11-07-68 PC Minutes �. ��� . REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING GQMMISSIQN November 7, 1968 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held on Thursday , November 7 ,1968, at 7 : 30 p .m, at the Golden Va11ey Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road , Golden Va11ey, Minnesota . Vice Chairman Christiansen presided and the following were present: Planner Schmid and Commissioners , Franzen , Provost, Johnston, Swedberg , Daly and Silverman. Members absent: Senstad and Swanson . APPROVAL OF MINUTES pctober 17 ,1968 MOVED by Franzen , s�econded by Swedberg , to approve the minutes of the October 17 , 1968 meeting as mailed , carried unanimously . REZONING: 5915 Glenwood Avenue Request: Qpen Development to Multiple M-2 Proponents : Arthur B, Jahnson - Norman T . Berglund Mr. Don Brauer, Planner from Brauer & Associates , was present to explain to the Commission, the rezoning request. He said that this request was just for the parcel farmerly owned by Mr. Minder, but that in order to present the request in a logical manner, both the Minder and Hammon parcels were studied . Mr. Brauer then made a slide presentation to the Commission showing the existing site , surrounding land uses and proposed site plan. Ne noted that the topography in this area posed some problems with development, but actually was an advantage in that the buildings could be placed in a manner as to not overwhelm other nearby structures . In addition , he pointed out that the amount of open space would be much greater with a multiple complex as opposed to single family homes , He said they, would like to maintain and improve the creek that flows thraugh the area for obvious aesthetic reasons . Mr, Brauer painted out that the praposed buildings would be set back same 150 feet off Glenwood Avenue . The Planning Commission, decided that in order to give this item the study needed , no action should be taken and this item should be held over until the t�ovember 21st meeting . At that time, it was hoped that a petition for the Hammon property would also come before the Com- mission for review and recommendation . REZONING : . 6100 Golden Valley Road Request: Commercial to Business & Professional Office Proponents ; John Cross Mr. John Cross and Mr. Jay Carpenter were present to explain the request. They noted that the present Johnson Bros . building was in . close proximity to the New Hidden Village Town House Development . It is their intention to remodel this building and to use it as an office building , keeping the general architecture similar to the Town House project. The Commission n�ted that the present situation is deplorable and this proposal would be a definite improvement. MOVED by Daly , se- conded by Johnston , unanimously carried to recommend approval of the rezoning from Commercial to Business & Professional Office. p.. �^..! Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 November 7 ,1968 AGENCY OPERATED GROUP HOMES The Village Planner gave a brief background report on this matter - and noted that a staff report dated November 1 ,1968 had been mailed to all planning Commission members . The acting chairman then asked if any of those present were opposed to the existing home . Mr. D. L . Bertness , 6530 Hampshire Place, said he had been approached by sever,al neighbors on this problem. Mr. Bertness stated that he thought that Golden Valley would be faced with more `situations ] ike this ' and he thought there should be some type of 'ordinance or central plan ' to control this particular use . ` Mr. William Soules , Attorney for the Volunteers of America was present. Ne stated that ' the VOA was happy to be in Golden Valley . in a nice house in a nice neighborhood, in a fiine community, ° He stated that they have been here for approximately two years and feel Golden Valley is the ' type of community in which any child should hopefully have the oppartunity to grow up ` . He noted the good schools and parks available to the children in this home , Mr. E .V . Vinquist, 6411 Olympia Street, stated she was in favor of this group home . She presented to the Commission a petition signed by 37 persons , prepresenting 22 home owners in the area . The petition was placed on file . Mr. Vinquist was then asked if she would be opposed to a rezaning of this parcel if this particular action became necessary . She said she was not opposed . Then she was asked what type of guidelines might be applied to this parti - cular use . She said that the question of guidelines would take additional study and should be left to the professionals . Mrs , William Hills , 6533 Winsdale Street, said she thought the experts should set the guidelines . She was of the apinion that most of the responsi6ility should fall on the arganization or agency running the hpme . Mr. Carolyn Kutz , ane af the hause parents �t 6424 Winsdale St-reet, was present. She said that a 'real ' c�mmunication probtem exists in the neighborhood . As far as guidelines or standards are con- cerned, Mrs . Kutz indicated that this would be a very difficult task because all situations are different. She was asked who their immediate supervisor is and she answered that a social worker, hired by the VOA consults with them and the girls once a week or when needed. When asked if she could do a hetter �ob with two girls or six girls? , Mrs . Kutz answered , that they could give more attention if just two girls lived in the home . However, she said the idea is to have a group so the girls could inter-relate and help each other solve their problems . When asked about the physical layout of the present group home , Mrs . Kutz indicated that it was ideal for the type of work they were trying to accomplish . Mr. Soules then asked the Commission to consider the members allowed in this home. He said the VOA finds itself in red ink unless they . are allowed to have six girls in this particular home . He would hope that the Planning Commission would recommend to the Council to � =�� Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 November 7 , 1968 allow this home to continue its operation and to take referrals up to a maximum of six girls . In addition, Mr . Soules said that as far a� standards were concerned , an Ad Hac Committee made up of the very agencies who operate group homes , will recommend a set of regulations to the State Dept. of Public Welfare and possibly we would like to review these standards before attempting to write our own . As far as an addition to the Zoning Code , Mr . Soules suggested we start with the proposal submitted by the VOA lastyear and adopt it or improve on it . Col . Robt . Nolte , Director �or the VOA was present, and stated that the 5tate Dept. of Public Welfare is 'extremely sensitive ' to situations where agencies are not doing a good job. He said it would be a relatively simple matter, where valid criticisms exist, for the Village to go to the Welfare Dept, and explain the problem and chances are , the license would be revoked . Col . Nolte was then asked whether or not his agency would notify the neighbors as to their intentions before buying another home in Golden Valley . He replied that he felt that 'one ought to ` but wondered if a home would ever be purchased that way. He was then asked, who is responsible for maintai.ning the home? Col . Nolte said the VOA is responsible for the physical nature of the property and that recently a mem�er of the agency was appointed to look after that matter . The question was then asked , whom Col . Nolte thought should be the Village Official who would be the contact man for the community . He said that he did not believe this Village had anyone on its staff who would be qualified to evaivate this program. He felt that the community should rely upon the judgement of the State Agency responsible . Mr. Jerry Mundt, President of t.he Action Now Council , stated that this a problem of Human Relations and that the Action Now Council supports the group home concept and this group home . Mr. David DeCour�in, representing the Golden Valley Human Rights Commission , noted that a committee of the Commission made up of himself, Mrs . Ellen Walton and Mrs . Julie Mather has already studied this problem. Ne suggested that if the Plann-ing Commission wanted someone to do a little ' leg work ' they would be more than happy to volunteer. �' ` Mrs. Lo��a� ne Young, 6525 Winsdale Street ' voiced her a � the group home , She explained that she lives four' housespdownlfrom 6424 Winsdale and has not observed anything unusual about this home . Commissioner Daly said he would suggest that the entire neighbor- hood or at least those who signed the petitions be notified by mail as to when the next Planning Commission meeting would be . Membew Franzen MOVED that the following interim recommendations be made to the Village Counci.l : That the Winsdale Group Faster Nome be allowed to continue operating ; 14� Planning Comm�ssion Minutes Page 4 November 7,1968 That this Group Home be permitted to house a maximum of 6 girls ; That the Planning Commission be permitted ta continue its in- vestigation of this Group Nome and Group Homes in general , obtaining the necessary information through meetings and staff findings ; That final action by the Council be deferred unti1 January 7 , 1969 , at which time the Planning Commission will make an appropriate final report. Seconded by Johnston and carried unanimously . AD NOC COMMITTEE REPQRT: CONSULTANTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING STUDY Commissioner Provost , Chairman of the Ad Noc Committee noted that at a meeting held on November 6,1968, the following consultants were chosen for personal interviews : Barton-Aschman Associated Inc ; Clark Enversen & Olson ; Harland Bartholomew & Associates ; Nason, Wehrman , Knight & Chapman; Vilican Leman & Associated . The Planner noted that three replies from interested consultants were received too late for this Ad Hoc Committee Meeting , The following firms replies: Midwest Planning ; John Dempsey & Assoc . ; Hodne , Stageberg Partners ; will be mailed to the Commission along with tbe replies from the five firms noted by the Ad Hoc Committee . ZONING CODE CHANGE : A bri-ef discussion toak place concerning certain manufacturing or processing uses which may be ob�ectionable uses in our Village. Food processing uses were of prime consi:deration , but it was believed th�t additianal study is needed , The planner was instructed to look into this matter and to present a report at a later meeting , There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 12: 00 . � �- -� -- -�� -=-t�-f� -=--- ------ Vice Chairman Christiansen Secretary Qtto Schmid