07-10-72 PC Minutes 7�
�'I";l'TE� �F THE ��LL�E", ���!.LLEY
pL���lt��'V� r��A�^IS�I�r��
�luly 1�, 1972
�, renular r.?eetinn of the �olden �lalley Plannina Commission was held at P:�9'1 P."!'.
on "�onday, Jul_v 1� , 1Q72 at t�he f;ivic Center, 7�?�'�? ��l�len V�llev Road,
��lden t!alley , '"innes�ta.
Chai rr�an �undsaaarc� nresi cled an� the f�l lrnr�i nc! Gommissi oners were present:
�.nderson , S�R�ansc�n, and tr�n Norn. The folla�linc? Commissioners ���ere absent:
?lice Chairman Franzen, �ecker, �hristiansen, Edstrom, and Sampsan. There being
no Quarum present, no formal action couid be taken on the items �n the aaenda,
k�ut discussion was held regardin� the foll�vin� items as listed beloaa.
1 . DISCUSSIt�F3 QF MI^JUfES: �o chanc�es v��ere made in the June 26 ; 1�72 Plannin�
Commissi�n r�inutes , as mai led.
2. !�!AI1�E� �;F THF PLA,TTI�J� n�l?I"•dP"JCE
(a) E, t=l. :.li d�l l (''�si denti al )
1�1� � Rh�de Island Av�nue "�orth
T�is lat is nresently nlatted as Lot 11 and the S�uth �� feet c�f Lot 12, �lock 2 ,
"�?innetka Ad�ition. TE�e hor� on t{ie lot is for sale (�A!ith a �auyer for it} . The
attorneY fc�r the nrosn�ctive buyer of this lot su��ested that his client request
a ���ai ver even thouah the !�orr� and lat are i n existence hecause i t has never recei ved
anproval l�,y the nlattin� authcrity, L��hich is th� �'illaa� Gouncil .
The Plannin� Commissic�n nated the l�t 4ias been unc!raded by the ?�t-foat additian to
the north (Lat 1?) and th at thP remai n c�er of Lot 12 i s combi ned wi th Lot 13 of
!��innetka �ddi ti on.
The Planninn Cc��+mission members �aresent t��ere in favor of the re�uest, but due to
t�e lack of a quorum, no formal actian could be taken.
(b) Cl eo J. K�nnedy (Pesi denti�1 )
1551 June Avenue South
The �ranosed division ��as exnlained to tt�e Plannina Commission. The Plannina
Gommission deferred further discussian �n the nronosal b�cause the �roponent was
not present to answer questions t�ey ha� concernin� the r3ivision.
(c) Stobbe Devel o�ment , Inc. (Resi denti al}
4Q�4 SorPll Avenue �nd �9�5 !�lestbend p�ad
�'"r. En�fin Stobbe aa�as nresent to discuss the divisian , but after sc�r�e cliscussion
he feTt unsure �f hot�� he �;�antec� to divide the lot. The Plannino G�mrrission
sunc�ested to �'r. Stobk�e that he resolue h�±Aa the lot should �e c�ivided �rior to
re-anr�earinc� hefore the Commission.
�'lannin� Comr�issi�n �
Julu 1�? , 1�72 na�e 2
3. �I�CLI�' I��IF�R�-1l�TI!'�°�P,L ""EETI�l� - T�!^!s�HQUSE P�?�?P�SA,L {�eneral Plan)
C�i s cuss a ch anae i n 1 a,yout of s tructures t� ?rres t of Uni tv Avenue
Centurian Gor�t?an,y (?rianvood Planned l'nit t�evelonment) ;t7
Lacatian: 24��-;?�!�� �a�pck �f l'nity avenue "lorth
The P1 anni nc! Gc�mmi ssi on recommended an�roval of this nl anned uni t devel apment
at their p"ay ?_?_, 1�7? r�etinc�, 0,,� �f the fc�ur recc�mrnendations �f the motion
by the Plannin� C�r�missinn at that r�etina ��as that the nrnnosal should be reviewed
by the [3assetts Creek Flood Contr�l �omr�ission for thei r anproval . The Qassetts
Creek Flaod C�ntrol Cor�mission asked ti"r. pleslund to mePt a flood nrafile elevation
of �44 feet , vlhich is 7.�4 acre feet of comr?Pnsatina stor�c!e. Tc� rr:eet this
recc�r�r�nc�ati�n the most aestheti c a�ay to areserve as much of the open space as
nossible on the site, the deueloper re-d�si�ned and re-located the structures
to the �-�est af t'ni ty �venue. Ta�e P1 anni no t�e�artr�ent and the P1 anni n� Cans ul-
tant feel this is an imr?rovement to the pronosal because it provides more onen
s�ace, the recreatianal area (su��immin� pool) is more centrall.y located, and thP
revisflc! pro�osal has l�ss units east of �nitv �venue and also the units are
further from Hi�thwav 1��,
r^essrs. Ric#iard Qraun of �arton �schman �ssaciates , Inc. , P,ichard Knutson of
ir'cCom�s-Knutson �ssoci ates , Inc. , and (?i chard fJes 1 und of �enturi an Company
nresented the revisPC! r�ronosal to the f'lanninc? Comrrissian. �?r. ��e�lund stated
in order to r�et the r�qui rerients of the F3assetts Cr�ek Flood Control Commissi on
they fel t the hest t�l an !s�as to re-desi rn tlie 1 ayout to the west of l_!ni ty l�venue
by constructina five (5) tLqro-story k�uildinas containinq eic�ht (�) units in each
huil�inR (Four (d) three-k�edroom and faur (�) t+�ao-�edre?om units containincr
�et?��een 1 ,�5�1 sc�uare feet an:d 1 ,�1� square feet) . Each unit 1�ri 11 have a double
�?arac�e and t`�ree k�ath roQms .
�;t least 1`?,! of ti�e t��ree-he�ro�m units ±��ill k�e construct�d at a cost not �reater
than ��5;`!`?'? , mP�tin�! the reauest of the Plannina Conm-issi�n at their ��ay ?.2, 1972_
�`"r. �ra�an nnintec± out th�re is no c�anne i n the nur�aer of units , so the traffi c
�e�erate� hy t�P �ronos al remai ns the s arr� as i ndi cated i n the traffi c rep�rt
discussed at the P=9ay 22, 197?, meetinc�. �ne of the recor�mendations of the motion
�ras to r�eet E�ii th the �n�i ne�ri nc� C�epartr�ent ta trti� to sol ve so� nf tha anti ci pated
tra-�fic nrahl�r� t� the south , �=�hich "�r. �raun discussed. � sugc!estion for safet�
is to rr�cie th� ban�: tc� the nart'� anc� s�uth of r'innac�ua �?rive an t�� ���est sidP nf
"�nent�^v�nue for hetter sic?ht �ist�nce, anc' a thrPe-t��a.Y stor. F?r. Knutson
c±isc�sse� ir: furth�r �etail ho�s! the� ���i11 r��t the flood nrofile elevation of
�'�!� fe�t and 7.�Q acre f�et of c�m��nsatin� stc�r�c�e ��!hi ch is ahaut 1?_,f5`? cubi c
varc�s .
Th� follcr:�rinn rPsi�ents st�te�' th�i r fePlinas as folln�•±S : Dr. �?acke, ?�50 P•.edent
�?.ve. :?1. , is conc�rnec! ahaut tr�ffi c �ener�t?d �y thP raron�sal . ""r, f"cC��n�ld,Y
2155 t:!ni t�t l�:�ie. , auesti�n�� t�ie traffi c anc! c�ensi ty of t��e nro�as�l. '�rs . I!i 11 its ,
!'lannina Camr�issic�n
Jul v 1�?, 1972. �aae 3
�1�� ""innac�ua Dr. , askPd i f the pro�?os�l had t� ae rPVi e��!�� ac�ain by �;�e �assetts
Cr�ek Floc�d Control commissi on. "'r. Streu�� 4��as cencerned about the envi ronrnent
�f thi s arPa, and stated they c�ul d not bui 1 d si nc�l e fami ly uni ts . �?r. Bonni�rel l
c�f 512� ° "�"innac�ua Dri ve �:�as cancerned at�out traffi c and floodinq. a"r. Peleaux af
5??_2 "'inn�c�ua �rive was also concerned about flo�dina and traffic. t�'rs . Specktor
c�f 5�25 F�ampton Road asked i f they 41ere aoi na ta fence the t�and. She a7so s tated
sh� is in favor of the plan and is ,r�eaking for other residents in the area also.
p�r. Carl Dale, Vi ll a�e Gonsultant, revi eu,ed the Use Permi t as drafted for P.Ll.D. �`7.
'larren Lundsaaard, Cliairman of the Planninc� Commissi�n, read a letter from the
�ass�tts Creek Flood Contro1 Cammission d�ted July 5, 1972 stating they had approved
the �roaos al .
1?:11 Commi ssi on rr�r!�Ars present unani mous ly ac;reed u�on aaproval of the t�l an for
P.U.D. �7, notina this �lan is a better plan, includina Cor,m�issioner S��anson who
voted nay on the ori e�inal �ror��sal . Those r!�er!fiers nresent poi nted out to the
lrillaae Council far their c�nsideration that the proponent has complied �aith the
requi rernent of thei r previ ous recommendati ons in the rrotion of the ��ay 22, 1972
m�etinq. The Commission m�r�!bers nresent further �ointed out that the Villac?ee
Counci 1 cons i der the fol l o��ai n a tU�o s uc�nesti ons : 1) Incl ude i n the P.U.D. , i f
approved, the Use Permit for P.U.D. �7, and 2) Zhe bank on the sauthivest and
southeast auaclrant Qf ��innac,ua f�rive and Rec�ent Avenue be araded so as not to
hinder siaht distance for vehicle rr�vement, incTudinc� a three-way sto�.
'4rs. Libbey - C�avi d C. �el 1 C�mnany
�, ll. Thomson, o�ner �
44�3n Golden Vall ey �oad
The Planninca Cor�mission discussed the areliminary draft, suac�estinc� the �illaqe
s taff revi e�A� wi th the pro�onent the requi rements of a nrel i mi nary draft. The
Gor�missi on also noted tne 1 ots as �l atted are v�ry 1 arae lots , and there are
increasina requests to subdivide large lots In vie�y af this , the Plannina
Cammissi on is reQuesti nc� a layout sh��i ng ha�� the �1 at coul d function �ai th
sr!ali er lats to serve as a nui de in re-subdi vi din� the larae lots i f so requested
in the future.
There bein�a no further business t� come before the meetinq, it avas on motion,
dul,y seconded, adjourned at 11 :�5 P.t��. �� �
Chairman l�larren Lundsc�aard Secretary Lo��!ell Si��anson