07-24-72 PC Minutes �� MINUTES aF THE C�LDEN VALLEY PLANNTNG GbI�+IISSION July 2lt, 1972 A regular meeti.ng of the Golden Valley Planning Commission was held at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, July 2I�, 1972 at the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Lundsgaard prasided and the following members were present: Vice Ghairman Franzen, Commissioners Anderson, Becker, Christiansen, Edstrom, Sampson, and Van Horn. A1so present was Consultant Otto Schmid. Members absent: Commi.ssioner Swanson. 1. APPR(}VAL OF MINUTES: MOVE11 by Franzen, seconded by Edstrom, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the June 26, 1972 and July 10, 1972 meetings as maile�d. 2. WAIVEft OF THE PLATTI2dG ORDINANCE= (a) Stobbe :�evel.opment, Inc. (R�sidential) !�9l�1� Sorell Avenue and !t9l�5 Westbend Road Erwin Stobbe �ras present to answer questions regarding the proposed lot division. Mr. Stobbe stated he would prefer establishing the lot line running East and West at an angle� decreasing the size of the lot on Westbend Road. Because the proponent was not again prepared for this request, having no plans or diagrams or not knowing the square footage of each lot after divi.sivn, it was moved by Franzen, seconded by Christiansen, caxried unanimously� to defer this item to the next regularly scheduled meeting or until the proponent turns in a plot'�lan indicating square footages on each lot. (b) Robert L. Russell (Residential) approximately 300� east of Meadow Lane, 36o�north of G7.enwaod Avenue, and west of Theodore Wirth Park Mrs. ftobert Russell and Mr. Rudeen were present to answer questions regarding the request for a waa.ver of the P1.atting Ordinance to divide off one lot (Lot 2 Block 1� in the proposed plat. Mrs. Russell explained that the reason for this request is that they have a very interested buyer and a fine builder whose plans for this lot will improve the whole area. Otto Schmid read the following list of stipulations as listed by the Village staff: 1. Praposed lot division should conform to the lot as proposed on prelimi- nary plan (I,ot 2 Block 1 Russell�s Wirth Park Addition). 2. Grades to conform to plan submitted and meet approval of Village Ehgineer. 3. No additional waivers of the Platting Ordinance to take place. 77 Planning Comm�ssion Ju1y 2lt, 1972 page 2 !t. Public heari.ng to be held on the lot division before the Village Council. 5. This lot, if approved, be incorporated into plat at future date. 6. The 39 feet of Right of Way for street and utilities be deeded to the Vi17.�g�, running from the West property line East to the proposed future plat of Lot 2 Block 2. Eleven feet be provided by c�andemnation of the ���.c�ititrrial f�ot���� f�e�m propertst to the south by Council initistion. Commissioner Christiansen reviewed the Planning Commission mi.nutes of May 8, 1972 from which he was under the impression this proposal had already been �pproved. NIr. 8cllmid pointed out tha,t the proponent is now asking for a waiver of the Platting Ordinance� which has not yet been approved. The Planning Commission questioned why the pro,ponent is not platting thi.s parcel but asking for a lot division at this time. Mr. Rudeen, buyer of the pareel, stated he would like to build his house this year and that the division will incorpor�te what uitimately will happen in the future .plat. It was noted that Mr. Rudeen eould not buq the lot �uiless it was divided and became a separate parcel. At this time A2r. Marvin Kirk�by of 20l� Sunnyridge Lane was heard by the Planning C�immission. Mr. Kirkeby��s main concerns were: 1) Is the proposed buyer satisfied with the lot if the plat does not go through? 2) How can the four lots on the new plat be identical? 3} If we are considering four lots, then we are concerned with other surrounding lots because these four lots are not entirely on Russell property. Ottc> Schmid stated that the four lots, as we understand, are entirely on Russell property. Mr. Kirkeby stated he had talked to the Engineering :Yjepartment. He felt that before the North end of the area (Lot 1 Bloek 1 and Lot 1 Block 2) of the proposed future plat is di�scussed, elevations on drainage should be taken. The No�th area shows no readings and the drainage on the North end is not under control. Mr. Rudeen stated there may be other homes in the area. One home would not cause drainage problems at this time. Commissioner Sampson questioned how a road or access would be made to tY�e lot. Mr. Schmid stated an easement would be required and a private driveway wAUld be constructed on Roanoke Circl.e. Ido eurb or gutter �ould be installed at this time. Commissioner Becker questioned the drainage. Norman Neilsen, builder for Mr. Rudeen, said the attached garage on the proposed lot will be on the West side and the driveway would be approximately 20� to 2it� wi.de. The distanee from the end of Roanoke Circle cul de sac would be approxi.mately 100� . It was moved by 5am�pson, second�i bg Becker, to recommend approval of the waiver of the Platting Ordinance, subject to the staff recommendations. Commissioner Franzen stated he would like to see a �o�al plan with an easem�n� but no roadway; and he questioned the turn axound if the property to the North were ever developed. He also stated the owner to the North of this property, Nirs. Tolg, was not in favor of this. Cc>mmissioner Van Horn stated that if 11� Were dedicated, the lot would stiLl. be in conformance in size and the street would be �0 feet in width. Commissioner �anzen stated the 39 foot Right of Way 7� Planning Commission July 2lt, 1972 page 3 should not have been approved at the previous Planning Commission meeting. It was moved by Christiansen, seconded by Edstrom, to amend the motion to inelude that the eleven feet of additional footage needed for street ftight of Way to the South of the parcel be provided by condemnation. The motion carried with 5 yea and 2 nay votes. The motion as amended carried unanimously. 3. RESIT3EI�ITI,ALL PLAT Robert Lovering, owner - 6525 Glenwood Avenue Four (!�) Residential lats 160� east of Hampshire Avenue, south of Glenwood Ave. and north of Western Avenue Rev. and Mrs. Robert Lovering were_present for the requsst. Otto Schmid stateci the waiver procedure should not be followed on tYu.s item and recommended that the T,overings follo�► the platting procedure. Mr. Schmid stated that drainage reports were needed, proper heari.ngs m►ust be allowed, proposed grades and proposed areas of fill should be indicated. Mr. Schmid also reviewed the previous Planning Commission minutes of June 12� 1972 regardi.ng this item, which included a report Prom Carl Dale that stated it sho�ld be platted and questioned drainage. Comcnissioner Christiansen also directed the Commission�s attention to the minutes of June 12, 1972 and agreed that it should be platted. Commissioner Anderson felt there was not enough information to base a decision upon and Chairman Lundsgaard questioned what protection was given the residents of Janelle Addition. Commissionsr Franzen stated a report by the Ea3gineering : I3epartment had not been given to the Planning Gommission. (�ary Bickel, Chairmar� of the Environm�ntal Commission, was present to answer questions regarding the Environmental Commission�s report on the Lovering lot division. He explaine4l that the �ai.n aspect is to preserve come natural area of the pond. It was moved by Edstrom, seconded by Christiansen, that the Village staff should expedite the platting procedure for this particular proposed residential division. It was then moved by Christiansen, seconded by Van Horn, carried unanimously, that the proponent follow the platting proeedure. �t. GENERAL - Planning Commission Meeting on Western Avenue Chairman Warren Lundsgaard reminded the Planning Commission of the informal meeting on Western Avenue, to ir�clude members of the Village Council, to be held on July 31s 1972 at 8:00 P.M. at the Civic Center. Shelter Corporation Chairman Warren Lundsgaard discussed a l�tter to the Planning Cc>mmission from Shelter Corporation, after which Commissioner Anderson stated she was not in favor of isolating such a development in a certain area. 79 Planning Commission July 2lt, 1972 page !� Informal Meeting - Comprehensive Plan The Planning Commission met informally at the Civic Center on July 18, 1972 at 8:00 P.M. to continue work on the preliminary draft of the Comprehensine �evelopment Plan. Laxry Giesler of Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. was also present. Commissioner Edstrom was not present. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was on motion� duly seconded, adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Chairman Warren Lundsgaard Secretary Lawell Swanson