08-25-69 PC Minutes � ��
Augus� 25, 1969
A reg�ul.ar meeting of the Gc�lden Valley Planning Commission was held on Mond�y,
August 2�, 1969, at the Civ:�c Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, (3olden Val.ley,
Minnesota, at $ P.M. Chai.rman Christiansen presided and the following were present:
Planner Schmid, Vice-Chairmar. Franzen and memberss Moran, Swanson, 5wedberg,
Neuman, Johnston, I.undsgaard. Member absent: Daly. .
1. APPROVAL (3F MINtTTES z MDVED by Neuman, seconded by Franzen, unanimously
ca,rried, to approve the minutes of August 11, 1969, as mailed.
2. PLANNING STUIIY; Planner I3ale unable to attend� due to a vacation.
The Planner explained the highway departments proposal for T. H. �� from County
Road 18 to T. H. lOQ. The Planning Commission 3n di.scussing the proposal had
certaa.n questions that could not be answered by the planner so it was MOVEt? by
Neuman, seconded by Franzen, unanimously carried, to study this proposal furthsr
and to ask the Minnesota Highway Department to send a representative to the next
Comma.ssion meeting to discuss their proposal and possible alternatives.
' Belmont Addition
Mr. Tiegs ar�d his realtor, I�r. Walling, were present. The Commission in discussing
this lot division noted that the sewer and water lines run across the proposed 75 f
foot lat on the corner of fllympia and Hampshire Avenue. The Commission directed
the proponent ta make the necessary arrangements including necessar� easements
and registered surveys in order to protect the future owners. MOVED by Moran,
seconded by Swanson, unaryimously carried, to agprove the 1ot division, subj�ct
to the necessary easements being obtained as well a� the required surv�y.
5. ��t�aL:
A. Sidewalks - Chairman Christiansen read a letter from the Galden Val.ley
Safety Counc�l, whieh put forth that body�s thoughts on sidewalks for the Village.
It was decided that a copy of this letter along with a map showing the location
af the proposed sidewalks wi.31 be sent to each Planni.ng Commission member and
discussion will. be held at the ne� meeting.
B. Minneapolis 8�ar Article of August 12, 1969
Discussion ensued concerning the article fvund in the August 12�h Minneapolis
Star concerning resu].ts of the Gomprehensive Survey. Zt was the consensus that
from now on any press releases invalving Village Planning functions will come
from a member of the Village Staff or direetl.y fram the Gommission meetings,
which are public meetings.
C. Planning Commi.ssian Operation after Septembsr 1, 19b9.
The Commissioners showed eoneern over the aperation of the Planning Commission
after Sept�mber lst, realizing that they are losing their secretary and V3.11age
Planner, 4tto Sehmid. MOVED by Moran, seconded by Johnston, unanimously carried,
to request the Vi1l:age Managsr or his delegate to handle the secretarial duties of
the Planning Commi.ssion as set forth in SQetion ll� of the F'lanning Commissian
By-Laws. In addition, the Commission for the present will continne to meet twice
each month in accordance wl.th Section II of the By-Laws. The ne� meeting of the
Planning Commission wi11 be Septetnber $th, at which time the Planning Commission
1 � �
C�olden Yalley Planning Commission Minutes
Page 2
August 25, 19b9
requests that the Manager be present to discuss the foregoing mation.
D. Amending By-Laws - Section II.
MO'VED by Swanson, seconded by Lundsgaard, unanimously carrie�ci, ta amend Section 2
of the By-Laws to read as follows:
Regular meetings of the Gommission shall be held at 7:30 p.m. on the second
and fourth Monday of each month, or at the descretion of the Planning Commission
Cha.irman. At least one meeting will be held each month. Attendance is required
at all meetings. Absence from a third of the regul.arly seheduled meetin�s in any
one year shall constitute grounds for automatic review of inember�s appointment
by the Gouncil.
At this time Chairman Christiansen expressed the Planning Commission�s appreciation
to the out-going Village Planner, Otto Schmid, for h3s years of service with the
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:1� p.m.
C/ . r ' , �. .
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Chairman Christiansen Secretary Schrnid