10-13-69 PC Minutes � �� MINtFPES OF TIi� GOLDEN VALLEY PZANNING C01�+IISSION October 13, 1969 A regular meeting of the Go].den Valley Planning Commission was held on Monday, �ctober 13, 1969, at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, at $:00 P.M. Vice-C�,airman Franzen presided and the following were present: Johnston, Neucnan, Swedberg, Daly, and Moran. Members absent weres Christiansen and Lundsgaard. 1. APPROVAL OF MLNUTESs MOVEI? by Johnston, seconded by Neuman, unanimously carried to approve the minutes of 3eptember 8, 1969. 2. REZOI�tING: France Ave. Nursing Hame 75�5 Country Club Drive The proponents are requesting that the pareel be zoned from Business and Prafessional Office to Institutional (I-3)• Mr'. Paul Pink from Gingold and Pink Arehitects, made the presentation to the Commission. The Commission e�epressed concern over such items as traffic and neighborhoc�d acceptance. It was suggested that the proponents' be present at the November lOth meeting to answer these and further questions of the Commission. It was moved by Newnan, seconded by Moran, carried unanimously, to table this item until more informa.tion is available, specifically, clarification on the 2 � stor� requirement of the Zoning Code. 3. WAIVER OF THE PLA2'TING OFtDIAtANCE: David C. Curry Lot 13, Blk. 6, Lakeview Heights, lst MOYED by RTeuman, seconded by Swanson, carried unanimously to re-estab].ish Lot 13 of Blk. 6, Lakeview Heights, lst Addition. (It was noted that this actian would be in keeping with past Planni.ng Commission action on such items especially where lots of less than 1�0 Yt. width are found.) 4. MTDWEST FLA.NNING SURVEY: Mr. Carl Dale presented to the Commission the formal survey report as per contract requirement. Th� report was discussed with emphasis placed an the Consultants recammendations on the upcoming planning study. 5• GENF,RAL: The Planning Commission consul.tant, Otto Schmid, noted that the October 27th meeting is scheduled to be a special work meeting with the Council. The meeting will be held in the Couneil chambers at 7s30 P.M. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10;15 P.M. . � ` �} �_� u� r� �,�„� , - ����� - - - - - _ _ - _ _� �T�ce-Cha.irman �ranzen S c ta�ry Sc2�ui:d � NO I�EETING OCTOBF�ft 27, 1969