08-23-71 PC Minutes � � � MINUTFS OF THE QQLDEN VALLEY PLANNIAiG Q�I�IIS5ION August 23, 1971 A regular meeting of the Gc>lden Valley Planning Commission was held at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, August 23, 1971 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Val.ley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Vice Chairman Franzen presided and the folloxi.ng members were present: Commissioners Anderson, Edstrom, Moran, Swanson and Van Horn. Also present was Consultant fltto Schmid and Reeording Secretary Jon Westlake. Members absent: Chairman Lundsgaard and Commissioners Christiansen and Neuman. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTFS: I�VED by Moran, secondect by 5wanson, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes, as amended, vf the August 9, 1971 Planning Commissian meeting. 2. WAIVER OF PLATTING ORDINAI�iCE (IAT DIVISION) (a) West Suburban Builders, Inc. (Residential) 201 Georgia Avenue North The parcel of ground is described as that part of Lot 8 lying South of the North 1.1�1� feet thereof. The Recordi.ng Seeretary reviewed the Planning Commission minutes of August 9, 1971 and the findings of the staff in researching this division. It was discovered that this division was never approved by the Village Council, but it is a separate parcel established by the County in October of 19�• Also, the records indicate that a request made to the Planni.ng Commission on March 10, 1960 for a waiver of the Platting Ordinance was denied by a vate of 6 yeas and 5 nays. The Village Council on April 5, 19b0 denied the request upon recommendation of the Planning Commission. Since that ti�ae, the parcel became tax delinquent and was purchased from the State of Minnesota by West Suburban Builders, Inc. The Planning Cc�mmission noted that this lot contains less than the required 12,5�0 square feet (l.e. 10,850 sq. ft.). Mr. and I�trs. Bri.lo, 205 Georgia Ave. N., and Mr. and Mrs. Cunniff, 6b10 Glenwood Ave¢iue� were present as interestec3 residents. It was moved by Moran, seconded by Anderson, carried unanimously, to recommend approval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance. (b) Premier Realty, Inc. (Ccjmmercial) 600 'Decatur Avenue North The proponent, Robert Brenny of Premier Realty, Inc., is requesting to divide a parcel as follows: That part of the West b8 feet of Lot 2 lying So�th of the North 239.59 feet thereof; and That part of I,ot 3 lying South of the North 239.59 feet thereof, Block 3, Golden Valley Industrial Park. � � �� Planning Commission August 23, 1971 page 2 It was moved by� Van Horn, seconded by Swanson, carried unani�ously, to recommend approval of the xaiver of the Platting Ordinance, subject to the owner of the property meeting with the High�ay Dspartment anci Village staff �i.th respect to landscaping between this property ar�d the westbound travel land of Iiighwaq 55. (c) James �. Zelinsky (xesidential) 554� colden vauey Roaa Otto Schmid review+ed th� Planning Commission minutes far a previous requsst for a division on this parcel of ground. l�ir. Schmid �lso stated that if this lot were divided, the ss�wer service for 553� and 5SIs0 Golden Valley Road would lie in the proposed lot. It was moved b� Moran, seconded by Van Horn� unanimously carried� to defer action on this request until the following requirements are met: 1. providing proper utility easeraents, and 2. Planning �Iepartment to mail notice of the proposed division to abutting property oWners. 3. MIHWEST I�I,ANNING AND RESEARCH, INC. (a) Goals and Policy Study Coauaittee Rsport Mr. Larry Giesler of A4idwest Planni.ng and Research, Inc. referred tc� the report by the (3oals and Pc�licy Study Commi.ttee. In discussing the report� Mr. aiesler noted three predominate goals indicated by the report� which are: l. oriented toWard residential. develop�ent, 2. preserving natural areas and Wetlands, and 3. a Coatprehensive Plan of the shopping center at Winnetka Ave. ana xignway 55, including the Civic Center. Regarding Item #1 as listed above in referen�e to preserving the residential environment, the Recording Secretary asked Mr. Giesler to draft a guide line which wo�ld be beneficial. ta the Planning Commissian, Board of Zoning Appeals, and staff to protect the present residential areas and also the future residential areas. Also regarding statement �1, Coaar;issioner Moran asked Mr. Giesler to explore the areas of housing for low income families and housing for the elderly in Golden Valley. Mr. Giesler also referred to other parts of the Goals and Policy Study Committee Report� including the topic of pedestrian walkways and paths. The Commission was in agree�ent to have Mr. Giesler choose an area that would not have the difficulties of easements, financing, etc., to la�q out a pathway system that the Plannin� Corn�ission could consider more closely. A mini bus system was also discussed which could be included with the final 'draft of the transportation �eport. The Commi.ssion felt at this time they should not go into any �re specifics of the report until the Planning Commission has a general discussion on the report. The discussion would be lengthy and �ay re�uire a special meeting. (b) Zoning Ordinance 91i.scussian Mr. Giesler briefly discussed a mea�randum regarding the index which was mailed to the members of the Plaxu�ing Con�nission to help them better understand how to find all the factars involved for a specific request. Al.so, the Planning Commission asked Mr. Giesler to study closer the parking allowed in tha new Code (The present Code being m�re strict). � �V Planning Commission August 23, 1971 page 3 �. INTERSTAT� 39� The Planning Commission discussed I-394 and the resc>lution as stated in the August 9, 1971 Planning Comaaissior� mi.nutes. Commissioner Morari suggested the following resolution to more clarify those minutes: "In order to eliminate any public confusion resulting from the Planni.ng Commission resolution on Highway 39Lt, we submit the following clarification: We are opposed to the development of any interstate highway through the Village of C�lden Valley. We urge the Village Council to approve and publicly announce this clarification." It was further noted by Commissioner Moran that a copy of this resolution should be received by tYu�se that reeeived the original resolution. It was moved by Edstrom, seconded by Moran, carried unariimously, to adopt the resolution as listed in quotation marks. s. A�MINISTRATIVE (a) June Avenue (area abutting Cit�r of Robbinsdale) The Recording Secretary read a letter from our Village Manager stating tha� Robbinsdal.e has contacted our Ehgineer with respect to possible future construct- ion of June Avenue as an access tcj Skyline Builders filli.ng area. This report was taken before the Village Council who referred it to the Planning Commission for study. It was moved by 5wanson, secanded by Van Horn, to request Mr. Schmid to work with the Village staff on a report regarding June Av�nue for the Planning Commission to consider. The motion carried with Commissioner Moran voti.ng nay. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded� ad3ourned at 11:30 P.M. Vice Chairman Franzen Seeretary Low�ll Swanson