09-27-71 PC Minutes 29�
September 27, 1971 ,
A regular �eeting of the Golden Valley Plannin� Commission was held at 8;00 P.M.
on Monday, September 27, 1971 at the Civic Center, 7804 (3olden Valley Road,
Golden Valley, Minnesota.
Chair�an Lundsgaard presided and the following members Were present: Vice
Chairman Franzer�, Commissioners Anderson� {�ristiansen, Edstrorn, Moran, Swanson�
and Van Horn. Also presea�t was Consultant Otto Schmid and Recording Seeretary
Jon Westlake.
Members absent: none.
1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MDVED by Van Hc>rn, seeonded by Christiansen, carri�i
unanimouslq, to approve the minutes as amended by striki.ng the followin� sentences
under ��nistrative (a) "and xill be designat�l for use in the serviceable area
with which the planned unit development was approved" (in the Planned Unit
Uevelopment Qrdinance) . . . '�and wi3.1 designate for use in the district rxithim
which the plat appears" (in the Platting Ordinance) of the September 13, 1971
Planning Cc�mmission meeting.
{a) Finar Sorenson (Residential)
25io nou�as ll�ive North
The Recording Secretary reviewed the two proposals for dividing this parcel of
land. These proposals Were also mailed to the surrounding property owriers at
the request of the Planning Com�ission because the division affects the thx�ee
parcels t,c> the South. Both proposals woul.d ext��d Colorado Ave�ue southerly
to service the Toretsky and Rasmussen lots for their future development.
Mr. Pat I�oley, an attorney representing the Toretsky�s and Rasn�ussen�s, stated
they did not want Color ado Aeenue extended for access to their property.
Mr. Toretsky of 2420 �ouglas 1�ive North also stated he did not want the pro-
posed street extended to his property. Mr. Mulholland of 252$ Bruaswick stated
he xas not opposed to the new street. The Recording Secretary read a letter from
Nirs. Alice E. Ca�bell stating she would like access to her property which is
known as parcel 3063 plat 8l�528. The Recording Seeretary also informed the
Planning Coa3mission that Mr. Kiesling of 2tt6� Brunswick Avenue asked if the
request could be deferred beca�se he could not attend the meeting. Mrs. Hiller
of 6127 Heritage Cixcle cozz].d not attend this meeting but told the Recording
Secretary her preference would be to see the lar�d reraain open, or use proposal �2.
After fux�ther discussion, it was moved by Christiansen� seconded by Fdstrom, to
recommend approval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance for the Sorensan property
subject to: 1. A 50-foot easement on the Sorenson property for roadway purposes,
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Planning Gommission
September 27, 1971 Page 2
2. A etal. de sac to be located on the South end of the Sorenson property and the North
end of the Campbell property, with an easement through the Campbell property, and
3. If a structure is built on the Campbell property, it shall be a minimum of
85 feet west of the east property line.
Commissioner Moran then moved to amend the original motion and table the
proposed lot division. The motxon was seconded by Franzea�. A roll call vote
�ras taken on the am�dment to the motion. The following voted in favor there-
of: Franzen and Moran; and the following voted against the sames Anderson,
Christiansen� Edstrom, Swanson, and Van Horn. The amendment did not carry.
A roll ca11 vote was then taken on the original motion. The fol].owing voted
in favor thereof: Anderson, Christiansen, Edstrom, Swanson, and Van Horn;
and the following votad against the same: Franzen and Moran. The motion
(b) Erwin �. Stc�bbe (Resid ential}
l�96� Duluth Street
The Planning Commission discussed with Mr. Stobbe the plot plan which also
included the ehanges suggested at the previous Planning Commission meeting. The
Planning Commission noted the request is to divide one parcel of grovnd into
two (2) single family dwellin� lots that meet all the requirements of the
Platting Ordinance. The third paree2 is for a double bungalox. The Plar�ning
Commission understands approval was given for 103 feet of frontage on County
Road 66 for the dauble bungalow parcel at the Septe�ber 11�, 1971 Board of Zoning
Appeals meeting. The plan now contains ingress and egress far vehicle movement
between the two proposed residentia2 lots on ftegent Avenue.
It was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Franzen, carried unanimously, to
recc�mmend approval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance sub3ect ta:
1. The requirements of the Board of Zoning Appeal� (9/1!t/71 minutes), and
2. No i.ngress or egress for vehicle movement on County Road 66 for the pro-
posed lots.
Larry �iesler discussed a for8mat to capture the general consensus of the
Planning Commission to develop the initial chapter of the Comprehensive Plan
report. The Reeording Secretary and Mr. Giesler will capture the general
consensus of the Corr�nission in mi.nute form and canstruct the chapter which
will become the P].axuiing Cc�mmission�s statement in the Comprehensive Plan of
how the Commission feels the eo�ununity should develop. Basically, the ehapter
should express the policies and objectives the Planning Commission wants the
community to develop under, and not necessarily addressing itself to any
specific area.
Mrs. Rivel Greenber g, a member of the Golden Valley League of Women Voters,
reviewed a report with the �'lanning Con�mission for the League of Women {Toters
supporting the Report vn Mass Transit, Quality` of Environment, and Metropolitan
Gc�vernment. Mrs. Skipper Taylor� also of the League of Women Voters, then
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Planning Cc>mmission
September 27, 1971 page 3
explained her area of the Report xi.th respect t,c3 trails connecting various
parts of Golden Valley. Also, the Report referred to housing in Ciolden Valley.
T'he Chairman of the Planning Commission, Warren Lundsgaard, thanked Mrs. (}reenberg
and Mrs. Taylor for their presentation and the League of Women Voters for the
The Planning Commissian then took under advisement the Goals and Policy Study
Committee Report after which a long diseussion followed. Mr. Giesler and
Mr. Westlake took minutes to eapture the consensus of the Planning Co�mission
which wi11 be drafted in a report form and given to the Planning Commission
at a later �eeting for their reniew.
(a) Memc�randums requested by the Planning Coramission from Midwest
Planning and Research, Inc.
Mr. Larry Giesler distributed to the Planning Co�►i.ssion three memorandums.
The first was the development on an urban trail system as requested by the
Planning Co�issior�. Thia report will be reviewed at a later meeting when
the Planning Commission members have had a chance to review it. The second
memorandum is on a recommended change for parking standards in the new Zoning
Code which shc�uld be incorporated with the worki.ng eopy of the Zoning Cc>de.
The third m�no refers to the schedule of pres�tations and �rork progress for
the Comprehensive Plan and the approximate percentage completed of the contract
ar�ount with a sehedule for corspletion set for March of 1972•
(b) Winnetka Avenue and Highway 55
Larry Giesler e�lained to the P].anning Commi.ssion a proposal he is working on
for a solution for Winnetka Avenue and Highway 5s, which includes Rhode Island
Avenue on the East t�o Boone Avenue on the West.
(c) Meeting Time Change
The Planning Commission was in agreement to change the m�eting time from the
regularly seheduled time of 8:Q0 P.M. to 7:30 P.M.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion,
duly seco�ed, adjourned at I2's50 A.M.
Chairman Lunds�ard Secretary I�owell S�aanson