01-27-69 PC Minutes � _ 1 � � REGULAR MEETING OF TNE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION January 27,1969 A regu� ar meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held an Monday , January 27 ,1969 , at 7: 30 p.m, at the Golden Valley Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road , Golden Valley, Minnesota . Chairman Christiansen presided and the following were present: Vice Chairman Franzen , Jon Westlake ( for Otto Schmid , Village Planner) and Commissi�oners Daly, Moran , Neuman , Senstad , Silverman , Swanson , Swedberg . Members absent: Johnston , Provost. Also attending , Carol Wachter. 1 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 13 , 1969 MOVED by Franzen , seconded by Senstad , to approve the minutes , as maiied, carried unanimously. 2 . REZONING: Skyline Builders , Inc . (Bonnie Lane and Golden Valley Road) PLAT : 5kyline Builders , Inc . (Skyiine Green Va11ey) This area is bounded by the Great Northern Railroad on the east , City of Robbinsdale on the north , Golden Valley Road on the south , � and approximately 200 ' east of the east right-of-way line of Dresden Lane . The Chairman asked Mr, Westlake if he wouTd read the portion of the agenda pertaining to this request. Also , because of the platting and rezoning being on the same parcel , the Commission recognized the request as a unit , Mr . William R. Dolan of Dolan Engineering , Inc , was present, repre- senting Skyline Builders , inc . He said he was not asking for a recommendation at this time , but for direction as to the Commissions ' feeling toward his site plan in which he is proposing Multiple , M-1 which would support 48 two-story town house units with 76 garages and 75 outside parking spaces , Also on the site plan is a 16 lot single family residential area . The Commissioners engaged in a lengthy discussion with Mr. Dolan . Some of the more predominant points of concern are lisfied below: 1 . The traffic created by the town house development wuld go through the residential area . . 2. The layout plan has only one ingress and egress . 3 . With the town house development, it would add to an already bad traffic situation on Golden Valley Road during peak traffic hours because of the close proximity of the intersectian of Glenwood Camden Parkway with Golden Vaiiey Road . 4 . Rire protection would be difficult with only one ingress and egress . 5 . The town house development as proposed on the site plan does not abutt an arterial street. � The Commissioners suggested that the proponent inform the people in the area when more definite plans are avaiiable as the proponent previousiy did in the rezoning of the Hidden Village apartment complex. Mr . Dolan also told the Commission that Skyline Quilders has a meeting scheduled with the Minneapolis Park Board to see if a pieshaped parcel of land can be purchased which would affect the layout plans . Mr . Dolan asked if he could be placed on the agenda at a later date pending the outcome of the meeting of his client with the Mpls , Park Board . �. �� Planni,ng Commission Minutes of January 27 , 1969 Page 2 3 . PROPOSED ORDINANGE CNANGE Chapter 6 of the 2oning Code is changed by adding to Section 6 .02 the following : L . ) Food packing , packaging , and process� ng plants ; provided, however , that no processing shall involve any cooking , heating , smoking , soaking , or marinating procedures . This language would also pertain to the Industrial Zoning District , Chapter 7 , as well as Light Industrial Zoning District Chapter 6 . MOVED by Franzen , seconded by Senstad , unanimously carried , to defer action on this proposed Ordinance change , pending a letter sent by the planner to industries which could possibly be affected in Golden Valley by this Ordinance . Also , the Commission asked if the Sanitarian , Mr . Hutchison , could be present when this is again placed on the agenda . 4 . DISCUSSION : IN7ERVIEWS OF JANUARY 23, 1969 . The Commission asked tbat the tapes of the interviews be kept until they have completed the interviewing . The Commissioners were also informed of their next interview on January 30 , 1969 , at 7 : 30 p .m. 5 . GENERAL The Council has not appointed at t�iis time r�ew people to the Qoard of Zoning Appeals . Because of this , the Qoard will meet with last year ' s members until notified otherwise . The only exception , being Mr. Franzen , who being Vice-Chairman of the Planning Commission , automatic��ly sits on the BZA . Mr . Christiansen , who was last year ' s chairman of the BZA , no langer will sit with �hat body , The By-Laws of the BZA state that a member shall serve on the SZA until he is reappointed or replaced . As of now, Dr. Robert Hoover has been reappointed ; Mr, Franzen automatically is appointed by Ordinance and Mr. Bruch , Mr . Jensen and P�1r . Anderson remain until the Council takes action on their appointmen�s . There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 9 P .M. � � f � = � �' ��_�' ��-- -- - - .. -�_-=� _����-_-= _---- President Christiansen Secretary Schmid'