08-11-69 PC Minutes _� fA� � NLZNUT�S OF THE GOLT?EN VALLEY PLANNING CDA�IIS5ZON August 11, 1969 A regu3.ar meeting of the Go].den Va11ey Planning Commission was held on Mond.ay, August 11, 1969, at the Civic Center, 7800 (}olden Va11ey Road, Golden Va11ey, Minnesota, at 8 P.M. Chairman Christiansen presided and the following were present: Vice-Chairman Franzen, Planner Schmid and Commissioners Swedberg, Swanson, Neuman, Maran, Lundsgaard, 2?a1y� Johnston. Absent: None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUT�: MOVID by Franzen, seconded by Neuman, unanimously carried to approve the minutes of Ju3.y il�, 1q69, as amended. 2. REZOI�fiING: PREMI� REALTY - Lots 10 & 11 ��Busch's Golden Va11ey Acres" Open Development to Light Industrial. ' Lot 9 Multipl.e M-1 to Light Industrial. John Voss, Urban Planning and Design anc3 Robert Brenny, Premier Realty, presented their proposal for Lots 9, 10, 11 of Busch�a Golden Va1].ey Acres. Lot 1 1.5 a part of this development but is already �oned Industrial. Lot 9 is presently zoned Multiple M-1. Tt was explained that the area wi11 be used for office and warehousing, consequently Light Zndustrial is being sought for Lots 9, 10, &11. Mr. Brenny stated that he would be willing to dedicate 50 feet a3.ong Bassett Creek for public purposes if the iTillage would guarantee that it be used for a public walkw�y. , The Commission then discussed their recent tour of` the area in question. MOVED by �a1y, seconded by Swanson, unanimously carried, to recommend denial of the proposed rezoning �ar the following reasons: 1. 2he petiti.oner has not given any justification or need for further industrial zoning in that area (noting the industrial area west of H�one with much vacant 1and}. 2. The Planning Commission, after walking the property, beiieves that the "very wonderful creek" that flows through the area should be preserved. (P�r. Daly�s opinion was that the best way t�o preserve the creek was with multiple dwelling development.) 3. REZOIJIAJG: Dr. Robert Hoover, Ed Jordan - Lat �2, Aud. Sub. No. 360 Residential to Business & Professional Office �n additi.on: I,ots lt6, l�7, lt8, It9, �0, 51, Aud. Sub. No. 360 as requested by the Planning Gommission The Planner noted. that the property owners had been contacted by letter and invited to attend ton3.ght�s meeting. The following praperty owners or their representatives were present: Mr. Jordan - Lats 1�9 a� 5a, Mr. Turner - Lot 51, Mrs. Guntzel - Lot l�8, Mrs. Jensen for Mr. & Mrs. Larson, I,ot t�7. A�r. Quist was notified but not present. Dr. Hoover presented tY�e site plan of the proposed building to the Commissian and the landowners present. None of the property owners present were opposed to the rezoning of Lot 52 ar Lots !tb through 51 to Business & Professional Office from Residential. The Planner had recommended approval of said zoning at the July ]..ltth meeting. MQVED by Johnston, seconded by Neumari, unanimously carried, to recommend that Lot �2 of Auditor's Subdivisian No. 360 be zoned to Business & Professional Office. The Commission also recommends rezoning Lots !�b-�1, Aud. Subd. No. 360 to Business & Professional Office. Conc�rn over Mr. Quist�s opinion was registered by the Commi.ssion. He will be notified of the date and time of the Public Heari.ng. i�. ORDSNANCE CHANGE: GARA.GE STANDARDS. The Cammission decided that any changes should be ineorparated in the new zoning ordinance which should result from the upcoming planning study. � � � Golden Valley Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 August 11� 1969 5. DISCUSSION: MI�WEST FLANNINa - PLANNING StIRVEY Caxl Dale, prineipal planner for Midwest Planning & Research Inc. presented the preli.minary results of the plann:i.ng survey to the Commission. The final results will be distributed to the Cammission in wrr'itten fdrm at the n�xt meeting. I�. Dale presented his firm's outline �or a planni.ng program. The total cost for this program is $29,5Q0. The Commission took no formal action eoneerning the Planning Survey or ou�lined praposal. They did instruct the Planner to meet with the Village Manager and Mr. Dale to discuss the next steps in the program. 6. GENFRAL: Chairman Ghristiansen reported to the Commission on his meeting with the Safety Council concerning sidewalks. No formal action was taken pending receipt of a repart on the matter from the Safety Council. Meeting adjourned at 10:t�0 P.M. � - - - ` - - - - - - � �-�:�� ```��,. - - - - - .��`� `` Chairman Christiansen Secretary Schmid �