12-19-68 PC Minutes �... F�
December 19 ,1968
A regular meeting of the Goiden Valley Planning Commission was
held on Thursday, December 19 ,1968 , at 7 : 30 p .m. at the Golden
Valley Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road , Golden Valley ,
Minnesota . Chairman Senstad presided and the following were
present : Vice Chairman Christiansen , Planner Schmid , Village
Attorney Skare , Acting Village Manager Murphy and Commissioners
Provost , Swedberg, Silverman , Johnston , and Daly. Members
Absent : Fran2en & Swanson. Also in attendance were Mayor Teresi
and Trustees Stockman and Carlson .
1 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 5 , 1968
MOVED by Christiansen , seconded by Swedberg , to approve the
minutes as mailed , carried unanimously .
The Commission Chairman welcomed to the meeting the following :
Charlotte Bearman , Family and Children Service , John Doman , State
Dept. of Public Welfare , Mylan Brenk , St. Joseph Home for Boys ,
and Harland Dalluge , Bar None Ranch . The chairman noted that the
Commission had asked these professionals in the field of Social
work to attend and to relate their thoughts on group homes to
the Commission members .
The Planner then told the Commissioners of a telephone conversa=
tion he had with Dr. Gisela Konopka of the University of Minnesota
and Brother Aquinas Thomas of Manhattan College . He related that
Dr. Konopka said t-hat the group home concept was not new in this
country and that group homes are usually found in the better
neighborhoods . She also said group home parents are the key to a
successful group home and should have an appropriate education .
She noted that a degree in education or social work would be
appropriate but not necessary . In addition , the house parent
should have understanding and kindness . Dr . Konopka said the group
home must be agency operated because only a social work agency can
provide the caliber of professional help necessary . One important
factor was that the neighborhood in which the home operates must
have an attitude of welcome . She noted the section in the proposed
ordinance dealing with the advisory committee and said this should
make the problem of neighborhood acceptance easier . Dr . Konopka
also suggested that a member of the Childrens ' peer group be
placed on the advisory committee .
Brother Aquinas Thomas said that all of his experiences dealth with
judicated delinquents . They atempted to construct group homes
similar to a duplex and placed no more than 7 or 8 adolescents in
each home . They hired older parents who had already raised their
own family and always attempted to locate in a middle-class , inte-
grated neighborhood . If the neighborhood did not accept the group
home , they moved to one that would . He said there is a salutory
effect upon those in the community when they realize these children
would have no place to live if they did not give them a corner of
their neighborhood and a taste of what they should aspire to in
later life . In closing , he noted that group homes must be a neigh-
borhood project and should have a neighborhood committee , composed
Golden Valley Planning Commission Minutes 12-19-68 Page 2
of inembers of the neighborhood , members of the agency and other
concerned professionals . Chairman Senstad then asked the Planner
to read the proposed Group Home Ordinance for the benefit of those
in attendance . After the proposal wa$ read , the Chairman asked
for comments .
John Doman , State Dept. of Welfare Group Home Consultant , pre-
sented a set of recommended State Standards . Ne noted that require-
ments for group home parents are that they be over 21 and have a
high school diploma with additional experience , as necessary . He
noted that a three member board would review house parents for a
public agency , but private agencies review their own . Mr . Doman
also noted that the State pays rates from $7 .50 a day to $14 .00 a
day per child taken into a gorup home . He said the actual rate is
determined by the Agency itself and is charged to the State .
Mylan_ Brenk , representing Catholic Welfare , told the Commission of
his experience with group homes . He ntoed that they fee1 a five day
work week is quite demanding when working with ' narcissist children ' .
They therefore , make pravisions for relief for the group home super-
visors every five days . Mr. Brenk said his organization looks for
a neighborhood that is of the type that would not be condusive to
juvenille delinquency and on� that the kids could compete in . He
stated that the Section in the proposed ordinance dealing with a
neighborhood advisory corrmittee is good and that his agency selects
a liaison group between group home and neighbors to solve pro-
blems which may arise . He also noted that the City of Minneapolis
allows group homes only in certain residential zoned areas , such
as the R-4 district.
Mrs . Bearman noted that the concept of a family operated foster
home and an agency operated group home is the same . She also
thought the proposed ordinance seemed acceptable and workable .
Harland Dalluge from the Volunteers of American Bar None Ranch ,
noted that group homes are needed ta mmpliment the activities of the
Ranch . When boys are ready to be brought back to the Urban en-
vironment , the group home is the ideal way , he said .
Mr . William Soules , Attorney for the VOA , taok issue with sec-
tions af the Ordinance wi�ich limits the numbers of children in an
agency operated group home in the Residential Zoning District . He
felt that this section of the Ordinance may be unconstitutional .
Chairman Senstad then closed discussion and thanked those who
spoke before the Commission for their thoughts . The Commission
then discussed the proposed ordinance . They asked Attorney Skare
what his impressions of the Ordinance were . He said that he felt
the Ordinance was a good one and in his judgment was not uncon-
stitutional . He said the Village was not banning group homes ,
but merely setting standards .
Commissioner Swedberg discussed the possibility of providing for
certification by a professional in the field of social work that
no severely disturbed children would reside in a group home .
Commissioner Daly suggested that the Ordinance set standards for
group home parents . Attorney Skare noted that in order to do this
a whole new set of standards would be needed .
MOVED by Silverman , seconded by Christiansen , carried unanimously
to recommend acceptance of the group home ordinance as written . A
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Golden Valley Planning Commission P�inutes 12-19-68 Page �
motion was then made by Swedberg , seconded by Silverman, carried
unanimously to send letters of appreciatQOn to those who spoke to
the Commission tonight .
The Planner noted that P+lr. Cleo Kennedy was proposinq to subdivide
Outlot B of Tyrol Hills Addition and would like the Bridal Path
vacated to alloar him greater freedorn for determining new road
patterns and lot lines .
Mr. George Loughland , ) �+20 A] pine Pass , was present and expressed
his opposition to the proposal . Ne believed a future use may be
found for Bridal Path and noted that someday property owners on the
north side of this easement might wish to gain access to the rear
of their lots by using the Bridal Path .
MOVED by Daly , seconded by Christiansen , ur�animously carried , to
defer action on this vacation easement until a proposed platting
of Outlot B has been submitted .
, Mr. Wiliiam Thomas , 2511 Douglas Drive , requrested that the specia]
35 foot setback requirement, plaEed along the north line of his
lot be removed .
The Planner explained that this 35 foot restriction was placed
along the north line at the time a division was approved in January,
1966 . It was hoped that all the property owners in the area
would get together and replat . This has never happened . In addition ,
the Planner noted that the Village has been asking for additional
right-of-way for Florida , so as full 50 foot street can be
constructed .
MOVED by Silverman , seconded by Provost, to recommend removal of
the 35 foot requirement on the north side yard so the normal 15
foot setback would apply , This motion carried unanimously , The
Commission also ntoed that an additional l0 feet of right-of-way
should be obtained from Mr, Thomas for Florida Avenue , but this
should not be a condition for the setback change ,
5 . REVIEW OF PLANS : Trunk Highway 12
The Commission reviewed plans for the tupgrading of T H 12 from
Colorada Avenue West to county Raad 18 . The Commission recommends
approval of the Plans , Layout No , 14B, Copy 10 , as ' recommended
by the Staff.
The Nominating Committee placed the name of G1enn Christiansen
before the Commission for Chairman for the year , 1969 . MOVED by
Swedberg , seconded by Daly, carried unanimously, to close nomin-
ations for Chairman. The Nominating Cammittee placed the name of
Don Franzen before the Gommission for Vice Chairman for the year
1969 , Further nominations from the floor were as follows : Jack
Daly, nominated by Mary Johnston ; f�ah�on Swedberg , nominated by
f�ort Silverman . MOVE� by Christiansen , seconded by Silverman to
close nominations for Vice CF�airman , carried unanimously .
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G V Planning Commission Minutes 12-19-68 Page 4
MOVED by Christiansen , seconded by Silverman , to approve the
following �y-Law a�rendments as proposed at the December 5 ,1968
meeting , carried unanimously .
Section 2 . Regular meetings of the commission shall be held
at 7 : 30 p .m, on the secand and fourth Monday of each month .
Attendance is required at ali meetings . Absence from a third of
the regularly scheduled meetings in any one year shall constitute
grounds for automatic review of a member ' s appointment by the
Council .
Section 13 : The Vice President shall act for the President when the
President is absent or disabled . All duties of the President' s office
or as a member of any committee shall tempararily dev�lve upon the
The Vice-President shall serve as a member of the 6oard of Zoning
Appeals .
The Vice-President shall perform all other duties the Commission
may prescribe .
There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 11 :3Q p .m.
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President Senstad Secretary Schmid