05-10-71 PC Minutes 2Ea � MIN[JTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION May 10, 1971 A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, May 10, 1971 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, Vice Chairman Franzen opened the m.eeting and the following members were present: Commissioners Anderson, Edstrom, Moran, Neurnan, and Van Horn. Chairman Lnndsgaard joined the meeting at 8:55 P.M. Also present were Consultants Otto Schmid and J ohn Voss, and Recording Secretaxy Jon Westlake. Members absent: Commissioners Christiansen and Swanson. l. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by Neuman, seconded by Van Horn, carried unanimausly, to approve the mirnztes of the April 26, 1971 meeting as mailed. 2. WAIVER OF THE PLATTING ORDINANCE (a) Klugman Investment Compar�y (Residential) 621 South Turners Crossroad Mr. Edward Klugman was present. The Recording Secretary� informed the Commission he had received a telephone call from Mrs. Etzler (who platted this area) inf'orming him of easements and deed restrictions on this parcel of ground. The Planning Commission was in agreement to postpone this request until the next regularly scheduled meeting allowing the Recording Secretary time to notify the surraunding property� o�mers of the proposed lot division. (b) National Food Stores, Inc. (Open Development) 21�60 Winnetka Avenue North This request for the waiver of the Platting Ordinance was considered with the request for rezoning as listed below. 3. REZONING: National Food Stores, Inc. 2J�60 Winnetka Averiue North (@pen Development to Commercial) Otto Schmid, Village Consultant, reviewed the past history of this request. Mr. Schmid pointed out that the proposed lot division does not meet the require- ments of the existing Zoning Code regarding parking an green area. Also, the land use ma.p, presently being completed by Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. does not indicate this area as a general commercial location, but rather as a limited business activity. Mr. Schmid further pointed out that rezoning this parcel to a Commercial District would be undesirable from a land use and traffic standpoint. This proposed use would add to an increasing traffic problem on U�innetka .Avertue North. L �� Planning Commission May 10, 1971 page 2 Messrs. Jerry Brill, Attorney�, Kenneth Mayo, Walter Tn�hheelock o.f National Food Stores, Inc., Clif.ford Johnston of Custom Tool and Manufacturing Company, and Richard Wolsfeld from Bather-Ringrose-Wolsfeld, Inc, were presen� to request the proposed lot division and also to request the rezoning from Open Develop- ment to Commercial.. Mr. Brill painted out why Del Farm feels there is a need for a superrnarket in this particular area. The structure will be approximately 19,�00 square feet with approximately 7�% of building area for sales. Mr. i�Iolsfeld dzstributed to the Commission a pamphlet containing a traffic analysis f�r the proposed site on Winnetka Avenue. Mr. Wolsfeld explained that the proposed store will have 173 parking spaces and that his firm has conducted a traff'ic ana7,ysis to deter- mine the effect of the added traffic on Winnetka Avenue from the proposed store. (Commissioner Lundsgaard joined the meeting at 8:55 P.M. ) It was moved by Moran� seconded by Neuman, carried unanimously, to table this request until the PZanning Commission has had a chance to review the new Zoning Code to s�e its application with respect to this request. !�. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (Concept Approval) (a) Townhouse and Multiple Pr4posal Staber Company, a�mer East of Caunty Road 18 and North of Du.luth Street (present zoning - Open Development) The Recording Secretary explained to the Planning Commission a concept plan for. 112 townhouse units and SO apartment units with off street parking for �.61 vehicles on approximately 19.8 acres located Ea,st of County Road l8 and to the North of I�zluth Street. The Planner�s report suggests to the Cammissian that the� also consider the adjacent land around this particular locati�n because this �and use will set a tone for the area. Duluth Street provides a separation between the single family dwellings to the sauth and the present proposal to the north. The two apartment buildings on the north edge of this parcel are exampl.es of stronger density which becomes heavier toward Medicine Lake Road. A1so, the proposal shows the townhouses with access on Dulu�h Street and the apartment complex onto the service drive for Caunty Road 18. Messrs, Robert �lson of 01san Company and Sheldon Bernstein, Architect, were present to explain th� proposal to the Planning Commission. Mr. Bernstein stated he has contacted some of the abutting property owners in reference to the plan and explained what they are proposing on the undeveloped property. Mr. Bernstein also went into further detail about the placement of the townhouse and street pattern. It was moved by Moran, seconded by Van Horn, earried unanimously, to give concep� approval for land use anly under Planned Unit Development. � �� Planning Commission May 10, 1971 page 3 (b) Business and Professional Offices Proposal Arnold Palmer, owner (Bassett Creek Plaza) 5801 Ih�.luth Street (present zoning - Mu.ltiple M-1) Mr. Jon Westlake, Recording Secretary, reviewed with the Commission the proposal on approximately 12 acres, using 7.9 acres for a limited business developr�ent and 3.6 acres for a Multiple M-1 development. The 12 acre area is presen.tl�r zoned Multiple M-l. The site is Sauth of Duluth Street and West of the Byerly complex with Bassett Creek meandering through the westerl� edge of the property and St. Croi�c Avenue on the South. The Planneris report describes the land as being marginal with fill added to it in the last f�w years. The creek on the westerly boundry acts as a buffer between the proposed development and the residential area to the west. The concept proposal has four (�), three (3) story office buildings for a total of approximately 81�,000 square feet of building area. The report further points vut that this is a transitional� area with Commercial on the East and Residen.tial on the West; and this proposal does meet land coverage, building height, and paxking requirements as tentatively spel�.ed out in the new Zoning Ordinances by Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. Messrs. Arnold Palmer, property owner, and David Nelson from Design Planning Associates were present for the presentation to the Planning Commission. Mr. Nelson reviewed the plan in more detail with the Planning Commission noting they wauld like to develop a staged development in five stages with flexibility regarding the sequence of the stages (Stage 1-!t relating to the four office bu.ildings and the fifth stage for the multiple development). The concept plan presented to the Planning Commission at this point shows the layout of the four office buildings and parking with green area. However, it shows no proposal for the remaining 3.6 acres of Multiple (M-1) land, except as listed on the concept plan to be used for multiple dwellings, It was moved by Van Horn, seconded by Neuman, carried unanimrnzsly, to give concept approval for land use only under Planned Unit Development. �. MIDWEST PLANNING AND RESEARCH, INC. (a) Proposed Zoning Ordinance The Recording Secretary informed the Commission Mr. Carl Dale will be present at the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting to begin discussion on the new Zoning Ordinance. (b) Completion of the Golden Valley Comprehensive Plan The Recording Secretary distributed to the Commissian a memorandum from Carl I�a,le regarding the comp3��tion of the Comprehensive Plan, pointing out that once the recommendations are received from the Goals and Poliey Study Committee, the eleven items as listed in the memorandum can be firiished rapidly. � �� Planning Commission May l0, 1�71 pag� � 6, GENF'.,R.F.L A memorandum from the League o� Women Voters of Golden Valley was distributed to the members of the Planning Gommission regardiz�g the Comprehensive Plan. There bea.ng no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motzon, duly seconded, adjourned at 11:20 P.M. Chazrman Lundsgaard Secretary Lowell Swanson