09-08-69 PC Minutes �_ ��e MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSZON September 8, 1969 A regular meeting of the Galden Valley Planning Commission was held on Monday, September $, 1969, at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Vatley, Minnesota, at 8:00 P.M. Chairman Christ�ansen presided and the following were present; Planning Consultant Schmid �d Commissioners Swanson, Swedberg, Neuman, Moran and Lundsgaard. Members absent: Daly, Johnston, and Franzen. l. APPROVAL OF MTN'UTES: MQVED by Neuman, seconded by Swanson, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of August 2�, 1969 as mailed. 2. REZpNING: Ronald G. Griciley 9300 Go2den Va11ey Road Business anci Professional Office Mr. Ronald G. Gridley, along with his real estate agent, Mr. James Ford, of Reese Thomson & Scroggins, was present to answer the questions of the Commission. It was noted by the Planner that the site in question is the Westview Church property. North of this site the zoning is Institutional; east, it is multiple; south across Golden Valley Road it is Commercial; and west, Open Zoning. The present structure does not meet the existing green area requirement on the east setback. It was MOVED by �oran, seconded by Swedberg to recommend approval of the rezoning request for Business and Professional Office zoning. DISCUSSION: The Commissioners noted the existing non-conformance in regard to the green area. They urged compliance with the Ordinance in any furth�r expansion. The motion carried unanimously. 3. EXPLANATION OF C(3NSULTING SF�RVICES: The Planni.ng Consultant, Otto Schmid, from Urban Planning & Design Tnc., explained the nature of the services to be provided by the firm. !�. CORRESPONDENCE: Chai.rman Claristiansen read two latters to the Comtnission. The first being a letter o£ appreciation to the former staff planner; the second being a letter to the Village Manager concerning the upcomi.ng planrLing program. 5• STDEWALKS; A map showing the sidewalk propasal of the Village Safety Council with several additions was reviewed by the Co��s�ioi�. '� � � MOVED by Moran, seconded by 5wanson to approve the sidewalk plan noting the following suggust�d initial constructions 1.) Winnetka Ave. from Medicine Lake Road to T. H. 12 with the addition of the Western Ave. ex'tension from Winnetka to the Brookview Recreation area. 2. ) Douglas Drive from Med�.cine Lake Raad �o Golden Valley Rpad. 3. ) Glenwood Ave.-Country Club Arive from the Civic Center to Wirth Parkway. !�.) Civic Center area from the Public Safety Building to Winnetka Ave. (The arder noted does not necessarily note order of impor�ance.) This motion carried unanimously. 1 � � Gold en Valley Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 September 8, 1969 DISCUSSION: The Planni:ng Commi.ssion will take the sidewalk plan, along with the action taken at this meeting, to the Safety Council. The Planning Commission also recommends that the assessment for this project be ViZlage- wide or paid for from the general fund. The members also thought that sidewalk should be considered for Golden Valley Road from Pennsylvania Ave. to Douglas I9rive. 6. AMENDING THE BY-LAWS Section 2: MOVID by Swanson, seconded by Swedberg, to approve the amendment to the by-laws, Section 2, as propos�d, at the August 2�, 1969 meeting, carried unanimously. Section 2 � Regular meetings of the Co�nission should be held at 7:3t? P.M. on the second and fourth P2onday of each month, or at the discretion of the Planning Commission Chairman. At least one meeting will be held each month. Atter�iance is required at all meetings. Absenee from a third of the regularly scheduled meetings in any ane year shall constitute grounds for automatic review of a member's appointment by the Council. 7.(a) GIIJII�AL: Upgrading T.H. 5� from T.H. 100 to Co. Rd. 18. The F�anner will attempt to have someone at a future meeting to explain the proposal. 7.(b) In regard to Item #1, rezoning to Business and Professianal Office, 9300 Golden Valley Road, the Commission recommends that Business and Professional �ffice type uses be considered for the remainder of the area from the wTestview ChapeZ to Co. Rd. 18. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. - -� -� ` � -+�7��� '=`=�'='�`' _ _ - - - Chai.rmanlChristiansen Secretary Schmi7d � NO MEETINQ� sEPTII�IBER 22, 1969