11-10-69 PC Minutes 1 �3 �� MLNUTES OF THE G()I.pEN VALI,EY PLANNING CQI�ISSION November 10, 1969 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held on Monday, - November 10, 1969, at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road� Galden Valley, Minnesota at ?:30 P.M. Chairman Christiansen presided and the fallowing were present: Vice-Chairman Franzen and Cor�unissioner Daly, Moran, Johnston, Neuman, Lundsgaard. Members absent were: Swanson and Swedberg. l. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by Johnston, seconded by Franzen to agprove the minutes of October 13, 19b9, as mailed, carried unanimously. 2. ftEZONTNG: France Avenue Nursing Home 7,�0,� Country Club Drive Viee-Chai.rman Franzen reported that the Baard of Zoning Appeals interpreted the 2� story requirement in the Institutional Zoning District to mean 2=-� stories regardless af terr ain or street grade. The proponents are proposing a bui3ding which is 2 stories on the north elevation but !t stories on the sou�h. Mr. Paul Pink, architect for th� project, Dr. John T. Kelly, owner of the propased building and P�r. William Keffer, Skyline Builders, owner of the property, were present to answer the questions of the Commission. Commissioner Daly expressed ths opinion that the existing parking regulations in the zoning code are excessive and should be reviewed. MOVED by F'ranzen, seconded by Neuman to recommend approval of the request for T-3 zoning. �ISCUSSIONs Chairman Christiansen suggested that the Planning Comm3.ssion not recommend one way or the other on the height of the building as this matter was up to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Commissianer �aly'noted that this proposed Nursi.ng Home lies within a transition area of land uses and is easily 'accessable by auto. The motion carried una,nimously. 3. REZ�NTNG: Clar�►an Nursing Home 1130 Boone Avenue No. P�lr. Harry i3ilsworth, Attorney, was present to answer the Commission's questions. Mr. �ilswarth also presented the site plans far the proposed buildings. It was noted that this home is a tax paying, profit making institutian. The site plans were left with the Flanner to review for conformance with the zoning code. MOV'ED by Daly, secanded by Lundsgaard to postpane action on this item until further details concerni.ng the development of Lots 3, !t, and S of Busch�s Meadow Acres is obtai.ned. Motion carried unanimously. Y �� Go3:den Valley P1.anning Commission Minutes Page 2 November 10, 1969 t�, PLAT: Green Va].l.ey Estates Preliminary Plat Review The Gommission reviewed the plat and recommends the followingz l.) that Lots 6 and ? of Block 2 be platted as one lot. This would keap the existing home in compliance with the Qrdinance ar�d would negate the possibility of the garage being used as a residEnce. 2.) tha.t Maryland Avenue Idorth be realigned in order to mest the 35' setback required for the e�cisting home. MOVED by Moran, seconded by Ateuman to recommend preliminary approval of the preliminary plat subject to the developer meeting the utility and street require- ments as set by the Village �ngineer. This motian carried unanimously. �. WAIVER OF THE FLATTING ORDI1VAld10E: a} Daniel Lynch 120 Ecigewac�d �lve. Discussion of the manner this lot is to be divided. The proponent obtained the signatures of surrounding property owners. MOVID by Neuman, seconded by Johnston to recommend approval of the waiver request. Motion carried four yeas and two nay. b') Glenwoad Hills Hospital The Comma.ssion had no objections to the proposed lanci division. However, �hey woul.d Iike to be appraised as to what the hospital. is cantemp2atin� for the area. 6. GENII�,AL: A brief work session with the Village Council was held in regard to the up-coming Planning Study. No; formal action was taken, There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1�:0� P.M. ��. ,-� . �;�`�- - � ��..� -�- - - - - '� - - - - - - - - - - - Chairman Christiansen Secretary ScYimid NO MEETING Nt�VF�'IBE�. 2lt� 1969