06-26-72 PC Minutes 6Z ��I�ltiTES f?F T!�E �QLQEr� VALL�Y PL!��J�'dIN� C(�nn�"ISSI�T; .l une 26 ; 19 72 P, reaular meetina of the Golden �lalley Planninca Commission was h�ld at 8:�� P.�f1. on "'onday, June 26 ; 1972 at the Civic Center, 7°�1� Galden Valley �?oad, Golden Valley, �"innesota. Ch�irman Luncisc!aard r�resid�d anci th� followinc� rrembers were present: Vice Chairman Franzen, Gommissioners Anderson, �ecker, C6�ristiansen, Edstrom, Sampsan, Swanson, and Van H�rn. Also present was Villaae Consultant Carl Dale and Recordinc� Secretary Jon !�lestlake. ��en�ers ahsent: none. 1 . APPROVAL OF P�Itat�RES: !�"QVEp by Van l�orn , seconded by Sampson, carri ed una.nimously, to annravP the r�inutes �f the June 12, 1Q7? meetinq as amended. �. ��l�tIVE� f)F THE PLRTTIr�G �RDICd�"�CE (a) Claude Q. Drury (Pesidential ) ��31 Qlson �!emori al Ni c�h��vay The Commissi on revi ewed the �revi ous di scussi on held at the June 12. , 1972 meetina r�c+ardin� this nro�osal . The request is to divic�e eff the South 29� feet fM�m the [�orth 4�n feet of the East 1/2 af Lot �'?, R.L.S. #322. `Votices were mai led out for the June 12, 1972 r�etin� and �lso this meeting because of the concern the Comr?issi on has uvith the future �f the extensi on of Harald �venue to Glenwood f�venue. �"r. Carl Dale, Village Consultant, revie4��<-,d the followinc renort: 1 . �eneral �ublic interest Niould seem to call for the followina: a) Harold ;�venue shauld eventually be extended to intersect with Glenwood since the existinc� street exceeds safe limits for a dead-end street. b) A safe intersection ��aul d seem to call for movi n� the extended street north to prevent excessive "thru traffic" , a danoerous intersection , or a danaerous street ",joc�" intersectian, c� Sor!� reasonable lat arrancaements should be provided for the remainina vacant land. 2. Recommendation: Approval of the nroaosed subdivision subject to the fol l owi n a: a) Dedi cati on of a 5� ft. R.�.tr�. wi th the al i Qnment to be set by the �lillane En�ineer. b) Road i mhroverr�nts and/Qr turn-around faci 1 i ti es to be provi ded as ma.y k�e recor�mended by the Enaineer. Utilit,y or other easements to be nrovi ded as reaui red. �� Plannina Commission June 25 ; 1972 _ pac�e 2 c) A "c,uide plan" sir?�ilar to that attached be olaced on file for futur� reference as other land is nlatted in the area, "Rr. Claude Drury, the c�vner of the praperty , vuas nresent and stated he is in the process 4f sel l i nr hi s h o►�e and �youl d 1 i ke to di vi de off the rear of hi s property. It ti�ras maved by Van fi�rn , sec�nded k�y Anderson, carried unanir►�usly, ta recommend anpr�val of the ►�vaiver af the Plattin� �rdinance, su�aject to: 1 . �edi cati on �f a 5') ft, ri c�t of way 4{ai th the al i gnr.�ent to be set by the Vi l lage Enaineer. � 2. Ro�d i mnr�vement and/�r turn-around faci 1 i ty ta I�e arovi ded as r�ay be rec�mmended �y the Fnc�ineer. (f�) Fran »i erli nr� (?esi denti al ) 9�5'? 1�lisndale Street and 15�1 Indenendence I�venue c�orth '"r. �nci °"rs , l�i erli nc� ti��er� �resent to ask the Pl anni nc� Commissi on to consi der the rec�uest �vhi ch is t� add an addi ti onal 1 ;��� square feet to Lot 1� from Lot 9 , The Fi rst Addi tion to Lakevi ew Nei c�hhts , because Nennepi n County has taken 1 ,�!�t3 square feet for the u�c�radi r�c� of County P,oad 18 from Lot 1�. The Comr.rission note�+ that Lot 9 is on� of the 1�rQ�r lots in this block and that l�y re�ucinc� che size in accor�ance ,-rith the nroposal , Lot 9 is sti11 ane of the lar�est lots , and Lot 1`l +�rill �e u�eraded since it is the samllest lot in this b 1 ock. It +.vas r�ave� �±� Fr�nzen , seconded by Christiansen , carrie� unanir�ously, to r�cor?r��nd annraval of th� �<<aaiver �f the Plattinc� t�rclir��nce, suhject to a surve,y. 3. f�l!�LIC I",F(`F'�"�TI'?g,i.�L �'EETI�,� _ �i�SI��ESS 1''�� p�nFESSIn�°!A!_ nFFIGE C(��jPLEX (�'�n�ral P1 an) �'ens�n-(�rth �ssoci ates , Inc. nassetts Cree�: Pl�za (P.�!,�, �1 ) Lc�cati on : Sauth of ?�ul uth Street, �,orth of St. Croi x Cvenue anci from �assetts Cr��k to approxi m�tel� �4� feet East of 3assetts Creek "'r. Carl !?al e revi e��e� th e fa11 a�ri na pl anni n c± consi de rati�n: 1 . This nrnr�osed cormlex of offi c� t�ui ldi nc?s (4) has k�een submi ttec� as a Planned l3nit Lev?lon�nt and the Vi lla�e has previ ausly �ranted "concept" annroval . The current renuest is f�r ap�roval of the first stac�e of develon- r�ent 4�hich is l�uilding °A° (P�edical Facilities E3uildinq). This is a three-' s torv t�ui 1 di nq adj acent ta Dul uth Street and Bassett Creek. 2. E�etailed develo�r�ent �lans for this first stac�e have been submitted c?enerally in accordance ��ith requests and su�qestions frc�m the Plannin� �or?missi on and t!i l laa� staff. T��e over-all conce�t stil l a�r�e�rs reason- 6g Plannina Comrrissi an J une 26 ; 1972 �ave 3 at�le and in aeneral conforr?rity to the rar�posed Village (A?unicipal) Corr�rehen- si ve Pl an. Further, the c�etai ied plans fAr the pronos�d fi rst stage of dev- elopment appear to lae in qeneral conformity to the previously anproved "concept" plan for the total area in question. 3. In accordance w�i th establ ished and standard procedures , the current appl i cati on has ta do N�i th the Constructi on �rder Component of the P1 annecl Uni t Qevelopment Permi t; the fi rst sta�e of constructi an is now under con- si derati on. Soecifi c condi tions relating to this fi rst stage should be included with the aeneral provisions of the Planned Unit Development permit. 4. As �?art of the p 1 an detai 1 s , a 1 ands caae �1 an h as been s ubmi tted whi ch i ncl udes a pl an for the fi rst staae of construction (Bui 1 di nq "A") pl us a �lan for the landscanina of the e,itirn �erirneter of the total PUD area. These t�l ans seem adequate ��i th the fol l�wi nc� comr,�ents : a) Landscaping at the entrance raad (ta Duluth Street� plus the proposed si gn shoul d not create a "bli nd" entrance ; thi s shoul d be revi e�aed by staff r�rior to installation to assure against creatinq a d-.n�erous traffi c si tuati on. V b) The Villaae En�ineer and other Villaae staff should place in wr� tinq as part of the PUD �ermi t the sr�eci fi cs �f desi red "clean-up and mai ntenance" of the BassAtts Creek easement. c) The permit should place a time limit for installation of the landscapinq pl us contai n condi ti ons far future mai ntenance. � < 5. � traffic irr�act study has been prepared and t,ie conclusion is that no undue . traffi c pro�lems wi 11 res ul t provi ded traffi c i� not "i nv� ted" to cut th rouqh the project; this potential or�blem has been r�cognized in the over-all plan by creatina harriers to di rect thru traffi c. It r�a,y be desi rable to requi re installation of sians indicatinca that this is not a °'thru street" and is , rather, a pri vate dri ve, y 6: P1 anned aarking seems adequate plus additi on�l parki ng may be provi ded, i f needed, as per the site �lans. Hopefully, ha��ever, this areen area can be retained anci increased r�arkinn demands !��ill not necessitate its use for �arkinq. In �ny event , landscaninr r�lans for aronosed future sta�es of development si�ould he examin��+ carefull_y �s these develapments are �roposed to assure adequate green area. � 7. The total PUC� nermit con�itions (to �� �resented at the meeting) contain other c�eneral conditions relatinq to enqineering requirements , developrr�nt coordination, and the like. g, ihe t3assett Creek easement should be broadened in nurr�ose to include the �atPnti al for future use as a ��ahli c trai 1 or other publ ic uses even thouah these are nnt no��r anti cinatec� �r inciicated an the proposec_! lli llage �lan. � ! � P1 anni�n �:�r�rni ss i on �7une ?_C ; 1�?72 nac?e 4 �3. Sur�r?ary: Suhject tc� reco►-!r�??�ndati�ns by otf7ers and conc�itions as nc�ted � ��rein and contained in the total recomr�nde� F�►� nprr.rit , the alans for the fi rst sta�e of devel o�ment seer� to ��e adeouate anc proner. '"r. `�enn�tn �ens�n of �enson-�rth �?ssoci ates , Inc, revie��,e�!. t�e ori �±inal concer�t. The �res�nt �?lan is an 11 1/� acres l��it� four (�) thmQ-stor.� huildin�s knc���n as >ui 1 r�i n� �,, c�ntai ni nc� 3g,2t�l sauare feet, 6ui 1 di nc� (� , cantai ni nc! 27;r')�l� square feet, Buildinc� C, containinn 3?_;��� sc�uare feet, and Ruildina �, containing ?_6;5�'� snuare feet for a tot�l of 123,7��? sc?uare feet of L�ui l di na area. f'r. �ensan st�ted the reneral ►�lan befare the Planninc� Com�!ission is for Phase I ±t�hich is located on the PJort���a�st corner of the site and includes Building A only. �3uildinn R. (7�' x 182' ) is three stories in heiaht Urith curtain ��rall desi�n. Fxterior materi als ar� bri ck on the north and s�uth ends ��i th a bel t of ceram traz material aroui��� the top. The buildinc� ±��i11 he used for dental and rr�dical facilities . Phase I contains 1�� aarkin� soaces with an additional F� parl:inc� sr�aces in a nreen area 4�rhich can be usec7 if need�d. ��r. Benson stated the� antici��te a�nroximately �� to 33 rarofessional aeo�le in the k�uildina ��ith rel ated uses , such as Qensen �?nti cal . !�e further pointed out the hei aht of the bui ldi nc� shoul d be no hi c�her than a t��!o story P�ousP ��est of �assetts Creek because of terrain. The landsc��ina �lan on Ph�se I is in detail. The total site has a �eri meter landscaninc� �1 an 4Arhi ch ���i 11 be done in further .�etai 1 d��hen the di fferent n;��.se alans are submitted. The easer!�nt in the creek area ��il l be 1 eft naturai , �ut cleane�i uq, and the total site outsi de of Phas� I ��i 11 be seeded. N�r. Benson also revieG=aed a traffic renort nre�ared for this �roposal by Bather Rinarose !a`c�lzfelci Inc. The Plannina C4mmissian discussed the nro?�osal at lenath 4�ith the more �redom- inate ��sti ons on: 1 . }raffi c aenerated by Phase I and the future develanment of the project as it relates to the development in the area, 2. height of structure and landsca�ina to the u�est side of the �arcel , 3. concern about the remai ni n� r�h ases , 4, concern about on-si te narki nca, noti ng i t wi 11 be control 1 ed by future �+evelopment on the site. The followaina residents v�ere present and ex�ressed the followinQ: Dr. G.S. Landsman, 594? St. Croi x /�ve. , 4•ras concerned about traffi c on St, Croi x �venue from thi s nroject and also t�he safety of chi lclren that nl ay in this area. s?r. Bi 11 Lyders , 592� St. Craix Ave. , ou�stioned the lan�+scaninc� and the aua7it.y of the �roposed 1 andscaping. 4�r. and i��rs. Leo Cram questi oned the traffi c study, preferred a tkvo-story t�uildina, and ���ere concerr:ed about kee�ing the creek easement clean. Don E�,yerlv of �verly Foods stated it is im�ossible to predict traffic c�enerated b.y this use , but it can he controlle� by future development of the site. �•�rs. f�osemarv Thorsen, Cf�airman of the (�alden Valley Trai 1 Committee , requested that the �assetts Cr�ek easerient include lanauage for the potential of a pubiic trail . �fter further discussion it �!as �veci tay Uan H�rn, seconcled t�y Christiansen , to recomrr!�nd a�prov�.l of the c±eneral nlan for Pl�ase I sut>ject to : 1 . reauirements of t�e use �?ermit for P.U.[�. ;`,al , 2_, enc�i neerinn requi r?ments and ather easer�ents as rec�ui re� t�v t►�� Enain�erinc! :`'e�artr�nt, 3. aass�tts Crnek easement to incl ude 71 PlanninQ Corrn�ission June 26; 197� pac�e 5 in its lannuac� the notential for futu� use as a nulalic trail ar other r�ublic use, �. bui ldinr.,. and landscanina nlans to k�e reviev�ed by the Bui ldina Board of Revie��, 5, meet the five requirements of the Bassetts Creek Flood Cantrol Commissi on as stated in thei r June ?1 , 197?_ mi nutes . It �A1as t�en moved by Franz��,�n, seconded k�y Sar�son, to arr�nd the oric�inal motion to incl�ade the follov�ina stinulatiQr as "ao. F '. that no inaress or �c�ress be �lle���.e� onto St. �roix ��venue. T�e rnotion carried ��ith 7 yea and 1 na;°. !'non vote bei nc! �aken hy rol l cal l on the arnended rnation, t!�P fol l a!��i n� voted in favor there�f: .�n�erson, Christi �nsen, Edstror!, Sampson, and �Jan f�orn. The folla��ina votec� ac�ainst the sar�: Franzen, �ecE�Pr, and S�-�anson. Th� rnotion carriec. 5. �FT P�!L�LIC I�!F!1"°+nTI�Pl�L "'�ETI t�' F�R rE�lER�.L PL�"�S G6iA,��E F�?R P.I�.D. #7 Resi c�enti al P1 annQ� l!ni t [�av�l�nment Centurion Com�any, a�rner Locati�n : 2�'ln-?6�1� hlock of l!ni ty Avenu� �?r. Pi chard "leslund of f,enturi on Comnany ��as nresent tt� reauest an i nforr�ati onal r�etin� �.�li th the Planni nn Commi ssi c�n anc! r�si dents because af a c`�anc,� i n bui ldi nc layc�ut to meet the rec�ui rements nf the �assetts Creek Flood Contral Commission as set at thPir JunP 21 , 197?_ meeting. Th� Rassetts Creek Flood Control Gommission is asking Mr. "leslund to mePt a fla�d r�rofile elevation of �4 feet a�hich is 7.E4 acre feet of com�ens ati nca s tera�e tit�hi ch Gvas arri ved at hy the nradi nq nl an s ub- rri tted �y �"r. �les 1 und. The 7.�� acre feet is a��roxi mately 12 ,E5� cubi c yards. r�':r. "leslund stated in order to meet this request he 4di 11 have to chanae his layout nl an to thP ���est nf Uni ty Rvenue. 7he Plannina Comr,?issi�n set July l� , 1972 as the �uhlic informational meetina date for revie�� of t�e chanqe in aeneral �lans for P.U.D. #7, v �i: �ET Pl!BLIC I�'�F�l�'P?ATI�1�lA� MEETI��G F��? GErlERAI. PL�PJS FQR P,U.[?. #5 Tavnhause Prot�osal To��vns Eda� Gonstructi on Comnany Lots �9 and ��f , �':udi tor's Subdi vi si on �322 �PCause of the meetin� regardin� !�lestern I!,venue an July 31 , 197?, the Plannina Commissi on set �uc�ust 14, 1�72 to hal d an informati onal r!�etinn for c�eneral pl ans for P.L?.D. #5. �� . � 7. CG�P�IPREf�EFlSIVE PLA�� - P"I�LJEST PLA>��lI��G A"�[J RESEARCH, IF�dC. Larry Giesler �ras �resent ta revie!�� the Cor�prehensive Plan repart, but because of the time the Planninc� Commission plans to snend on the revi��, the Commission set July 18 and 31 �nd l�unust 8 anci ?2, 1�72 as the snecial meetina dates to i�vork on �� Plannina C�mrmssion 4.lune 2�; 1�?7_?. pac�e � the Corrnr�tiensi ve P1���. Ty� sneci al meetine ��ri 11 b� hel d at the Gi vi c Center at �:�n p,P:�, r�r. �iesler ��!ill also set un a schedule for the remainin4 work tv be done on the Plan. Rec�ardinn the s?�ecial committee that ��ill r�et ±�rith t��neral ""ills as to the future of thP prc�nertv that is not develor�ed or� the �eneral Pqills �'esearch site, it aAaa� moved that C�mrrrissioners Franzen and �'4nclers�n serve on this cor�nittee, incluciinc! r�errl�ers fr�r? ather commissi�ns and resiclents in Precinct ;��: �?, i'ISGIiSSIC1!�-H�?liSIi�r IP:+ ��LDEcf 1l�LLEY T�e t!i ll ac�e Counci l of the '�i l l ane of r-,ol den �Jal l ey at t}iei r joi nt rneeti nc� on housi nc} hel c� �n June C ; 1�72 r�uested that the Vi 11 a�e 3oarc�s and �ommi ssi ons c�i ve furth�r t,houc�ht to s ul�s i di zed housi nc!. Tne Plannina Cor?�!issic�n, �fter discussion, stated that in accordance vaith the �oals anci P�1 i cy Stud�� Gomr�i tt�e k'eport "�al den �lal ley ��s�i 11 �rovi de h�usi n� opnortuniti¢s for citizens of all income and aae levels , s�hile maintainina a "iah qualit�� livinR environment throuah imaqinative and sound �lanning nrinciral�s". The Plannina �omr�ission recommended t� the 1lillac►e Council th�t it t�e recet�tive to �rc�nosals� for subsidizec� housina for thp eld�rly and for lol�! and ►7r�derat� income far!rilies to ��el � satisfy -�he needs of the citizens of the commun- ity. It is the Plannin� Car�r�ission's objective to include this sta±er�ent in t3�e �c�als �nd �oliey section �f t��� Cor?�areh�nsive �'�velc�nr�ent f'lan. T��ere heinc? no furt'�er '��ASinPss tn cor�P �efore the neetinc�, it ���as on r�tion, dul_y seconcie�, adjourned at 12:!?� i�.��. � Chairman larren Lundsaaard Secretary Lo�ell Swanson �