02-28-72 PC Minutes 24
February 28, 1972
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 7:�0 P.M.
on Monday, February 2II, 1972 at the Civic Center, 78�0 Golden Valley Road,
Golden Va11ey, Minnesota.
Chairman Lundsqaar.d presided and the follawing members were present: Vice Chairman
Franzen, Commissioners Anderson, Christiansen, Edstrom, Mloran , Sampson, Swanson
and Van Horn. Also present was Councilman Hoover, Village Consultant Otto Schmid,
Larry Geisler fror� Midwest Planning and Research , Inc. , and Recording Secretary
Jon Wes tlake.
Membe rs absent: none.
1 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOVED by Franzen, seconded by Swanson, carried
unani mous ly, to approve the mi n utes of the February 14, 1972 meeti n g, as amended.
Review of Presentation for �deiqhborhood Meetin�s
by Larry Gei s 1 er, P1 anner
The Planning Commission along with other members of Village boards and commissions
were present to review the presentation af the neighborhood meetings by Larry
Geisler, Planner. Mr. Geisler also distributed a general outline of the neighbor-
hood presentation which he will follaw in each of the six precincts. The pres-
entation includes colored slides , maps and graphics to help illustrate the following
topics : back�round, existing community structure, proposed Corr�rehensive Plan,
major elements of the Plan, and nei ghborhood plan. These major topi cs are broken
down into sev�ral sr�aller topics far a r*�ore saecific exnlanation of the Comprehen-
si ve P1 an. SomP of the �arti cul�rs �f the nl an presented to the nei�hb�rhaods
�vill be an ex�lanatian c�f the Cc�mnrehensive Plan, sinale family character of
Golden l�al ley, transportati on, communi ty faci li ti es , pl anned uni t d�velopment
(larQe portion of presentati�n devated to this Ordinance because majority of
or�en 1 and i s transi tional , �ondina areas , trai 1 s,ystems , etc.
��r. Geisler spent a considerable amount of tirie explainin4 and discussing the
nei ghborhood presentati on on the Comnrehensi ve Plan, noting changes suggested
by the Commission. Also, he distributed a �amphlet containinq 5Q pages on a
prelirmnary draft af the Comprehensive Cevelopr,�ent Plan of Golden Valley-which
will be discussed further at the March 13, 1972 Plannina Corrnrrission meeting.
(Flanning Commission reviewed proposal April 1971)
!+1rs. Kathryn Nerje, Chairman of the Park and Recr�ation Commission , appeared
before the Planning Commissi on concerning the development of a 140 acre Envi ronmental
Education Center in St. Louis Park ( of which 23 acres is located in Golden Valley� .
Plannin4 Commission
February 28, 1972 paae 2
The Vi 11 aae of Gol den Val l ey awns 3.3 acres whi ch St. Loui s Park woul d 1 i ke
dedicated far their Center and the remaining land in Golden Valley that is impor-
tant to the development of the Environmental Education Center is privately �vned.
Mrs. Herj e exp 1 ai ned th at Mr. Ch ri s Ch urches , Ci ty Manage r of St. Loui s Park ,
appeared before their Commission to explain the project asking for cooperation by
Goiden Valley to accorrolish the development. Mrs . Herje contin�d by explaining
that the Park and Recreati on Commissi on has recorr�nded the proposed resaluti on
with respect to the Environmental Education Center:
"1. Gol den Valley encourages St. Loui s Park in thei r development of an
Envi ronmental Educati on Center as a needed faci 1 i ty wi thi n the area.
2. Golden Valley agrees to cooperate by including within or transferring
to St. Louis Park the property presently awned by the Vi 11 age wi thin
Golden Valley adjacent to the proposed Environmental Education Center
for inclusion in the proposed t�estwood Hills Environmental Education
Cen te r.
3. Golden Val ley proposed to desi gnate al l 1 ands wi thi n the proposed
Envi ronmental Educati on Center whi ch are wi thi n Golden Val ley, but
are not naw avned by Gol den Val ley as natural areas on i ts offi ci al
4. Golc�n Valley proposes to work with any future �velopment ad,jacent
to the Envi ronmental Educati on Center to insure to the best of its
abi li ty that it wi 11 be corrpatible with the Envi ronmental Educati on
Center development. "
It was moved by Anderson, seconded by Van Horn, carried unanir�ously, to endorse
their recommended resolution as stated above.
Larry Geisler of P�lidwest Planning and Research , Inc. informed the Golden Valley
Planning Comrmssion about a proposed rezoning request in Plymouth Village that his
firm is involved in. The request is for a rezoning change to R-4 and 8-2 that area
generally described as North of the City limits of St. Louis Park , South of Hwy.55,
and West of County Road 18. The proposal i f approved wi 11 generate less traffi c,
and also less peak hour traffi c. 6ecause of the Vi 11 age concern about traffic,
P1r. Lowell Odland and Mr. Jon Westlake met with the Village of Plymouth. Also,
Midwest Planninc� and Research , Inc. held a meeting on the proposal with Messrs.
Otto Schmid,` Laweil Odland, and Jon �Jestlake.
The traffic generated by the proposal , even thauqh it is less than what the present
zoninq would allow, will add to an already con�sted traffic situation because of
limited ingress and eqress to the area and the heavy �nsity of Shelard Park.
Noting the Planning Commission is still concerned about traffic, it was moved by
Edstrom, seconded by Swanson , carried unanimously, to thank the Vi llage of Plymouth
for thei r cooperati on in allowing Golden Valley ta review the proposal.
Plannina Commissian
February 28, 1�72 Paqe 3
Commissi�ners P:ttendinR Neiahborhaad Meetinqs
The Chai rman of the Plannina Commissi on, P'Ir. Ldarren LundsQaard, confi rmed a
schedule with the Plannina Commission merrbers attendin� the neighborhaod
meetings to .�e: h�1.d at Br�ookview;(;�mmunity Center at 7:30 P.M. The Chairman
also encourages the members of the Commission to attend other neighborhood
meetings if they wish to do so. The schedule is as follows:
Precinct I & II - Tuesday, March 11t, 1972
Ron Edstrom Chairman
Mary Anderson
I3ean Van Horn
Glen Christiansen
Precinet III - Wednesday, March 15, 1972
I�ean Moran, Chairman
Ron Fdstrom
Warren Lundsgaard
Precinct IV - Tuesday, March 21, 1972
Glen Christiansen, Chairman
Mary Anderson
1�on Franzen
Precinct V - Wednesday, March 22, 1972
Lowell Swanson, Chairman
John Sampson
Dean Moran
Precinct VI - Thursday, March 23, 1972
Don Franzen, Chairman
John Sampson
Lowell Swanson
�ean Van Horn
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion,
duly seconded, adjourned at 12:25 A.M.
Chairman Lundsgaard Secretary Lowell Swanson