01-25-71 PC Minutes � ���
January 2ss 1.971
A regular meeting of the C3olden Val.ley Pl.anning Commission was held at 7s30 P.M.
on Monday, January 25, 1971 at the Civic Center, 7800 t3olden Valley Road,
Golden Valley, Minnesota.
Chairman Christians� presided and the following members were prese�nt s
Viee Chairman Franzen, Commissioners Lundsgaard, Moran, Neuman, Swanson,
Swedberg� and Van Horr�. Also present was Consultant Otto Schmid and ftecording
Secretary Jon Westlake.
Members abs�nt: Commis�ioner Johnsttin.
l. APPR(}VAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by Neuznan, seconded by Fr�nzen� to approve
the minutes of the December 1l�� 1970 meeting as m�i.led. Motion carried un�imously.
Custom Tool and Manufacturing Company
21�60 Winnetka Avenue North
The Planning Consultant, Mr. Otto Schmid, explained that lot divisior�s in the
p�st had been considered for approval when containing the followi.ng: a plot
plan show3ng that the proposed structure meets all the requirements of the
Ordinance and, also, if ne�ded, a rezoning, �s in this particular case. Tf �
a lot division is approved prior to a particular structure being known, there
is no wa�y of knowir�g that the diwisian would m�et the required size in relation
to the structure.
Mr. Jim Sinton Was present from (.l�.stom Tool a�r�d Manufacturing Co. to request �
the division, whieh is described �s: 220 feet Sauth of the North property line.
Mr. Si.nton stated they would like to divide the present parcel, thus reducing
the assessments because of less land area,
Tt was moved by Moran� seconded by Franzen, carriec2 unanimously, to table this
request for the waiver of the Platting Ordinance� noting the statements of the
consultant as listed above.
(a) Preliminary Analysis of Plan Needs
Mr. Carl �a1e of Midwest Planning �nd Research, Inc. distributed a �rk sheet
to th� Plunning Commissi.on eontaining a list of vrrxious improvements to complete
the living and working environment of the n�ighborhood areas. He diseussed the
� � �
Planning Corr�nission
January 2�, 1971 page 2
work sheet in full detail with particular emphasis on the first neighborhood
area tha't has been en3arged from the base map w3th approximate bouridaries
knotan as the Minnesota Western Railroad on the North, Wayzata Boulevard on
the South� Turners Crossroad on the East� and Winnetka Avanue N. on the West.
. (Comrro.ssioner Lundsgaard �oined the meeting at 9:20 P.M.)
(b} Zoning 1)istriets
Mr. Dale i.n explaining the Preliminary Analysis of Plan Needs in the specific
area, as described i.n (a) above, stated that this area would be ftarther
subdivided into mini areas in order that specific i�provements could be applied
to that p�rticul.ar area. Also, with respect to the specific area as described
in (a) above, Carl �3ale distributed a work pamphlet containing zoning districts
to assist in the Comgrehensive Plan. The zoning districts in the work pamphlet
cantain four types of Residential districts and several other districts ending
with (3eneral Industrial. Pir. "Dale pointed out the Multiple �wre2lin� district
is not listed becuase he would like to set it up under the Planned Unit I�ev�lop-
ment Ordinance; but before this can be done, it will involve further legal research.
(c) (3oa1s and Policy Study Committee
The Ghairman asked Board member Lowell Swansan to explain how the residential
names were selected t2�rough the voting precinets. After a brief explanation
of how the names were 5elec;ted at random, Mr. Swanson stated that a total of
�welve names were selected from each precinct so that if any one of the four
from any precinet could not serve, there sti11 were sufficient names remainir�g
to draw from.
The Planning Commission was in agreement to select Otto Schmid to draw the
�welve names from each precinct; and each name as it was drawn was numbered
in the order it was drawn. The first four names from each precinct will receive a
letter inquiring whether or not they would be interested 3.n serving on the
Goals and Policy 3tudy Committee, in addition to the four service organizations, which
will be organized in March of 1971. If they are not interested in serving�
the next lawest number wi.11 receive a letter un'�il there are four residents
from each of the six precincts to fc�rmulate the committee.
There being no further business to come before the me�ting, it was on motior�,
duly seconded, ad3ourned at 1C:15 P.M.
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Ghairman Christiansen Secretary Mahlor� Swedbe