfer began the school ' s presentation by introducing himself,
Dr. Hood and Dr. Boynton . He then described the area in Golden Valley
that was,•under consideration for a school site. Mr. Zimpfer noted the
area of approximately 15 acres , located south of Duluth St. and lying
between Pennsylvania Avenue and Kelly Orive . He also noted that the
,5 acres just south of Duluth Street is presently owned by the Village
and has evidently �een set aside for park land .
Dr. Hood continued the presentation by noting that the class room
situation at Neil and Sunny Hollow School is , to say the least, crowded ,
and that those students residing in Goiden Valley and attending those
schools would attend the new school . He noted that this would be a
relatively small school consisting of 20 rooms . Dr , Hood said that the
State Dept. of Education recommends a site area of 15 acres where
possible , but he felt 10 acres would be sufficient in this case. This
particular site had a good geographic location bat it also has several
drawbacks , among them being the ' low area ' found on the site . Dr.
Hood did not believe the drawbacks to be serious .
Dr. Hood then asked for questions from �he Commission, and the first
dealt with the `papulation of children ' �ho would use the school . Dr.
Hood sa�d approximately 600 students would use this school and he did
not see this plant expanding on this site. He was then asked if any
estimate�"had been made as to when the elementary school population
would begin to stabilize . Dr. Hood noted that there is no indication
that this stabilizing will take place in the forseeable future . He
sited Robbinsdale as a mature community , but the school population
was still rising . Dr . Hood was then asked what percent of the Dist. 281
students come from Golden Valley. He answered 16 .2�. He was then
asked what percent of the calssrooms in 281 were actually located in
Golden Valley, Dr. Hood said about 5� of the classrooms were located
in Golden Valley. The percent of tax base in 281 taken from Golden
Valley amounts to 22 .7�. Dr . Hood then noted that of the total 441
non-taxable acreage in Dist 281 , Golden Valley has only 46-49 acres of
that total .
The question was then asked what the policy of Dist. 281 was toward
civic groups using the building . Dr, Nood said that certain civic
gCoups using the building after school hours and on weekdays were not
charged rent. �f Saturday is the day the building is used , janitorial
fees are charged , He could not answer whether or not political parties
.� `��
Planning Commission Minutes 10-17-68 Page 3
were considered to be civic groups . The Commission then asked if any
thought was given to the possibility of expanding the already existing
elementary schools or possibly using the Sandburg Jr. High School
grounds for the new elementary building. Dr. Hood said that he was of
the opinion that the existing school complexes are large enough .
He noted that the new school would have a gym but not a pool and that
the gym facilities would be available to the Golden Valley Park &
Recreation Dept , after school hq�ur$ .
The question of the 5 acres presently set aside for Village Park
purposes was raised . Dr. Nood said that Dist 281 has not discussed
with the Park & Recreation Commission the possibility of incorporattng
the park acreage into the school site . Mr. Stan Anderson , Chairman of
the Park & Recreation Commission , was in attendance and stated that
his group would be very interested in discussing the possiblity of
join� development of that park acreage . With that, the discussion came
to an end, and the Commission thanked the representatives of Dist 281
and suggested they apply for rezoning of the site as soon as their
plans become finalized .
The Planning Director presented to tt�� Commission a proposal from
the Minnesota Nighway Dept. to redesign the Diamond interchange at
Duluth Street and T. H . 100 . The specific layout submitted was dated
May 7 ,1968. The planner explained that the present design is not
adequate for the volumes of traffic found presently in this area .
The Highway Dept. is attempting to find the best possible solution for
today ' s needs a� well as tommorrows . �
The planner presented the following sta.f�' report:
You will note that this proposal shav�s one-way ramp and service
drive movements in the NE & SW quadrants , In addition , the two way
service drive in the DE quadrant ends in a cul -de-sac some 500 feet
south of Duluth Street. The northwest quadrant is redesigned as a
combination service drive-off ramp to allow access to the Dist. 5
Highway pffice and also to Westbrook Road.
The Staff, in reviewing this proposal , suggests approval of the
design for the southeast and northeast quadrar�ts . However, we believe
the off-ramp in the NW quadrant should , if possible, be moved to
the north in order to provide a longer de-acce����ation lane. As for
the SW quadrant, we feel the concept is sound; however, we suggest
that further study is needed to determine where a new street is to
be placed to handle the northbound service drive traffic .
In addition , it was no�ed the interchange is being redesigned to
allow traffic signals to be placed in the area when needed . MOVED
by Christiansen , seconded by Daly, to approve the southeast and
northeast quadrants of this proposal . The motion carried with 8 yea
and � nay,
1 � ��.
Pl �nning Commission Minutes 10-17-68 Page 4
The Planning Director reported to the Commission that he has heard
from twelve consultants who have expressed interest in our forth-
coming Comprehensive Study .
The Commission , in discussing the problem of selection, decided that
an Ad Hoc Committee be formed to review the responses and recommend
five to the Commission . MOVEO by Provost, seconded by Silverman ,
to select a Committee of three , whose job it will be to screen the
initial replies from the consultants expressing a desire to work in
the Village . This motion carried unanimously.
MOVED by Fran$en , seconded by Sil -erman , carried unanimously, to
appoint member Provost, cha.irman of the special committee , Chairman
Senstad then appointed members Franzen and Silverman to the Special
Committee .
There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 11 : 45 p.m.
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P�sident Senstad ''' '
Secretary Schmid