03-08-71 PC Minutes �a a.�!�
March 8, 1971
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 7:30 P.M.
on Monday, March 8, i97i at tne Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road,
Golden Va11ey, Minnesota.
Chairman Christiansen presided and the follot�ring members were present:
Vice Chairman Franzen, Commissioners Johnston, Swanson, S`�redberg, and Van Horn.
Also present was Consultant Otto Schmid and Recording Secretary don Westlake.
Members absent: Commis�ioners Zundsgaard and Moran and Neuman.
l. APPROVAT, OF MINUTES: MOVED by Van Horn, seconded by Swedberg, to approve
the mirna.tes of the February 8, 1971 meeting as mailed. Motion carried unanimously.
3'he Chairman of the Planning Commission opened the meeting at which the Villa�
Cc7uncil. was present. Chairman Christiansen briefly reviewed the accomplighments
of the Planning Commission since thEir last joint meeting with the Village Council.
Mr. Christiansen then turned the meeting over to Mr. Carl Da1e of Midwest Planning
and Reseaxch, Inc. for a more detailed description of' the Comprehensive Plan
and how the stuc3�y is progressing,
Mr. Dale explained that the Planning Commission is presently undergoing a eomplete
revamping of the Village Zonin� Code due to the inadequacy of the present code.
He is presently putting together a zoning code that is extensively different from
the present code. The n�w zoning code will retain a few of the specific require-
ments, but these requirements will be greatly expanded upon. Mr. Dale will be
working with the Village Staff and �illage Attorney on the code; and it wili take
approximatel,y three to six months before the new zoning code is finalized.
The schedule Mr. Dale would like to follow begins with the preliminary� sketch
plan bei.ng ready for review in Apri1. The sketch plan will contain a preliminary
zoning map. Rather than a general plan to begin with, the Commission will work
wi�h a series of neighborhood p1an� on a large scale, that when completed, will
be put together on a general plan map. The preliminary Zoning district map and
sketch map will be ba�ed on the new zoning text. Yn A�ay the Commission will
continue to work on the neighborhood plan map along with reports from the Goa1s
and Po].iey Stuc�y Comma.ttee �,rhich is now being formulated. This committee at
that time should have a consensus of the poliey, standards, and" goals which will
greatly affect the neighborhood plan. In June the Commission will work on the
preliminary draft of the planning report, which would be ready for the final draft
in July. In August the Planning Commission will be ready to begin public hearings
on the plan and begin to develop the administrative report that outlines the s�eps
and procedure for implementing the plan. During the month of September the
Commission will work on finalizing the public information program which will
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Planning Commission
March 8, 1971 page 2
decide what kind of program the Planning Commission and Village Cvuncil will
present to the public, In October the Commission will finalize the plan and
pu.t it into pubZic form; and if possible by I7ecember, will present the final
recommendation to the Village Cauncil.
The Village Consultant, Otto Schmid, showed slides of substandard housi.�-
conditions and moderately priced homes of Golden Valley that were taken in a
field survey. Mr, Schmid also discussed types of federal funds which may be
available for the homes that need upgrading. Mr, Schmid also pointed out
the Village should consider adopting a hausing code which would be an effect-
ive tool for upgrading hauses and businesses.
Mar�r Johnston informed the Commission that �his would be the last Planriing
Commission meeting she will attend due to her full time �ob and responsi-
bilities at home. She indicated that she would send a letter of resignation
to the Planning Commission and a copy to the Village Cauncil, The Commission
expressed regret to Mary Johnston�s resignation.
The �Zecording Secretary informed the Planning Commission that by the next
meeting hE hopes to have the Goals and Policy Study Committee formulated.
There bei.ng no further business to come before the meeting, i� was on motion,
duly seconded, adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Chairman Christiansen Secretar�r Mah on Swedber