01-12-70 PC Minutes i � � MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALI�EY PL�NNING COMMISSION Jarnaary 12, 1970 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held on Monday, Jarnzary 12, 1970 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Va11ey Road, Golden Valley. Minnesota at 7:30 P.M: Chairman Christiansen presided and the following were present: Vice-Chairman �anzen and Commissioners Newman; Swanson, Swedberg; Lundsgaard; Johnston, Daly, and Consultant Schmid. Member Moran was absent. l. APPROVAL OF M2NITTES: MOVED by Franzen and seeonded by Neuman, carried unanimously�, to approve the mirnztes of December 8, 1969 as mailed. 2. LAND USE DISGUSSION: Lots 2, 3, !� and 5< "Busch�s Meadow Acres.�� (at request of the Village Council) The Chairman noted that the Village Council had requested that the Planning Commission review the Iand use for Lots 2, 3, Lt and 5 along with the two rezoning requests before the Commission in order that the public hearings required for the, area might be heZd at the same time. Mr. Budrow Larson, representing Claremore Nursing Home, the petitioner for Lot #2, was present. Mr. Robert Brenny and Mr. John Miller Attorney, were present representing Premier Real�, the petitioner for Lots 3, !� and 5. It was noted that the Planning Commission at itts December 8. 1969 meeting recommended Institutional I-3 zoning for Lot 2. Premier Realty is asking for Multiple M-�t zoning Lots 3 and �t and Institutional I-3 for £�ot 5. Mr. Jerry Baily, Landscape Architect and Mr, Jason Bel1. Architect. e�lained the development plan for Premier Realty. The proposal for Lots 3 and !� shows two 8-story buildings of 68 units each and for Lot 5, a 2-1/2 story, 163-bed nursing home. No�ices were sent to the residents of the area. Approximately 35 persons were presen.t to express their opinions. The consensus seemed to be that: 1.) the residents �of the area were not opposed to a riursing home, but would prefer just one; 2.) The residents were not opposed generally to high-density residential for Lots 3. J� or 5 but were opposed to 8-story buildings. The Planning Comznission in discussing this area, noted the seemingly poor soil conditions. It was believed that this might be a factor in determining the type of high-density multiples for thzs area. It was suggested that Premier Realty� obtain more extensive soil tests, This request was made at the December 8, 1969 meeting and again tonight. A motion was made by Swanson to reaffirm the past Planning Commission action concerning the recommended approval of Tnstitut�onal Z-3 zoning for Zot 2 and to recommend denial far the proposed multiple M-!� zoning on lots 3 and 4 and to � �� Golden Va11ey Planning Cc�mmission Minutes Page 2 January 12, 1970 recommend approval for the Tnstitutional I-3 zonin.g of Lot 5. This mation was seconded by Swedberg, The motion was defeated with 3 in favor and ?� against, � Member Daly noted that the residents seemed opposed to any high-rise strusture. He suggested that a townhouse-type project might be acceptable. MOVED by Da1y to recommend to the Council that Lot 2 be zoned Institutional I-3 and that Lots 3, �. and 5 be considered for a townhouse project. This motion was seconded by Neuman and carried unanimously. 3. DRES➢EN LAND CUL,-DE-SA.C. Mr. Roy J, Busse, who claims to be the owner of Outlot l, Cumberland Hi�ls 3rd Addition was present, He said he would dedicate any additional right-of-way needed for the cul-de-sac on Dresden Lane. . The Consultant noted that �he vacation of cer�ain right-of-way on Dresden Lane and the construction of the eul-de-sac would prevent Robbinsdale from attaching to this street, He also noted that the Villagets 1970 tax rolls indicate Mr. P. B. Olson as the owner of �utlot 1 and that he would have to sign the deeds needed for the cul-de-sac. It was also noted that the owners af Lot 3, B1ock 2 of the Cumberland Hills 3rd Addition are using an un- platted street to enter into a rear entry garage, Obviously, if the cul- de-sac is constructed, this method of ingress and egress would be impossible. A petition containing the: name of all the property owners on Dresden Lane, except that of the owner of Lot 3 Block 2, requesting that a cul-de-sac be constructed is on file. MOVED by Daly, seconded by Franzen carried unanimousl.,y to recommend to the Council that the proposed cul-de-sac b� constructed and that the cost of said cul-de-sac be assessed to the benefited property owners. The PZannin.g Commission was also aware of the situation in regard to Lot 3 Block 2. MOVED by Neuman, seconded by Johnstan carried unanimously to put the Planning Gommission on record as notzng that a definite hardship exists on Lot 3 Block 2 arzd tha� all considerations be given if waivers are requested. �.. HAROLD AVENUE CUL-DE-SAC (Windsor Woods) Mr. Robert Latz, 6850 Harold Avenue presented a petition to the Planning Commi�sion asking that a cul- de-sa� censtructed at the termirrus of Harold Avern�.e. The Consultant noted that the Village staff has recommended that a temparax�y� cul-de-sac be constructed on Lot 6. This proposal was deemed unacceptable by Mr. I�atz who suggested that the cul-de-sac be constructed on Lot 30 of RLS No. 322. Mr. Claude �rury�, owner of the East half of Lot 30 was in attendanee and stated that he was opposed to the cul-de-sac. Mr. Latz then asked for the petition be withdrawn from consideration. � ,7 .� Golden V�lley Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 January 12, 1970 MOVED b� Swa,nson, seconded by Swedberg unanirnously carried to accept Mr, I,atz�s request for withdrawal of the petition. 5. STREET VACATION: Winsdale Street between Getty�sburg and Flag Avenue. (lst addition to Lakeview Heightsj Mr. Earl Wilson has petitioned the Village to vacate Winsdale �t. between Gettysburg and F'lag Avenue. It was noted that the three utility companies have e�cpressed approval subject to the necessary easements for existing power and telephone lines being obtained. Only one abutting property owner, Mr. James Kimpton of 1l�12 Gettysburg Ave. ha s opposed the vacation. The Village Ehgineer has e�ressed no objections to the vacation request. IT WAS MOVED by Lundsgaard, seconded by Franzen to recommend vacation of Winsdale Street subject to the necessary� easements being obtained and filed. MOT�ON carried unanimously, 6. WAIVER OF THE PLATTING ORDiNANCE. RZS No. 752 Tracts B, C, and D. This request is for the dividing of approximate 23 ft, from Tract D and combining same with Tracts B and C. Mr. WilliaM Laird and Mr. A. R. Witt were in attendance. The Commission noted the obvious lack of a sensible plat for the area and also noted that a plat was once approved but never filed. It strongly urges that the area be replatted. IT WAS MOVED by Swanson, seconded by Swedberg to approve the waiver request. MOTION CARRIED iinanimousl.y. 7. GENERAZ a. Chairman Christiansen noted that the Village Council has extended all those terms due to expire January 1 to April l, 1970. b, Chairman Christiansen read a letter from the Village Manager asking that the Planning Commission review a proposed ordinance to establish Boards and Commissions and make recommendations to the Cou.ncil on this item. The Chairman asked the Consultant to review this Ordinance and make copies available to all the members along with his recom- mendation for the Jarivary 26, 197� meeting. c. The Consultant distributed to the Commission the �igned contxact with Midwest Planning and Research, � �� Golden Valley Planning Cflmmissa.on Minutes Page � January 12, 1970 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:1�0 P,M, C_ / � �--, �� ���� L � ��, �� , � =� ��. , 'd,' < y,.,. � C.,,�.;b-�-*,�--..X) irman. Christiansen ecretary chmid