03-13-72 PC Minutes �l
March 13, 1972
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Flanning Commission was held at
7:30 P.M. on Monday, March 13, 1972 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley
Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota.
Chairman Lundsgaard presided and the following members were present: Vice
Chairman Franzen, Commissioners Anderson, Becker, Christiansen, Fdstrom,
Sampson, Swanson, and Van Horn. Also present was Village Consultant Otto Schmid,
Larry Geisler from Midwest Planning and Research, Inc., and Recording Secretary
Jon Westlake.
Members absent: none.
l. APPROVAL OF MIPJUTFS: MOVED by Franzen, seconded by Van Horn, carried
unanimously, to approve the minutes of the February 28, 1972 meeting, as amended.
The Chairman of the Planning Commission, Mr. Warren Lundsgaax�d, introduced
newly appointed Commissioner Susan Becker to the Planning Commission. The
Chairman then turned the meeting over to Vice Chairman Franzen to preside.
Mr. Curtis H. Green, representative from the Citizen's A.dvisory Committee on
I-391�, and �3r. David Brown, alternate, were present. Mr. Cxreen spoke about a
letter on I-39Lt he sent to the Village Manager on March 3, 1972 (which the
Planning Commission members have copies of). Since he last met with the
Planning Commission, the Development Guide Committes of the Metropolitan Council
has adopted, without any advanced notice or any participation of the comm�n-
ities involved, that I-39� is to become a part of the overall master p�an for
transpor-tation. This means I-39�. is most likely going to be a reality unless
action is taken by the community or other groups. As far as Golden Valley is
concerned, it has increased concern as to what Golden Valley is looking for
in a transportation system. Mr. Green continued by explaining that he feels
there is further home work to be done because of the Development Guide
Commission discussion. He also wishes to have participation in establishing
further details and further coordination of the overall plan of Golden Valley
so that we know what we are going to do about future transportation in
Golden Valley. The Citizen�s Advisory Committee is concerned about the
total land consumption by the proposed highway and its effect on the Village.
We want to be prepared to react to the details of specifie data that the
Highway Department or consul.tant firm is in the process of putting together
on Z-39lt, or taking what th� Development Guide Committee of the Metropolitan
Council has adopted on I-391� on how we can react more effectively and
officially on their report. These are a few of the ideas the Citizen�s
Advisory Committee wishes to get involved with and carry out on a better basis.
Planning Commission
March 13, 1972 page 2
The letter which the Planning Commission has copies of simply states that the
Gitizen's Advisory Committee is requesting the cooperation of the Village of
Golden Valley to set aside certain funds. $5,000 is suggested for th� Citizen's
Advisory Comznittee so that they can work with the consultant and perhaps also
integrate anci work with the local planning officials within the community to
try to establish the Committee's overall goals. We need and would like to
have more expertise.
Mr. Green and Dr. Brown have met with the Village Council in reference to this,
and the Village Council has referred it to the Planning Commission for their
recommendation and advice prior to meeting with the Village Council. �gain the
Planning Commission discussed several ideas with Mr. Green and Ik�. Brown to
try to funnel their request into specifics. It was also felt there are some
basic answers to the letter in the Preliminary Draft of the Comprehensive
�evelopment Plan, copies of which will be sent to Mr. Green and Dr. Brown. The
request in this letter for $5,000 for a consulting service is difficult to deter-
mine depending upon the action the Citizen's Advisory Coznmittee will take. The
following three ideas were predominate in the discussion, but no agreement was
reached on any one of the ideas:
l. A. review procedure to check the data the Highway Department and
consultants firm are using and the reports that are brought forth
from this data.
2. If the Village and residents resign themselves to the fact that some
type of improvement will be done to Highway 12 or an interstate will
be built in the highway right-of-way, then a consultant can be hired
with the ultiMate goal in mind that the freeway or upgrading, when
constructed, wil.l have the Ieast amount of advance impact on the
3. Hire a consultant to use material as flak against I-39�t•
After further discussion, it was moved by Anderson, seconded by Sampson, carried
unanimously, to request a joint meeting with the Village Cnuncil with respect to
I-391� and that before this meeting will occur, (tentatively set for March 27)
Mr. Otto 5chmid, Village Consultant, and/or Larry Geisler of Midwest Planning
and Research, Inc. meet with Mr. Green and �. Brown and a representative from
the Planning Commission, Lowell Swanson, to develop a guideline to be follflwed
for more specific ideas on I-39lt for the joint meeting between the Village
Council and the Planning Commission. Also, prior to the meeting, the Planning
Commission should review the section on the Transportation Plan in the Preliminary
T3raft of the Comprehensive i3evelopment Plan. The Village Council. and Planning
Commission will also receive a copy of the guideline for study prior to the
joint meeting.
(a) Northwestern Bell (Industrial)
710 Mendelssohn Avenue North
The request is to add approximately 200 feet to the north of Northwestern Bell's
parcel of ground. The Planning Commission in studying this request pointed out
there is still sufficient land left on the rernaining parcel-which has a ware-
house operation on it (Standard Oil Company) . .
Planning Commission
March 13, 1972 page 3
It was moved by Sampson, seconded by Swanson, to recommend approval of the
waiver of the Platting Ordinance, subject to the combining of the parcels of
ground. The motion carried with 8 yea and Commissioner Christiansen abstaining.
(b) Joseph H. Hirsh (Residential)
6601 Plymouth Avenue - 6522 Phoenix Street
This request is brought before the Planning Commission because of a -change in
the center line of Bassetts Creek, which leaves a small portion of Lots 367
and 368 Belmont Addition on the south side of Bassetts Creek while approximately
95� of the parcel is to the north of Bassetts Creek.
It was moved by Van Horn, seconded by Swanson, carried unanimously, to recom-
mend approval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance which is to combine that
portion of Lots 367 and 368 Belmont Addition south of the center line of
Bassetts G�eek with Lots 377 and 378 Belmont Addition.
(c) Health Central, Inc. (Institutional)
lt101 - l�225 Golden Valley Road
The Minneapolis Clinic of Psychiatry and Neurology is proposing to purchase
50 feet of property immediately to their east from Health Central, Inc.
It was moved by Sampson, seconded by Edstrom, to table the request because
the proponent was not present to answer questions the Commission had regarding
the proposed waiver of the Platting Ordinance.
(d) Realty Center, Inc. (Residential)
1535 Florida Avenue North (Lots 81, 82, 83, & 8�, Belmont)
Mr. Lee Sulander was present to request a division of four 50 foot lots into
one 80 foot lot and two 60 foot lots. Mr. Sulander stated the property has
been under the same ownership since 191�7, and presently there is an oldar
house on Lots 83 and 8lt.
The Planning Commission in discussing the area noted the lots to the north
and south of this parcel have 100 foot frontage. The lots to the east and
west of the parcel have 50 foot frontage. The plat of Belmont contains
several lots beside the parcels in question, ranging between 50 feet and
100 feet.
It was moved by Swanson, seconded by Fdstrom, carried unanimously� to recommend
approval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance, subjec� to the following:
l. Notices about the proposed reauest to be mailed out prior to the
Village Couneil taking action on the request.
2. If the division is approved, a location survey would be required of
the present structure. Also, the old building and pile of wood at
the rear of Lots Sl and 82 Belmont are to be removed.
Planning Commission
March 13, 1972 page �
Townhouse proposal - Richard Dempsey, owner
Lots II�S-156, 229-24a, 2tt1-258, 318-336, Belmont
Don Franzen, Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission, reviewed raith the Commission
the history of this request-noting this is an amended petition. It was pointed
out by Mr. Schmid that the amended application is in order.
It was moved by Swanson, seconded by Sampson, carried unanimously, to accept
the amended petition and set April 10, 1972 as the public informational meeting
date for amended PUD #2.
(a) Review Praposed Plat - Cross Companies
Hidden Village Townhouses, 6100 Golden Valley Road
This item raas placed on the agenda to familiarize the Commission with the proposal
because it is the first platting of this type to be introduced into Golden Va11ey.
The petitioner at present is working with the Village Attorney on certain
(b) Midwest Planning and Research, Inc.
Preparation for Neighborhood Meetings.
Mr. Larry Geisler reviewad with the Planning Commission the suggested changes
as discussed at the last Planning Commission meeting for the neighborhood meetings
such as the slide presentation and to shorten the planned unit development
presentation. The Commission also discussed what role the Planning Commission
neighborhood chairman would play in the presentation. Commissioner Swanson
drafted a guide to follow which he distributed to the Commission for discussion.
(c) Pamphlet e�laining Planned Unit Development
Commissioner Mary Anderson discussed a pamphlet which she drafted with respect
to a general explanation of planned unit development to be distributed at the
n�ighborhood meetings and the planned unit development hearings. The �lanning
Commission complimented Mrs. Anderson on the pamphlet.
(d} Northwest section of Proposed Trail System
Commissioner Anderson asked the Commission if the League of Women Voters could
use the preliminary draf't done by the consultant on the trail system to set up
a steering committee to pursue the possibility of a trail system in the Village.
It was moved by Sampson, seconded by Becker, carried unanimously, to comply
with the request.
Mrs. Anderson also distributed to the Planning Commission a pamphlet from the
League of Women Voters of Golden Valley entitled "The Lane Use Puzzle".
(e) Planning Consultant
Planning Commission
March 13, 1972 page 5
The Planning Commission received and put on file a letter from the North Star
Chapter of the Sierra Club endorsing the Planning Commissiont's efforts on
a trail system and sidewalks.
(g) Commissioners Attending Neighborhood Meetings
The revised schedule of Commissioners to attend the neighborhood meetings is as
follows. The meeting will be held at Brookview Community Center at 7:30 P.M.
Precinct I & II - Tuesday, March 1l�, 1972
Ron Edstrom, Chairman
Mary Anderson
:Dean Van Horn
Precinct III - Wednesday, March 15, 1972
Warren Lundsgaard, Chairman
Ron Edstrom
Susan Becker
Precinct IV - Tuesday, March 21, 1972
G1en Christiansen, Chairman
Mary Anderson
llon Franzen
Precinct V - Wednesday, March 22, 1972
Lowe11 Swanson, Chairman
John Sampson
Susan Becker
Precinct VI - ?')on Franzen, Chairman
John Sampson
Lowell Swanson
Dean Van Horn
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion,
duly seconded, adjourned at 11:05.
Chairman Lundsgaaxd Secretary Lowell Swanson