02-14-72 PC Minutes ly MINUTES OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY PLANIJING ODMMISSION February lt�, 1972 A regular meeting of th� (3olden Valley Planning Commission was held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, February 1lt, 1972 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, (�ccrlden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Lundsgaard presided and the followi.ng members were present: Vice Chairman Franzen, Commissioners Anderson, Christians�n, Edstrom, Moran, Sampson, Swanson, and Van Horn. Also present was Village Consultant Otto Schmid, Larry Geisler from Midwest Planning and Research, Inc., Carl Dale of Carl �ale Planners, and Recording Secretary Jon Westlake. Members absent: None. le APPFt�VAL OF MINUTFS: �VID by Van Horn� seconded by Christiansen, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the January 31, 1972 mesting, as am�ded. 2. WAIVER OF THE PLATTING ORDINANCE Richard R. Miller (Residential) 5729 Olson Memorial Highway and Lt1��t Xosemite Avenue North The request is to divide approximately 240 feet off the rear lot of 5729 Olson Memorial Highway (Parcel �b00) and combi.ne it with the rear yard of !�!�!� Yosemite Avenue North (Parcel l�922). The Planning Commission poi.nted out that Parcel 5b00 still has more than the required square footage remaining in the lot. It was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Moran, carried unanimously, to rec- ommend approval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance, subject to combining the divided parcel with Parcel l�y22. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING - P'LANNED UiVIT DEVELOPMIIVT #5 (Concept Approval) To�nhouse proposal - Townsecige Construction Company Lots 59 & 60 Auditor�s Subdivision #322 Fast of Winnetka A�enue, South of Harold A.venue, and approximately 30�� North of Western Avenue Mr. dtto Schmid, Village Consultant, reviewed his report ytith respect to this parcel of land. A segment of that report is as followss "Georgraphy: This parcel can best be described as lowland with the exception of a lnioll and ridge found on the easterly portion of the parcel. The low area, which aecounts for approximately 80� of the area, seems to have poor subsoil eonditions and definitely poor drainage characteristics. Marsh type vegetation is found and standing water is a common occurence. �{> Planning Commission February 1l�, 1972 page 2 Concept ReZation �o Proposed Land Use Plan: The proposed land use plan for the Village of Golden Valley as suggested by Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. i.ndicates that this area should be developed yrith a residential planned unit development with a density range of !t - 7 units per acre. This would result in a residential type of development containing 115 units minimum to 200 units maximum, depending on site and building design. Initial planni.ng and engineering considera�ions: 1. Access to the proposed development is of obvious concern. The developers are proposing ane point of access along Winnetka Avenue. This appears to be inadequate. 2. Storm water drainage and ponding is another item of particular concern. Whatever happens to the property, the question of ponding and drainage must eorrespond with Village needs and requirements. 3. Open space retention is being considered by the proponents. A relatinn- ship between open space, the Brookview Park area, and a trail system must be considered prior to final plan approval. Planning Recommendations The concept proposed for the Seed property is, in my opinion, in keeping with sound land use planning principals. As I have indicated on �umerous occasions, townhousing is quite compatible with si.ngl.e family or apartment type uses. I prefer not to comment on the specific plan presented to th� staff. In my opinion, this sketch is nothing more than that, a sketch. The developer is aware that a much refined and improved plan is required of him. The staff wi11 be aeailable to meet with �im to work out details for the general plan if concept approval is given.t' Mr. Schmid then explained the procedure the d�veloper would follow if the Planning Commission approved the concept under the Planned Unit ;6evelapment Ordinance. Mr. Bill laolan of tblan F�gineering Company, Inc. and Mr. William Lundberg of Towr�sedge Construction Company presented their proposal to the Commission. Mr, 13o1an gave a slide presentation of ideas they �rould like to incorporate i.n their townhouse proposal if approved. He continued by stating that their proposal is for lItl� units (lt.9 units per aere}, which would be sold as separate units starting at $50,�00. The site which contains 29 acres has 50� poor soil, and approximately 25� of the site has 20 feet or more of peat. Mr. Lolan also e�cplained their concern for preserving the natural environment on the site. The proposal is Por one entrance on Winnetka Avenue, but they are flexible on the entrance. Mr. Dolan also spoke briefly of a traffic count they conducted during peak hour on the corners of Harold Ave. and Western Ave. on Winn�tka Avenue. Mr. tblan reiterated some of his previous discussion by pointing out to the Planning Commission they are asking for concept approval on the basis that the site can support high quality residential townhouses. He further point out �� Planning Commission February 1�, 1972 page 3 �hat they feel the qualifications are for a good townhouse complex as listed below which this area lends itself to: 1. The area for a townhouse complex should have a minimum of 10 acres. 2. Adjacent to large open areas. 3. Located neax or adjacent to residential neighborhood. !t. Good access. 5. Should have amenities for developing the open space. 6. Occupy no more than 30� of site as develaped area. The Planning Commission asked several questions regarding soil condition, probabilitq of single family houses, the time schedule for completion, concern about a single ingress and egress, and the large volume of traffic Winnetka Aqenue carries, areas to be left in their natural state, drainage, etc. The following residents voiced their oppositian to the proposed planned unit development: Mr. Joseph Kelso, 50 Quebec A�enue South, stated he was asked by some of the residents present to 5peak on their behalf. Mr. Kelso stated a project like this would add to Village costs and a�-�� the school district. He was concerned about spot zoning and said that 90� of th� property owners would like single family detached houses on this land. Traffic generated by a pro�ect like this would add to an already overloaded Wir�netka Avenue. Messrs. George Suddendorf of 7l�25 Harold Avenue, Paul St. Marie, 7t�40 Ridgeway Boad, and Leo Kauth, 761�lt Harold Aqenue, were concerned about traffic generated by the proposal. �r. Hakala of 7500 Western Avenu� stated he would like to see si.ngle family detached houses built on the good soil 'only, and George Murad of 7It50 ftidgeway Road asked the proponent if they had built townhouses to sell in the past. The proponent stated they had not. After further diseussion by the Planning Commission, Co�arnissioners Christiangen and Sampson noted this area could become a first class single family residential arsa. They also were concerned about the proposed density and traffic, and therefore f4und it difficult to vote i.n favor of the proposal. It was moved by Swanson to table the request and allow the proponent time to design a proposal containing single family detached homes and allawing two familg dKellings on the area with bad soil. Motion died for lack of a second. It was then moved by Moran, seconded by Edstrom, to recommend that the proposed concept for to�anhouses be approved, noti.ng a suggested density range between 80 and 120 units. In addition, the ultimate density approved in the general plan should contain a provision for at le�st 1Q� of the units to be in the moderate cost range� ($2�,00�) blended in by a homogenous type architecture - havi.ng a eoncern about people with lower inco�►e or retired people who want ta stay i.n �olden Valley,pthem a life style si�ilar to what they are used tc�. �.;., -_ Upon vote being talcen by roll ca11, the folloWing voted in favor thereof: Anderson, Fdstrom, Franzen, Moran, Van Iiorn. The following vot� against the same: Christiansen, Sampson, Swanson. The motion carried. 22 Planning Commission February 14, 1972 page � #'The Planning Commission in a long diseussion noted the range of the units to sell for $50,000 and up may exclude people of lower income brackets who want to live i.n Golden Valley. This led to the Planning Commission suggesting a range of $25,�00 for approximately 10� of the uriits. The Commission also spent considerabl� time on setting a suggested densitq range of $0 ta 120 units for the site. !�. R�OIJING: Petition by residents (�pen Develop�ent to Residential) Located South of Harold Avenue, East of Winnetka Avenue, and North of Western Avenue Mr. Joseph Kelso of 5� Quebec pvenue South acted as spokesman for approximately 95 residents that signeci a petition requesting that the same area as Item #3 be zoned from Open �evelopment to Residential. Mr. Kelso was concerned about the request by the residents being heard after the property ofraer�s request. He was informed that both requests were received by the Planning Commission for review for the January 10, 1972 Plann3.ng Commission agenda. In a situation like this, the Cc�mmission in the past has reviewed the property owner�s request first. The Planning Commission also discussed the open area (zoned Open I)evelop- ment) directly to the south of the parcel above and to the north of Western Aqe. - known as Lot 61 Aud. Sub. #322 - a large portion of which is owned by the Village of Golden Va11.ey. It was raoved by Christiansen, 'seconded by Swanson, carried unanimousl�r, to recammend that the property lrnown as Lot 59,60, and 61 Auditor�s Subdivision �322 be zoned Residential. 5. Mz�� �t.arru�xa ax� �s�cx, zxe. (a) First Review of Proposed Zoning Code Mr. Larry Geisler of Mid�rest Planning and Research, Inc. and Car1 �ale of Carl �ale Planners started to review the proposed Zoning Code w3.th the Commission. Considerable time was spent by the Planning Commission discussing Chapter 7 which is the foundation for the Code. For further revie�,r of the Code, a tentative date of Februaxy 23, 19�2 was set up. The Planning Gommission will be notified if they will meet on the 23rd of February, 1972. (b) Proposed Zoning Map First Cut Mr. Larry Geisler reviewed briefly the first cut of the proposed zoning map after which the Planning Commissian asked questions about specific areas. (c) Neighborhood Meetings The Commission set the following dates for the presentations of the proposed Plan for the neighborhood meetings to be held at Brookview Community Center at 7;30 F.M. The precinets are scheduled to meet as .follows: Preci.net 1 ana 2 March 1!.=, 1972 Precinet 3 Mareh 15, 1972 Preci.nct 4 March 21, 1972 Precinct 5 March 22, 1972 Precinct 6 March 23, 1972 �� Planning Commission February 1lt, 1972 page 5 6. GII�TERAL Winnetka Avenue (time table for upgrading) Because of the proposed Planned IInit �evelopment #5 and the questions on traf�ic by the residents about Winnetka Avenue bet�reen xi�hway 55 and Highwayl2, it �as moved by Moran, seeonded by Sampson, carried unanimouslq, to ask the staff to contact Hennepin County Highway Uepartment inquiring as to what their time schedule is, if any, on the upgrading of Winnetka Avenue between Highway 55 and Highway 12. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion, duly seconded, ad�ourned at I2:25 A.M. Chairman Lundsgaard Secretary Lowell Swanson