08-09-71 PC Minutes � l ? a� MIRIUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALL�Y PLANNING OOMrIISSIQId August 9, 1971 A regular rneeti.ng of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, August 9, 1971 at the Civic Center, 7800 Galden Valley Road� Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Lundsgaard presided and the following mem�ers were present: Vice Chai.rman Franzen, Commissioners Anderson� Christiansen� Fdstrom, Moran, Neuman, arid Van Horn. Also present was Consultant Otto Schmid and Recording Secretary Jon Westlake. Member absent: CoAnaissioner Swanson. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: l�IOVED by Neuman� seconded by Fdstrom� carried unanimou�ly, t�o approve the minutes of the July 26, 1971 meeting as mailed. 2. (3I�tET�,AL DISCUSSI(}N - PLANNED UNIT DEVEfAP1�IENT OFtD2NAAJCB Mr. Otto Schmid explained to the Planning Commission that the term �'concept"� as used in the Planned Unit Development Ordinanee is confusing to the public when a developer chooses this approach under the E3rdinance. Due to the fact the Ordinance is so new, it �a� need some minor changes which ean be done when the r�eW zoning code is adopted. The term "conceptT' sl�uld be chang� to "hypothesis", which would better define the choice the developer is pursuing if he chooses this approach under the Planned Unit !Developraent Ordinance. The Planning Commission would also like to m�et with the Villa�e Council at 7s00 P.M. on August 23, 1971 prior to the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeti.ng with respect to the P�.anned Unit '49evelopment Ordinance. 3. PUffi,I C INFt�RMATiONAL MEETING - PLANAiID UNf T DEVII,OPMIIdT (�NCII'T APPRAVAL) to�nhouse proposal - Caswell & Associates Richard Dempsey (owner) between Winsdale Street and Golden Valley Golf Course with Lonisiana Avenue on the West and Jersey Avenue on the Ea�t The Chairman of the Plannin� Commi.ssion reviewed for the bene�it of the residents present arld the Planning Commission the previous minutes in reference to this proposed request. Mr. Harold �lson of Caswell and Associates and Mr. Richard 3�earpsey, the builder, were present to discuss a concept plan for townhouse units located on the above described property. Mr. Olson stated they haee had three meetings with the residents since they appeared before the Planning C�mmission on July 12, 1971. They diseussed several items related to this proposal including density, reduction in the n�tber of units (between 1�0 and $0), and ponding, with more emphasis on the present environment. � �� Planning Commission August 9, 197i page 2 Mr. Phillip Piclaaa� of 14tt4 Per�r►sylvania Avenue North acted as spokesman for the residents in the area. Mr. Pickman a3.so reviewed the previous meetings the residents had with the proponent on Ju2y 18 and 22 and August 3, 1971. From the residents� point of view, the predominant points were increased traffic, unki.11ingness of the proponent to yield from townhonses, economics, and the concern the residents have for the aesthetics of the area. The Planning Commission discussed the proposal, an�wered questions presented by residents, and asked questions of the developer. ComQai.ssioner Moran stated the praperty is surro1anded on three sides by residents, and he could see no reason for any other use other than single family residential if the soil conditions would allow. Commissioner Neuraan noted this lar�d is zoned for single fa�ily dwellings and sho�al.d remain so. It was moved by Yan Horn, seconded by Anderson, ta approve the concept ar�d tc� allow na a►ore than a maxicc�uum of 29 to�mhause vnits on the site. Upon vote being taken by roll call, the following voted in favor thereof: Anderson, Christiansen, Edstrom, and nan Horn; and the following voted against the same: Franzen, �toran, and Newuan. 2he motion carried. 1�. WAIVER. OF THE FI,ATTING ORDINANGE (LOT DIVISION) (a) Lawrence Freeburg (Residential) 723b and 7321t Harold Avenue The Consultant explained to the Planning Commissa.on the location of the two lots which the proponents are requesting to divide i.nto a totat of Pour (1�) lots. A 20 foot easement running North from Harold Avenue will provide access to the proposed rear two 1ots. Messrs. Amundson and Freeburg, the property owners, were present to answer questions regarding the proposed division. The Planning Commission in discussing the request nated that the 2fl foot easement would not handle the utilities; and one of the proposed lots wo�Id require four feet ta five feet of fill, �hich may ereate a drainage problem for the contiguous lot east of the proposed division. It was moved by Franzen, seconded by Neuman, carried unanimously, to defer action on this request until the proponents provide n►ore detailed information on the utilities and filling of the lot. A1�o, the abutting property o�ers should be notified of the proposed division. (b) West Suburban Builders, Inc. (ftesidential.} - 201 Georgia �.venue North The Recordin� Secretary reviewed the Septe�ber 15, i959 vil��e Council minutes approving a request to divide Lot 8 Aud. Sub. �322 into three (3) lots� leaving the most southerly lot with less than 12,500 square feet. A request for s permit to build on the most southerly lot was denied MarcY� 15, 196f) by the Village � � fl� Pl�nning Co�aission Augeist 9, 1971 page 3 Council because it contained less than 12,500 square feet (i.e. 10,8s� sq. ft.). The lot since that tia�e �rent back to the State oP Minnesota and �as purchased by West Suburban Builders, Inc. to construct a residential home on it. It was moned by Moran, secondecl by Neuman, carried �nani�usly, t,o recommend that a permit be granted for a residential home, noting it is a separate parcel of record, but also pointing out that the Plarusing Commission is not familiar with the history of this parcel. 5. TASF�hIF1JT VACATION (RE)QUffiT VACATION OF WALKWAY EASEMENT) Raymond Henrich and Mrs. Kenneth Spears 2018 and 2030 Ordway Notin� the proponents were not present, the Chairman asked the staff #.o explain �he reason for this request. The petition is for the vacativn of a 20 foot walkway @escribed as lying South of Lot 4 and Ptorth of Lot 5 Block 1 Westurban. The Village has receiv� letters from Northern States Power Compar�,y and North- western Bell Telephone Company stating theq had no interest in the described ' �salkway. - It was mov�ci by I�ran, seconded by Christiansen, carried unani�ously, tc� recommend approval nf vacating said walkway easement. 6. AIMIAIISTRATIVE (a) Discussion on Cedar Trail - Apartment Complex I.ocated South of Kennedy�s �outh Tyrol Hills (St. Loui,s Park) Mr. William Thibault� Planni.ng �irector of St. Lc��ui.s Park, was present t�o answer questions about an apart�ent proposal containi.ng 2$0 units located South of Kennedy's South Tyrol Hills, North of Gedar Lake Road,. and East of Natchez Ave�ue, in St. Louis Park� Mr. Thibault, after explaining why the St. Louis Park Planning G�miaission approved said co�nplex for a special permit, answered questions from both the floor and the Golden Valley Planning Co�missi.on. Mr. Sheldon Kariins, Et515 Douglas Avenue, Mr. Howard Cox, 1lt10 Fairlawn Way, and Mrs. Jody Sehlin, lt525 Doug7.as Avenue spoke for the residents present, explaining the reasons why they are opposed to this proposal. Some of the mare predom3.nant reasons were: increased traffic generated by the complex, densi�y, and elose- ness of the driveway for ingress �nd egress at Natchez Avenue ar�d Tbuglas Avernse. After further di�cussion, it xas moved by Christiansen, seconded by Franzen, carri�d unanimously, to reco�nend that the (blc�e� Valley Village Couneil eorres- pond with the St. Louis Park City Cauncil with respect to this proposa7. concern- in� traffic and densitq. It Was also suggested that our senators ar�d represen- tative for this distriet be contacted. It was then moved by Moran, seconded b�r Ecistrom, carried unanimously, to auggest that the Aillag� Couneil direct the Village Attorney to look intc> the le�al aspects of this particular situation. � � F� Planning Commission A�gust 9, 1971 page }� (b) fteferral of P.U.D. �!� - Busine�s Office The �ietrich Company The Planni�g Cou�mission asked the staff to review the reasons why the oillage Council at their �ugust 2, 1971 meeting referred the Planned Unit Uevelop�nent request back to the Planning Com�aission. �uane �kietrich, the praponent, was present to review his proposal with the Planning Commission. 1�1r. George Pennock of b263 Glenwood �venue spoke agaa.nst the proposal. stating that traffie would be increasec3 greatly, the ares has almos� a complete residential at�osphere, and density o� the proposal was also spoken of. Af�er further discussior� and reviewal of the June 28, 1971 Planning Comm3.ssion miziutes regarding this request, it was moved by Moran, secor�ded by Edstrom, carried unanimously� that in approving the concept the Planning CamEaission also approved: 1. a builda.ng up to 75,�00 �quare f set, 2. a structure up to six (6) stories in height, and 3. compatibla use with Business and Professional Offices. (Mr. 1?ietrich explained he is planning a cafeteria for the employees ir� tl�e bui.lding and a small sta�icnary shop.) It was also pointed out that the parking on the site is in keeping with the square footage of the building for a Business and Professivnal �ffice urider the present Code. (c) Uiscussion on P.U.D. #1 - Business Office Arncld Palmer Mr. Kersneth Benson of Benson Orth Assoeiates was present tv review with the Flanning Comm,i..ssion and staff his ne�rt step now that he has received his concspt approval by the Village Council. Several requirements, as list� in the �rdinance, were reviewed with Mr. Ben�n. The Plau�ning Comraissioa asked Mr. Schmi.d to write a letter to Mr. Benson appraisin� him of the requirements as discussed, which would be required prior tc� being placed on the Planning Commission agenda. Commissioner Van Horn was opposed to the bank �rhi.ch Mr. Benson stated may be located in one of the office buildings an the site. (d) Interstate-39�t The Planning Commission again diseuss�i the proposed Interstate-39l�, at which time it was moved by Moran, seconded by Van Horn, carried unanimous2y, to adopt the resolution as drafted by Commissioner Edstrom, �hich reads as follows: "The Planning Commission of the Village of Golden Vall.ey recommends that the Village Cotxncil vf Golden Valley request that the State Iii.�h�ray Department not construct Interstate 391� as presently planned through the Village of Golden Valley. �rther, that the Hig�iway Department, Metrapolitan Council, and Metropolitan Transit Commissian send their representatives to meet with the Village officials from Golden Va].ley and other communities in the so-called western transportation corridor to deterinine the neecis of the citizen� for a transportation svstem in this area and how those needs should be met.i� � � � Planning Cor�ission August 9, 1971 page 5 There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, adjourned at 12:10 A.M. Chairnsan Lund$gaard Secretary Lowell Swanson