06-28-71 PC Minutes � '�4 ra�uT�s oF T� coLn� var�.� FLANNING CQMMISSION �1�ne 28, 1971 A regular meeting of the GoZden Valley Planning Co�mi.ssion was held at 8;00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 1971 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Lundsgaard presided and the following members were present: Vice Chairman Franzen, Commissioners Anderson, Christiansen, Edstrom, Mpran� Neu�an� and Swanson. Also present was Consultant �tto Schmid, Village Et�gi.neer Lowell Odlund, az.id Recording Secretary Jon Westlake. Members absent: Commissioner 9an Horn. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTESz MOYEU by Neuman, second�l bq Swanson, carried to approve the �inutes as amended for the June 11�, 1971 Planning Commission meeting. 2. WAIVER OF THE PI.ATTING ORDINANCF� (a) Premier Realty (Residential} !�()0 South Turnpike Road Noting the proponent was not present, it was moved by Christiar�sen, seeonded by PTeuman, earried unanimously, to defer action on this request to the next regul- arly scheduled Planr�ing Commission meeting. (b) Burns Larry Powers (Aesidential) 5601 Olson Memorial Highway arad b35 North Turners Crossroad The Reeording Secretary e�cplained to the Co�nission tha� the lots When divided would contain more than the required 12,500 square feet and 1�0 feet of frontage as presently required by 4rdinance. Mr. Burns Larr� Powers, property oz,mmer, was present to e�cplain why he is requesting the division of his property. It was maved by Franzen, seconded by Moran, carried unani�ously, tc> reco�mend approval of the propo�ed Waiver of the Pl.atting Ordi�ance, subject to the pro- ponent providing new 1ega1 descriptions. 3• PUBLIC INFCIRMATI�NAL MEETING - Planned Unit Development (�ncept Approvai) Mr. Lundsgaard, Chairman of the Planni.ng CoYami�sian, asked Otto 5chmid� Village Consultant, to review for the benefit of the peuple present the Planned Unit Development Qrdinance with emphasis on the coneept approach which applies to the two requests before the Commission. 2�7 � Planning Co�mission June 2$, 1972 page 2 (a) To�house and multiple praposal - Olson Conerete Staber Cc>mpany {owner) East of County Road #18 and North of Duluth Street The Village Consultant referred to the Planni.ng Commission minutes of June ].lt, 1971 regarding this request. In ansWer to the questions that were listed in the motion, the Consultant stated he talked to the statistician of School District �281. According to a population statistics report done in November of 1969 by the Robbinsdale School District, 7b� of the school age children were fro�a sa.ngl.e farnily dwellings, 3.8� from double dwellings, and 2(3.l�;� from multiple dwellings. Mr. Schmi.d conti�ued by explaining that tax dollaxs on a multiple coraplex cannot be homesteaded such as on a single family dwe�ling. As far as Village services, if the area is platted for single fa�nily homes, the utilities are provided for each lot, which is not the case with a townhouse or multigle project. The Robbinsdal.e school statistics could also be used to show that the number of children frc� a multiple area that would use the park facilities would be less �han if the area contained singl.e family homes. Mr. Odlund, Yills�e Engineer, explained that traffic generated by the multiple complex is approximately 6 - 8 trips per day, and an average single fami].y residential home has appro�ci�aately 10 - 22 trips per day. Also, Mr. Odlund explained the purpose and fu�ure plans for Duluth Street. Mr. Sheldon Bernstein, architect, was present to sho�r the proposed la�rmut plan of 112 townl�use units and 5� apartment units on approximately 19.8 acres of land. A lengthy discussion followed between the Planning Com��.i.ssion, Mr. Bern- stein, and the residents. Mr. Raul Salazar, attorney representing the resi.dez�ts, asked the Planning Com�nission to take more time in considering this praposal Por land use. Some of the more predo�inant reasons brought forth i�y the residents were traffic, upgrading �l.uth Street� and this proposal would establish a tone in the area for the remai.ning open land. The following residents spoke agai.nst the pro- posal: Mrs. Kruth of 2016 Hillsboro Av�. Ai., Mr. Bo�nnan of 8555 �uth Street, Mr. and Mrs. I,o�nen of 2008 Gettysburg Ane. N., Mr. Bautsch of 1908 Gettysburg Ave. N., Mr. Jacobson of 8520 Duluth �treet, Mr. Bills of 2520 Decatur Ave. N., Mr. Fry of 2013 Hillsboro Ane. N., A4r. Barington of 201? Gettysbur� Ave. N., and Mr. i�avloek of 2012 (3ettysburg Ave. N. After further discussion, it was moved by S�anson, secondeci by Franzen, to recommend denial of the plan as submitted. Upon vote being tak�n by roll call, the following voted in favor thereofs Swanson, Moran, Franzen, and Neuman; and the follc�aing voted against the same: Christiansen, Edstrom� and Anderson. The motion carried. �76 � Planning Commission June 28, 1971 page 3 (b) multi-purpose office b�zildi.ng The �i.etrieh Company (owner) Northeast quadrant of Highway 100 and q.enwood Avenue Otto Sckenid, villa�e Consultant, inf4rmed the Commission of a concept plan for a multi-purpose office building located north of the M. N. & S. Railroad, west of Golden Valley High School, and east of Highway 100. ;,)uane Dietrich, the proponent, reviewed the proppsal with the Commissior� explai.ning that the building will be six (6) stories high (with the first story for parking and storage area) for a total of 75,000 square feet. The Comra�.ssion, fa�niliar with this raquest because of the recent rezoning of this parcel of ground by the propanent, discussed which floor of the building would be on the same elevation as Highway I0� directly to the west of the proposed structure. The following residemts were present as interested parties; l�r. �esser af 320 Qoverleaf Ih�ive, Mr. Ammentorp o� l�8tt6 Glenwood Avenue, and Mr. Behounek of 53�1 Qenwood Aaentie. It was moved b�► Moran, seconded by Ideuman, carried unanimously, to recommend concept approva7. for a multi-purpose office building under the Planned Uni.t Development �rdinance. !�. MI�lWEST PLANNING AN�!! RFSEARCH, INC, Mr. Larry Giesler was presen� from Midwest Planning and Research� Inc. to discuss the proposed zoning code with the Planning Commission; but because of the remaining items on the agenda, the Planning Commi.ssion was in agreement to hold a special meeting tentatively set for the third week af Jiil.y to discuss the Goal� and Policy Study Committee report, and the ne� zoning code, and to have a tour by bus of the Viilage. 5. A3MIPIISTRATIVE (a) Proposed Ordinance - Park �velopmerit Mr. Sehmid stated that seneral eammunities in the metropolitan area haae an ordir�ance that allows the eommunity ta put a sur-eharge on multiple units which is used for the development of parks. Mr. Schmid asked the Commission if they would want him to further investigate this particular type of ordinance beeause of the multiple requests the Village presently has and will have in the future. It was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Anderson, carried unanimously, to direct the Planner to further investigate this type of ordinance for Golden Valley. 2 � � Planning Commission June 28� 1971 page b (b) Interstate-394 The Recording Secretary distributed five booklets that explain the proposed Interstate-39b. The Chairman then directed the Recording Seeretary to find a time the Village Council Would be able to meet �ith the P2ar�ning Commission and Chairmen of other boaxds and commissions to hear the presentation from the consulting firm of Howard, Needles, Tam�nen, and Berg�ndoff regarding the proposed freeWa9. (c) General The Chairman asked the Recording Secretary and the Village Consultant to draft an abstract of the Planned Unit Development Ordinance, s,rh3.ch could be distributed to the people at the Planning Commission meetings so that they would better understand the procedure of the Ordinance. There being no further business to come before the mee�ing, it was on motion, duly seoonded, adjourned at 12:3� A.M. Ghairman Lyndsgaard Secretary Lowell Swanson