02-24-69 PC Minutes � � � REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE QF GOLDEN V�LLEY PLA�NFNG COMMISSIO� February 24, 1969 � regular meeting af the Planning Cammission of the Village of Golden Valley �as held an Monday, February 24 ,1969 , at the Civic Center , 780� Golden Valley Road, Golde� Va11ey , Minnesota . Chairman Christiansen presided and the follvwing �ere present: Planning Director Schmid and Commissioners Franzen; Swedberg , ° Neuman , Swanson and Moran . Members absent; Johnston, Provost, and Daly . 1 . APPRQVAL OF MINUTES - FE6RUARY 10 ,1969 MQVED by Neuman, secvnded by Swedberg, unanimously carried to apprave the minutes as amended . 2. EXPLANATION : APPOINTMENTS TO 1969 PL�NNING COMMISSIO� ANO BQARD OF ZONING APPEALS The Chairman explained the make-up of the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals to those present, noting that Mr. Senstad and Mr. Silverman had been appointed to the BZA for one year terms . Ta take their places , the Council had appointed Mr. Moran and Mr . Neuman, and instructed tMe two new members to flip a coin to determine who would fill �r. Silverman 's two year term and who would finish Mr. Senstad 's remaining one y��r term . The coin was duly tossed and Mr . Moran won the flip chasing the two year term. Mr. Neuman will fill the remaining one year term . 3. COMPRENENSIVE PLANNING STUDY Mr. Carl Dale , Midwest Planning , was present and explained the initial steps required before the Planning Study could begin . - He distributed data sheets explaining the elements of a planning program and also distributed an outline for a reconnaissance � survey, which is the fiirst step in a comprehensive planning study. Mr. Dale said a questiannaire or survey given to three basic groups ; namely , the Planning Commissian, the civic leaders , including the Council , clergy etc. , and the average citizen , is most beneficial . This qaestionnaire would ask basic questions concerning the community to find the wants and needs , and incorporate this into the study . The other facets of a reconnaissance survey are : a summary of population, land use , economic characteristics , historical back- ground , government , analysis af existing plans , planning programs , a list of specifi.c needs related to planning, and finaliy a proposed planning program and cost estimates . �r. Dale suggested that he get together with the Vil1age Planner and determine the amount of time the Village Staff can give to this study . Staff time would affect the cost of this reconnaissance survey . i � �� Planning Commission Minutes 2-24-69 Page 2 Discussion concerning the possibility of using the Village Balletin for planning information and for the survey followed. The Commission thought this possibility should be pursued by the Staff and Mr. Dale . It was the thought of the Commission that such a bulletin would generate interest in this study among the citizenry. MQVED by Franzen, secanded by Swanson , carried unanimously, to instruct the consultant and the Village Planner to proceed with initial plans for the recannaissance survey and to bring the final proposal back to the P1anning Commission for review. � 4. GROUP HOME DISCUSSIQN The Planner notified °the Planning Commission that the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee would be Tuesday, February 25th . He asked the Commission to give the Ad Hoc Committee a free hand in deter�- mining the ground rules for a neighborhood committee for the existing group home on Winsdale Street. This request was also made of the Human Rights Commission at their February i3th meeting and approved . It was his feeling that as long as the home on Winsdale continues to operate , a neighborhood Committee should be initiated . This would establish a direct line of communication between the home , the neighborhood and the Village Hall , The Planner alsa stated tha� a full progress report would be made to the Planning Commission at its next meeting . MOVED by Moran, seconded by Franzen, unanimausly carried , to instruct the Ad Hoc Committee to proceed with plans for setting up a neigh- borhood cammittee. 5 . INTERCHANGE : DULUTH STREET - T. H . 100 The Planner discussed with the Commissioners his comments of February lOth concerning this interchange, in order to clarify any misgivings or misunderstandings which might have occurred. He noted that any mention of detachment of frontage roads ar extensi�on of Vale Crest Road was just a proposal , Qbvfausly, nothing was final in this regard;the planning and engineering departments on1y wanted the Planning Commission 's reaction, which wes obtained. They are further investigating alternate routes , and wil ] apprpach the Commission with another report in the future . 6. AMENDING THE ZONING CODE - SECTION 3 .07 The following language change was presented to the Planning Commission fior review. 3.07 1 . ) FRONT SETBACK; The required front setback shall be 35 feet fram the front property line and 35 feet from any side or rear property line , which is also a street or road right-of-way line , but this re- quirement shall not reduce the bu� lding width of any corner lot tv less than 20 feet at the ground story level . . ..�_ � � Planning Commission Minutes 2-24-69 Page 3 The Planner mentioned that the existing ordinance was nat too clear on what happens to a s4-called " through lot ' as far as setbacks are cor�cerned. The Staff recQmmends approval of the proposed change in order to clarify the situatian . MOVED by Moran, seconded by Neuman, carried unanimous1y , to recommend approval of this change . 7 . GENERAL : SHELARD PARK DEVELOP��NT - St. LQUis Park The Planner explained the general nature of the proposed development and its anticipated effect on Golden Valley. He noted that two main problems exist regarding this development . They are� : 1 . Proposed drainage into Bassett Creek 2. Proposed traffic volumes in the area. The Planner noted that in his judgment, the existing and proposed traffic routes were inadequate, and the developer should provide same type of storm water holding pond in his drainage plan, He specifically noted that the Interchange at Betty Crocker Drive and County Road 18 is totally inadequate for the volumes of traffic projected for it. The Planner nated that a situation of this type should be reviewed by the Metro Council . Ne noted that he had already asked the Metro Council for help , but had not recieved a reply. The Planner suggested that a total redesign of the praposed roadways is in order, and suggested a north-south collector street approximateiy 2 -3000 feet west of County Road 18. This north- south collector could be attached to frontage roads along both T H 12 and T H 55, which eventually should lead to interchanges in the vicinity of County Road 73. In a-dition , it is most important that an interchange be constructed in the vicinity of Boone Avenue and T N 55 to alleviate congestion at County Road 18 & Betty Crocker Dr . The Commission discussed the Planner 's report, noting that the area in question might be over-developed , if this proposal is approved by St. Louis Park. It was also nvted that Golden Valley would ex- perience the drainage and traffic problems from this area , which wpuld prove costly to the taxpayer of the community. It was further nated that in the interest of good planning , the problems anti - cipated by this deveiopment should be solved before develapment begins . The Commisston noted that far too often in the past, a complete disregard of future planning , especially regarding abutting communities , had led to ma�ar and costly prob1ems for taxpayers . MOVED by Swansor� , seconded by Neuman, carried unanimously , to indicate the Golden Valley Planning Commission 's concern over this project, and the lack of preplanning as it relates to surrounding communities concerning tra�Ffic patterns and proper drainage control . There being no further �usi:ness , the meeting adjourned at 9: 30 p .m. (;� r 1 � � �^' r t �-,/��� �r, �...�. ..�(��./.:��'°'��.�,_ _.� _ _ - Chairman Christiansen Secretary Schmid