02-08-71 PC Minutes � �� MINUTES OF' THE GQLDEN VALLEY �AR�dING OOMMTSSTON February $, 1971 A regular meeting of the Golden Va11ey Planning Commission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, February 8, 1971 at the Civic Center, 7600 Golden Valley Road, Golden Va31ey, Minnesota. Chairman Qlristiansen presided and the following members were presents Vice Chairman FranZez�, Commissioners Lundsgaard, Moran, Neumani Swanson, Swedberg, and Van Horn. A�1so present was Consultant Otto Schmi.d and Recording Secretary Jon Westlake. M�nbers absent; G�mmission�r Johnston. l. APPRAVAL pF MIIdUTES s I�VF�D by Van Horn, seconded by Franzen, to approve the minutes of the January 25� 1971 meeting as mailed, adding the fol3.owing to the second paragraph of Item C an page 2 after the words t'Study Committee" . . . ttin addition to the four service organizations'�. Motion carried unanimousl�r. 2. REZOI�IING: The �i.etrieh Cc>mpany 2S0 Lilac Ih�ive Narth ((?pen Development to Business and Professional Offices) Mr. Qtto Schmid, tY�e Village Consultant� reviewed with the Commission the previous discus�ion the Planning Comrnissian had regardi.ng this request. Mr. Schmid also read a letter from Hennepin Gounty which reviewed the Traffic Analqsis Report prepared by Bather Ringrose Wolsfeld, Ine., as requested by the Planning Comm- ission in reference to this request. In discussin� the roadway (driveway� approach, the Consultant stated that the driveway should be further t,o the west� but because of terrain, it would be difficult to do. The Consultant also stated he has met with the Village staff to determine whether there is any other possible way of ing,ress or egress to the property; bu� because of the location of the parcel, there is no other way. Mr. D�tane 3�i.,etrich, who is requesting the reaoning, reviewed with the Planning Commission the reason why he is asking for the rezoning. Mr. Richard P. Wolsfeld, Jr., traffic consul.tant from the firm af Bather Rangrose Wolsfeld, Inc., dis- tributeci to the Planning Commission a pamphlet con:�aining the results of a 2!t-hour field count at 5300 (3lenwaod Avenue, which is a three story offiee building having two floors far offices and the first floor for parking and storage. The P1.anning Commi.ssion discussed the report with Mr. Wolsfeld and related the report to the parcel now under consideration for an office use. It was moved by Van Horn, seconded by Swedberg, to recommend approval of rezflning from Open �evelopment to Business and Professional Offices, noting that the land � � ��' Planning Commission February 8, 1971 page 2 use is favor.able for th3s parcel. The motion carried wi.th Commi.ssioner Franzen abstaining. It was then moved by Van Horn, seconded .by Swanson� to recommend that consideration be given to upgrade Glenwood Avenue from Glenwood Camden Parkway to Turner�s Crossrosd. Also, if the proponent goes before the Bosrd of Zoning Appeals for a waiver regarding the number of stor�es, it is suggested that the Baard have availabie the Traffic Analysis Report, the field count report, and also cansider the marginal land wi.th respect to the site, and the Zoning Code that is presently being reviewed by the Planning Commission as part of the Comprehensiqe Flan by Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. The �tion carried with six yea and two nay. 3. MIDWEST PLANN'ING AIdD R�EARCH, INC. Mr. Sehmid, the Village Consultant, informed the Commission that Carl Da1e had contactec2 him stating he woul.d not attend this meeting due to illness. lt:. GE�TERAL The Recording Secretary 3nformed the Planning Commission of the response he is receiving in formulating the members of the Goals and Policy Study Committee. Also, the Recording Secretary stated he is receiving telephone calls from people whose names had been drawn but� due to prior committments, are unable to serve on the committee, but another member of the household is iriterested in serving. The Plannin� Commission was in agreement to let another member of the househald serv�, notin� only one registered eoter from a household will be accepted on the committee. There be3.ng no further basiness to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, ad�our ned at 9:10 P.M. Chairman (�ristiansen Secretary Mahlon Swedber NO PLANNINQ (JOMMLSSZON MEETING FEBRUARY 22, 1971.